Tracking Who Opens Spreadsheet
Dec 19, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that can't be password protected but this doesn't mean just anyone should be accessing it. Is there a way to record who opens it and when? Ideally I could place some code into the spreadsheet that recorded on a sheet who has opened it and when. This will detract certain nosy people from accessing it!
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Dec 24, 2008
When I double click an excel spreadsheet in windows explorer it opens spreadsheet then closes it then opens it again.
This doesnt happen if I have an instance of excel already running.
I thought it might be to do with file association and the open with option.
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Jun 28, 2007
A friend of mines wife has decided to get into MaryKay and he is wanting to create a spread sheet to keep track of the product she has.
He wants to be able to enter the product in and at the end of a show subtract whatever product she sold with a sheet showing what she has in stock.
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Apr 5, 2011
I am in sales and we currently have a excel spreadsheet with call tracking and a sales tracking on it. I would like something a little more inviting. We have quotas that we have to meet. 100 calls a month, 20 quotes to put out, $11k is sales.
I was thinking maybe something that was broke down by week for calls. The sales and quotes, have a graph associated with them. When we type in the dollar amount it will raise the graph that much. I think this will make it easier to manage. I have attached what our call tracking looks like now.
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Oct 28, 2013
I am currently producing a work number tracking spreadsheet for the people I work with and wanted to know if there was a way to generate a pop up window that created fields to enter the data for the job being inputted.
I currently have it just a simple macro (below) that enters a new line, adds a sequential number and adds both the date entered, as well as an expected finishing date. It does what I want it to do, however I am looking for it to be fool-proof as the last system was broken as people didn't fill it in fully.
Sub New_Line()
Range("A4").EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromRightOrBelow
Range("A4").Value = Range("A5").Value + 1
Range("C4").Value = Now()
Range("D4").Value = DateSerial(Year(Now()), Month(Now()) + 1, Day(Now() - 10))
End Sub
On the previous system it used a worksheet that did similar, with dropdown menus that auto-filled the sheet as well as inputted into the spreadsheet. That was produced by an old employee that isn't working on it any more.
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Jul 3, 2007
My spread sheet reads column A teamname, B games played, C wins, D Losses, E Ties, F winning % and G GAMES BACK
I'm looking for a formula to determine games back based on wins, losses, ties and also based on the number of games played.
example, team 1 played 9 games and is 8-0-1. Team 2 has played 9 games and is 8-1-0. Team 2 is would be a 1/2 game back. Team three is 8-0-0 also a 1/2 game behind team 1 but tied with team 2.
So in column G it would read team1 "-", Team 2 ".5" and team 3 ".5"
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Dec 20, 2006
I was wondering if you can make a popup open when a user opens a spreadsheet. I have some templates i made and users continue to make the same mistakes. I was hoping to add a form/pop so when the file was opened a popup would come up with reminders. Once they press ok they can proceed.
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Apr 9, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that is being used for tracking work completed each day in a week. Each day has 5 columns and 10 rows of data to potentially be entered, some of the data is text and some is numerical. Can anyone help me come up with a formula that will count the text and the numerical entries for each day? I tried to use a nested if statement but it exceeded the number of nestings available. The range of cells for the first group is B6:F16.
As a side question, will count work for a range of data or only one column or row at a time?
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Oct 6, 2008
I'm trying to produce a spreadsheet for tracking pupil's progress through a year at school (Targets/Predictions etc) but am having some problems with creating a summary of data gathered for each pupil. I have attached the file for your perusal; On the data entry sheet staff will fill in the appropriate data, and on the summary sheet I am looking to generate summaries for each pupil (I have set up how I want it to look). This may sound easy, (and probably is); the issue is that there are around 30 subjects in total, but pupils will only have be doing 5 of them, I need the summary sheet to show the information for subjects they are taking only (It should come up with the subject name under the headings subject1/2 etc and the appropriate grades to go with them, missing the blanks out. Obviously I could do this by cutting and pasting for each pupil...But there will be almost 2000 pupils in the list!!!
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Nov 6, 2009
I currently have the following code that copies a range opens notepad pastes the range opens save dialog and types the file name. The problem I have is with overwriting the existing file.
Shell "notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus
SendKeys "^V"
SendKeys "^s"
SendKeys "Total_IEDs_Hour_Of_Day_2009.xml"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "a"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Everything works fine to this point. Then it opens the do you want to overwrite dialog and I cant get it to hit yes.
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May 28, 2013
I am looking to track changes on a "Log" sheet throughout an entire workbook. The following code (found here and given below) will give me:
The cell . The date/time it was changed . What the new content in that cell is
The two points I would like it to include, in order of importance, is: The name of the worksheet that cell exists in. The user that made that change*Bonus points* a hyperlink that'll bring me to the worksheet that was edited.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim r As Long, OutSht As Worksheet
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set OutSht = Sheets("Log")
[Code] ......
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Feb 12, 2007
I have a worksheet that has multiple units listed on it. Each unit has a materials used list with quantities. I want to reference this column to another sheet and get a total materials needed list and also reference it to my inventory and subtract that number from my materials on hand. how can I do this?
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Jan 29, 2010
So far I was able to find solutions to all of my small problems with excel just by searching here but with this one I need help and ideas how can it be done differently.
We need to track inventory from when its taken, when it was installed and we need to know every month when inventory is counted how much do we have on hand in our truck....
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Jun 28, 2006
I'd like to make a vba macro in excel which will be just like "Track changes" feature. I'd like to track changed cells and when and who did it. (Date, User, Cell, Last value, New value). It is important to make a report in separate worksheet and automatically fill this worksheet when the user save changes.
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Dec 2, 2006
Aaron Blood has created an excellent DDE Change Tracking.
The file is in the download area of [url]
The macro, in the xls file, archive the data from top (a1) to the End of the worksheet.
I want invert the way to file/archive the data… copying all the cells already filled, a cell down and filing the top ( A1...) with the last DDE value (In the TracK sheets).
How can I do that?
The primary code is:
Sub Change_Tracker(Watch As String, TrackOn As String)
Dim NextCell As Range, r As Double, c As Double
With Worksheets(TrackOn)
r = .Rows.Count
Set NextCell = .Cells(r, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End With
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Jan 3, 2007
I manage a small motel with 6 rooms and I'm trying to write a simple program to track my customer reservations including their details. All the commercial software is too elaborate and way out of my price range. I'm slowly learning excel but this has proved beyond my capabilities.
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Apr 24, 2007
I have a date displayed in a controlbutton caption that fails to refresh each time the worksheet is opened.
Q1: How do I run the sub below each time the user opens the worksheet?
Q2: Is there a better way to clear the contents of a textbox?
Private Sub ClearForm_Click()
ActiveSheet.Range("I4").Value = 0
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Text Box 12").Select
Selection.Characters.Text = ""
MailDate.Caption = Range("H11").Value
End Sub
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Oct 4, 2008
How do I run this I can not get it to work I keep getting errors this is the way I have it for now.
Private Sub ThisWorkbook_Open()
MY_MONTH = Month(Now()) + 5
With Sheets("Master List")
.Unprotect ("123")
.Columns("A").Locked = False
.Columns("A").Hidden = True
.Columns("T:IV").Hidden = True
.Rows("265:65536").Hidden = True
.Columns("E:Q").Locked = False
.Columns("E:Q").Hidden = True
.Columns(MY_MONTH).Hidden = False
.Columns(MY_MONTH - 1).Hidden = False
.Columns(MY_MONTH - 1).Locked = True
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Sheets([{"JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN","JUL","AUG","SEP","OCT","NOV","DEC","2008","Read Me","Record"}])
With ws
.Protect ("123")
End With
End Sub
Compile error: Expected End With
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Mar 25, 2014
I want to create a spreadsheet that I can export my transactions from my credit card onto -- is there a way to make it so that the transactions that haven't been covered by my most recent payment(s) are red, while the ones that are paid are green without manually going through & doing it? I know there's the IF, TRUE, FALSE formulas, but I'm confused on how to use them.
Basically, if I spend $1,000 between 5 transactions and make a $400 payment, I want the oldest transactions totalling up to $400 to turn green, while the remaining are stay red until a new payment is posted.
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Aug 21, 2007
I have a spreadsheet i would like to have changes tracked to automatically. I know it's only a matter of clicking a few buttons to get this to happen, but i was wondering if there is a way to have excel do this by default when i open the file. I would also like to have the changes highlighted automatically.
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Feb 5, 2014
I have an actions tracker worksheet.
I want to type status update for an action - then when I press enter it should automatically as soon as I press enter:
- cut the text I typed from the cell leaving it blank
- move to the target cell (its in the same row) and "add" that text string (with a date stamp added) to the text already in the target cell.
Every day I type an update against the action in the first cell - and I press enter - it should copy that text into the target cell.
That way I have a complete history of updates against the action with date stamps.
Sounds pretty simple but I don't know where to start.
Example of a simple worksheet attached : Tracker.xls
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Feb 20, 2009
I want column J to reflect the total amount of all trades which were open at the time the trade on the row is closed.
(the data is sorted according to closed trade times).
So while the trade on row 4 is the first trade to close, there were other trades also open prior to the closing. I need to show the total amount in column E of all trades which were open during the time window that the trade on row 4 was open.
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Apr 1, 2009
I am using excel as point of sale book (to record customer name, service, and total price etc.) at our hair salon. We have employees that may be there to manage alone from time to time, and enter clients into excel.
Our worry is straight forward, and involves them erasing what they wrote. I am confident that the actual service and price is entered at the beginning, but want to track their changes to their own entries.
The "track changes" would work if it "tracked changes" after entry. But it seems to track the last change from saving. For example....the employee enters $40.25 presses enter--after she knows she can get away with a change, she may erase it altogether or change it to say $16.75.
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Aug 13, 2009
I own a restaurant and have a inventory list. I track the price of a specific item in column E, and want to record the date i modify column E in column D. So, I change E5, I want D5 to say the date.
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Jun 21, 2006
I have a workbook which has a database and a pivot table. I wish to track changes without sharing the work book.
Is that possible?
Also how can I keep track of the users accessed to the workbook ?
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Nov 9, 2006
if data values are not input and are result of formula or macro can traverse back to see which macro is used to fill the data.
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Mar 6, 2007
locate code for highlighting the row and column I am in at any given time in a spreadsheet. I work with some pretty large sheets and find it hard sometimes to know if I am on the right line or not.
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May 31, 2007
Ive got an inventory of about 2000+ items as well as items that can be broken down into more specific groups such as colors, designs and sizes. What i want to know is how to get the correlation, thats excel function CORREL(), of each item for the time weve had it. The data I can provide is the monthly quanitity sold of the item.
For example I have item A.
Sold Month
5 1
7 2
4 3
5 4
and so on. Easy enough to do. My only problem is I would have to manually do that 2000+ times for my entire inventory to figure that out. What I wants is a command that can verify my item code, which is simple enough as I can convert the item code to something as simple as a string or leave it as is. Not every item has been in the system an equally long time though. If that were the case i could just copy it with blank cells to fill the space and copy and paste all the way down. So I need to find a way to get an IF statement to correlate the corresponding cells IF the item number matches the target cell. What I have right now is something to this extent.
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May 3, 2014
I have a project were i have to make a macro and place in a workbook such that as soon as i open that excel file
1. excel workbook is opened in New Excel window
2. Ribbon is hidden for this new window.
So when user closes this excel window there is no problem with other workbook ribbon, as there are open in different window
I have tried with code stated below it hides the ribbon but new excel window is not open
Private sub Workbook_open()
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "Show.toolbar(""Ribbon"",False)"
End Sub
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Sep 14, 2009
This is a follow-on to a great solution provided by Shg and Rylo. Here is the link.
My users have run in to an interesting issue with the file. Each time the files opens it has the same 5 questions selected. What I need the code to do is randomize the questions each time the sheet is opened. Basically, the users seem to have a problem using the "make quiz" button, so they have requested that I make sure that the quiz randomizes each time it is opened.
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