Userform Listbox - Returning Selected Items

Feb 28, 2014

Returning items selected from a ListBox. I have a Multiselect Listbox with 15 items. Additionally, I have a worksheet with 15 columns (each one corresponding to the 15 ListBox items). I'm looking for code that will do the following:

After a user selects values from the ListBox (can be more than 1, thus the Multiselect), I would like for "TRUE" to appear in row 2 of the worksheet for each column. (IE: Column A is for Bikes, if a user selects "Bikes" from the ListBox and hits a CommandButton, I would like for A2 to say "TRUE".

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Add Selected Items From One ListBox To Another On UserForm

Feb 27, 2014

I have a (MultiSelect) ListBox1 that is populated with Customer Names for the user to select from. I want the user to be able to hit the CommandButton1 adjacent to the ListBox1, and the selected Customers copy into/get added to the ListBox2.

I have the following code, adapted from other code, but it is not working:

[Code] ........

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Insert Count Of Items Selected In Listbox In Userform Into A Cell

Jan 29, 2013

I would like to insert the count of items selected in a listbox in a Userform into a cell. I have been scowering the internet and all of the solutions seem pretty clunky (or don't work).

An alternate way that I could do this is if I have the values selected be entered into a column and then I can use the =count() formula, but I can't figure out how to do that either...

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Retrieve Selected Items In Listbox

Dec 5, 2007

I have a listbox with several items selected. Is there a way to automatically show the selected items in the worksheet (as values in cells)?

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Can't Populate Array With Selected Items From Listbox

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to take selected items from a listbox and put the selected items into an array. Basically I am trying to put the selected items into a variable that I can pass to other modules. I am close but something is off. I can't tell if it's the variable declaration or the code.

I get Run Time error 91. Object variable or with block variable not set

Here's what I have so far...

[Code] ......

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Listbox Move Selected Items To Another Worksheet

Jul 3, 2007

I have listbox of information set up to have a user choose several items. I want the items to then transfer to another worksheet. I am using the code I found here:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim lItem As Long
For lItem = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(lItem) = True Then
Sheet2. Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2, 1) = ListBox1.List(lItem)
ListBox1.Selected(lItem) = False
End If
End Sub

But it is only moving The first item in a column, instead of all the columns of information. What do i do to get it to move all the information??

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Deselect Selected Items In MultiSelect ListBox

Jan 22, 2008

When i tranfer my listbox content to sheet the selected item remain selected in listbox

Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 0 To Me.ListBox2.ListCount - 1
If Me.ListBox2.Selected(i) Then
j = j + 1
Worksheets("Workings"). Range("AA" & i + 2).Resize(1, 1).Copy Worksheets("Print").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
ListBox1.Selected(i) = False
End If
Next i

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Move Multiple Selected Items To Another Listbox

Feb 14, 2008

The following code populates a forms' second listbox (Elements_lbx) with True. No amount of diddling (by me) can get the selected items from form's first listbox (Content_lbx) moved over to the second. (NB. the list box isn't the standard VBA listbox but an open source: ListEX from Marco Bellinaso.)

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim lbx_Sel As Long
' loops through ListBox to test if it is selected
For lbx_Sel = 0 To Content_lbx.ListCount - 1
If Content_lbx.Selected(lbx_Sel) = True Then

Me.Elements_lbx.AddItem Me.Content_lbx.Selected(lbx_Sel)

'Clear the selected item
Content_lbx.Selected(lbx_Sel) = False
End If
End Sub

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Multi Select Listbox, Remove Selected Items.

Oct 25, 2009

i have a multi select listbox that i want to be able to remove the selected items in one hit.

i have not been able to convert code for removing single selected items and could not find a working example.

this is probley the closest though cos its removing items it plays havoc with the listcount

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Caption Multi Selected Items From Listbox To Label (One In Each Line)

Aug 9, 2014

I have a userform in excel....the listbox "listbox1" has over 1000 items....and i have a label "label5" also.

What i want is if I select for example 10 items from the listbox1 to be shown in the label5 directly....and of course if i select or deselect any item will be applied in the label

For example...selected items from listbox are;


the label will show me the same


Code while noting that the list box has many i want to select which column to be appeared in label.

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Indentify Selected Items In Multiple Multi Select ListBox Controls

Sep 26, 2006

changing two variables a various amount of times and running the same procedure and copying the resutls into another sheet. Seems like a perfect place for a macro. However, these variables can be chosen from a list that the user wants. So why not build in a listbox for each one. Now I have two listboxes one for variable A and one for variable B.

The procedure in theory goes something like this we change variable A from the base case and then run the procedure for variable B, get the results, then run the scenario again but changing only variable B abnd repeat. Then once, all of the variable B scenarios are done, I want to change the variable A and then repeat and so forth.

That is the background and my main problem at this point, is that have these values in two listboxes, I know how to do the for each loops and such, however, I do not know how to do them for values in the listbox.

How do I identify the values selected in the respective listboxes and then pull them so I only use them for the for each loop?

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Error Loading ListBox Row Items To Another UserForm

Dec 26, 2012

How to get a listbox to populate from a database sheet the code I am using to do this is posted here and it works great. My problem is now I want to get the Listbox1 results to populate my UserForm5 textboxes from the row selected in the ListBox1 of Userform4, but I am getting the error "variable not defined" and the "rw" gets highlighted. as seen in the code below it.

UserForm4 portion of the code that does the search of the sheet that holds the data

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim sFindText As String, sFirstAddr As String
Dim i As Long, lFindCol As Long, lCol As Long, lRow As Long
Dim rMyData As Range, rMySearchField As Range, cFound As Range
Dim vArray() As Variant

[Code] ......

Userform5 issue is this rw in red doesn't seam to be right

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
TextBox1.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 0) '
TextBox2.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 1) '
TextBox3.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 2)
TextBox5.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 3)

[Code] .........

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Print To PDF Selected Sheets From An UserForm Listbox

Jun 13, 2006

I have created a custom Menu (excel add-in) to make my work easy in excel. My problem is to print only selected sheets from Workbook in one PDF file, for that I've created a Userform with 2 listboxes, add sheet and print buttons. In the first listbox are listed all the sheets and in the second listbox are the sellected sheets to be printed. What I've succeded so far is to print selected sheets, but it creates one PDF file for each sheet, only if I put my code in workbook and not in Menu add-in (.xla file). As PDF Printer I use PDF reDirect Pro v2.

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Populate Separate UserForm From Row Of Selected Listbox Item

Oct 15, 2007

How do I populate a new userform from an entry selected in the listbox. The listbox only lists one item from the original table but I'd like to populate the new userform with related information from the same row.

I'd then like to save this information to a new sheet and store the original information on another sheet leaving the first sheet a table of information yet to be updated.

The attached workbook should make things clearer. The update button is the one in question.

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Return Row Index Of Selected Items In Multi Column Multi Select Listbox

Jun 30, 2014

I have a listbox with 8 columns. Multiselect is enabled, and it must stay this way. As part of my program, after the user presses a command button, I need to use the row indexes of the selected rows in order to copy the selected information into an array which is then placed in a different listbox, and then delete the items from the original list. Pseudocode of what I want to do:

[Code] .....

But my understanding is that .ListIndex does not work this way with multiselect listboxes. I've tried searching for a solution for a while, but I cannot find one.

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Transfer Chosen UserForm ListBox Items Into Worksheet Textbox As Comma Separated List

May 6, 2009

I want to select items in a listbox and transfer those items via command button in a textbox. The listbox is already filled. I have no idea how to realize that.

Attached is the form I created so far. I copied everything together and matched it up for me. It's probably not the best way but it works. I marked the section where I need help in yellow.

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Fill Range Of Cells With Text When Listbox Option Selected - Clear When Not Selected

Jul 25, 2014

I am using this code to hide or unhide rows of text on another sheet:

Sub ProcessSheet1ChangeOnCellJ7(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim sAddress As String
Dim sValue As String

'Get the address of the cell that changed without '$' signs
sAddress = Target.Address(False, False)


When the "Not Pursuing" list box option is selected (in cell "J7" or "J8" in Sheet 1) I need to add (or over-write) "Not Pursuing" to the range of cells in column "B" (in the "Tasks" sheet), but only for that particular Goal, meaning a limited range of cells in column "B". If the "Pursuing - Show All Tasks" option is selected for a Goal then these same cells need to be blank so that the appropriate person can enter their name into the cell.

The purpose for adding "Not Pursuing" automatically to these yellow highlighted cells is that it will facilitate filtering of tasks by individual in the "Tasks" sheet..

Again I have tried several times to upload a sample file and am unable to, which I know makes it more difficult to solve. (Is there some common mistake people make? I know it's an allowed format and is very small in file size....)

Code solution can be entered directly beneath:

If Target.Value = "Not Pursuing" Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tasks").Rows("29:29").EntireRow.Hidden = False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tasks").Rows("30:48").EntireRow.Hidden = True

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Transfer Items From One Listbox To Another Listbox

Dec 7, 2007

I cannot find this information anywhere else in this forum...

Does anybody know how to transfer an item from one list box to another using code, on the click of a button.
The list box with the information in is called 'Team_ListBox'The list box i am wanting to transfer to is called 'Starting_Team_ListBox'The button to do this task is called 'AddPlayer_team_Btn'

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Returning Value From VBA Listbox

Sep 27, 2007

I have a multiselct listbox on a userform displaying names of all the sheets in a workbook. I want to hide all of the selected names in the listbox on a commandbutton click.

The code showing how I'm populating the listbox initially and then the routine for hiding the selected sheet names is below:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Long
With ActiveWorkbook
For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count
lb_Hide_Sht.AddItem .Sheets(i).Name
lb_Unhide_Sht.AddItem .Sheets(i).Name
Next i
End With..............................

The problem I'm having is that the .Selected() array seems to be in a different order than the .List() array -- that is, if there are 3 sheets in the listbox, and the user highlights just the first one in the list, the program actually hides the last sheet.

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=sumproduct- Returning The Number Of Items

Feb 23, 2009

Im using the below formula -

=SUMPRODUCT(--(Jan!D9:D999 > 0)--(Jan!Y9:Y999="FALSE"))
But it keeps returning the number of items in JanD9:D999 > 0 , when i want the number of items in column Y which contain "FALSE" if D is greater than 0.

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Returning A Selected Filter Value

Feb 26, 2007

In Excel, I have a table which tracks current issues on equipment and I simply use autofilters to narrow down my search.

The data starts at cell A10 and I want to be able to have a cell, say A1 for example, that can reference the filter option selected.

For example, if I select a filter on column A, then select ABC001 to filter on all ABC001 entries, can I reference the filter selection so that cell A1 indicates the filter I selected and displays ABC001?

I am trying to make a very easy to understand sheet for directors and want to make it quick and easy.

I would prefer to do this in a formula driven manner rather than using macros if possible.

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Alphabetize Items In Listbox?

Feb 15, 2014

I am currently using the following code to populate two list boxes (lbUnitList, and lbPOList) on a userform:

How can I get the items in the lbUnitList to show in alphabetical order based on the data in Column 1?

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Preselect ALL Items In Listbox

Sep 17, 2009

I have a Listbox with a varying number of items in the list.
90% of the time the user will select all the items in the list.
Is there a way to have all the items preselected?
Then the remaining 10% can unselect.

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Move Items Up And Down In Listbox?

May 19, 2012

How can I move an item in a Listbox up or down. This is how the listbox is populated:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim lbtarget As MSForms.ListBox
Dim rngSource As Range


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Moving Items From One Listbox To Another?

Oct 1, 2013

I have 2 list boxes on a from with data in each list. I've been able to get items to move from listbox1 to listbox2, but I want the item to be deleted from listbox1 once it's moved...and vice versa. Here is the code I'm using. .

Private Sub DeleteButton_Click()
If ListBox2.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
If Not cbDuplicates Then


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Using VBA To Extract ListBox Items

Nov 6, 2013

I'm trying to create a module that will take selections from an activeX Listbox on a Sheet called Setup and transfer them to another sheet called Lists. On the Lists sheet, I want to store the selected items in cell L2 and down. So for example, if there were 4 items selected from the Listbox, cells L2:L5 would be populated with those values.

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Deselect Items In Listbox

Sep 27, 2009

I can't seem to get my listbox to deselect an item. When the user clicks on a day of the week in the listbox, they are given a yes/no option to print the sheets for the day selected. If they select no and change their mind, they cannot click on the same day of the week without first cancelling the listbox and re-opening it.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim myarray As Variant
myarray = Split("Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday", "|")
ListBox1.List = myarray
End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
Call PrintRoutine(ListBox1.Value)
End Sub....................

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Move ListBox Items Up & Down

Oct 18, 2007

I have a list of items across 4 rows. It is a single select, not a multi-select list.

Row 1 is a Unique ID (1 to nth), Row 2 is a description, Row 3 is a Number Value for one requirement and Row 4 is a number value for another requirement. I have a listbox which captures the range and displays the data in a multi-column format. I want the user to have the ability to move records up or down in the order. I know you can do this for individual items in a colum using list index, but list index does not like to capture rows.

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Find And Select Items In Listbox

Apr 25, 2014

I've got two listboxes

Listbox1 has

Listbox2 has

If someone clicks "A" in listbox1, I want to select "1" & "4" in listbox2.
If someone clicks "B" in listbox1, I want to select "2" & "3" in listbox2.

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Refresh ListBox Items And Sort

Jun 18, 2014

I can get this to display in my listbox however when I add a new line to the range it won't refresh the list unless I reload the form it is on. I am also looking to see if it is possible to sort a list when it is displayed in this fashion.

[Code] ....

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