Call And Sales Tracking Spreadsheet
Apr 5, 2011
I am in sales and we currently have a excel spreadsheet with call tracking and a sales tracking on it. I would like something a little more inviting. We have quotas that we have to meet. 100 calls a month, 20 quotes to put out, $11k is sales.
I was thinking maybe something that was broke down by week for calls. The sales and quotes, have a graph associated with them. When we type in the dollar amount it will raise the graph that much. I think this will make it easier to manage. I have attached what our call tracking looks like now.
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Nov 3, 2009
I am trying to turn this call tracking sheet into an electronic one. Is is possible to have check boxes in the empty cells that will allow someone to just click them as they go along and it would create a total at the bottom to avoid countless hours of counting these sheets. Or even turn "Trans CM" into a button that you can click and it would keep track of how many times that specific button was clicked.
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Jul 28, 2014
At my new job the CHT/CRT that we receive is three days behind what we are actually using. It makes it hard for me to keep track of my talk time, so I thought I'd use excel to track it. I can see the time I have been on each call through the day. I had to put it in 0:0:0 format to get it to average correctly. (I was trying to get it down to just seconds but that seems a bit complicated. I just then used "average=(a1:a30)" to average them together and it seemed to work a bit.
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Jan 26, 2010
The employees have 3 chances to contact the customer before sending out written notification. The goal is to only have the employees enter an "x" in an attempt cell which will cause the date and time attempt was made to autopopulate in another cell. I've been using an IF formula to do this [=if(A1="","",NOW()], but each time a move down to another customer it adjusts the date and time for all other fields as well. How do I lock in the date and time they marked the cell without it affecting others. This is basically how the attempts are set up. The only unprotected cells would be those under A2-C2. Example would be employee places and x in cell A3 and D3 autopopulates the date and time A3 was modified. The problem I am running into is when A4 is modified, it not only autopopulated D4, but it changes D3 to the time A4 was modified as well.
1 Attempt Attempt1 Attempt2 Attempt3
2 1 2 3 Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time
(A-C are over the word attempt, A2=1 B2=2 C2=3, D is over Attempt1, E is over Attempt2, F is over Attempt3)
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May 23, 2006
I want to track daily sales of a shop with the tenders (Cash, Master, Visa)seperated.
Everyday there will be a file ctp.dbf from a folder YYYYMMDD (previous day date) which contains sales details.
I tried to use sumif commands and everything is working fine. everytime i have to open book.xls and from it I do a files>Open to open the ctp.dbf for the calculation to be done. is there a way where by i can open 1 file and everthing i calculated properly?
Also this book.xls can only do for 1 day how can i go about having the daily sales detail of the month (look something like sales summary.xls) or even year in 1 excel file?
attached is book.xls and sales summary.xls for reference.
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Mar 20, 2014
Once a job is complete on a sales tracking sheet I created, it needs to transfer automatically once I click on a "completed" section of my work sheet.
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Dec 19, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that can't be password protected but this doesn't mean just anyone should be accessing it. Is there a way to record who opens it and when? Ideally I could place some code into the spreadsheet that recorded on a sheet who has opened it and when. This will detract certain nosy people from accessing it!
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Jun 28, 2007
A friend of mines wife has decided to get into MaryKay and he is wanting to create a spread sheet to keep track of the product she has.
He wants to be able to enter the product in and at the end of a show subtract whatever product she sold with a sheet showing what she has in stock.
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Oct 28, 2013
I am currently producing a work number tracking spreadsheet for the people I work with and wanted to know if there was a way to generate a pop up window that created fields to enter the data for the job being inputted.
I currently have it just a simple macro (below) that enters a new line, adds a sequential number and adds both the date entered, as well as an expected finishing date. It does what I want it to do, however I am looking for it to be fool-proof as the last system was broken as people didn't fill it in fully.
Sub New_Line()
Range("A4").EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromRightOrBelow
Range("A4").Value = Range("A5").Value + 1
Range("C4").Value = Now()
Range("D4").Value = DateSerial(Year(Now()), Month(Now()) + 1, Day(Now() - 10))
End Sub
On the previous system it used a worksheet that did similar, with dropdown menus that auto-filled the sheet as well as inputted into the spreadsheet. That was produced by an old employee that isn't working on it any more.
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Jul 3, 2007
My spread sheet reads column A teamname, B games played, C wins, D Losses, E Ties, F winning % and G GAMES BACK
I'm looking for a formula to determine games back based on wins, losses, ties and also based on the number of games played.
example, team 1 played 9 games and is 8-0-1. Team 2 has played 9 games and is 8-1-0. Team 2 is would be a 1/2 game back. Team three is 8-0-0 also a 1/2 game behind team 1 but tied with team 2.
So in column G it would read team1 "-", Team 2 ".5" and team 3 ".5"
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Apr 9, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that is being used for tracking work completed each day in a week. Each day has 5 columns and 10 rows of data to potentially be entered, some of the data is text and some is numerical. Can anyone help me come up with a formula that will count the text and the numerical entries for each day? I tried to use a nested if statement but it exceeded the number of nestings available. The range of cells for the first group is B6:F16.
As a side question, will count work for a range of data or only one column or row at a time?
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Oct 6, 2008
I'm trying to produce a spreadsheet for tracking pupil's progress through a year at school (Targets/Predictions etc) but am having some problems with creating a summary of data gathered for each pupil. I have attached the file for your perusal; On the data entry sheet staff will fill in the appropriate data, and on the summary sheet I am looking to generate summaries for each pupil (I have set up how I want it to look). This may sound easy, (and probably is); the issue is that there are around 30 subjects in total, but pupils will only have be doing 5 of them, I need the summary sheet to show the information for subjects they are taking only (It should come up with the subject name under the headings subject1/2 etc and the appropriate grades to go with them, missing the blanks out. Obviously I could do this by cutting and pasting for each pupil...But there will be almost 2000 pupils in the list!!!
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Feb 15, 2012
I am acquiring multiple spreadsheets that do not always match row number, due to additional information on some sheets. By this I mean that the information may be in row 31 on on sheet and row 39 on another, the column location is the same each time. I have been trying Vlookups, indexing and matching plus combination formulas - with no luck. How to get the information I need with a moving cell reference?
I can provide a small copy of a workbook, if needed.
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Jan 5, 2012
I have an excel sheet which has 70 sheets in it...All of them are numbered but not in a sequential manner (eg : 210,211,201,202,215 etc..).The numbering is nothing but the sales order number....
All the sheets have same data (i.e Column A contains Product Sold, Column B contains Sale Value)...The thing is i want to consolidate all the data in sales order number wise. i.e.
Column A Column B
201 $200
202 $300
203 $450
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Jul 2, 2009
I am trying to determine the top contributors to 50% of sales based on cumulative percent of sales (see attached file). I can determine if percent of sales is less than 50%, but I need to include the person that pushes the group of top performers over the 50% mark.
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Feb 4, 2013
I wanted to get the data from data sheet where i have entered the data manually for sales what have done
Now I wanted is when i enter date i should get the product and price in other sheet
If I enter date in a1 cell
I should get the detail of product in b1-b10(if i sold 10 item )which is in data sheet
And c1 - c10 price (if i sold 10 item @that price)
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Feb 20, 2008
See the attachment. I want the percentage of Car Sales to total sales of different countries automatically.
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Oct 17, 2013
I have a sales level that I need to track...My rolling 12 months' sales must be $85,000 and my currently monthly sales must be $7,000. I have a sheet that tracks the $85,000 and tells me what I need to achieve that, but I haven't figured out how to include the $7,000 monthly minimum....
The chart below is what I have. So for example, this month it's telling me I only need to sell another 3016.46 to hit the $85,000 rolling 12, but I actually need to hit $4821.79 to meet the $7k minimum.
Actual Rolling 12 Goal
Sep 2012 5,367.24 73,663.30
Oct 2012 5,649.93 69,496.28
Nov 2012 14,163.38 73,451.30 [code]....
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Jan 5, 2010
I have daily basis monthly sales. Now I want to summarize into monthly gross. Pls look attached file. I am looking for a formula to summarize January daily sales from date 1st to 31 st as of just January and and sum of each day gross.
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Jan 4, 2005
I have created a chart on excel for us to track daily sales but also to figure sales tax so we know what to send the IRS each month. We have been figuring the sales tax ourselves and
filling in the chart on excel but I would like to create a formula that
automatically does it for me based on total sales.
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Mar 27, 2013
I cannot solve with Excel 2010 and I have searched all over for the answer.
I have sales data that is approximately daily and would like to count the monthly data and summarize it as an average for the month in a separate column.
For example, I would like to turn this:
3/2/2005 $xxxx
3/5/2005 $xxxx
3/20/2005 $xxxx
4/2/2005 $xxxx
4/10/2005 $xxxx
Into this:
March 2005- $xxxx (monthly average)
April 2005- $xxxx (monthly average)
I have a feeling some 'countif' formula would work but I am not sure how to do this.
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Oct 3, 2012
In cells A4 to A54, their names are displayed.
In cells I4 to I54, their total sales are displayed.
Starting in cell B59 and C59 I'd like to display their name and sales respectively.
Also in column I I'd have a second value which would be a total of each department. Would it be possible to leave this data out of the formula? No big deal if I have to put that value in the next column.
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Oct 14, 2009
I need to copy the values of a range on the weekly sales worksheet to the monthly sales worksheet. The last column is the total on the weekly sales. Part of the heading of the total column is the week ending date (e.g. 10/17/2009. On the Monthly Sales I have the months in columns by week ending (e.g. 10/17/2009).
Range I4:I28 to the monthly sales worksheet by date.
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May 21, 2006
I have a work book with 3 sheets. Sheet 1 is the main sheet and sheets 2 and 3 will use (I hope vlookup) to update 3 columns from info in sheet 1. my attempt at a vlookup call in sheet 2 is: =VLOOKUP($b3,[master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65,false)
my understanding is that: - $b3 is the cell in sheet 2 that will be updated as a result of the vlookup call. - [master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65 refers to range $B$3:$B$65 on sheet1 of master_AoJ_2. it does not work... infact I get nothing at all. when I type the call into cell $b3 of sheet2 excel thinks it is stariaght text. this is how I coded the function call =VLOOKUP($b3,[master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65,false)
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Aug 20, 2013
Basically, I'm doing a recorded macro for work where I take an export and manipulate the data to show differences between sales from last year and this year. Also comparing this months projected sales to avg of last 6 months and also against last years this month.
The problem I'm running into is in automating the this month sales for mid-month exports. I can do it individually but I can't find a formula that will do it. Data is in one cell per month, so ex. 130 sales this month so far. I need to have it convert that to projected sales for total month based on what day it currently is.
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May 21, 2009
I have one sheet that shows a list of all vehicle sales for a month: with a customer column and a salesperson column and a gross profit column. I would like to give a printout to each salesperson from a different sheet that only shows that salespersons transactions on it. Can excel parse that information out and list it in order row by row showing each sale for just one salesperson per sheet?
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May 28, 2013
I am looking to track changes on a "Log" sheet throughout an entire workbook. The following code (found here and given below) will give me:
The cell . The date/time it was changed . What the new content in that cell is
The two points I would like it to include, in order of importance, is: The name of the worksheet that cell exists in. The user that made that change*Bonus points* a hyperlink that'll bring me to the worksheet that was edited.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim r As Long, OutSht As Worksheet
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set OutSht = Sheets("Log")
[Code] ......
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Feb 12, 2007
I have a worksheet that has multiple units listed on it. Each unit has a materials used list with quantities. I want to reference this column to another sheet and get a total materials needed list and also reference it to my inventory and subtract that number from my materials on hand. how can I do this?
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Jan 29, 2010
So far I was able to find solutions to all of my small problems with excel just by searching here but with this one I need help and ideas how can it be done differently.
We need to track inventory from when its taken, when it was installed and we need to know every month when inventory is counted how much do we have on hand in our truck....
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Jun 28, 2006
I'd like to make a vba macro in excel which will be just like "Track changes" feature. I'd like to track changed cells and when and who did it. (Date, User, Cell, Last value, New value). It is important to make a report in separate worksheet and automatically fill this worksheet when the user save changes.
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