Filtering For Summary: Produce A Spreadsheet For Tracking Pupil's Progress Through A Year At School

Oct 6, 2008

I'm trying to produce a spreadsheet for tracking pupil's progress through a year at school (Targets/Predictions etc) but am having some problems with creating a summary of data gathered for each pupil. I have attached the file for your perusal; On the data entry sheet staff will fill in the appropriate data, and on the summary sheet I am looking to generate summaries for each pupil (I have set up how I want it to look). This may sound easy, (and probably is); the issue is that there are around 30 subjects in total, but pupils will only have be doing 5 of them, I need the summary sheet to show the information for subjects they are taking only (It should come up with the subject name under the headings subject1/2 etc and the appropriate grades to go with them, missing the blanks out. Obviously I could do this by cutting and pasting for each pupil...But there will be almost 2000 pupils in the list!!!

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Add Up Each School Grand Totals For All The Dives, And Break Them Down To Boy Or Girl For Each School

Jul 26, 2009

I ma going to have a couple of tricky (to me at least) table/range look ups, so let me start with this one:

1............Dive 1......................................School Grand Totals nr......... points...............Boys...............girls.
3 md g...4
4 md b.......2..................3.....................jb b....7
3 jb b........3..................3................
6 md g,......4..................3
8..............Dive 2 nr......... points...
10 md b.....1..................1...........
11 md b......2.................1...........
12 jb b......3.................4
13 md g......4................1

Notes about above. The naming is like this. "md b" is "martin county boys". "md g" would be "martin county girls". "jb b" is "jensen beach boys".

I need to add up each school grand totals for all the dives, and break them down to boy or girl for each school. this score will eventually go into another total which totals 11 swimming events by boys or girls.

So, in essense, thre are going to be several totals for the meet:
1 Diving (6 dives) by School by Boy (note: only showing 2 dives here)
2 Diving (6 dives) by School by Girl
3 Swimming, (11 events) by School by Girls
4 Swimming, (11 events) by School by Girls
5 Grand total by school (boys and girls scores combined)

Texaslynn (I believe that was her handle) helped me previously with totaling a grand total. However, now I discovered I need the total by boys and girls and then the combined (boys and girls) school total.

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Produce Summary Workbook Sheet With Data From Multiple Workbooks

Mar 26, 2013

I have created a template workbook for individuals who work on different sites. The spreadsheets used by each individual have the same headers. The sheets all sit in the same folder in dropbox.

I am wanting to produce a summary workbook within the dropbox folder that automatically populates when an individual updates their workbook.

I have attached mock example of the individuals worksheet for your information.

The questions that I have are as follows:

1. Is it better within an individuals workbook that they record their activity all on one sheet as opposed to having a spreadsheet per months activity? It seems tidier to have a sheet per month but does this make it more difficult to produce a summary workbook?

2. The individual is required to record a patients individual drugs on separate lines but they need to record a unique identifier, age, *** and month worked. Do they need to record all this for each line of drug or is there an easier way?

3. How should the summary sheet be produced - pivot table or sheet with formulas linked to the individuals workbooks?

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Excel Spreadsheet To Produce A Report Per Row

Feb 18, 2014

Any way to produce a report per row of an excel spreadsheet. For example if my spreadsheet contains the names of 10 people in column one and lots of columns of data per person. Is there an easy way for me to pull all that data to produce a one page report for each person listed with the data within it?

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Tracking Who Opens Spreadsheet

Dec 19, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that can't be password protected but this doesn't mean just anyone should be accessing it. Is there a way to record who opens it and when? Ideally I could place some code into the spreadsheet that recorded on a sheet who has opened it and when. This will detract certain nosy people from accessing it!

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Inventory Tracking Spreadsheet

Jun 28, 2007

A friend of mines wife has decided to get into MaryKay and he is wanting to create a spread sheet to keep track of the product she has.

He wants to be able to enter the product in and at the end of a show subtract whatever product she sold with a sheet showing what she has in stock.

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Call And Sales Tracking Spreadsheet

Apr 5, 2011

I am in sales and we currently have a excel spreadsheet with call tracking and a sales tracking on it. I would like something a little more inviting. We have quotas that we have to meet. 100 calls a month, 20 quotes to put out, $11k is sales.

I was thinking maybe something that was broke down by week for calls. The sales and quotes, have a graph associated with them. When we type in the dollar amount it will raise the graph that much. I think this will make it easier to manage. I have attached what our call tracking looks like now.

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Tracking Spreadsheet - Pop Up Window Entry

Oct 28, 2013

I am currently producing a work number tracking spreadsheet for the people I work with and wanted to know if there was a way to generate a pop up window that created fields to enter the data for the job being inputted.

I currently have it just a simple macro (below) that enters a new line, adds a sequential number and adds both the date entered, as well as an expected finishing date. It does what I want it to do, however I am looking for it to be fool-proof as the last system was broken as people didn't fill it in fully.

Sub New_Line()
Range("A4").EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromRightOrBelow
Range("A4").Value = Range("A5").Value + 1
Range("C4").Value = Now()
Range("D4").Value = DateSerial(Year(Now()), Month(Now()) + 1, Day(Now() - 10))
End Sub

On the previous system it used a worksheet that did similar, with dropdown menus that auto-filled the sheet as well as inputted into the spreadsheet. That was produced by an old employee that isn't working on it any more.

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Formulas For Baseball Tracking Spreadsheet

Jul 3, 2007

My spread sheet reads column A teamname, B games played, C wins, D Losses, E Ties, F winning % and G GAMES BACK

I'm looking for a formula to determine games back based on wins, losses, ties and also based on the number of games played.

example, team 1 played 9 games and is 8-0-1. Team 2 has played 9 games and is 8-1-0. Team 2 is would be a 1/2 game back. Team three is 8-0-0 also a 1/2 game behind team 1 but tied with team 2.

So in column G it would read team1 "-", Team 2 ".5" and team 3 ".5"

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Count Formula- Spreadsheet That Is Being Used For Tracking Work Completed Each Day In A Week

Apr 9, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that is being used for tracking work completed each day in a week. Each day has 5 columns and 10 rows of data to potentially be entered, some of the data is text and some is numerical. Can anyone help me come up with a formula that will count the text and the numerical entries for each day? I tried to use a nested if statement but it exceeded the number of nestings available. The range of cells for the first group is B6:F16.

As a side question, will count work for a range of data or only one column or row at a time?

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Filtering Data And Copying The Rows Back To The Summary Page

Feb 4, 2014

I have a spreadsheet of raw data that has been downloaded in Excel. In Column N there are different site numbers.

I want to use a new Sheet for each site. Using a formulae I want to filter the data for each site and then copy the entire row to the relevant site`s page.

So I should end up with a sheet for each page and allthe data sorted correctly?

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Pivot Table Filtering According To Current Year?

Jan 18, 2012

I'm working on pivot tables using excel macro. Basically , I need to filter out the year submitted according to the current year . I did this to filter out my pivot :

For Each PivItem In _
PT.PivotFields("Year Submitted").PivotItems
PivItem.Visible = True
Next PivItem
For Each PivItem In _
PT.PivotFields("Year Submitted").PivotItems
Select Case PivItem.Name
Case "2012"


But this can only filter out year 2012 . I need to use this workbook for the next couple of years and I dont want to keep modifying the codes .

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Summary Of Cost For Date Ranges By Month / Year

Aug 22, 2013

i have attached the spreadsheet

basically I am trying to total this spreadsheet up to work out a sum for the month by customer number. some customers made a payment in jan 2012 and paid again in jan 2013, some paid twice in one month.

what needs to happen is

it needs to have customer number going down and the month/year going across the top with a summary paid for that month

i have attached the spreadsheet.

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Filtering 2nd Row On Spreadsheet Instead Of 1st Row

Mar 11, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with Row 1 as the header and Row 2 as sub-headers. I want to filter automatically to 2nd row, but whenever I press on Ctrl+Shift+L, I have the first column filtered. I have another spreadsheet that whenever I press Ctrl+Shift+L, it automatically filters the 2nd row instead. I'm not pretty sure what's the difference. I have my spreadsheet frozen on cell B3 (not sure if it has something to do with freezing cells. I know I can select 2nd row before pressing on Ctrl+Shift+L, but is there some other way to have this automated?

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Progress Bar: Use A Msgbox As A Progress Indicator For A Routine In An Application

Mar 16, 2009

I want to use a msgbox as a progress indicator for a routine in an application. I cant figure out how to do this.

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Linking Multiple Files To Summary Spreadsheet?

Jan 23, 2013

I know it is possible to link multiple worksheets within the same file together but is it possible to link multiple files to report up certain information to a separate file that summarized the data onto one spreadsheet? If so, what would a sample formula be?

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Creating Summary Spreadsheet From Two Seperate Spreadsheets

Mar 16, 2007

I have two spreadsheets. I need to be able to match information from detailed spreadsheet for specific information from a lookup spreadsheet.

The detailed sheet (call it Purchases) has information about what was purchased during a month.

Columns: ...

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Filtering By List Of Keywords And Pasting Results Into Spreadsheet

Aug 19, 2009

I have two Spreadsheets, lets call it Spreadsheet 1 and Spreadsheet 2.

Spreadsheet 1 has a list of partial employee names in column A.
Spreadsheet 2 has a list of 500,0000 full employee names in column A and their phone number in column B and address in column C through E.

Basically what I want to do is do a wildcard search for the partial employee name, so like lookup Spreadsheet 1' Column A's *name* in column A of Spreadsheet 2. Based on the number of matches. I want to insert that many blank rows underneath the partial employee name, and paste those matched rows there, then continue to the second partial employee name lookup and repeat the process.

This loop has to repeat 1000 times.

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Update Spreadsheet By 1 Year

Jul 10, 2009

I have a spreadsheet for Jan-Dec 2008 containing entries for each day as seen below.


I would rather not have to update each date manually so could any of you kindly inform me of a command whereby all of the 2008 dates can be updated to 2009?

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Put Dates Into My Spreadsheet Depending On The Year

Mar 22, 2007

I'm trying to put in dates into my spreadsheet depending on the year I enter in. in cell A1, I put in the year (2007). In cell S2, I want to have the first day of the first month to show up, so my formula is =DATE($A$1,COLUMN()-18,1). That works great, it shows up as 1/1/07, which I want. Now my question is, is there a way to copy the formula over to the right, leaving three blank cells and having 2/1/07 show up in cell W2, 3/1/07 in cell AA2, and so on. Right now when I copy it over, what shows up is: 5/1/07 in cell W2, 9/1/07 in cell AA2, and so on.

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Create Clone Copy Of Spreadsheet For A New Year

Sep 11, 2009

I have an Excel spreadsheet containing a large amount of formulas applicable to 2009. I want to create a duplicate workbook for 2010. I want to maintain all cell formatting, ie A1=sum(whatever) without retyping it all. When I attempt to use copy-and-paste (or paste special) from 2009 to 2010, the cell values maintain a reference to the 2009 workbook. For example on 2010 workbook, A1=[2009]sum(whatever). Therefore the values from 2009 print in cells. I only want to maintain cell formula formatting, not a reference back to 2009 workbook.

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Show Date In Spreadsheet As Month And Year

May 15, 2012

I am trying to show the date in a spreadsheet as the month and the year.

The date is in B2 30/04/2012 and i want it to show in C2 as Month/Year.

I am currently using =month(B2) which shows it as a no ( 4 ). Can i make it show as month / year?

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Set The Progress Bar Which Should Indicate The Progress Of The Data Loading?

Mar 28, 2014

Im consolidating datas from muliple excel files to single data base excel file.Am having macro and it is working fine for me.But when am loading data to data base file the excel files are vibrating.To avoid this issue i want to Set the progress bar which should indicate the progress of the data loading.

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Summary Sheet Calculate Results Change If Rows Added/deleted In Detail Spreadsheet

Feb 27, 2009

[Excel 2003] I have 2 spreadsheets: one to summarize data from a 2nd detail spreadsheet. I'm analyzing work order information for a service operation.

I'm using dynamic name ranges, as follows, for the detail:

WO_Num =OFFSET('WO Tracking Log'!$A6,0,0,COUNT('WO Tracking Log'!$A:$A),1)

Other detail data is defined as these examples show:

GM_X =OFFSET(WO_Num,0,8)
OpenDate =OFFSET(WO_Num,0,1)

All detail data begins in Row 6 in the detail spreadsheet.

In the Summary spreadsheet, it appears to make a difference where my calcs are located in order for my COUNTIF's to work correctly. As long as I keep my summary calc (to total the number of work orders in the detail) in Row 2 of the Summary, it works fine...but if EITHER I move my calc down a row OR if my detail drops down a row because a row was added above (where I have just header info), my summary totals change?!?! I don't understand.

Here are two examples of the calcs I'm using in the summary:


Can someone tell me what is going on? What I'm doing wrong?

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School Project - Message Box Assistance

Jun 13, 2006

Im doing a year nine maths project and need a little help with excel. This is my first time using macros/VBA. I have been playing around and have figured out a few things. I was asked to produce a game using excel, i am doing a kind of "racing" game with betting, i have the racing and most of the betting all working fine. I need to know how to get a message box to appear when the total of a cell reaches 0.

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School Directory Using Consolidation And Deletion Of Rows?

May 19, 2014

Here's how my project will need to work. I need to transfer text files(.txt) to the same workbook, but 1 worksheet for each text file. In here, I can choose multiple files. After that, I need to delete WHOLE rows that has a blank cell(except 1st column), starting from row 4. Then the last requirement would be to fill the 1st column, a portion of the text file's name.

First, I need to click the command button in order to choose the files I want to load. first.png

And then, if I chose two .txt files. It will also load two text files. In here it is, CLASS 2014 and CLASS 2013 second.png

What I want to happen next is for "2014" to be inputted in columns 1, rows 5 to 15. And then delete rows with blank cell, in which here is rows 8, 10, 11, 12 and 15.

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Bring Picture In Front Of Text For School Report?

Dec 11, 2013

I work as a data administrator in a high school in England. I've only been doing the job for about 8 months but a lot of the processes we go through could be better automated via the use of macros in Excel and Word.

Basically we have school grade reports that come from our MIS database that are stored as a Word template, which are then exported into Word as an .xml file. However, they don't come with the photographs of the students on the reports, so we have a Word List Report with every student photo (split into year groups) and run the following macro, which allows you to pick a folder where the reports are stored and match the photo to the report via the school admission number. It is then inserted into the report using a Word bookmark to place it in the top left corner.

Sub InsertPhoto()
Dim myFile, myFileNewName As String
Dim PathToUse As String [code]....

This works fine but I would like to be able to automatically format the photos so that they have 'In Front Of Text' wrapping, which we need to keep the templates from messing up. It would also save me accessing nearly 1000 school reports and manually editing each photo.

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Creating Rosters Automatically From List Of Entire School?

Oct 16, 2013

Anyway, here's what I'd like: I have a spreadsheet with every student in the school listed. If they have signed up for my after school programs, they also have a 3-day schedule. Each program has a specific initial, so if a student is in 1st grade Art on Monday, they have a "1A" in the Monday column. I've attached a sample spreadsheet with a simplified version of my setup.

At this point, I'm filtering by each initial and highlighting names to print a roster for the day. Is there a way to have the names of each child in a particular program automatically populate an (easy to print) formatted roster on another tab? Each student does have a unique student ID, but I wouldn't want that private info to be printed on the roster. I'd like to just be able to enter kids' schedules as they come in and that automatically adds to the program's roster, then go to the "Monday Rosters" tab and print the whole thing, cut it up, and hand out to teachers.

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Formula To Calculate School Grade Of Child Based On Their Birthday?

Jul 10, 2014

When speaking with parents I want them to enter in their child's birthday i.e. 12/1/1998 in one cell and then automatically generate what grade they should be in the next cell. If the grade year cutoff date is Sept 1.

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Excel 2010 :: Summary All Statement From 4 Worksheets And To Summary All Total ICC

Dec 23, 2013

excel 2010. This workbook has 4 worksheet(Process Engineer,OSBL,OSA,Lab Operator) I want to know what is the best excel formula/function to summary this 4 worksheet.

Example:I want a formula/function to summary all the statement from 4 worksheets and total number of answer "1" per statement from 4 worksheet.

Sample Statement below

"Demonstrate Interpersonal (People-to-People-) Skills" Question:What is the formula if above statement contains this statement in 4 worksheet?As i checked the total is 4 then What is the formula to get all total answered ICC on this statement from 4 worksheet?

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