Using Indirect Function To Sum Across Multiple Sheets

Jan 19, 2009

My sheets are all categorized by date, and I want to be sum individual cells on each worksheet on one final summary worksheet. For example, if cell A1 on each sheet was units sold and I wanted to see how many total units were sold between Jan-04-08 and Jan-16-08 my formula on the summary sheet would be:


But I want to be able to easily modify what dates my summary sheet shows so I tried using the function:


where N14 was the starting sheet and N15 was the ending sheet. It keeps giving me #REF! however and I can't figure out why and don't know if this is something I can fix.

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Using INDIRECT Function In Multiple Rows?

May 16, 2014

I am building an attendance spreadsheet and trying to copy and paste all of the names from Sheet 1 to Sheet 6 for a different purpose. Thing is I need the names to match so I'm not having to copy and paste every time my data changes.

My problem was that when I insert a row into sheet 1, sheet 6 accommodates and then I'm missing data and have to insert a new line manually.

At first I tried using absolutes ($) to fix the problem, but that's a different ballgame.
I've discovered INDIRECT and so now use this formula: =INDIRECT("'DIRECTORY 2014'!B5"). It works.

But I have almost 300 entries. Is there a way to expedite the process without having to change each entry? I don't want to have to retype the function on every cell.

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Lookup Data From Multiple Worksheet Using Indirect Address And Match Function

Sep 28, 2011

determining the correct formula to lookup various details from multiple worksheet:

Data as follows:
Sheet1: input

Sheet2: Data


b2,b3 Formula = Indirect(Address(match(a2,????,0),1,1,1,"Data"))

i dont know what is the correct range inside the match fuction to identiy the row number inside the Data sheet, i think the solution would be match(a2,Data!a2:a13,0) but things might get complicated if you have multiple worksheet such as sheet2: Data , sheet3: Data2, sheet3: Data 3

and each table has unsorted details compared to others sheets (Data vs Data 2)

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Adding Multiple Cells From Multiple Sheets With Sumif Function

Jan 20, 2009

I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet that tracks disc capacity increases, affected by any incoming projects. I've managed to do so for one project, but would like to for up to 10. The way i've designed the solution (i'm sure there are far more elegant ways, but hey) is thus:

A forecast worksheet keeps track of a grand total, taking information from sheets P1 -> P10 (being projects 1 to 10). I am unable to figure a way to add up all the increases from all 10 project worksheets with one succinct formula. What I use so far is: ='P1'!C83+SUMIF('P1'!E82,"=2009 - Q1",'P1'!D82) ..................

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If Function With VLookup Over Multiple Sheets?

May 9, 2014

It is entered in Column B of the sheet Round 2. Basically what I want it to return is the lower price from two different sheets looking them up by part number. Also I guess something I didn't think of is that the HD Final Sheet will not contain all the parts...while the other sheet Round 1 will have all. In cases where the part number is not found on the HD Final sheet I want it to put the price from the Round 1 sheet.

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Countif Function With Multiple Sheets

Feb 27, 2009

Can I use the "countif" function using a group of sheets as the range and the criteria on a separate sheet or manually typed in?

I have tried and continue to get the #VALUE error.


Can I do the same thing and perform the "countif" function by using a specific value as the way to count?

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Mode Function Over Multiple Sheets

Dec 1, 2006

I am trying to use the MODE function over multiple sheets within a work book, however when using =MODE( 'First Page:Last Page'!K5). the formula returns "#REF!". this should be returning 7, 8 or 9. I have already checked to see if the range is wrong, but when I changed the function to SUM, AVERAGE, etc they work fine....
however due to the need for non-excel users to easily add extra pages, adding each page individually would be a pain (and would mean I would need to train the staff in Excel)

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Indirect Using Various Sheets

Nov 16, 2007

I have 40 sheets with info and 2 summary sheets. One summary sheet will summarise the data on sheets 1 to 20 and the other 21 to 40.

Im using the following:

This works fine for my 1st summary sheet enabling me to display the vlaue of X10 in sheets 1 to 20 in D10:D29.

However in the 2nd summary sheet I wish to display X10 in D10:D29 but only using sheets 21 to 40.

Is there a way to eliminate sheets 1 to 20 and just use 21 to 40.

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INDIRECT Across Sheets

Aug 14, 2008

I have a sheet with tabs Jan - Dec

My goal is for a user to specify a 3 letter Month in Cell A1 (i.e. Jun) and for my sheet to calculate all cells C5 from Jan - Jun.

I have tried using the following formula =SUM(INDIRECT("Jan:"&A1&"!C5")), but the indirect function does not seem to span across workbooks!

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Indirect To Sheets With Brackets

Oct 9, 2006

i encountered a problem with using the Indirect formula. it gives #REF error when i use it to refer to a sheet with brackets in them for example i want to refer to sheet "Data 101(1)" =INDIRECT(A1&"!A1"). I'm not allowed to change the sheetnames. is there a way around this using formula or vba?

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INDIRECT With MIN Function

Jan 25, 2008

I just need to find the MIN of P6 to Px. Where x is a number that is from another sheet. (Lets say B3)

I thought this would be it, but its still not working, gives me #REF! error

=MIN(INDIRECT("P6:"& '[filename.xls]Sheet 1'!$B$3))

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Referencing Cells In Other Sheets Using INDIRECT

Aug 6, 2014

Applying my indirect formula to the rest of the cells in my sheet properly.

I am getting the values of cells in other sheets, using INDIRECT to use cell values to name the sheets. Here is an example of how the cells are now...


Sheet 1

[Code] ....

The formulas in B1 are going to return the value of A5 in "Sheet 1" (or whatever value is in A1) and B2 will return the vale cell A5 in 'Sheet 2. The next line will be the value of A6 in Sheet 1, and the next will be A6 in Sheet 2 and so on.

So I have quite a few rows to get through I want to be able to autofill so it looks like this...


Sheet 1

Sheet 2

[Code] ......

As it is now, when I autofill, it autofills the Sheet name part of it. It is looking like this...


Sheet 1

[Code] ......

Excel isn't intuitive enough to know I want to move cells in the referenced sheet.

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2k3, Indirect Across Mutlitple Sheets And Cells

Apr 17, 2008

I have a sheet that needs to pull data from diferent cells and sheets at the same time. If I have to have all the data on one sheet I can change that as this sheet isn't in production yet.

On Sheet1 cell D6 needs to be able to get data from Sheet2 Cell C2 or Cell N2 or Cell Y2.
On Sheet1 cell F6 needs to be able to get data from Sheet2 Cell C3 or Cell N3 or Cell Y3.

While doing the above it this also needs to be accomplished.

On Sheet1 cell D9 needs to be able to get data from Sheet3 Cell C2 or Cell N2 or Cell Y2.
On Sheet1 cell F9 needs to be able to get data from Sheet3 Cell C3 or Cell N3 or Cell Y3.

Is Indirect able to do this or do I need to use something else? I am trying to do this without macros if possible.

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Indirect And If Statements For Time Sheets

Nov 9, 2008

I am trying to do a time analysis by placing an X in a square based on the hours an employee worked during a day. Time is in 24 hour clock time in 30 minute increments.

What I need to do is to populate the correct squares with an X based on the start and end times an employee worked each day. I have 20 different locations and will need to use the indirect function to point to the correct sheet and cell. For example I have store #5 and the time sheet for store number 5 is on the sheet and the information I need to return is in cells d4 and d5. Start time was 5.52 and ending time was 10.97.

Based on this information I would like the closest start and ending time on the spreadsheet below to show an X.

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Using Indirect Function With Comboboxes

Apr 22, 2011

I totally understand how to make the combobox under form controls now but I am not having any success with the indirect function I was using as a list now that I have a combo box. I have attached the current form I am working on that just shows the list function still. How to convert this over to combo boxes with the indirect function?

I attached a second form with the feature I am asking about. It is just lacking the third list that I now have in place. (on the 1st attachment).

Attached Files

File Type: Corp MASTER (3).xlsx‎
File Type: Quote form (2).xlsx‎

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Getting Data Using Indirect Function?

Jan 18, 2014

I have some data on a sheet and I want it on other sheet without using lookup function. Only "Indirect function need to be used". find attached the excel sheet.

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Using INDIRECT Function For VLOOKUP?

May 8, 2014

I am having issues using the INDIRECT function to lookup data from a sheet with the same name as that appearing in a given cell. For example, in cell D27 i have the text "S1_358_810" (Not including quotations). I also have a sheet named "S1_358_810". My formula is as follows;


[Code] .....

However this is returning #N/A. There is a list of numbers in sheet S1_358_810 in column N and from that I want the value in column Q (thus 17).

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How To Use Indirect Function Within Sumproduct

Dec 29, 2009

I have the following formula, which works; however I need to make it dynamic.

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Feb 14, 2007

I have and Indirect function that works.... I need to modify it to include a cell address reference, but this requires the use of a Vlookup function to find the address ....

I have this formula: but it does not work

I'm not sure how to include the VLOOKUP function in my argument to

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Indirect Function Syntax

Feb 15, 2007

Always have problems getting my head round the syntax of the indirect function and am unable to find anything similar that's been asked.

I want to perform an operation on two numbers where the user selects which to use (add, subtract, multiply or divide) entered into another cell like this:

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - 200701 - LCC.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutC3C5=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Indirect Function #REF! Error

Mar 1, 2009

In Excel 2007, the following cell Q14 CSE formula accurately returns the row number of the first negative value in the column P array P14:P102.


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#ref Error With Indirect Function

Jun 24, 2006

I have been searching through your forum but I can't seem to find the solution to my problem. I have two sheets: On one sheet in cell b2 I have a validation list whose source is =Indirect(Subgroup) which gives a #ref error. However when I evaluate Subgroup, I get a legitimate range. I have attached an example of what I am trying to do.

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Using INDIRECT Function With Double Quotes?

Aug 1, 2013

how to use the indirect function to pull data from a pivot table. This is the formula I am trying to recreate: =GETPIVOTDATA("sum of BOE",$A$14,"CLASS","PROVED","Years",2013)

I can't seem to get the indirect function to work properly with the words in double quotes, such as "PROVED". How do I format that part of the formula properly?

This is as far as I can get. =GETPIVOTDATA("sum of BOE",INDIRECT($M13),"CLASS","PROVED","Years",$N13) $M13 refers to $A$14 and $N13 refers to 2013

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Using Indirect Function In Vlookup Should Give Corresponding Value For The Particular Name?

May 11, 2014

I have two workbook, test1 (master file) and the other one is test_10_05_2014 with 100 some of them being updated daily. The last portion of the file "test_10_05_2014" is the date and we have different file on daily basis.

using Indirect function in vlookup should give corresponding value for the particular name. Formula used is giving error,

[VLOOKUP(A2,Indirect(" ' "&E1&" ' !$A$2:$X$1000),6,FALSE)]

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Can't Get Indirect Function To Work In Menu

Dec 27, 2013

I have a series of menus in column C. I need column D to be able to access them and return the proper data.

I am using =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(10C," ","")) and keep getting error after error.


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Data Validation - Indirect Function

Jun 9, 2009

i know it is possible for a selection in a drop down box to determine another field using the INDIRECT function in validation

eg - 1st drop down box - Football, Rugby, Cricket
2nd drop down box (if chosen football) - displays list of football teams
2nd drop down box (if chosen rugby) - displays list of rugbyteams
2nd drop down box (if chosen cricket) - displays list of cricket teams

but is it possible for the 1st drop down box to determine what is available in a range of other drop downs?

eg - 1st drop down box - Football, Rugby, Cricket

2nd drop down box (if chosen football) - displays list of football teams
3rd drop down box (if chosen Man Utd) - displays list of Man Utd players

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Hiding !REF# Error Using =indirect() Function

Jul 7, 2009

I am setting up a summary sheet that contains =indirect() functions for workbooks that don't exist yet.

I would like some kind of function that returns the =indirect() function correctly if the workbook exists and just a 0 or blank if the workbook doesn't exist.

I would like to have the indirect function in all of cells that as soon as someone creates a workbook it will update the summary sheet.

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Trailing Covariance With INDIRECT Function

Oct 21, 2008

I have a sheet that has consecutive dates in column A, from newest to oldest. I column B I have some stock returns. In column C I have some other stock returns. In D1, I want the covariance of the 2 stocks over the past x days (i.e. covar(B1:Bx,C1:Cx)). In D2, I want the covariance over x days as well, but only up to the date in A2 (so, covar(B2:B(x+1),C2:C(x+1))).

I tried this, but it doesnt work:

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Replace INDIRECT With INDEX Or Another Function

Jul 4, 2009

I am working on a spreadsheet which contains a number of reference data sheets (named “Reference data 2009”, “Reference data 2010” etc). As their names suggest, these sheets contain reference data applicable to the particular year. This reference data is used to perform various calculations in a “Calculations” sheet.
On the “Calculations” sheet, the user specifies the year for which they wish to perform calculations. At present, I am using the volatile INDIRECT function to perform various HLOOKUP calculations along the following lines:

=IF(D15>=HLOOKUP('Detailed net pay calculations'!D16, INDIRECT("'Reference data" & 'Detailed method'!$C$2 & 'Detailed net pay calculations'!D1 & "'!$B$43:$Y$52"), 4, FALSE), “Do something”, “Do something else”)

The reason I'm using the INDIRECT function is to identify the sheet with the appropriate year (hence "Reference data"&'Detailed method'!$C$2&'Detailed net pay calculations'!D1 which could be interpreted by Excel as "'Reference data 2009NEW" or "'Reference data 2010", depending on whether there's text in cell D1).

My query
The function I'm using is working perfectly fine but I am wondering if it is possible to replace the INDIRECT function (in red) with INDEX or another non-volatile function in order to reduce the performance impact (I have a fairly large number of these types of functions).

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Indirect Function For Lookup Table

Oct 18, 2011

I simply want to use the indirect function in vlookup formula in cell B2 (sheet11) is the sheet name I want to use for the lookup table.



But doesn't work.

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