Userform To Use 2 Comboboxes To Hide Sheets
Jun 6, 2013
Let's say I have Sheet1-Sheet6. I also have combobox1 (with item 1, 2, & 3 as the list items) & combobox 2 (with items 1 & 2 as the list items).
If combobox1 = 1 & combobox2 = 1 then hide Sheets 2,3,4,5,6
if combobox1 = 1 & combobox2 = 2 then hide Sheets 1,2,4,5,6
If combobox1 = 1 & combobox2 = 3 then hide sheets 1,2,3,4,6
If combobox1 = 2 & combobox2 = 1 then hide sheets 1,3,4,5,6
If combobox1 = 2 & combobox2 = 2 then hide sheets 1,2,3,5,6
If combobox1 = 2 & combobox2 = 3 then hide sheets 1,2,3,4,5
I would like to also make both of these combo boxes required fields and to default text to say 'Select One...'
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Apr 15, 2008
I have a fairly elaborate close-down routine for my workbook.
1) Quit out of fullscreen (restore initial state of excel before saving)
2) Hide all sheets but one (enforces cant do anything unless macros enabled)
3) Automatically save without a prompt
4) Close the workbook
I've researched it well and implemented it to the point where it works, but only if the user clicks the excel application close button -- the "X" in the titlebar (hence not in fullscreen).
However, if I launch the process via a userform button click, then for some reason the
DisplayFullscreen = False, Sheets hiding, and save codes have no effect (fullscreen persists, sheets are not hidden, no file is saved) in the Workbook_BeforeClose() subroutine....
I repeat: all the above works fine if process was launched by "native" excel button, but does not have any effect if launched from a userform commandbutton. (?!?!) any ideas what's going on?
I'm including my code so you can get an idea how it's structured.... by it's pretty "by the forum" as far as I can tell...
Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
If(1) Then
'Method 1 - close directly from userform command button
With ThisWorkbook
'.RunAutoMacros (xlAutoClose)
End With
'Method 2 - set a timer to call a function to perform
' "ThisWorkbook.close" in a function outside of the userform
CustMenuCloseTimer = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
Application .OnTime CustMenuCloseTimer, "CustMenu_CloseAction"
End If
End Sub
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Jan 20, 2009
I have two comboboxes on a userform, they both get there list from the same formula. What I am trying to do is have the second combobox have it's selection preset based on the selection in combobox 1.
Combobox1 = 6:00 AM
when you click on the dropdown for combobox2 i would like 6:00 AM to be the first selection possible, but I dont want it displayed in the box unless it is selected.
Dim timdat1(1 To 85)
For i = 1 To 85
timdat1(i) = Format(TimeSerial(5, (i + 1) * 15, 0) - Int(TimeSerial(5, (i + 1) * 15, 0)), "h:mm AM/PM")
Next i
combobox1.List = timdat1
combobox2.List = timdat1
i am at a loss for where to go from here
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May 7, 2009
I have a userform that has a text box. If user puts a number in it and click on proceed the userform must expand and display that many comboboxes. for e.g. if user inputs 8 and then click on proceed then there should be 8 comboboxes on the form. Is it possible to do?
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Feb 17, 2007
I have a worksheet "Master Log" with a UserForm "UserForm2" set up that has 4 comboboxes and 2 text entries. I already have the filtered unique values for each combobox sent to columns "O" thru "R" and they are dynamic ranges. I have the code to populate one of the comboboxes in the userform but cant figure out how to modify the code to have all four populated without getting ambiguous entry errors. And also, do I have to initiate the form for each combobox? Below is the code Im using for a single combobox.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim MyUniqueList As Variant, i As Long
With Me.ListBox1
.Clear ' clear the listbox content
MyUniqueList = UniqueItemList(Range("o4:o100"), True)
For i = 1 To UBound(MyUniqueList)
.AddItem MyUniqueList(i)
Next i
.ListIndex = 0 ' select the first item
End With
End Sub
Private Function UniqueItemList(InputRange As Range, _
HorizontalList As Boolean) As Variant
Dim cl As Range, cUnique As New Collection, i As Long, uList() As Variant
On Error Resume Next
For Each cl In InputRange
If cl.Formula <> "" Then
cUnique.Add cl.Value, CStr(cl.Value)
End If
Next cl
UniqueItemList = ""
If cUnique.Count > 0 Then
Redim uList(1 To cUnique.Count)
For i = 1 To cUnique.Count
uList(i) = cUnique(i)
Next i
UniqueItemList = uList
If Not HorizontalList Then
UniqueItemList = _
End If
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function
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May 3, 2009
I have a userform with many comboboxes and textboxes and I am using the following code to empty those controls:
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Jun 4, 2008
The spreadsheet is essentially a VBA GUI that validates information entered before writing it to a sheet in the workbook. There is a button on the first sheet that opens the GUI, and when the workbook is first used the GUI opens and runs fine. After adding a few rows using the GUI, saving the workbook, and then reopening it, attempting to open the GUI by clicking on the button will cause Excel to crash (and no errors are given). To compound the problem, it is not possible to find the issue by using the debugger, as the GUI runs fine as soon as VisualBasic is opened. I've tried to narrow it down by using MsgBoxes to find the approximate location where the form crashes, and it seems to happen when the .ListIndex property of a ComboBox is set inside the UserForm_Initialise method. I've played around for days trying to narrow it down further, removing .ListIndex statements as much as possible without breaking the entire thing.
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Feb 20, 2012
I Have a sheet with 4 activex comboboxes and 3 text boxes. If the right item is selected in the second combo box a user form opens up. That has 4 text boxes. It has a command button titled ok that takes the information from the 4 text boxes and puts them in a sheet called data.
Private Sub cmbOK_Click()
With Worksheets("Data").Range("A1")
.Offset(1, 8).Value = Me.txtFirm.Value
I need a way for the above code to run when the ok button on the user form is clicked.
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Jun 29, 2006
I have three ComboBoxes. I need the choice of the first ComboBox to detirmine what is shown in the second and the choice in the second to detirmine what is shown in the third. The lists will be growing as users add items.
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Jun 12, 2006
Everything works fine except when I password protect the sheet. Then when the autofilter is used an error message is triggered and the error relates to the first range selected in the combobox code. However, the combobox itself works fine on the protected sheet as I included code to unprotect the sheet at the beginning of the code run by the combobox and reprotect it at the end.
Any advice suggestions gratefully received.
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Mar 23, 2014
This example workbook contains a datatable, which is inputted via a userform. The datatable has 4 columns: Date, Invoice no., Loads, Tonnage. This table is dynamic, as a new row gets entered each time data is entered in the userform. A different userform (the one in the example) has comboboxes which refer to the data in the table. This userform asks the user for the Date, Invoice no., Loads and Tonnage. I want to use comboboxes so that they will advise the input based on the users previous input.
The first combobox asks the user for a data, and should contain a list of all the unique dates that are stored in the table. When the first combobox is inputted, the list for the second combobox will change. The list of the second combobox should be a list of unique invoice numbers, based on the date that has already been entered. The 3rd and the 4th combobox should also show a list of unique values, based on the previously entered date and invoice no.
Example: The first combobox should advise the dates: 4-Nov-14 and 15-Nov-14. User chooses 4-Nov --> second combobox should advise unique invoice numbers based on chosen date: 1252 and 1311. User chooses 1152 --> 3rd combobox should advise unique values based on previous values: 3, 8 and 7. 4th combobox: 57, 23 and 47.
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Jul 15, 2013
I am trying to figure out a code where hides all sheets in "ThisWorkbook" veryhidden except the ones names "Template" and "Report" and "Product"
I tried with the code below but the debugger stops at the line highlighted in red. perhaps i am missing something in the code.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If Range("rReport").Value = "" Then
Cancel = True
[Code] .........
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May 14, 2014
I want activation of userform to hide worksheet, but as soon as the Userform is closed, the worksheet should show.
I have attached file to aid.
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Mar 15, 2014
How to hide a userform when press "ESC"
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Nov 17, 2008
What's the best way to hide controls on a userform? I have a userfrom with 2 datepicker one for start date and one for end date. I want them hidden until I use checkbox and check it to appear. I am using this code but nothing is work.
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Dec 29, 2006
I bet you're getting sick of the "X" questions, and I have done an exhaustive search but the search filter kills searching for (X) or 'X' or "X" .. but nothing I did find is what I am looking to do. I have any # of userforms that when you click the "X" in the top right side, it will hide the userform... once.. Is there a fix to the code below to make it do it every time its clicked?
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode <> 1 Then Cancel = 1
If CloseMode = 1 Then Cancel = 1
End Sub
Like I said, I don't want to disable it, I tried that off of one of the posts I found and thats just plain annoying, I just want it to hide the one userform and show the other. This will do it once and then you can click it all you want and it wont do anything.. see the annoying trait above.. this lasts until you exit the program.. so the X button can be hit repeatedly though out the day. The userform 15 is visible, userform 11 isn't shown, IE not behind userform 15.
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Jun 1, 2007
how to creat a userform with a button (1) to show anouther userform with a button (2). you click the button on 1 and it shows 2. then when you click the button on 2 and it shows 1. I'm having a problem with the second part.
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Oct 15, 2008
I am trying to get a code that will Hide ALL sheets (xlVeryHidden) except for "Meeting Minutes" and "Index"
I want to do it 2 ways.
1) User Click a button and it happens
2) Upon Exiting the Workbook it happens
I tried modifying a code that I had to Reveal sheets but I can get it to operate the other way:
Dim Sh As Worksheet
If Sheets("Meeting Minutes").Visible = True Then
End If
If Sheets("Index").Visible = True Then
End If
For Each Sh In Worksheets
Sh.Visible = xlVeryHidden
Next Sh
Sheets("Meeting Minutes").Select
End Sub
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Jan 31, 2014
I have got a Useform. I want on Sheet1 when i click on Userform button to open it ; then excel application should be hide and only userform should be show.
I do not want it on startup.
I have attached Excel worksheet with userform.
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Nov 16, 2009
I often have several workbooks open and shift from one to another. One of these contains a floating UserForm; and the trouble is that when I leave this workbook and shift to another one, the UserForm belonging to the first remains open and visible in the new workbook; and I cannot hide this nuisance. Within the same workbook, it’s easy to hide the Useform when shifting to another worksheet (through code for Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()). Is there something similar for when the whole workbook is deactivated?
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Feb 18, 2011
I'm trying to hide a number of objects in a userform when a checkbox is checked. The code I have is below.
If CheckBoxAnnualIncrease.Value = False Then
FrameRentIncrease.Visible = False
LabelYear1Rent.Visible = False
TextBoxYear1rent.Visible = False
LabelAnnualIncrease.Visible = False
[Code] .........
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Nov 29, 2006
I created a Userform on top of an excel files. The userform uses data contained in the excel file. When my users open this file, I would like them to only see the userform and not the excel file in the background. I have tried the following but it prevents the userform from working.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ThisWorkbook.Windows(1).Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Visible = False
End Sub
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Dec 13, 2006
I need some code that will do the following in a UserForm:
If option1 is selected = textbox1 is visible, textbox2/combo1 is hidden
If option2 is selected = textbox2 is visible, textbox1/combo1 is hidden
If option3 is selected = combobox1 is visible, textbox1/textbox2 is hidden
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Aug 7, 2008
I have a userform on a worksheet. Now, I open anothe workbook, the userform still stays on top of all the workbooks. However, if I open a new workbook(new instance of excel), then it does not show. I need the userform to be a part of the excel which I open. not for all workbooks.
Few comments before I complete: This was working as intended. All of a sudden, I messed up with the code and it burnt out. Secondly, the ShowModel of userform is set to False as I need to hide the workbook when userform opens. Hence, I cannot set that to true.
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Feb 20, 2014
I have a workbook with about 20 worksheets in it.
6 are visible
3 are hidden
the remaining are very hidden
I'm creating a "welcome" page to the workbook with instructions on how to update data. The data between the 20 sheets consists of pivot tables, charts and summary data. The Visible sheets are data for management's review (all protected). The 3 hidden sheets are pivot tables that the user needs to pull data from and the very hidden sheets are not to be seen by anyone.
In my "welcome" page, I added the instructions of how to update data, but wanted an area where I could assign a checkbox or button to click on for the user to unhide my 3 hidden sheets (say Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3). I do not want it to unhide my very hidden sheets. Then, when the information needed is retrieved from those sheets, I would like the user to use a checkbox or button to hide the 3 hidden sheets again. Is there a way to do this?
I tried creating custom view but couldn't do that because of the pivot tables (the option was disabled). I'm a beginner in VBA so don't even know how to begin.
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Nov 23, 2009
I have a workbook w/ 120+ sheets, and the first one is a table of contents, while each following sheet is a record sheet for one of 10 individuals. That is, sheets 2-8 are for Alice, 9-12 for Bob, 13-29 for Charles, etc. Individual names are in column C, sheet names are hyperlinked text in column A on the table of contents sheet.
I want to know how to hide all the sheets which are not meant for the individual based on the autofilter of Column C. If I select Alice as the autofilter criteria for Column C, I want all the sheets except the table of contents and her sheets 2-8 to be hidden.
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Jan 11, 2012
Im working across Multiple Sheets and trying to get the following working.
I want a an input by the user of "NO" in cell M11 on Sheet 1 of my workbook to hide rows 32 - 41 on Sheet 2 and not to hide them if the user keys in "YES"
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Oct 19, 2012
I have a workbook where each sheet is password protected. I'm trying to find some code that would unprotect each sheet, and hide rows 1-12 on each sheet, and then re-protect all sheets.
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Jul 19, 2008
I would like to hide all worksheets and chartsheets in a workbook. I use
For Each sh In Sheets
sh.Visible = xlSheetVisible
Next sh
but I think it breaks down for chart sheets. Any solutions?
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Feb 22, 2007
I need to hide all sheets appart from one sheet.
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