I created a Userform on top of an excel files. The userform uses data contained in the excel file. When my users open this file, I would like them to only see the userform and not the excel file in the background. I have tried the following but it prevents the userform from working.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ThisWorkbook.Windows(1).Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Visible = False
End Sub
I have got a Useform. I want on Sheet1 when i click on Userform button to open it ; then excel application should be hide and only userform should be show.
This is weird - if you delete a sheet that contained a control then
a. showing a modeless userform resluts in a userofrm that goes invisible at subroutine End b. public variables lose their value
These things do not happen if the sheet did not contain a control. Attached is an example file - put the inputfile.xls in your default file location (or add a path in the code) then open the ProblemDemo.xls and run the main macro to see it fal - isthis another Excelbug I've found?
Cells H1:AP1 has a range of data which each cell will either show True or False and are formula driven. Example H1 may show False but cell N1 may show True
I need to be able to hide those columns that show false using VBA.
When using 2013 Excel in the Home tab, line 1 is not visible. Using the File tab will show line one, but the Home title bar is unavailable. Toggling back and forth is not efficient. No one in this office has ever seen an Excel program not display a full page under the title bar in the Home tab.
I have 2 forms (A and B). Form B is initialized with values from a global array created in form A. When closing the B form it's still visible. I want it to dissapear.
The B form is opened from the A form
Private Sub cmd_ok_Click() frm_B.Show End Sub
When closing the B form it's still visible (modal)
'Within form B Private Sub cmd_cancel_Click() Unload Me End Sub
I have a workbook that opens full screen without any menus including the Worsheet Menu Bar. When the sheet opens the Title bars and Workshheet Menu Bars are visible at first and then the sheet jumps to full screen without either. I tried to prevent seeing this screen jump by surrounding my code for hiding
all menus & viewing full screen with- Application. ScreenUpdating= False Application.ScreenUpdating=True
This works in other sections of code as intented but has no effect here. Even though I realize this has no functional benefit, because I am already able to use the entire screen, I would like to find a way to hide this screen jump.
I have a before print event that shows a userform - the user can then select which worksheets they want printed and select a command button. I then have a loop set up that loops through the selected workbooks and prints them. The problem is I am not sure how to tell VBA to print without it going back to the Before Print event userform.
I am attempting to show a User Form during the forms Initialize code. I Load the form after extracting data from a SQL Server database. The code that Loads the form is returned to after the form closes. The problem is that when I run through the Initialize code where criteria decides whether the form is actually shown to the user. If the criteria is not met there are no issue, but if the criteria is met, then the form is opened and the rest of the Initialize code is not stepped through. As there are many If Then and a Select Case and a couple With...'s I need the rest of the Initialized code to be stepped through so after the form is closed by the user and the original code which Loaded the form is returned to I do not get an error.
Oh and the big problem is that I am not getting an error message during this, the Load code is actually repeated because when the original code is actually returned to is returned on the Load UserForm code.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Integer, Endofdata As Integer, wsheet3 As Worksheet, wbBook As Workbook Dim wsSheet As Worksheet, c As Variant, gTotal As Long, Score As String, g3000 As Long Dim gTotalAdd As Integer
On Error Goto ErrorHandler: Application. ScreenUpdating = False 'cmbIDCountry.ColumnCount = 2 Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook Set wsheet3 = wbBook.Worksheets("UpdateDetails") Set wsSheet = wbBook.Worksheets("Data") ....................
I created UserForm with one TextBox and "Close" Button. And it's works like a real-time search with my criteria. He is using AutoFilter to show what he found. And when I'm pressing Close Button the Focus isn't on Application, but on Hidden window (know because when I'm clicking alt+space form's menu shows).
To show window I'm using (running from hot-key):
DoCmd.OpenForm "UserForm1"
to hide
Private Sub CloseButton_Click() UserForm1.Hide End Sub
I have a userform where I have 2 comboboxes. The first combobox shows the the first column (only 1 of each) and the second comboBox shows me the secondary list that correlates to the valuse in the first from column B. Now I have a text box that I am trying to get the value from column C depending on what I have in the first 2 comboboxes. What is the easiest way to do it? This is all in VB since it is a UserForm, and using Vlookup seems to be too many lines if I go that route. Is there a way to use Index and Match in VB where it would be more efficient? I attached just a sample of how the data would be layed out in the Excel sheet.
What's the best way to hide controls on a userform? I have a userfrom with 2 datepicker one for start date and one for end date. I want them hidden until I use checkbox and check it to appear. I am using this code but nothing is work.
I bet you're getting sick of the "X" questions, and I have done an exhaustive search but the search filter kills searching for (X) or 'X' or "X" .. but nothing I did find is what I am looking to do. I have any # of userforms that when you click the "X" in the top right side, it will hide the userform... once.. Is there a fix to the code below to make it do it every time its clicked?
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode <> 1 Then Cancel = 1 UserForm15.Hide UserForm11.Show If CloseMode = 1 Then Cancel = 1 UserForm15.Hide UserForm11.Show End Sub
Like I said, I don't want to disable it, I tried that off of one of the posts I found and thats just plain annoying, I just want it to hide the one userform and show the other. This will do it once and then you can click it all you want and it wont do anything.. see the annoying trait above.. this lasts until you exit the program.. so the X button can be hit repeatedly though out the day. The userform 15 is visible, userform 11 isn't shown, IE not behind userform 15.
how to creat a userform with a button (1) to show anouther userform with a button (2). you click the button on 1 and it shows 2. then when you click the button on 2 and it shows 1. I'm having a problem with the second part.
I often have several workbooks open and shift from one to another. One of these contains a floating UserForm; and the trouble is that when I leave this workbook and shift to another one, the UserForm belonging to the first remains open and visible in the new workbook; and I cannot hide this nuisance. Within the same workbook, it’s easy to hide the Useform when shifting to another worksheet (through code for Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()). Is there something similar for when the whole workbook is deactivated?
I need some code that will do the following in a UserForm:
If option1 is selected = textbox1 is visible, textbox2/combo1 is hidden If option2 is selected = textbox2 is visible, textbox1/combo1 is hidden If option3 is selected = combobox1 is visible, textbox1/textbox2 is hidden
I have a userform on a worksheet. Now, I open anothe workbook, the userform still stays on top of all the workbooks. However, if I open a new workbook(new instance of excel), then it does not show. I need the userform to be a part of the excel which I open. not for all workbooks.
Few comments before I complete: This was working as intended. All of a sudden, I messed up with the code and it burnt out. Secondly, the ShowModel of userform is set to False as I need to hide the workbook when userform opens. Hence, I cannot set that to true.
Im copying and pasting data from one workbook to another but when I want to close the source workbook, it comes up with this message that I have much data and if I want to keep this in a clipboard. I thought I could disable this with Application.DisplayAlerts = False but when I do this, Excel freezes. Im I doing something wrong. How can I supress this window?
Public path As String Sub Get_data() path = "\Nlchoosa.nlOPS_Processes$OPS_ProcessesReports Sector performance" Workbooks.Open Filename:=path & "ReportsSector Performance Reporting week.xls" Range("A1").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Selection.copy Windows("Sector Performance report Week.xls").Activate ActiveSheet.Paste Application.DisplayClipboardWindow = False Windows("Sector Performance Reporting week.xls").Activate Application.DisplayAlerts = False End Sub
i have been trying to hide the userform from the workbook open event with no luck
Private Sub Workbook_Open() ufmTheEstimator.Show Dim Worksheet As Excel.Worksheet If Me.Worksheets("Main Roof"). Name = True Then ufmTheEstimator.Hide End If End Sub
I'm trying to do is set up a form load event to initlize some controls. Here is my
Private Sub Form_Load() 'Initialize the form lblProcessing.Visible = False txtFileName.Text = "Enter a file name" End Sub
At the moment, this event is not triggering. I have the code in the code behind my form - should it be in a module? PS: This site is great - it's answered a lot of my other questions so far without me having to make any posts.
I have a fairly elaborate close-down routine for my workbook.
1) Quit out of fullscreen (restore initial state of excel before saving) 2) Hide all sheets but one (enforces cant do anything unless macros enabled) 3) Automatically save without a prompt 4) Close the workbook
I've researched it well and implemented it to the point where it works, but only if the user clicks the excel application close button -- the "X" in the titlebar (hence not in fullscreen).
However, if I launch the process via a userform button click, then for some reason the DisplayFullscreen = False, Sheets hiding, and save codes have no effect (fullscreen persists, sheets are not hidden, no file is saved) in the Workbook_BeforeClose() subroutine....
I repeat: all the above works fine if process was launched by "native" excel button, but does not have any effect if launched from a userform commandbutton. (?!?!) any ideas what's going on?
I'm including my code so you can get an idea how it's structured.... by it's pretty "by the forum" as far as I can tell...
Private Sub CloseButton_Click() If(1) Then 'Method 1 - close directly from userform command button With ThisWorkbook '.RunAutoMacros (xlAutoClose) .Close End With Else 'Method 2 - set a timer to call a function to perform ' "ThisWorkbook.close" in a function outside of the userform CustMenuCloseTimer = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2) Application .OnTime CustMenuCloseTimer, "CustMenu_CloseAction" End If
I would like to modify one of my UserForms so the close button [the "X" in the upper corner] will not be visible. [It does not matter if this must involve hiding the upper the title bar - or not - as long as the little "X" will vanish].
I would like to point out that I DO NOT want to disable the "X" fronm closing the form [that I know how to accomplish] I just want to get rid of it. I have been told to look for a good example in a file called: "NoCloseButton.zip", created by Stephen Bullen, at http://www.bmsltd.ie/Excel/Default.htm but had no success in finding the file.