I have multiple worksheets spread across multiple Excel files (1 worksheet per file).
All files are stored in the same folder, and all worksheets have the same column headers and structure. I need a block of code that will combine all of these worksheets into a single worksheet in a master Excel file. That is, the code needs to:
1. Open the first Excel file. 2. Copy the first worksheet's contents into the first worksheet of the master file, beginning at the next empty row it finds. 3. Close the Excel file, and move on to the next file. 4. Repeat.
So in the end, ten worksheets residing on ten different Excel files will be combined into a single worksheet in a single file. No breaks are needed between them, instead, the last row of a worksheet would be followed by the first row of the next one immediately below it. No aggregate functions involved, no sums, nothing like that (which is why I don't think I can use the Consolidate function in Excel).
Does Excel can be used to read data from HDF files? Specifically, what I would like to do is this: I have an Excel worksheet with some latitude data on Column A and longitude data on Column B. I would like to open a HDF file, which contains many sets of data, out of which 2 are the latitude/longitude data, and a third set contains the data that I want to extract. I will use the latitude data in Column A to search through the first set in the HDF, which will return me the row number. I will then use the longitude data in Column B to search through the second set to return the column number. With these row and column numbers, I will then extract the corresponding data in the third set, and write it to Column C in the worksheet.
how to write a simple VBA code for it? Or point me to some relevant information?
I have a large excel file with lots of data that it takes a long time to manipulate in excel. What I would like to do, is to import it in access, do some manipulations, and export it in excel again.
All these have to be automatic, so that the user does not do anything. Is it possible to do so through some macro?
I have an access database that has many queries and in order to speed it up I have a Macro in access that runs it in no time, but I need to be able to run the query in access via a trigger in Excel and have come up with the below, but it's not working.
I recently formatted my laptop harddrive. I'm running windows XP Pro. I backed up all files to my 500GB WD external drive. All is fine except that I'm now unable to retrieve my excel files and no one has been able to really help. These spreadsheets are very important to me.
I have a CSV that I have a excel macro created to do some formatting and then export the data into Access. that part works. I also have it checking for duplicate entries and skipping them. The problem that i run into is that not all my duplicates are truly duplicate, there have been updates and now i need to update Access. I have 2 fields, my primary key which is what I'm primarily matching on and then I'm checking if its been updated by checking another field "Last Changed" If this field doesn't match then I need to update the record.
At this point I'm trying to use a SQL UPDATE and I now believe that i have it formatted correct but when it gets to a record that needs to be updated I get an error: Run-time error '-2147217887 (80040e21)': The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key or relationship. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. the only other thing i could think to do would be to check each field to see if it has changed and just run the query against that but I feel like i would run into the same issue. This is how I'm connecting to Access:
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.Open strConnect Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open strTableName, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable And this is the Query I'm using:
The SQL code sits in a loop with an IF so it shouldn't execute every time and I plan on once i get this working to revisit this code and try to optimize it but that is not a priority currently.
I am attempting to run a MS Ecel macro that is stored on a MS Excel shared file in a MS Ecel target file (locally stored on my C drive) from a VBA module in Ms Access. That is, from a code i want to open the .xls file that houses the macro, and then open the .xls file that i want to run the file in, and then run the macro.
Here is my situation: the file that houses the macro has the workbook hidden and causes in error.
if i unhide the workbook i get a Run-Time Error 91...object variable or With block variable not set.
if i hide the workbook the vba coding can't find the macro...run time error 1004
once again, i currently have an excel file that houses macro whose workbook is hidden.
I have an excel workbook that lists the number of mailboxes on several exchange servers. Because this info is put in manually by several people throughout the day there is a chance for mistakes. I can use remote desktop to get into these servers and check all these but when you have over a hundred (Enterprise Level) of these different mailbox stores to check, it takes a while and just isn't fun. I have a friend who made a vbscript file that can check them all but I don't have that code but now I know that it is possible...well with vbscript anyhow.
is it possible for excel to access a remote computer? and how would this be done? If needed to we can be already remoted into it I just need help with the Syntax of how to then access it via some VBA.
I am absolutely new to VBA and trying to create a macro for work. We get daily files with almost the same headers that needs to be consolidated at the end of every month. The headers on the files are usually the same, except at times an extra column may be added at the beginning.
I need a macro to do the following-
Prompt to select the desired files.
Read the headers and append only the desired header columns from these files to a master file(these are Account, User, Modified By, Version). The headers are present in row A. Also, the master file should select the header from the first file only and hence take only the data (row B) from the second file onwards so that the headers are not repeated in the middle in the master file.
In the master table, add a new column at the end which will be the name of the file.
In the master file generated, filter on the column "Version" and delete all the rows except Version="1.0"
Lastly, there are certain values in the excel files that need to be changed. So I need a replace function to change those values.
I have a folder which has a set of files (Files may be anything like excel,pdf,word..etc).My rrequirement is: When i run the macro the first file to last file should open and wait for 5 sec and then close..I mean first time the first file should open and wait for 5 sec and close..Next 2 nd files shoul open and close after 5 sec..next third files should open and close after 5 sec...Like wise till last file..Is this possible to achive through macro code..
I am looking to convert 2000 excel files in PDF and include a unique password (password ideally will be their employee number). Is this possible using VBA, I am thinking that if I have a seperate excel file with the name of each file and the applicable password it might be but not sure?
I have many folders (around 500) - each of them contains a excel file (the excel files have all the same name), ideally I would like to be able to run a macro from a master excel file that would allow me to add a sheet which I would create in the master excel file and add it to all of the excel files that are in the folders. So far I have used the code from the link: [URL]
VB: Sub CopyWorkbook() Dim sh As Worksheet, wb As workbook Set wb = workbooks("1.xlsx")
but when I change it from 2.xlsx to 1.xslx in the code it works just fine, copying the sheets from the file to itself.
I have a whole ton of *.dbf files (98 to be exact), that are from ArcGIS shapefiles. These date1_date2.dbf files have point names, and values, as shown below.
NAMERASTERVALU Point 1-9999.00000000 Point 2-9999.00000000 Point 3-9999.00000000 Point 4-4.93072701 Point 5-8.90071201
I'm trying to figure out how to transpose each of the dbf files and save them as a text file (tab deliminated). My original plan involved saving them all as text files, then using a convoluted Unix script (I'm what you call a "dirty programmer") to transpose them and then combine them all into a single file. Since there are so many files (and I plan to do this in the future as well), I thought if I could at least automate the text file creation, I'd be ahead of the game. Even better would be a macro that will transpose the data for EACH file, then create a 99 (98 files + header row) row, 5 column text file. Creating the text files (1 text file for each dbf file) automatically .
All the *.dbf files will have exactly the same # rows/columns (2 columns, 6 rows)
This is what I've tried so far. 1)open one of the dbf files in Excel 2)record my marco (using the Personal Macro Workbook option - so it will be available in any workbook) 2a) transpose data (and paste it right below the original data so that the new data is in rows 7 and 8 of the same file) 2b) save as text file (tab deliminated) 2c) stop recording, and end up with this:
NAMERASTERVALU Point 1-9999.00000000 Point 2-9999.00000000 Point 3-9999.00000000 Point 4-4.93072701 Point 5-8.90071201 NAMEPoint 1Point 2Point 3Point 4Point 5 RASTERVALU-9999.00000000-9999.00000000-9999.00000000-4.93072701-8.90071201
So now I want to apply the macro I just created to all open workbooks (after I bring in all the bdf files), but the macro isn't listed when I click the "view macros" button. All I want to do is apply the steps I recorded in the macro to all open workbooks.
I am currently attempting to use an excel macro to allow me to send a list of files to one person. I have managed to create a dynamic list where one sheet of the workbook has the list of files and checkboxes, and as certain ones are selected they appear in a list on the 'front sheet' of my workbook, which has the button to send the email.
My front sheet is set up in a way that in cell B3 I have the desired email address, B4 contains the subject and from B5 to B30 I have the list of selected attachments (although the length of the list obviously varies depending on the amount of files selected, when all are selected the list extends to B30).
I have the below vba code that allows me to create an email with the address and subject and attaches the file address from cell B5, but I would like to attach all the files in the list and am struggling to change the code to do so.
Code: Sub CreateMail()
Dim objOutlook As Object Dim objMail As Object Dim rngTo As Range Dim rngSubject As Range Dim rngAttach As Range
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
[Code] ........
I can add more by creating new ranges (rngAttach1, rngAttach2, rngAttach3 etc) and setting these to their respective locations but if, for example, only two files are selected, the list only covers cells B5 and B6, so when the macro looks up the file directory in B7 (rngAttach3) it returns an error because obviously there is nothing for it to find.
I have attempted to compile a loop and change the code to the version shown below but am having no luck.
Code: Sub CreateMail()
Dim objOutlook As Object Dim objMail As Object Dim rngTo As Range Dim rngSubject As Variant Dim rngAttach As String Dim iLoop As Long
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 1 ** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** ** 2 ** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** ** 3 ** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** ** 4 ** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** ** 5 ** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** **
I need a macro that can automatically export the cell data for each row from Column A--> O into it's own seperate text file, and name each text file with the text in column A. So again... everything in row 1 from A to O would be copied and pasted into a text file called (A1 cell data).txt
once that first text file has created, I was hoping that there could be a loop to automatically close the first text file and move on to row 2 and do the same, copy all text in row 2 from A to O into a new text file titled (A2 cell data).txt, close and move on to row 3 etc etc.
this is a large list of approximately 8,000 records.
i am working with a large data set of excel files . I need to format the sheets in a specified way . i have recorded a marco that does this . I now have the problem of creating an automatic loader that opens the files , carrys out my macro , then closes the files.
For example i have a folder X that has 10 files inside it. i would like to be able to load the first file , carry out the macro, close the file move it folder y . Then look back into Folder X , take the first file it see's , carry out the macro , close the file , move it folder y , the go back to folder x and carrying out this until all the files are done and stopping when the folder is empty
I have built a darts scoreboard on Excel 2007, to track scores but also record statistics such as 3 dart average and -checkout success. As I don't know how to write macro's I've created it using formulae only - it's not fancy but does the job!
I have a number of .WAV files that call out the main scores - 60, 100, 140 and 180 and I'd like the scoreboard to play the relevant file when someone scores that amount. I've trawled through lots of forums but have been able to find one that does exactly what I need it to, and I don't know how to adjust the ones I've found.
This is how the scoreboard works:
There are 25 different sheets, one for each leg of the match that could be played. The sheets are named Leg1, Leg2, Leg3 etc.On each sheet, Player 1's scores are entered in cells J15 to J47, and Player 2's scores are entered into cells O15 to O47Once Player 1 or Player 2 wins the leg, I move on to the next sheet to play the next leg. All the scores entered remain in each sheet until the match has ended
This is what I need the macro to do:
When a score of anything other than 60, 100, 140 or 180 is entered, do nothingWhen a score of 60, 100, 140 or 180 is entered, play the relevant .WAV fileIf, for example, Player 1 scores 60 the '60' .WAV file plays. 60 will be left in J15, then Player 2 may score 100, which will be entered into O15 and should trigger the '100' .WAV file.Note that either Player 1 or Player 2 can start the leg, so the order scores are entered between column J and column O can differ.
Need a excel macro which can compare 2 xls files and highlight cells which are different in the 2 files its like a slightly advanced one >a prompt which asks file 1 after selecting file a prompt whichasks for file 2 ..then on running it should highlight cells in file two which are different from file one Both file have same layout ie if file one has n columns in n worksheets file 2 will also have same . So the comparison should be done for each worksheet in both file and cells should be highlighted ..
Can a macro rename Excel files based on a cell's contents? The problem maybe that I download these files en masse from a website and they all have 54-character long randomly generated filenames which I can rename by selecting all and then use the rename function to get a series of filenames like a, a(2), a(3), ... but I would rather have the files renamed based on the text that exists in cell B1 which is the title of the report. I also read somewhere that this kind of macro only works if the tabs have names like "Sheet 1"
My problem is to create a macro that will list all folders, subfolders and files in an order in excel. So that I know which folders and files belong to which main folder, more like a hierarchy.
For example, Sourcefolder Subfolder 1 File1
I have code that list all files in folders and subfolders, but it does not put them in a hierarchy fashion.
I have obtained a piece of code from online that runs a macro on multiple files in a single given a single folder. when i implement it though it throws a run time error 424 "object required' and point to 'Documents.Open FileName:=path & file' line of code. Is this because Dim file type is not declared?how do i fix this problem. also, im using excel 2010.A