UserForm Name Not Recognized Could Not Find The Specified Object
Mar 11, 2008
I have a code that runs when I open the workbook. It asks if this is a new quote, if it is it should then open userform1. The problem is that sometimes when I click yes I get a "Path/File access error" popup, and then a VBA error box with "Run-time error '75' Could not find the specified object".
When i debug, it highlights the line ""
IF i end, and then run it from within VBA it will then run fine.
Sometimes when I open the workbook it will just crash excel, and when I reopen it, it runs fine.
Simple code -
Sub Workbook_Open()
answer = MsgBox("Is this a new quote?", vbYesNo)
If answer = vbNo Then
I know there is something I am missing here and I can't really find the solution I need in past threads. I have a macro that calls about three macros in a row, then once it has done those tasks, I want it to show a particular userform using the statement. However, when it comes to show the userform I get an error saying that it cannot find the specified object? This is quite frustrating and I think I fixed it in another part a while ago, but I can't remember how.
I created in module custom toolbar with a button, see the
Option Explicit Public ctrlGUI As CommandBarControl Sub CreateToolbar() Dim cb As CommandBar On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Cust").Delete On Error Goto 0 Set cb = Application.CommandBars.Add( Name:="Cust", temporary:=True) With cb .Visible = True Set ctrlGUI = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, temporary:=True) With ctrlGUI .FaceId = 3205 .Style = msoButtonIcon .............
1) i have office 2003 on a laptop. within powerpoint, i can create a 'microsoft excel chart 11' object. to create a link to the excel data source, do i have to go through the odbc sql setup? it works, but i don't want my powerpoint to be dependent on some excel file somewhere. what are the other options to insert/make a functional pivot chart in powerpoint with the data also within powerpoint? the data as sheet option does not result in the chart being a pivot, it's just a plain chart. it has to be a proper object, not an image paste or a chart that updates links with the excel file open.
2) i have office 2007 on my other laptop. i can not find any suitable object to choose from to make a pivot chart in powerpoint. what's the best way to go about in 2007 version?
3) am i going about this the wrong way with the objects? should i be after vba code?
I have been trying to setfocus to any other object on my userform with absolutely no luck at all?
In the code below I open a dialog box to import a text file (with CommandButton1), if no file is selected the user is prompted, this works fine. However it leaves focus to the textbox and the user would have to click on some other object and re-enter the textbox to open the dialog box again.
I was just trying to work around a problem with multiple UserForms in project. I have assigned Object variables oUserForm1 and oUserForm2 to represent UserForms of specific names.
VB: Dim oUserForm1 As Object Dim oUserForm2 As Object
Set oUserForm1 = VBA.UserForms.Add("Data" & CStr(X)) oUserForm1.Y = Y
[Code] .....
When oUserForm1 shows new data are inserted and another macro runs with a line to hide the opened UserForm. In my project manager this user form name is i.e. Data1 (for x = 1), but the syntax Data1.Hide returns error. After that line it ask me to close the TOP most modal UserForm.
But When I use Me.Hide all works well.
My question is: Does VBA not see the name of the userform ("Data1") because I have used the oUserForm1 variable to give it a focus to it?
I have a userform that has a lot of textboxes that are formatted as date fields. Some of them have a default value and are locked=true, enabled=false. For those ones I have a checkbox next to them so the user can unlock and enable the textbox if they so desired.
Well the checkboxes and textboxes have a similar naming scheme, but are not numeric (they are not CheckBox1, CheckBox2, etc). As an example they one grouping is Cust1RelExpUnlock (this is the checkbox) and Cust1RelExpDateBox (this is the textbox). The difference in their name is the last portion (Unlock or DateBox).
Now when the checkbox is selected the code I want looks something like this:
Code: Private Sub Cust1RelExpUnlock_Click()UnlockDateBox Cust1RelExpUnlockEnd Sub
Where UnlockDateBox is the function I'm having difficulty with and is supposed to be generic enough to work on any grouping assuming my naming scheme is consistent.
Using a combination of the Left() and Len() functions I can get the unique aspects of the name. Then concatenate it with "DateBox" as required. However I'm getting type mismatch errors, or object required erros. I tried various combinations of Dim _____ As Object, As Control, As Textbox... with no success.
I'm getting the correct name as a string, how do I make it work so I can reference the textbox.enabled/.locked?
Code: Private Sub UnlockDateBox(Ck) Dim CkDate As Control 'Tried control, textbox, object Set CkDate = ProjectInputForm.MultiPage1.Object ' tried just using ProjectInputForm, and Object Dim CkName As String
I have a userform with 10 rows of data with 8 colums in each row... I am trying to figure out how to dynamically address the object names (ie Textboxes).
Short and simply let's say I have 10 Text boxes named textbox1, textbox2, textbox3, etc
I want to address them in a loop as follows
Private Sub Clear_Fields() Dim field As Object For x = 1 To 10 field = "textbox" & LTrim(Str(x)) field.Value = "1" Next x End Sub Obviously I'm missing something here as I get the error Object Variable or With Block Variable not set
In design mode on my UserForm, I have an object on top of all other objects (it's hidden until a button is clicked). That's how I designed it and it was working fine when I ran the form. Now, when I run the form and click the button, the object appears at the bottom below all other objects. I've tried closing Excel & re-opening it, setting the ZOrder in design mode and in the CommandButton code--nothing works. If I did do something to cause this--I have no idea what it was. I've been moving and re-sizing some objects, but not adjusting the ZOrder.
I have been working on large project using Excel VBA for several days. My code seems to be working correctly, but I have more to do and now, when I drag an object from the toolbox onto a UserForm, the object is not added to the list of objects on the form. If I go back to versions of the project that I was working on several days ago, there is no problem. If I run "Workbook Rebuilder", the objects that I have dragged onto the form are then added to the object list, but I still can't add new objects to forms from within the VBA editor. Is the project corrupted, or is there some other explanation, and are there any fixes? The code runs about 50 pages, and there are over 20 forms, so redoing from scratch is only a last resort option.
I am trying to run a macro that i have copied from another workbook (which works fine) and when i try to run the macro i am getting a 'compile error' which says "Can't Find Object or Library" and takes into VB editor which highlights the word "Trim", which is part of a formula. What does this mean? I can't understand why the same macro will work in another workbook but not in this one. Below is the full code, I would have attached the workbook but it would not work for you as it opens and saves files that you would not have. Hopefully someone can understand from the code.
I added this code to a userform initialize & now I get a message ' can't find object or library '. Which library do I have to activate in Tools, References.
Dim x As Integer ComboBox1.AddItem "0" For x = 1 To 20 Step 1 ComboBox1.AddItem Format(x, "0") Next x ComboBox1.Value = Sheet2.Range("E1").Value ComboBox2.AddItem "0" For x = 2 To 90 Step 2 ComboBox2.AddItem Format(x, "0") Next x ComboBox2.Value = Sheet2.Range("E2").Value
The word Format is highlited in userform initilize.
I am trying to find particular text in a cell then format adjacent cells in the same row. In my code below I am trying to search for "*[Tx]*" using Like, however this is formatting all text that contain "T".
I have a worksheet used for scheduling. When a members time is updated, it updates the counting cell for that time by subtracting 1 (thats simplified, the forumla is more complex than that).
I have five teams and five workbooks for each team to do it's own scheduling. In just ONE workbook, the Worksheet_Change() event has stopped executing. It's fine in the others. I renamed the workbook to archive it then put another workbook in it's place and now that one works just fine.
The workbook that I've archived, I hate doing that not knowing what would cause the Worksheet_Change() to stop being recognized. There is no code on the sheet or related to the sheet that would stop it or cause events to be cancelled.
I wanted to know if there is some secret keystroke combination that may have been inadvertently clicked that would cause events to firing or stop being recognized?
I have created an Excell Add-In file (.xla). I just can't seem to get the procedures to be recognized and/or run. I have even created a custom menu based on the following tip:
When loading Excel will add the menu to my main tool bar. What is frustrating is that when trying to run one of the subroutines from the new menu item, I constantly get "The macro 'spreadsheetname.xla!macroname' macro cannot not be found'
I've checked the security settings and have verified that all add-ins are to be 'trusted' and I've lowered macro security to low. All of the subroutines have been declared as public as well. My suspicions are that there is some setting somewhere that is causing issues, but I just can't seem to think of what it is.
I have a text box within a chart tab which is populated with text values from a worksheet within the workbook. That part works fine however i want to be able to achieve the following example:
Current Text: Component Name - Notes
if there are notes against the component name i want the name to remain in black and the notes to change to blue
Aim: Component Name - Notes
If there arn't any notes then for the component name and the "-" to change to a light shade of grey
Aim: Component Name -
There are 26 components, each on their own lines in the textbox so im thinking either a loop where the cell reference is variable eg. ("CY" & i) or using the .find with a variable.
My code so far is:
Code: Sub Chart_Notes_NTCA() Dim i As Long, j As Long, Counted As Long, Total As Long Dim Ans As String, Notes As String Dim Cht As Chart
I have a system that exports start and finish times into a single cell as text (eg 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM)
I am trying to do a simple count of how many shifts start before 7:00 AM, or finish after 6:00 PM, and am using the text function to extract the individual time into another cell.
My problem is that i cannot get this cell to be recognised as a time instead of text? I do a simple "is this cell less than another cell" but it tells me no, even though the time is 5:00 AM.
I defined two custom buttons in Workbook_Open() function:
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim cb As CommandBar Dim ctrlInit As CommandBarControl Dim ctrlComp As CommandBarControl On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Project").Delete On Error Goto 0 Set cb = Application.CommandBars.Add( Name:="Project", temporary:=True) With cb .Visible = True Set ctrlInit = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, temporary:=True) With ctrlInit .FaceId = 68 .Style = msoButtonIcon .Caption = "Retrieve Template Types"............
In Module1 I must to turn ".enable" properties to Turn, but Excel don't recognize these variables there.
I am exporting data to Excel from a 3rd party application - the bulk of which are date entries. For some reason they do not come across as date fields in the cells, and you need to double-click on each cell to correct it. For instance if I try to filter the dates straight after the export to Excel, the cell entries are not recognised.
Anyway, I managed to get around this by running a macro on each column, e.g. for column C:
After doing a search, I need to ask an Excel 2003 question. I'm creating a tool to open three sparate workbooks. One is the driver and I need to use it to pull data from the second and then to place that data along with additional data into the third.
My driver data may consist of a single value or multiple values separated by semi-colons in a cell. A single value works fine. The first value in a multi-value condition works fine. the second find, however, gives me an object error. I'm using the " split" verb to separate the values. Here's my code. Have you any idea why the second find is throwing up this error when the first find works correctly?
varData = Split(strRef, ";", -1) For J = 0 To UBound(varData)
varSrchVlu = Trim(varData(J)) ' do the ARIS Exrtact matching Workbooks(strManualFile).Activate Workbooks(strARISExtract).Activate ' Activate ARIS Extract Sheets("Processes").Cells(2, 1).Activate Workbooks(strARISExtract).Sheets("Processes").Range("A2").Select Workbooks(strARISExtract).Sheets("Processes").Columns("A:A").Select
I have a .csv file with measurements. I can open it in excel, and have succeeded in make 3 separate columns from it and save as an .xlsx file. But the problem is I still can't do calculations with the data. it are all values from a form like "-3.44e-07" but excel recognizes this as text. I don't have a green triangle in the corner and multiplying by 1 doesn't work.
Apparently i can use them as numeric values in MATLAB, but I don't know how to do this in excel. And I have 9 files like this, each containing 3 columns and 600 rows, so changing all the cells one by one is no option.
I use the dutch language version of excel so I hope I translate the specific names of things in excel correctly.
The following simple formula was written in Excel version 97. when I try to use it on a newer version (03) it does not seem to recognise it as a formula? =IF(F66="yes",1,IF(F66="N/A",1,0))
Hopefully this isn't too vague, but almost every project I've worked on so far has not recognized Public variables in all modules. I've constantly been searching for exceptions to this rule that could be contributing to this issue but haven't been successful.
I have read a million times that declaring a variable as Public makes it visible to all modules and preserves the value throughout. I've also read that if you edit code or reset your project, the values may be lost. I also know that if you try to use a variable before you give it a value (or for object variables set it = to something), it doesn't have a value yet. But all this applied, I'm still not getting Public variables to be consistently recognized or stay with the value I want them to have throughout the lifetime of my project (while the workbook is open)
My specific current issue (one of many so far) is that I have 4 command buttons within a worksheet object. Each triggers a different group of procedures, some of these are user forms. In the first button, I create two worksheets one to contain the current fiscal period "Options" the other for "Summary" of all the totals etc... (all financial data). In this first userform, triggered by the button, I allow the user to name these worksheets: like Summer2007Options or Summer2007Summary and I declare these publically as object variables OptSheet and SumSheet. These variable names and sheets are recognized for the next 2 buttons but now that I'm on the fourth, I have object variable not set errors when I try to refer to this variable.
i have a number (%) in the cell B3, which excel doesn't recognizes as a number. Is there anything i can do "excel-wise", instead of manually rewriting the number in the cell, for excel to recognize it as a number. Changing it to a "number" or "percentage" in the cell format doesn't work.