I'm trying to use Excel 2003 macros for the first time and am very frustrated by it's recorder function. I've used several standalone TSR macro recorders several years ago and they were much easier but certainly not as feature rich.
I have a spreadsheet that I've been using for a couple of years where I have manually entered data. My company has recently started to dump data into an Excel sheet but instead of pure numeric or date values being used they are extracting the values with the ' character starting the value. I want to strip this ' character.
What I do is select the cell I want to edit and invoke the macro. Then press {F2} to edit the contents of the cell, {Home} to move to the left, {Del} to delete the first character - the apostrophe, and {Enter} to complete the edit and move down one cell.
Using the recorder captures the following. Unfortunately it doesn't simply delete the first character, it copies the value of the previous cell to the next cell when I invoke the macro again.
My range is A2:T600 on one single worksheet. In many cells, the first character is a blank space (a mistake of mine when creating the initialize code in the user form into which the info was entered). I only need to do this once ever for this worksheet, but I hate to go through them all by hand. So what I need is to select the range, and IF the first character of a cell is a blank space, delete just that character.
Sub rightval() Dim myrange, mycell As Range Set myrange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1", Range("A65536").End(xlUp)) For Each mycell In myrange If Right(mycell.Value, 1) = "." Then mycell.Value = Left(mycell.Value, Len(mycell.Value) - 3) End If Next mycell End Sub
I'd like to delete the last three values of one cell only if it contains a period.
I have a defined range in my workbook which I have not been able to delete (I think it got there through some malware because I didn't create it!)
The main annoyance is that the name refers to another workbook (to which I don't have access) and to a non-existent range therein (resulting in a #REF! error) - so I get the unwanted Update Links message each time I open the workbook. I have created my own workbook with the same name as the workbook referred to by the name, hoping that I may gain some level of control over this gremlin, but to no avail.
The name is "Flow" immediately followed by a thin-lined empty square (like the ANSI character 042 formatted using Wingdings2 font). It could be a line-feed character.
Whatever it is, I have not been able to delete this range name - either directly through the Insert / Name / Define / Delete commands or by using VBA. Using the menu commands I can select the name, edit it (even add a valid cell reference to the workbook name), and click Add - but that just adds a new name "Flow" without the control character and the original name remains! The original name also remains if I select the name and click Delete.
I would like to create a macro that deletes all rows starting with an open parenthensis in column B. The contents of what is in parenthis varies from 2 letters up - so anything starting with a parenthis is sufficient criteria.
After the initial deleting (mentioned above), would also like to delete (from column B again), rows containing specific, multiple phrases.
None of the functions I have see so far will facilitate this...
I have a cell which will contain SER01+SER02+SER03
and what i need it to contain is [SER01]+[SER02]+[SER03]
and shocker is i've got this to work for the first instance but not the other two
code as below... be grateful for your help
Sub measure1() Dim list As String, pos As Integer, refl As String, refr As String, newlist As String list = Cells(1472, 16).Value pos = InStr(list, "+") refl = Left(list, pos - 1) refr = Right(list, pos + 1) newlist = "[" & refl & "]" Cells(1472, 17) = newlist End Sub
I'm using excel 2010. I'm working with columns of values where most of the values are numbers - which is fine, and there are some numbers that have a "p" at the start of them.
e.g. Column has 49, 52.2, p56.7, 34
OK, I want to preserve the 56.7 but I want to delete the "p". I'm thinking I've got a mental block as to how to delete the unwanted "p"s but I can't think of how to do it at the moment! My code goes as follows:
If Left(Cells(1,1),1) = "p" then 'delete the "p" and leave the remaining number in tact End if
I am trying to read a text file into a variable with VBA. The files I try to read usually have a bunch of unrecognized characters in them and I can't seem to read through them. I am looking for some code that will delete all unrecognized characters until it finds a string I specify.
Example of file
My code works fine if I manually delete all this stuff before GOOD DATA, but wont work if I dont. My "responseposition" is always 0 unless I delete all the nonsense.
I have one column with many numbers. Some have one dash and some have two.
Example: 123-123456-65 012-789546-1 98B12354-889
Is there a way that I can remove all characters after the last – (dash) in the number? Example:
If number is 123-123456-65 Then 123-123456
If number is 98B12354-889 Then 98B12354
If someone could just lead me in a direction, I might be able to figure it out. However, my code is elementary and most of the time, I record macros and the play with the code until it does what I want.
Following the tips doesn't allow to remove a character.
I exported email addresses from Outlook and they have the following character ' in front of the email address.
Using Excel 2007.. it says :"check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exists in this workbook, it may be on a protected worksheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected worksheet"
So I made a new file, and copied and pasted the cells into the new spreadsheet.. same message.
I have got a list of numeric abbreviations, for instance 10739011/21/31/41. What it should really display are the numbers 10739011, 10739021, 10739031 and 10739041 (the first six figures stay the same). All the numbers in my list are 8 figures long. I want to change the list from the list seperated by the backward slash to the complete numbers. I have uploaded an example of the list with backward slash between the numbers. Is there a way that Excel can automatically change these numbers to the full numbers?
Because all the numbers are 8 figures long, I thought the first 6 figures of the 1st number can be copied and those 6 figures pasted before the other two figures after the backslash. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;sorry, pressed OK too quickly. The problem is that there are sometimes 4 numbers in the cell, sometimes 6 and once three. I would like Excel to complete all the numbers in the cell and then move on to the cell underneath it and so on. Also, I would like each number to have it's own cell.
I have a string of text in cell A2. In cell B2 of my spreadsheet is a formula that calculates a number based on the text string in cell A2.
I want to write a VBA loop that removes a single character from the cell A2 string, then calculate the new value in cell B2. I want this loop to continue until the value in B2 falls below a set value (in this case 60).
My code so far Sub trim_text() Dim mytext As String Dim myanswer As Integer mytext = Range("A2") myanswer = Range("B2") Do While myanswer > 60 mytext = (Right(mytext, Len(mytext) - 1)) Loop End Sub
This obviously does not work. In my excel table I have a formula in cell B2 to calculate "myanswer" will this work, or does that code have to be placed into the VBA code?
if a cell contains character A THEN multiply by cell B * 0.02,if a cell contains character B THEN multiply by cell B * 0.05,if a cell contains character C THEN multiply by cell B * 0.010
i have a column that is 1900 long and i need to add a "comma" to the end of everything in each cell in that column. How do i go about this? so at the moment it look like this:
I want to test a cell for the type of value as 678/256 or 345/872/098/987 etc. The common character in each would be the "/". First, I need to check the cell for this, then take the first number and compare it to an integer(if it is <> , or = to). I hope I am clear with my situation.
I'm using the hidden-row trick to auto-fill cells beneath the hidden rows.
For this to work, every cell that is to be auto-filled in must have a character in every cell above it.
How can I make sure that my unfilled cells always have a character in them? If a user deletes the contents of the cell, I want a single character to stay in the cell (I want a backslash). This way, there will always be either a backslash, or the user-filled data in the cell. It can never be empty.
I am using an exported dbf from filemaker pro. This is an established dbf, with over 2,000 sku's in it. Here is what I want to do.
I am using Indata and InDesign to create a catalog. I need for excel to pull the first character from a cell and put it in another cell. i.e.
I have a dbf where I have author last name, and title of book. I need for excel to pull the first character of each of these fields and put them in their own cell/column. This will allow me to use these new columns to make the " headers" for my InData/InDesign doc.
I am creating a macro that saves a file using the value in X1 as a variable name to save the file. I want to check if the last character in cell X1 is a period ("."), and if it is I want to either remove the period from X1 and continue to save, or tell the user it is not possible to save the name that ends in a period.
I enter for example in a cell : 0625-C0/01 sometime 0 is entered as O a letter and not zero.Is there a way to ensure that only 0 (zero) is allowed in that string using data validation rules.
Essentially what I'm trying to accomplish is import a file from Quickbooks and determine whether it was a Credit Card, Check or Invoice based on the account number.
For example:
45-12345 should return the value CC in an adjacent cell because it contains the "-" character. I0123456 should return the value INV in an adjacent cell because it contains the "I" character. 01234567 should return the value ACH in an adjacent cell because it doesn't contain either character.
I tried using VLookup, but I can't figure out how to write a formula for when it just contains a character, only if it matches it or is text/number.
I have a requirement... which need to search from a cel if it march then replace with below name. When user gives a selection screen, month displays in a cell A1.
For example: If this cel (A1) is jan then it should replace with Jan, if mar then replace with mar, if MAI then replace with MAY, if sep then replace with SEP, if OKT then replace with OCT.... and so on... or It search the cell A1 for MAI, then replace with MAY & also should search for if A1 is OKT then replace OCT, & also if A1 is DZC then replace with DEC.
I know the function of ....
This formula brings me only 1 search, but I need 3 search if match replace with respective character. this should search for OKT & DZC ALSO....
present - new