Excel Macro For Comparing 2 XLS Files With N Number Of Worksheets And Columns

Feb 24, 2014

Need a excel macro which can compare 2 xls files and highlight cells which are different in the 2 files its like a slightly advanced one >a prompt which asks file 1 after selecting file a prompt whichasks for file 2 ..then on running it should highlight cells in file two which are different from file one Both file have same layout ie if file one has n columns in n worksheets file 2 will also have same . So the comparison should be done for each worksheet in both file and cells should be highlighted ..

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Comparing Worksheets Within File / Files

Apr 6, 2011

I have a user that needs to compare MSExcel files with a mass number of worksheets within the file/files. Is there anything to compare Excel files and to print out the compared results?

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Convert Multiple Text Files Into Excel Worksheets Macro

Apr 1, 2009

i have many file text which i want to open in an excel workbook in a way that each text file will be displayed in an excel sheet.

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Comparing Two Columns On Different Worksheets And Adding Rows Where Matches Occur

Jan 18, 2014

Essentially what I want to automate is a check through one list on the Sheets("Notes") in column A, with another column B on Sheets(template). If there is a match I want to insert a part of the row that the match occurred on Sheet("Notes"), and insert it above the row where the match occurred on Sheets(template).

Here is my code so far, currently I keep getting a "Application-defined or object defined error" on the line

Sheets("Notes").Range(Cells(i, 2), Cells(i, 11)).Copy
Sub add_notes(template As String)
Dim Rng As Range
Dim i As Integer


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Delete Row Of Duplicate Column Cells By Comparing 2 Columns Across 2 Worksheets

Mar 14, 2008

I am looking for a macro to look in Sheet 1 column A and compare the values to Sheet 2 column O. When it finds a duplicate I want it to delete the entire row in sheet 1. I dont want to have to manually sort anything if that's possible.

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Comparing 2 Columns, Highlighting The Higher Number

Sep 1, 2009

I am trying to do is I have column C and column G. For each row, I want to highlight or change the font color of the greater number. I can do it with conditional formatting, but I am only able to do it for 1 row at a time and it will take forever considering there are over 800 rows.

Is there an easy way to compare the two columns and highlight or change the font color of the higher number in that row?

For example:

4 5
8 1
6 2
9 11

So it would highlight the 5 in the first row, the 8 in the second row, the 6 in the third row, and 11 in the fourth row.

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Comparing Two Columns In Excel Row By Row?

Jun 6, 2013

I have currently browsed the forums and have came up with a code to compare two columns from two separate excel books and then highlight anything matching with the CompareRange. Here is a few more details about the problem:

- I have two excel sheets. And data like this in each sheet:

(First Sheet) (Second Sheet)
-A B N O
-7 .7 3 .56
-6 .6 8 .45
-5 .5 9 .55
-4 .4 11 .2
-3 .3 8 .22
-2 .2 9 .55
-1 .1 8 .54

As you can see, given this example nothing should be highlighted once the macro is run since nothing from Column A or B from the first sheet matches directly with Column N & O from the second sheet. The problem is that with the macro (module) I have come up with will highlight "3" from Column A and ".2" from Column B, just because they appear in Column N & Column O respectivally. What I want: I only want a number to be highlighted if both the numbers "7" & ".7" are matched in the same row of Column N & Column O on the other spreadsheet. To be a little more precise, I'll give an example. Say I edited the data to be like this.

(First Sheet) (Second Sheet)
7 .7 3 .56
8 .45 8 .45
5 .5 9 .55
11 .4 11 .2
3 .3 8 .22
2 .2 9 .55
1 .1 8 .54

With this data, I would want the second row of A & B ("8" & ".45") highlighted, while my error "3" of Column A and ".2" of Column B is not highlighted. Also, I would like it if row 4 of Column A & B ("11" & ".4") is not highlighted at all either, just because in O it is .2 and in B it would be .4 even though the 11's match. Attached is the macro/module I have entered in which is working kind of correctly but producing the mistake. And also, (kind of a lesser problem), both the files with data will have the same header, example would be if Column A & Column N both had "Dogs" as it's title in Row 1 and Column B & O both had "Cats" as it's title in Row 1. Is there anyway the macro can be adjusted so it compares those two columns between the two workbooks without me even having to select or assigning a range?

HTML Code:
Sub Find_Matches()
Dim Column1 As Range
Dim Column2 As Range


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Logic For Comparing Columns In Excel

Jul 24, 2013

I have data in two cells.If both are different then it should display that column data with different color.


1 1
2 1

If col b is not match with col A then it should display that col B value cell with some color.

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Comparing Columns Between Two Excel Sheets?

Oct 21, 2013

I do backups on a daily schedule. Given the spreadsheet called "A" which is a list of all clients and current backup policy as of last week, and the file "B" which is a snapshot list of servers in our supported environment, does someone have a clever way to determine which systems are in "B" that are not in "A"? The clients are listed in column M in spreadsheet A and this column may have multiple client names listed due to a policy that includes multiple clients in the netbackup schedule.

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Comparing Two Columns And Returning Number Of Cells In One Column With Higher Values?

Apr 8, 2014

I have two Columns C and E that have dollar amounts in them. I want to compare each row in those columns and then total the number in column C that are higher that column E.

So basically C6>E6, C7<E7, C8=E8,C9>E9 should return the result of 2. There are two instances where the price in C is higher than the price in E.

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Comparing Two Excel Workbooks And If Columns Match

Aug 15, 2014

I'm using two workbooks and looking to see if two columns match, then value in the cell should be the corresponding value of that cell.

For example:

I'm using

If(Match(A2,"name of other workbook",0, I want the value in column F of row 2, "not in raw data")

But it keeps saying too many arguments.

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Comparing 2 Excel Columns And Displaying Discrepancies

Feb 18, 2014

I have an excel file with 2 different columns filled with letter combinations which I need to update every now and then. I would like a code that will automatically fill in the codes not available in each list at the next columns.

See attached Sample Data to look how it will look like : Sample Data.xlsx‎

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Macro For Comparing Columns

Apr 25, 2009

with hello and regards two all members and administrators
i have this table

Column A: Country1 Export Code
Column B: Export value for Country 1
Column C: Country2 Import Code
Column D: Import value for Country 2
------------------- NOW ---------------------
i want to fill in Column E to H with a macro
Column E: same code in Column A and Column C
Column F: export value for same code (from Column B)
Column G: import value for same code (from Column D)
Column H: 30 percent of Minor Value
for example if F3 is 9000 and G3 is 1000 then H3 will be 2700 that is 30 percent of F3

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Excel 2010 :: Comparing Multiple Columns Of Data (Last Name / First Name)

Aug 8, 2012

I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows 7.

I have 2 worksheets. One has Employees and the devices they have. Last name, First Name, Device each in their own colulmn. Many have more than 1 device so they have multiple entries on seperate rows.

Another worksheet has Employees and thier location. Last name, First Name, Location. Again, all on seperate columns.

It would look something like this



So I'm tasked with combining them into 1 sheet with last name, first name, device and location. The issues I'm having are:

1) A team member could have multiple devices
2) A last and/or first name can appear many times, so a simple Vlookup against lastname won't work - it has to somehow also compare against both.

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Combining Multiple Excel Files To One Workbook But Different Worksheets?

Jul 17, 2013

I have five excel separate excel files containing values covering more than 500,000 rows each. I want to put then in a single excel workbook without tedious work of copy/paste to sheets of this workbook.

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Macro To Convert All Worksheets To Csv Files

May 3, 2007

1. I need your help in converting all the worksheets in a workbook to CSV format. Is it possible to do that with a macro?

2. I have 20 workbooks, each with 12 worksheets. I need to combine the data in all the workbooks to create a database. As I will not be
able to do that in Excel (due to the row limit), I am thinking of using MS Access.

Therefore I am planning to convert these excel files into CSV files and then use the CSV files to create an MS Access database.

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Import Number Of CSV Files Into Excel?

Nov 13, 2012

I've got 80 CSV files that I need to import into an Excel sheet. The filenames are sequential, eg 1APN .... 80APN). I need each chunk of data added after the previous. How can I do this using VB?

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Comparing Text Files In VBA

Dec 3, 2008

I have two text files with huge data in each which I need to compare for difference between each
for e.g.

file 1 would have following records

12345 KKKK 3510 ABCD

file 2 would have
12345 KKKK 3210 ABCD

file 2 would have similar records but 3510 would have difference. What i need is " if 12345 and ABCD is matching then what is the difference value of 3510 and 3210 ? the result should be 300 . This i need as an output in another text file.

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Finding Matching Data From Multiple Columns In 2 Different Excel Files?

Sep 27, 2013

I need to find if there are matching addresses in 2 different excel files. If the same address appears in both files, I would like the new worksheet to return the address along with the sale price from the 1 file and the rental amount from the other file.

I have tried using vlookup but the problem is the exported data file contains the street number in one column and the street name on another column. I have attached a truncated example of both the rental data and the residential sales data.

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Counting Duplicate Files And Comparing To List

Mar 22, 2013

I am trying to make a Macro that will search through a folder on my PC and look for file names with a string such as shown below:

The issue i am facing is that many of the files have duplicates.

I need it to check to see if the number of duplicates in Column E for each file name have the same amount of duplicate files in the actual folder... and if they don't I need the rows(s) highlighted Yellow.

Example: Say I run this macro.. and there are only 2 files in the folder that start with "BH1003".. as there is 3 instances in column E.. the 3 rows that have "BH1003" in them should all highlight..

I have added my code so far below also, but it only highlights each row Yellow if it finds an instance of the string in column E.. I don't know how to get it to count and compare....


Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
'Search Folder for files - Highlight Yellow if Exists - Highlight Red if NOT Exists.
Dim r As Long, lastRow As Long
With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'get last row


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Compare Data (3 Columns) From Pivot Table To Numbers From All These Sheets From 29 Excel Files

Aug 9, 2012

I have 29 excel files with some number of worksheets from 1 to 4. The name of the worksheets are the same in all the spreadsheets. Then I've a got a pivot table. I have to compare some data (3 columns) from the pivot table to the numbers from all these sheets from 29 excel files.

How to do it in a most efficient way?

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Comparing Two Worksheets ....

Sep 8, 2007

have been trying to write a VB macro to compare two spreadsheets. Here is what I need help achieving....

Compare Sheet1 and Sheet2. Data exists in rows that have a unique identifier in one column.

If unique ID (with row of data) exists in Sheet1 and NOT Sheet2, add row from Sheet1 to Sheet3 and mark "REMOVE" in new column next to row.

If unique ID (with row of data) exists in Sheet2 and NOT in Sheet1, add row from Sheet2 to Sheet 3 and mark "ADD" in new column next to row.

If unique ID (with row of data) exists in both Sheet1 and Sheet2, take row from Sheet2 and place in Sheet3 and mark "UPDATE" in new column next to row.

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Comparing Two Worksheets

Feb 15, 2010

Worksheet 1 has 200 rows, Worksheet 2 has 500 rows. Common denomentor in column A. Please advise how I can get 200 rows from w/s 1 pulling the relevant data from both worksheets into a new worksheet

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Comparing Data Between 2 Worksheets

Sep 19, 2013

I currently have 2 worksheets worth of data in the same workbook. Each data set has its own date and time stamp in columns A and B respectively with varying data then following in the row. I would like to write a macro that would look in worksheet 2 and find the matching date and time stamped row in worksheet 3. Then select the data from both worksheet 2 and worksheet 3 and paste them in the same row in worksheet 1.

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Comparing Data Between Worksheets

Feb 15, 2013

I have two worksheets, whereby the headers pm each worksheet are the same. the data however may not be. If the entries are different, I have used =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B2,'Master 0202'!B2:B50,1,FALSE)),"New","") to pick up new entries.

However, those that are not new, i.e. they are both in the old worksheet and the new worksheet, I need to find out whether there is any change in any of the cells. The headers run from columns A to W.

How can I find out if there are any changes in any of the cells in one go? Can I use another VLOOKUP?

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Comparing The Same Cells In Two Worksheets

Aug 22, 2008

I would like to make a macro which compares the content of the same cells in two worksheets which are in the same workbook.

More clearer I have a workbook with two sheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2). What I would like the macro to do is to check cell A1 in Sheet1 and compare it to cell A1 in Sheet2 and so on till the last cell (IV65536). If there is a differnce between the two cells, then it should highlight the background of the cell in Sheet1.

I know that there has been similar requests on this forum (I searched and read them) but thew were different.

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Comparing Data In 2 Worksheets?

May 7, 2012

I would like to compare the data between 2 worksheets ("Sheet1") and ("Test") so that the contents of any cells in "Sheet1" that are different to the corresponding cells in "Test" are highlighted with a yellow background.

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Comparing Data Between Worksheets

Feb 15, 2013

I have two worksheets, whereby the headers pm each worksheet are the same. the data however may not be. If the entries are different, I have used =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B2,'Master 0202'!B2:B50,1,FALSE)),"New","") to pick up new entries. Fine.

However, those that are not new, i.e. they are both in the old worksheet and the new worksheet, I need to find out whether there is any change in any of the cells. The headers run from columns A to W.

How can I find out if there are any changes in any of the cells in one go? Can I use another VLOOKUP?

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Macro For Spreadsheets With Different Number Of Rows And Constant Number Of Columns?

Mar 1, 2014

I work on a daily basis with spreadsheets in excel. The number of columns is the same, but every single spreadsheet has a different number of rows. I recorded this macro in a table with 1196 rows and I would like to use this macro also in other tables with a different number of rows.

Sub City2()
' City2 Macro

Cells.Replace What:="POMPANO", Replacement:="Pompano Beach",


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Macro - Unhide 'x' Number Of Worksheets

Feb 12, 2010

I have no idea about VB code and writing macros so I was hoping to get some help on this issue.

Is it possible to unhide a specific number of worksheets based on an input value, i.e. if someone inputs a value of '3' in the specific cell, then 3 worksheets with a certain name is unhidden?

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