VBA - Unable To Get Data For Recordset

Feb 28, 2014

I've Created Connectionstring for excel which is in database format and trying to get the data by comparing 2 sheets using he below code.. But not working..

Set ws = Sheet1
sSQL = ""
sSQL = "SELECT [Company Code], "


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How To Use Offset With Recordset

Feb 25, 2013

i have a created a connection with Access table named Test, the table has 3 fields, ID,Firstname and LastName. The values in field firstName is filled in a Combox which is in Sheet1 of excel sheet.

so far i have done with the coding which create a connection with access table and fille all the firstname from the table to the Combobox using a recordset.

the code for filling combobox value from records set is like

Do Until RecordSet.EOF
shp.ControlFormat.AddItem RecordSet.Fields("Name").Value

Now what I need is whenever I select a name in a combobox the Cell A1 in excel should show me the LastName for that name.

I am not very sure if we can use offset in this.

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Open The Recordset

Dec 29, 2008

i have a select statement, that pulls one row from access and i need to get the data and assign it to different fields in a userform. however, because it only pulls one row, its at .eof and closes, so any following statements cause errors because the recordset is closed.

qc.Open "SELECT * FROM [Equipment_Table] WHERE [Equipment_QC] =" & combobox12.text, cn, adOpenStatic
Equipment_Title.text = qc.fields.item("Equipment_Title")
Equip_File = qc.fields.item("Equipment_File")
Equip_ID = qc.fields.item("Equipment_ID")

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Delete All Entries In Recordset ADO

Jan 25, 2012

I got a recordset which I get from a database (I use ADO).

I want to delete every entry in that recordset from the database.

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PasteSpecial Format CSV From Recordset

Jul 28, 2008

Currently, my code involves making a connection to a db then run queries. Results from the queries goes to recordset & from the recordset copy to specified range in excel worksheet. I am trying to do an automation process.

The problem is that once the record is pasted in excel worksheet, the date column is not being recognised as date therefore excel function (vlookup) is not giving me the results in my report.

When i do a manual PasteSpecail as CSV into the worksheet from the query result, my report gets populated with data which is correct.

i've tried doing a pastespecial format:="CSV" but it doesnt work.

Is there any codes that i can use to copy from the recordset as a CSV format pastespecial??

Or any other ways that can be done?

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Insert Ado Recordset Into Table

Sep 23, 2009

I'm getting extremely frustrated with trying to find some code that allows me to paste an ADO recordset into a database table!

What I am doing is on a weekly basis is creating a plan of which containers my company needs to devan. We have a system that stores shipping information about these containers and I get shipping information delivered to me via e-mail from one of our major shipping companies. Their data is more accurate so what I do is paste the data I get from them into my container planning sheet and import it into out Teradata Warehouse to query against using ADO and I import this one record at a time. This is extremely slow!

In order to get around this I want to create a recordset from this data and then paste the recordset into a table in the database. So far this is my ....

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VBA: Create PivotTable From A DAO Recordset

Sep 24, 2009

I have been creating pivot tables (from the active workbook) with ADO for a while and its working great.

I just tried to switch to DAO and adapted my code accordingly but the new code fail at:

Code: ....

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Pivot Table From Vba Ado Recordset

Nov 15, 2006

Is there an example outthere that will demonstrate how to create a pivot table using an ADO Recordset? I'll be experimenting tommorow but really don't relish the thought of spending 12 hours trying to figure it out.

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Unable To Paste Data

Jun 15, 2006

One of my workbooks contains 6 worksheets. Quite often I need to copy a row of data from sheet 5 to sheet 1. I right click, copy, select sheet 1, right click and find that the paste options are greyed out and so unavailable. If I wanted to, all the other sheets would allow me to paste the data into them but not sheet 1. It did work until recently so I suspect that it is something that I have inadvertantly done. I have checked things like security, protection and the like but find myself now going around in circles.

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Sporadic Headers When Reading CSV Into Recordset

Nov 8, 2011

When I read a CSV file into a recordset, the headers are not all being read. I get gaps in the headers for whatever reason. Attached below is the Function to load the recordset from the file. I have hard coded Hdr to "No" in the connection string.


Function QueryByID(tableName As String, fieldToQuery As String, Target As Long, Hdr As String) As Recordset
Dim strFilePath, strFileName, strQuery As String
Dim oFSObj, oConn As Object
Dim oRs As Recordset
Dim f, lastRow As Integer

[Code] .......

The below is how I output the resultset:


Sub OutputResultSet(aTable As String)
Dim row, col, i, j As Integer
row = 1
col = 1

[Code] .....

I have triple checked the CSV file and the first row in each file has definitely got headers. Some headers are loaded and output fine, others are just blank.

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Filling Listbox With Recordset From Access

Jan 17, 2012

I want to fill a listbox with values from a database.

The query et al. works just fine, but I cant get the listbox filled.

Is there a command to fill the listbox with all the entries in the recordset at once?

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Current Recordset Converts In An Array

Nov 30, 2009

I have a sub-routine I call on that takes a current recordset and converts it to an Array.

I would like to make this sub-routine tool more flexable by being able to specify THE NAMES for the recordset and an array involved.

For example

Sub My_Code()

....blal bla bla.... current code...

Call Recordset_To_Array( Recordset_name, Array_name )

....bla bla bla... continued

end sub
And the subroutine tool:

Sub Recordset_To_Array( Recordset_name as String, Array_name as string )

'Code that generates RS
'Need to take Recordset_name string value and use it in the line below at "XXXXX"
Dim XXXXX as Recordset

'Code that generates array
'Need to take Array_name string value and use it in the line below at "XXXXX"
Dim XXXXX as Variant
End Sub

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Working With Recordset In A Range Of Cells

Oct 14, 2006

how i can display different values using the Selection.FormulaArray, ok look at my
Dim mySheet As Worksheet

' On Error GoTo errors
Dim x As Integer
x = TextBox1.Text
Dim y As Integer
y = RefEdit2.value

Set mySheet = Excel.ActiveSheet
mySheet. Range(RefEdit1).Select

Selection.FormulaArray = "=multiplie_value(""" & x & """, """ & y & """)"
MsgBox Selection.FormulaArray

Now the function i call:

Public Function multiplie_value(valor As Integer, multiplo As Integer) As Integer
multiplie_value = Val(valor) * multiplo
End Function

thats an example. so the real question is i create a form, the user enter some values to search to a database, the user select an area(a range) where they want the data to be display, but i dont how to display that info that is coming from the database in the range that the user selected. The info displayed in the range should look like a tabular report, column headers, etc.

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Unable To Graph Excel Data?

Feb 9, 2014

I am trying to graph the amount of calls that come in on each day and at what hour. I am trying to put the days of the month along the x axis and hours along the y axis. I then want the number of calls to show as a scatter at certain times on each day. Is this possible? I have attached a sample of a table I will be working with that has made up data on it. I have tried using the select data function to try and change the axis, but I do not think I am writing the correct things in.

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Unable To Merge Duplicate Data?

Mar 28, 2013

I was given 6 spreadsheets combined into one (the reason is immaterial-but valid) it is what it is... unfortunately! (42 columns, 14,000 rows of which 450 names are duplicated as illustrated below)

I want to merge duplicate data.. but not the way I see it shown in all the 'merge' and the 'delete duplicate' threads I have seen so far.

I manage a homeless shelter and someone duplicated the spreadsheets and started using the duplicates to enter fresh data.... several times!

As a result I now have somewhere around 8 instances, (or 7,5,3 etc) of every homeless guest, but it has duplicate data in some columns, and new data in others, for instance:

I want to turn this....
Name SS# 1st entry date, 2nd entry date, 3rd entry date, fourth entry date, etc...

John Smith, 123-45-6789, 1/5/2010, 7/13/2010, 3/30/2011, 5/16/2012
John Smith, 123-45-6789, 1/5/2010,
John Smith, 123-45-6789, 1/5/2010, 7/13/2010, 3/30/2011,

I tried de-duping based on duplicate rows and that worked with the pure duplicates get out of the mix, but if I try to to de-dup on only the first two columns of data it may remove date I want to keep.So I need to de-dupe and merge at the same time.

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List Of Data :: Unable To Sort

Nov 30, 2006

I am having trouble getting this list of data sorted the way that I would like.

Here is the data:

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Unable To Update Data Used By Function

Jun 1, 2006

I have a function written in excel written in VBA. The function reads data from a worksheet and uses it in an array to solve based on the variable passed with the function. Now the issue is if I change variable that the are passed with the function it works fine. If, however I update values in the worksheet that the function is using as an array (sort of a look up table) the function doesn't see the change. I have to exit Excel and reopen it to get it to re calculate the function. Is there a better/faster way than continually closing and reopening excel?

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VBA Recordset Not Returning Updated Results From Query?

May 9, 2012

I have a function that loops through sheets and opens a query and copys the information to a sheet. I have gone in the access db and updated the query. Yet everytime i call it in excel it returns the old data. I have gone into access and verified what data I should get and I just don't get it.

I pass in the query name and the sheet name into qryName and sheetName name.

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sQRY As String
Dim strFilePath As String


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Unable To Copy And Paste Range Data

Jul 14, 2006

I have tried using the below mentioned macro. However, it only work on one cell. I need to copy and paste a range from A1:Q200.

Sub retrievedata()
Dim wbResult As Workbook, wbSource As Workbook, CopyRng As Range, Dest As Range
Dim FileName As String, Filt As String
Set wbResult = ThisWorkbook
Set Dest = wbResult. Sheets("Data").Range("A1:Q200")
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Filt = "All Files (*.*),*.*"
FileName = Application. GetOpenFilename(Filt)
Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open(FileName)
Set CopyRng = wbSource.Sheets("Summary").Range("A1:Q200")
Dest = CopyRng
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

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Return PreStored Query Result Into Recordset Through Excel

Sep 12, 2013

I am trying to run a prestored query in a Access database and popuate the result into a Recordset --- through Excel. So far, I have managed to accomplish that using the code below. However, now I need to update some records in the recordset. The code below does not allow me to do so.

The following message prompted when the code tried to update the record: Run-time error '3251' Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.

This is written for other users who only knows how to create a query in Access. And the users prefer not to import the query results to spreadsheet.

*Someone suggested use Recordset.Open however, that seems to work only with SQL statement but not prestored Queries.

Sub RunExistingQuery()
'Execute prestored queries in Access
Dim Con As ADODB.Connection


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Create Pivot Table Based On Access Recordset

Nov 1, 2008

I'm looking for an example of creating a pivot table based on an ADO Access Recordset.

I understand I can use MS Query - which I am, but looking to see if an alternative exists. A table I am inetrested in currently has 400,000 records I would like to retrieve and pivot.

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Unable To Calculate Copy / Paste Data In Excel

Apr 21, 2014

I just copied a table from the web which contains numbers in the last column.

I pasted the data into Excel, but when I try to run any type of calculation i receive a #VALUE! error.

The annoying 'workaround' is to re-type the same numerical text into it's own cell, which allows for calculation.

I've tried changing the cell formatting to 'general', and 'text', but I still receive the #VALUE! error, when trying to calculate.

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Excel 2007 :: Unable To Enter Any Data In Spreadsheet?

Apr 19, 2008

Very simple Excel 2007 spreadsheet. It consist of four columns with either numeric or alpha data in the. No formulas, no macros etc...

She emailed the spreadsheet to me and it works fine, I can enter data without problems. Whenever she tries to use it she just can't enter any data. She clicks in a cell and it highlights but she doesn't get a cursor and can't enter data. If she tries to click in the area underneath the toolbar to enter data she also does not get a cursor!! It used to work just fine for her but has suddenly stopped!

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Data Validation And Conditional Formatting Unable To Save?

Jun 4, 2013

I have a pretty simple spreadsheet (because I'm not an expert on excel) to track temp staffing requirements each week over a year. It only has about 150 rows and a bunch of columns but when I try to make it bigger (add more rows so I can put about 70 staffing positions instead of 19) it will not save (cannot save all of the data and formatting). I have read on the microsoft site that there are limits to data formatting, but it describes over 2000 rows?

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Error In Data Validation - Unable To Load Spreadsheet?

Sep 4, 2013

Error in data validation: "A named range you specified cannot be found." However, the named ranges are in the Name Manager, and if I go to the sheet and select the range, I can see it is already named.

Full description:

I created a spreadsheet model (no VBA, just formulas, etc) in a workbook that another coworker took and added VBA to. However, he was not working with the most updated version. So last night I checked the sheets which had the same names, made sure there were no differences except the changes I had made since that version, and then moved the ones from my current workbook into his workbook.

On the sheet where the user was to input details of the report, there are 4 cells that each contain different lists (non-dependent). I want the user to only be able to choose one of the 4 drop down menus - that is, if any of the 4 cells are filled in, I would like the other 3 to default to N/A (or somehow not be allowed to be chosen). This was solved in a previous thread:

Using A1: =IF(COUNTA(A2:A4),NA(),G2:G6) from the other thread solution, I used a named range instead of G2:G6 and it worked well.

When I merged the files together, the 4 cells no longer worked at all. It was suggested that I look at the Name Manager, and some of te named ranges I had were in there multiple times. I cleaned them up.

I tried to enter the same formula again, and it gave me the specific error: "A named range you specified cannot be found." However, the named ranges are in the Name Manager, and if I go to the sheet and select the range, I can see it is already named.

I am unable to load the spreadsheet due to sensitive data, and removing the data would make the workbook make no sense.

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Excel 2013 :: Unable To Create Data Form?

Feb 7, 2014

Excel 2013 on a surface tablet and attempting to create a data form. I've followed the necessary steps to try and add the "Form" button to the quick access toolbar, but "Form" is simply not a listed command. Have looked in "All Commands", "Commands not listed in the ribbon" and "Data Tab" and it's nowhere to be found. Not greyed out, just not there.

Frustrating because it's so easy to create a form on past versions of excel. All the tutorials I've seen online explain how to add "Form" to the quick access toolbar

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VB Data Sorting Macro Unable To Sort Correctly

Jul 12, 2009

I am putting together multiple worksheets with dumped data that should sort themselves by the press of a button. Each entry has a 'code' and a value and they are sorted by the 'code'.

At the moment i have the first worksheet sorting correctly and i am trying to program the second worksheet to sort data into the existing worksheets if they exist or create a new worksheet if the data doesn't have it's own worksheet.

Here is the code i am working with.

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Problem Displaying Single Record In Userform Listbox From Recordset

Jul 20, 2009

I am trying to populate a 3 column listbox in a userform from SQL Server via ADO. When the result set consists of more than one record, there is no problem and the data is displayed properly (ie each piece of data is in its appropriate column) eg...

test1...................1................. 01/01/1900

however when the recordset returns only a single record, the data does not transpose and views as below (ie each piece of data in the record is on a different line in the first column


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Excel 2010 :: ADO Recordset Query Quandary Locating Duplicates

Mar 13, 2013

I am having trouble setting up a query for a recordset that will list duplicates for an automated process to clean up. I am using Excel 2010 with Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset 6.0 Library and Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library as references.

So far, I have chopped the query down to it's most basic elements and reassembled until it broke. Necessary pieces work well, but when I combine them, I get nowhere.

Here is the working simple query to retrieve a single row:

dupeSQL = "SELECT PSID FROM [Obstructed$] "

Here is the working single query to retrieve a count:

dupeSQL = "SELECT COUNT(PSID) As '" & "CountPSID" & "' " _
& "FROM [Obstructed$] "

When combined, I cannot figure out why it won't work:

dupeSQL = "SELECT [PSID], COUNT(PSID) As '" & "CountPSID" & "' " _
& "FROM [Obstructed$] "

Here is what I am trying to get to:

dupeSQL = "SELECT [PSID], COUNT(PSID) As '" & "CountPSID" & "' " _
& "FROM [Obstructed$] " _
& "WHERE COUNT(PSID) > 1 " _

I can even work without the GROUP BY. I have also played with the HAVING clause to try and accommodate the [PSID] field, but have gotten nowhere.

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Unable To Set Range

May 9, 2014

I have a macro that looks for the last empty line( starting from the bottom of a range) the selects this line and clears it. The issue I am having is that it selects more the the range that it is coded for and for the life of me I don't understand why. This is the code,

Sub DelLastRowCols()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim yourPassword As String
yourPassword = "pswrd"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Data").Visible = True


The Sheet "Hrinput" is the data input page, the sheet "data" is a seperate worksheet where all the data is kept. Currently this code will find the first used row from the bottom (row 478) but it will clear columns A- V of that row, not the A:F as defined. This range (A-F) is one of 5 set ranges, for 5 different data areas, on the same "Data" page. So when this macro runs it clears the data for the other 4 areas.

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