Unable To Graph Excel Data?

Feb 9, 2014

I am trying to graph the amount of calls that come in on each day and at what hour. I am trying to put the days of the month along the x axis and hours along the y axis. I then want the number of calls to show as a scatter at certain times on each day. Is this possible? I have attached a sample of a table I will be working with that has made up data on it. I have tried using the select data function to try and change the axis, but I do not think I am writing the correct things in.

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Unable To Calculate Copy / Paste Data In Excel

Apr 21, 2014

I just copied a table from the web which contains numbers in the last column.

I pasted the data into Excel, but when I try to run any type of calculation i receive a #VALUE! error.

The annoying 'workaround' is to re-type the same numerical text into it's own cell, which allows for calculation.

I've tried changing the cell formatting to 'general', and 'text', but I still receive the #VALUE! error, when trying to calculate.

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Excel 2007 :: Unable To Enter Any Data In Spreadsheet?

Apr 19, 2008

Very simple Excel 2007 spreadsheet. It consist of four columns with either numeric or alpha data in the. No formulas, no macros etc...

She emailed the spreadsheet to me and it works fine, I can enter data without problems. Whenever she tries to use it she just can't enter any data. She clicks in a cell and it highlights but she doesn't get a cursor and can't enter data. If she tries to click in the area underneath the toolbar to enter data she also does not get a cursor!! It used to work just fine for her but has suddenly stopped!

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Excel 2013 :: Unable To Create Data Form?

Feb 7, 2014

Excel 2013 on a surface tablet and attempting to create a data form. I've followed the necessary steps to try and add the "Form" button to the quick access toolbar, but "Form" is simply not a listed command. Have looked in "All Commands", "Commands not listed in the ribbon" and "Data Tab" and it's nowhere to be found. Not greyed out, just not there.

Frustrating because it's so easy to create a form on past versions of excel. All the tutorials I've seen online explain how to add "Form" to the quick access toolbar

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Get Data Out Of Graph Into Excel?

Aug 5, 2014

I was wondering, if I can extract data out of a excel graph what is been paste into word document and send to me, without the excel data sheet.

So I want to get data out of more then one graphs that are paste into word. and i want to do this in a fast way. In order to create a datasheets.

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Update PPT Graph With Excel Data?

Apr 8, 2012

I am having a graph in ppt which should be updated with a data i have.. i started lyk

Set xlsApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlsApp.Visible = True
Dim path As String
path = "C:MydocumentsBook1.xls"
Set newxls = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open(path)

I donno how to update it using vba code in ppt .

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Excel 2010 :: Data Gets Divided By 10 When Put In A Graph

Dec 12, 2012

I have a set of data (numbers) I want to include in a bar chart. The numbers appear fine in the table. When I create the chart and sets the data (the cells excel goes looking in to create the chart), the values in the cells are divided by 10 for some reason I can't understand.

I tried to create a new file and a new chart, and the issue does not repeat.

I do not know where to look in that specific file to prevent Excel from dividing every number by 10 when I create a chart.

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Excel 2003 :: Filter Data In Graph / Chart (without Having To Create New Chart)

Dec 29, 2011

I have a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (which is what we use at work, unfortunately).

My employees periodically take a test to ensure they have certain items memorized (or are making progress to that end). The spreadsheet rows show all 46 of my employees, and their test scores. The columns are the dates that the tests are administered. I can create a line graph based on the chart data, and interpolate these data with no problems.

The problem is that there are 46 employees! 46 lines on the same graph make for a very cluttered, hard to understand visual. I want to simplify the view by "filtering out" some of the data.

I have an additional column in my spreadsheet for each employee's work area (Area 1, Area 2, etc), and another column with data based on first letter of last name (the values here could be "A-G", "H-M", "N-S" and "T-Z", for example). I figure i could filter my line graph based on these two columns. For example, somehow select just Area 1, and reduce the number of lines on the graph to 16. Or better yet, Choose "Area 2" AND "A-M" and end up with 7 employees (and therefore 7 lines on the graph).

Here's what i have tried:

1) Select the work area column, and use the Filter, which created a drop-down list at the column heading. When i use this drop-down list, i can easily filter the data in the worksheet by Work Area, but this is not reflected in the line graph, which still shows all 46 lines. The problem was that i forgot that i had set the Calculation Options to "Manual". Setting this to "Automatic" (or leaving it on Manual and pressing F9) solved the problem, as the chart now updates when i use the filters. Calculation options are under the "Formula" tab in 2007, or in Tools -> Options -> [either calculation or formula, i forget what it's called] in 2003.

2) Create several separate line graphs in several separate sheets. I wouldn't want to assign someone else the task of maintaining a spreadsheet of such inefficient design.

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Cut Columns?

Jul 25, 2013

I could swear I used to be able to cut and paste columns in Excel 2010, but for the past week I haven't been able to. When I click on a column and do a right click, "CUT" is greyed out. I can cut any section, but not a whole column.

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Unable To Print Excel File?

Aug 12, 2013

I am unable to print an office file to a certain printer because I am not the author of the file.. when I copy and paste to a new doc I can print no problem.

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Unable To Open Excel File

Oct 12, 2013

I was able to open and read this file before installing Windows 8.

The background to this is that after installing Windows 8 and reinstalling Windows University 2010 my word documents and excel files where all opening up as word pad documents. I figured out the solution to the above on my own and I am now able to properly read the excel and word documents that I tested. But I am not able to read a very important excel file. It is very important that I restore somehow this file.

When I open the excel file a dialogue box open up saying "Excel found unreadable content in "Account.xlsx". Do you want to recover the content of this workbook? When I choose Yes the following dialogue box opens up saying "Excel cannot open the file "Account.xlsx" because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the extension matches the format of the file".

The file extension is set to xlsx however how do I test to see if it is corrupt. Is there anything I can do to restore this excel workbook?

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Delete Rows

May 30, 2014

I'm on mac Excel 2010 and i'm trying to delete rows..but for some reason they don't go! My workbook is a basic one, just filled with a bunch of formulas, i can't understand why it wont let me delete it.

When i do try to delete it, nothing comes happens and when i try to delete a large amount it comes up with 'not enough memory, continue without undo deleting rows' but my laptop has 8GB and my other laptop has 16GB so i can't see why a 16GB laptop wouldn't be able to delete it.

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Excel 2013 :: Unable To Customize Ribbon

Jul 14, 2014

I have been attempting to enable the developer tab in Excel 2013, and have been unable to do so. When I check the box for the Developer tab, then click OK, the ribbon flickers, as if the tab is being added, but then the tab does not appear. When I go back to customize the ribbon, the check for the Developer tab is again not checked. I have also tried to move things around to different tabs and none of the changes stick.

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Excel 2007 :: Unable To Search The Last Column?

Jul 28, 2013

I've to continue the same sheet made by my bos (I'm using excell 2003, my bos use 2007). However, I'm unable to find the next column which my bos used it. Ex : My last column in excel is IV column. However, my bos's column in more than IV column.

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Set Column-width?

Oct 5, 2012

From one moment to another I am not able to set the column width doing the following: right-mouse-button click (the column) and choose column width and then type in the desired width The column width is not set this way.

Setting the column width by dragging the right side of the column works well. Also double clicking the right side of the column (auto width) works fine.

I think I have pressed a certain key combination (I am not aware of) to activate this behavior.

How can I re-activate/enable the above (1st) mentioned method to change the column width?

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Unable To Access RPT Files In Excel Macro

Dec 7, 2012

I am not able to access *.rpt files in excel macro

By using this below mentioned codes am not able to open the files from folder.

fpath = "C:Documents and Settings est"
f = Dir(fpath & "*.xls")
Workbooks.Open Filename:=fpath & f

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Excel 2007 :: Unable To Save As PDF File

Apr 26, 2013

I have an Excel worksheet (2007 version) which I am trying to save as a PDF file. However, the PDF option is not listed in my "Save as type" drop down window.

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Select ListBox Items

Feb 11, 2014

I have a worksheet with a few "Multi-Select" type listboxes in it. I cannot seem to select the items within those listboxes... the mouse icon doesn't even change, it just shows that little plus-sign that is the default when you're just in your worksheet. (they're also ActiveX listboxes)

I can select them if I go into my Developer tab and select and deselect the "Design Mode" button. then everything works fine (mostly). Or if I resize the subwindow for the workbook. Then it (again, mostly) works fine.

It's like I have to trick Excel into allowing me to click on the checkboxes in my ListBox.

Some people I've given the file to use Excel 2007 and the file works for them. (I have Excel 2010)

I've looked up info on bound/unbound forms, but I can't tell if it applies, or how to use that. They were not created with a VBA macro, they were made using the buttons in the developer tab.

One final thing : Below the listboxes, I have some shapes that, when pressed, will take the selected items from their respective checkboxes and put them into some cells.

Here is the file: Setup form_Blank.xlsm

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Excel Pie Chart - Unable To Use Sums For Fields / Axis?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a set of data for hours of work. I want to make a simple Pie Chart: % of Hours worked overtime, and % of work not overtime.

The Data Looks something like this:

Name,Normal Hours Worked, Overtime Worked

So I want a pie chart that has 2 wedges.
~25% labeled as overtime worked
~75% labeled as normal hours worked

Whenever I put these values in the pivot table and use SUM, it is trying to sum based on # of hours matching, instead of by the column Name... so it gets divided into a bunch of different pie wedges.

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Excel 2007 :: Unable To Set Pivot Table To Manual Update?

Aug 19, 2013

I am using Excel 2007 and my version of visual basic is 6.5.

I am baffled by the behavior of this code to manipulate one of my pivot tables. I am trying to set all but one of the pivot items in one of the pivot fields to not visible. Because there is a large number of items, I wish to suspend all automatic updates until all items are properly set to visible or non visible.

Sub SwitchBoards()
Dim BoardNew As String
Sheets("Board Parameters").Select
' Make sure we get the right value.


The MsgBox returns with: "Manual update is set to False" right after the instruction to set it to True!!

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Copy Charts From Excel To PPT - Unable To Resize And Format Chart

May 23, 2014

I have an excel which creates PPT from the excel. but the graph pasted in PPT are not aligned and formatted.

By aligned, i mean re-size the graph and paste in a formatted fashion (currently they are overlapping each other)

My entire PPT created is off alignment and formatting. E.g heading are not properly aligned (they are touching the line below) and so on.

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Use VBA Check Box With Protected Sheet / Columns?

Jul 9, 2014

I need to make a excel costing model to calculate various products prices. I am using Excel 2010.

I have many products and do not need all of them displaying at the same time, therefor I inserted a Checkbox (ActiveX Control) that hides my columns that I do not need. I did that by inserting the following and it works fine :


The problem is I now need to lock certain cells so that they can remain fixed and the recipe cannot change.

Once locked my checkbox no longer works and I get the following error :

"Run-time error '1004': Unable to set hidden property of the range class"...

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Recognize Cell That Contain Colon Correctly

Oct 4, 2011

i have encountered a problem which happens when you write data that contain : in an excel sheet (i use excel 2010)

for instance if i enter to one of the cell 45:58 excel sees it as 01/01/1900 21:48:00 when i try to get the information by using a function i will get the wrong data for example typing in the different cell LEFT(Cell,5) will result 1.908

(i receiving the data from an outside source in this way and i need to make analysis)

i have noticed that the first 2 digits (21 in the example) are related to the number i have choosen in a 24 hour cycle for instance

24:58 will result 01/01/1900 00:58:00
26:58 will result 01/01/1900 02:58:00
48:58 will result 02/01/1900 00:58:00

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Get Mode Property Of WorksheetFunction Class

May 3, 2013

If I type in the VBA Editor immediate window


I get the expected answer of 2, but


produces a pop up error of:"Unable to get the Mode property of the WorksheetFunction Class"

(Excel 2010 on 64 bit machine)

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Excel 2000 :: Unable To Hide Hidden Column When Save As Webpage?

Aug 15, 2013

Currently I'm using excel 2000. Can't hide hidden column when save as webpage?

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Right Click For Format Cells - Insert Or Delete

Sep 27, 2011

Just recently My Excel 2010 has decided to not let me right click to format cells, delete or insert rows. I can do these functions from the ribbon, but not via right click. this happens in both existing spreadsheets where I am the author, or even a brand new spreadsheet like in the image below. we have restarted the computer, Uninstall and reinstalled Office and still get same symptoms. I got here thru google but cannot find an answer anywhere.

I am very computer literate and even our IT personnel have looked at this with no answer. as you can see in the image, these options are greyed out.

Running Office standard 2010, Windows 7 pro x64

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Excel 2010 :: Error 1004 - Unable To Set Visible Property Of Pivotitem Class

Jul 10, 2014

I use Excel 2010 andexample.xlsx cannot make my code working because of the so famous errore above.

I have several pivot tables (pt) in different worksheets (ws), and a list of items stored in an array I created. I've written a macro for setting ON all items in pt except those ones in the array (listOffnet within the code). Everything works properly.

Now, I would like to do the complementary action: setting OFF all items that are not in the array. Unfortunately, I get the error at line:


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VBA - Unable To Get Data For Recordset

Feb 28, 2014

I've Created Connectionstring for excel which is in database format and trying to get the data by comparing 2 sheets using he below code.. But not working..

Set ws = Sheet1
sSQL = ""
sSQL = "SELECT [Company Code], "


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Unable To Paste Data

Jun 15, 2006

One of my workbooks contains 6 worksheets. Quite often I need to copy a row of data from sheet 5 to sheet 1. I right click, copy, select sheet 1, right click and find that the paste options are greyed out and so unavailable. If I wanted to, all the other sheets would allow me to paste the data into them but not sheet 1. It did work until recently so I suspect that it is something that I have inadvertantly done. I have checked things like security, protection and the like but find myself now going around in circles.

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Excel 2010 :: Runtime Error 1004 / Unable To Set Hidden Property Of Range Class

Jun 25, 2013

I am using this code (below) to hide certain rows or columns depending on what number is entered. Everything is working fine and I am at the point where I would like to share this excel sheet with others but I would like to lock certain cells so that others cannot alter the formulas. As soon as I lock the cells and then enter values into the unlocked cells, I get the "run-time error '1004': Unable to set the Hidden property of the Range class".

I am using excel 2010 x64.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B3")) Is Nothing Then
If Range("B3").Value = 0 Then
Columns("G:P").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
If Range("B3").Value = 1 Then
Columns("H:P").EntireColumn.Hidden = True


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