Unlocking Locked Cells Based On Other Cell Text

Jul 5, 2012

I need to unlock and lock certain cells when other cells have data entered.

I also need to enforce in the unlocked cells a minimum value.

In my worksheet i have the below requirement

Initially Cells C6 and 7 are unlocked and Cells C5, 8 and 9 are locked

1. Cell C6 must have a value entered greater than or equal to 50, when this value is entered I need to unlock cells C5 and C9 and lock cell C7
2. Cell C7 must have a value entered greater than or equal to 50, when this value is entered I need to unlock cells C5 and C8 and lock cell C6

I also need to unlock cells C15 and 16 when C13 has "Yes" selected in the drop down menu.

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Macro Is Unlocking Locked Cells

May 7, 2008

I'm using three different workbooks for the macro I've designed. The macro works exactly as I planned it would, but I'm getting a curious side-effect of running the macro. I have over 5,000 workbooks that I need to open, unprotect, change (mostly by copy/paste), and reprotect. It's a fairly straight forward macro, but it is my first, and I must be overlooking something. When the macro is complete, cells that were not modified via the macro in any planned/anticipated way are being unlocked. This has left me puzzled and frustrated. The files are opened, unprotected, the cells are copied over as planned, reprotected, and closed/saved. Everything works perfectly, but the cells in parts of the workbook (Filename) (which were locked before the macro ran) have been unlocked and are no longer protected when the workbook is reprotected. Again, these cells were not within the ranges modified, and I'd rather not have to format every cell in every one of the 5 sheets of (Filename) to be locked.

File names are:
"Finished Goods Inventory TREE (ToDMSI).xls" (alias: Workfile - sheet providing file path to be updated)
"Random_workbook_selected_from_previous_filename.xls" (alias: FileName - the copy-to file being updated)
"MACRO TEST BOM Master.xls" (the copy-from file always open)

Comma Delimited table layout in "Finished Goods Inventory TREE (ToDMSI).xls":
Col A, Col B, Col C, Col D
Customer ID,Item Code,File Name, Directory

Here's the

Public FileName

Public Workfile

Public ItemCode

Public CustCode

Sub OpenBOMSeq()

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Need Cells Locked Based On Text In One Cell

Aug 7, 2012

What I'm trying to do has been done before, However, all of the Code i am seeing online is not working for me...so maybe i'm missing something

I want a range of cells to remain locked unless SCP is entered. I need this done for four different selections (SCP, SD, MM, PP)

So if SCP is entered, then a certain range of cells remains locked, If SD is entered then another range of cells remains locked, so on and so forth for the 4 selections.

This was what I was working with.... However, i am not sure if i need to protect or unprotect the spreadsheet before i run the macro, also am i supposed to leave all cells locked or unlocked?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [B3] = "SCP" Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("PASSWORD")


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Locking And Unlocking Range Based On Another Cell

Jan 29, 2007

I have copied from another post (here I believe) and modified for my situtation. I simply want a range of cells K13:U13 to stay locked unless there is an X in H13. This will repeat on down the spreadsheet, ie. K14:U14 will stay locked unless there is a X in H14. Using the script I found it seems to be working unless you go back and change one of the X's to a blank. The range stays unlocked.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim strName As String
Dim strRange As String
strName = Me.Range("H13")
If strName = "" Then
Me.Cells.Locked = True
Me.Range("H13").Locked = False
End If
strName = Me.Range("H14")
If strName = "" Then
Me.Cells.Locked = True
Me.Range("H14").Locked = False
End If..................................

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Entering Text In A Locked Cell

May 29, 2014

I have worksheet that contain values in column E and G and the total in column K. E and G are unlocked for manual input and column K contains the formula for the total and is locked. From time to time a certain row will not be applicable and before I started locking the cells in column K i would just put "not applicable". Now that it's lock I can't do that. My only option now is to put O in column E and G but I would rather put "not applicable" in column K. Is there a way around this. I was thinking of something along the line of a macro that would unlock the worksheet input the text and re lock it. The macro would have to lunch when a locked cell is selected or have a button that would launch the macro an would prompt for which cell the text would be entered. Is this possible.

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Conditional Unlocking Of Cells

Oct 25, 2007

I have had a look around and found some answers to this question but not quite as complex and I don't know enough to adapt them correctly.

Basically AX35:AX239 contain a formula which returns "TRUE" or "FALSE" dependant on certain values in the row, what I need is for the corresponding H, I & J cells to be unlocked on each row if the outcome is "TRUE" and no action if "FALSE".

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Unlocking/Locking Cells With A Button

Oct 22, 2008

The process that will be used is that, I would set up the sheet every month and send it to a data entry person. Then they would send it back to me, and i would send it to certain people for approval. Once they respond with approval I then send it back to the data entry person for filing.

I'm hoping to create a button that will "flip" a switch to to speak.

When I send it to the data entry person the first time, I need certain cells locked and unlocked.

When I send it to the people for approval I need the whole thing locked as well as for when I send it back to the data entry person for filing.

I know how to do this manually, but my issue is that every time I need to send it back to the data entry person at the beginning of the month I have to go over every data entry cell and set it up so that when I lock the sheet they stay unlocked.

So that's where the button would come in...it could even be 2 buttons...Data Entry Locking and then a full Sheet Locking...I would need each password protected too.

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Dragging Cells Changes Range In Formula Of Locked Cell?

Feb 19, 2014

I have a workbook with multiple sheets interacting with one another. On one of them the user is prompted to make lists of expenses in multiple columns. The column labels are in row one, and row two has the sums of all the cells below. I have every sheet in the workbook protected, so that only the cells that need to be modified are unlocked. The problem is that the user can drag cells around and change the range of the functions in row two (locked cells).

For example, A2 has the function =sum(A3:A100). But if the user drags the values in A3:A5 to A6:A8, the formula in A2 changes to =sum(A6:A100). Is there anyway that I can allow the user to drag cells (this could be a useful feature), but keep the formulas in the second row fixed?

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Cell To Clear Contents Of Group Of Locked Cells?

Feb 22, 2013

I have created a worksheet with many calculations based on user input into several unlocked cells. I would like to create a cell that when selected, would clear the contents of this group of unlocked cells.

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Variable Locked Cells Dependant On Cell Change

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet more secure to prevent unintentional changes.

What i'm looking to do is to lock all cells so no changescan be made unless the user clicks column A.

Column A should remain unlocked and when the user clicks it i would like the entire row unlocked for editing (but only after column A is clicked)

I will run a macro to lock the entire sheet again once the sheet closes.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Protect Worksheet (Unlocking Certain Cells)

Feb 24, 2014

I have a sheet witch has a number of tick boxes and depending on the response a number of hidden rows may open to allow further info to be recorded, how do I protect the sheet in excel 2003 as unlocking certain cells & protecting the sheet will not work.

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Locked Cells :: Change The Cell Color On The Click Of A Command Button

Mar 1, 2010

i want the user to be able to change the cell color on the click of a command button. the worksheet is protected. when the user click the command button the active cell changes to red and offsets by 1. then the work sheet is locked again.

The two problems I am having is 1. I want the range to begin from row 10, column k to column FD. all cells down

the second problem is the current code allows me to edit locked cell columns A to J ...

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Unlocking A Cell To Edit It

Feb 22, 2008

i have an excel sheet that has a cell with a formula in it. This cell has been locked by the previous user.

I am unable to click on it and it because it is showing a #NAME? error, i need to edit it somehow. Is there some way i can edit it?

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VBA Code Not Unlocking Cell

Jun 7, 2014

I have this code:

Private Sub WorkSheet_Activate()
'Open workbook and default all main page dynamic data
Application.EnableEvents = False
With Worksheets("MAIN")
.Range("F3").Value = ""
.Range("O5,T5, F6") = ""


It is triggered when protected worksheet "MAIN" is activated. EnableEvents=False prevents any worksheet change triggers as cells are defaulted. Ranges F3. O5, T5, and F6 are cleared. Rows 5 and 6 are hidden (to be revealed again in later code).

Cell F3 is a cell in which user input is required via a validation list. Since the worksheet is protected, it is necessary to unlock range F3 to allow the user to enter data in the cell. EnableEvents is set backto true to allow the worksheet change to trigger when the user enters data in F3.

I am receiving an 'Application-defined or object-defined error' with the line highlighted in red above. (the line that is supposed to unlock cell F3)

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Unlocking Cell After Macro Runs

Dec 17, 2009

I have a macro in my worksheet that runs as a change event on certain comment cells. This macro unprotects the worksheet, expands the merged comment cell that just change, and re-protects the worksheet. The cell expansion works great. When I re-protect the worksheet all of the cells work correctly, except the cell that was just changed. Any other "unlocked" cell in the document stays unlocked after the protection is applied, but the cell that just changed becomes locked. I need this cell to remain unlocked to allow the user to update the comments. Here is my full

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Gathering Sum Of Cells Based On Text In Adjacent Cell?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a column of dollar amounts (variances) and next to each is the shift they belong to.

I am looking to get a break down of the variances for each shift.

Attached is an example of what it looks like.

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Gathering The Sum Of Cells Based On The Text In The Adjacent Cell

Jan 15, 2010

I have a column of dollar amounts (variances) and next to each is the shift they belong to.

I am looking to get a break down of the variances for each shift.

Attached is an example of what it looks like.

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Restrict Cells Text To X Characters Based On Corresponding Cell

Apr 14, 2009

I'm am trying to restrict the length of data that can be entered into a cell based on a drop down in that row. I have achieved this, but what I need to be able to do is use data validation to restrict the cell length to one of two values - so for example the length can only be 6 OR 9 characters long.

I cant see how to do this. At present the best I can do is rectrict to between 6 and 9 - but this would allow 7 and 8 which is not allowed.

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Conditional Formating: Highlight Cells Based On Text Of Another Cell

Aug 28, 2009

I have created a drop down box that allows me to choose multiple different Text Options. Example: Cell B4 has dropdown that lets me choose the Text Options, "House", "Car" and "Truck".

Next, I have 5 or so other columns underneath with their own text. What I want to do is have different cells highlight themselves depending on what is in Cell B4.

Example, if "House" is selected in B4, I want cells B7 and B9 to highlight. If "Car" is selected, I want cells B7, B8, and B10 to highlight. If "Truck" is highlighted, I want cells B9-B11 to highlight. Is this possible to do? I've tried using If/Then statements, but those don't seem to work for this type of thing.

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How To Copy Row With Formula In Locked Cells And Insert Copied Cells In Protected Sheet

Mar 29, 2014

Have you ever copy a row with formula in locked cells & insert it in a protected worksheet?

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Protect Certain Locked Cells From Editing And Allow Certain Unlocked Cells To Be Changed On Multiple Worksheets?

Jan 31, 2014

1.I need to protect certain locked cells from editing and allow certain unlocked cells to be changed on multiple worksheets.

2.When all of the changes are made to the unlocked cells, I need to password protect the entire workbook (except one worksheet) from any changes. (i.e. Prevent even the unlocked cells from being edited)

3.I also need a password to un-protect the workbook and return it to the state described in # 1. above .

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Conditional Formatting To Colour One Cell Based On Text From Range Of Cells?

Oct 22, 2013

what i would like to do is change the fill colour of D68 if the word Air appears with in D5:D65?

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Formatting And Adding Text To Cell Based On Multiple Cells

May 31, 2013

I'm using Excel 2007. I would prefer to stay away from the scripting side of the house if possible. This is basically a 3 day forcast weather chart. The top is the actual weather data, the bottom portion is a color coded reflection of how the weather affects various things.

This product is created in excel, but will be embedded into a powerpoint. It will be updated daily. Here is what I would like. I want the color chart at the bottom to update automatically based on the data I enter above. I have a grasp that I can update the color through conditional formatting, although im not exactly sure what that will look like with all of those cells.

I also figured out that I can insert the letters in those lower cells with something similar to " =IF(C6>90, "T", "") " which would put in a 'T' for Temperature when the temperature got above a certain degree.

I run into a problem when I have multiple factors affecting a single cell. For instance on the example in day 2 of my image. Personnel are affected by Temperate AND UV Index. How would I set up that cell to pull that information from both of those cells and display it accordingly? I would prefer the letters to stay separated by the comma, but I could live without that. The default cell color will be green, with the potential to be yellow or red. I left a few examples of possible situations on day 2 and 3.

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VBA To Clear Contents Of Cells And Keep Some Cells Locked

Jan 25, 2010

I have written this code to clear the contents of certain cells, lock the content of others and protect the sheet again it works on sheet1 but not on sheet 7. This is suppose to happen when the Print button on my sheet is clicked.

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Jumping Locked Cells

Oct 21, 2008

kindly help in jumping locked cell in a proteced worksheet..

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Check Locked Cells

Nov 6, 2008

Sub PastSpec()
If Selection.Locked = True Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo ErrHan
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Exit Sub
End Sub
I recorded part of it and adapted it afterwards. You will notice I have a line to check for locked cells, this does its job if the cell selected is locked. However if the cell selected is unlocked and the cell below is locked the code still excutes and pastes.

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Can't Click Hyperlink In Locked Cells

Jun 10, 2013

Any way to make it so that a cell can remain locked but be able to click a hyperlink? I need the cell to remained locked so nobody can alter the hyperlink name and value but I would like users to be able to click it and have it open in their browser.

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Locked Cells Have Changed Formatting

Jan 23, 2014

On an excel document that was originally formatted as a number and then locked, somehow users have changed the formatting to a date. I think it is an accident, but I can't figure out how they are doing it. I have several data files on a server where several offices have access to them to input data and somehow formatting gets changed sometimes, even when locked.

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Locked Cells With VBA And Ability To Filter

Oct 23, 2008

how to create two buttons so that I can have a data entry specific protection and then a lock all button. Here's the link to the thread:


And here's the code I'm currently using:

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Select Locked Cells In 2000

Jun 15, 2009

I've created quite a few workbook/worksheets in excel 2007 compatibility mode that are data entry intensive. When protecting these worksheets, you have the option of allowing the user to "select locked cells". I invariably uncheck this option because the user doesn't need to interact with these cells.

However, several of my users are running Excel 2000 and the same option is not available when one protects a worksheet in Excel 2000. Is there a way to do that in VBA for these Excel 2000 users such that when they click on a locked cell, the cursor will not respond to that cell?

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