VB Code For Equal Assignment?
Nov 5, 2013
I have 3 columns in an excel sheet (ID, Signed by & To be checked), and in another sheet, I have names under a column "Checkers".
I need a macro where in if I run it "To be checked" column in sheet 1 should be equally assigned to the "Checkers" in sheet 2 and the rest should be blanks.
find the below sample:
Before Macro:
Signed by
To be Checked
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Jul 6, 2012
I have two columns one with the variables names and the other with the values now I have to assign vales to teh variables dynamically using the macros and vba code.
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Mar 5, 2014
I have a report that I want the total amount (in the bottom right corner, but can vary in row number) to appear in a particular cell in the header. In the macro, I selected the cell & entered "=CTRL+End". It works in reality, but not in a macro. It returns a visual of 0.00, but "=XFB1048565" in the formular bar. How can I get the header cell to return the correct total amount?
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May 7, 2014
I need an easy code that searches all of column A and deletes the entire row if the cell has the value "-". It needs to find the last row of data using something like LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
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Apr 18, 2008
I'm trying to set a cell on one sheet to be equal to the product of two cells on another sheet. The problem is that one of the cells on the other page is dependent on the variable T. This is what I've got and it's giving me errors
Worksheets("Output").Range("K14").Formula = "Worksheets("Calcs").Range("D17")*worksheets("Calcs").Range("D17").Offset(10+T,0)"
When I record a macro it gives me this, but again, I need the last cell in terms of "T"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Calcs!R[3]C[-7]*Calcs!R[14]C[-7]"
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Feb 24, 2014
I need to assign van seating assignments to a client room census. I have a workbook attached. I am hoping a formula can get me there. The only variables are if the cell in column E has TO BE CLEANED or READY in it, then I want the formula to overlook that particular cell. I don't want to assign a seat to an empty room! My workbook should make what I am attempting to accomplish much more clear.
Also, there are either 12 or 15 seats available in each van, but the workbook reflects that.
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May 2, 2008
I having trouble with an intermediate step filling of an array based on the input range data and polynomial degree. The values calculated (xsum and xysum) for the array (F in the code) are accurate, but the function returns #VALUE for all elements.
Function poly_fit(ByVal Xdata As Range, Ydata As Range) As Variant
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer
Dim deg As Integer, num_pt As Integer
Dim Xs() As Variant, Ys As Variant
Dim F() As Variant, XY() As Variant, coef() As Variant
Dim xsum As Variant, xysum As Variant
Xs = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Xdata)
Ys = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Ydata)
If UBound(Xs) UBound(Ys) Then
MsgBox "You don't have the same number of X's and Y's"
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Feb 27, 2009
On Sheet1 I have a small list of names in column A and a number next to the name in column B. This number may vary.
What I want to do is on Sheet2 in column A repeat the name based on the number from sheet1 in column B.
Now the sheet is shared among all of us and macro are out. Is this something that is possible with a function?
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Jan 28, 2008
i was asked to make a fair rota and i found this 1 on this website its useful but i need to add to it. if you download this work rota you will understand what i mean
http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/attachme...0&d=1154640274. i need to find out what the formula/macro is used in this work rota ...its exactly what i need but i need to add saturday and sunday to this rota and more duty columns as their is more employees and when i click the button it randomply places employees in different positions.
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Jul 16, 2009
The number in cell M21 falls into one of the ranges from C4 to C15. A matrix number needs to be printed in each cell from N21 to N30. The selection of the number to be printed in column N (under Matrix Assignment) depends on the range it is next to in array A4:C15. For example (as shown), the correct number for cell N21 is 122 because 0.2626 falls between 0.24 - 0.2699, and Matrix 122 corresponds to that range.
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Nov 17, 2007
When I use customize and assign a macro (to a button) I set the "Marco In" option to "This Workbook" then select a macro from the available list. If you close the Assign Macro dialog and open it again, notice how it appends the name of the file to the macro name. Later, in an automated process the xls filename is appended with a value and I think this is causing the problem because the appended data is static and thus no longer is in sync with the new (latest) filename. How do I assign macro's to either custom toolbar's or autoshapes so that the assignment is tolerant of file name changes? I tried to delete the appended data but it is appended automatically.
I am also curious why some of the macro's listed in the dialog include a filename and macro name delimited with an exclaimation mark and some are macro name only (with no delimiter).
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Feb 24, 2014
Trying to manipulate a macro I recorded to be slightly more dynamic with some VBA code. The macro has saved me a lot of time however each month I have to re-do it due to the date changing and I'm sure there must be an easy way to adapt the below code.
Current Code (it repeats afterwards as there are lots and lots of sheets I need to perform the action on).
Windows("Raw Data.xls").Activate
ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True
Windows("Volume Tracking.xlsm").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
What I'm after is a way to alter the range highlighted based upon matching a cell in "Raw Data.xls' and a cell in "Volume Tracking.xlsm".
The cell A43 in "Raw Data.xls" contains a month (which changes every month); if the month is Jan then I would want the Range to remain as AE33. If it's Feb then I would want the Range to be AF33 (and so on).
In "Volume Tracking.xlsm" I have the months in cells AE4 (Jan), AE5 (Feb) etc.
Is there a way to locate the column in "Volume Tracking.xlsm" on row 4 that contains the value found in A43 in "Raw Data.xls" and then paste what was copied out of "Raw Data.xls" C43 and paste it in to row 33 of the correct column that holds the matching month?
If not could I add code to say if cell A43 in "Raw Data.xls" = Jan then paste to AE33, if Feb then paste to AF33 and so on.........
Excel 2007
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Jul 28, 2009
I am working on a Productivity Log and can't figure out a way to count unique values, and also average the time per assignment.
Assignment with the action code A - should take 2 hrs to complete, all other action codes should take 20 minutes.
I need to show how many of each action codes were done for the day, and what was the average time taken to complete each. Even better, how much for A action codes, and how much for all other.
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Jul 5, 2007
I'm having trouble with a small vba macro. At the end of the macro I test to see if two variables are equal and then print out true or false. However, for some reason even though the variables are equal vba is not treating them that way. I have put the values that represent the variables on a spreadsheet and used the if(x1=x2) formula and it says it is true, also, when I debug the macro and watch the values when it comes to test the logical expression the numbers are the same. I don't understand why vba does not say that the two variables are equal. I have attached a screenshot of the breakpoint where I double check the values are equal.
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Jan 26, 2010
I'm making my own gradebook (attached) and one of my sheets will list scores for each student in different assignments. I have one sheet which keeps track of all students and all assignments with other info. I would like to program cells in one sheet (the third in the attached file) to lookup a particular student's grade in a particular assignment. I figured trying a LOOKUP with an AND requirement might work but it keeps returning the message "could not find value".
My formula references the student's name and the assignment from the identifying cells so that it is easy to copy and paste. I wondered if it was this which resulted in the error, but doubt it.
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Apr 17, 2014
How to correct my formula because it does not work?
Here the formula: =COUNTIFS(Data!C2:C24005,A17,Data!M2:M11149,"<=0")
I need to insert the formula in column C (Findings tab) which counts the rows in Column M (tab named "Data") that equal A17 (Column A in "Findings" tab) and which are less or equal zero. In addition if I drag the formula down I want to only the values be entered in highlighted in blue cells in column C (SKUs With Zero Sales in "Findings" tab) and empty cells in not highlighted cells. I attached images of these two tabs: Data and Findings.
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Jun 29, 2008
I'm trying to count if there are situations where column a is equal to a specific number and column b is equal to another number.
both columns are numbers. Does anybody have a good idea how to do this, maybe countif, but i am not sure how to do more than one item with that.
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Jan 27, 2009
I use excel 2002 but some of my office are on 97, i want to add a small workbook open event code which works for me but debugs for the others?? The code is basically, go to a tab, on that tab and that range sort..
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Feb 8, 2007
I've developed a little software using Excel Macros & VB. To prevent people from accesing the code I protected the code blocking it from visualization. It seems not enough as an acquaintance of a friend cracked it in 25 minutes. Or so he says. So I'd like to know if there is a better way to protect the font code.
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Mar 18, 2008
I have a quite complex list of variables to put into a formula to come up with the correct number and I need some help to figure this one out. I don't know if it would be easier to set up a chart and then index the chart to do a lookup or how I need to go about doing this to achieve the most efficent solution.
I need the following to go into one formula:
1. =< 24 needs to show the number 24
2. =< 30 but > 24 needs to show 30
3. =< 32 but > 30 needs to show 32
4. =< 36 but > 32 needs to show 36
5. =< 40 but > 36 needs to show 40
6. =< 48 but > 40 needs to show 48
7. =< 50 but > 48 needs to show 50
8. =< 60 but > 50 needs to show 60
9. => 60 needs to show 60
I am trying to set up a spread sheet to figure square footage of plastic laminate countertops, but the plastic laminate only comes in several stock sizes : 3x8, 4x8, 5x8
3x10, 4x10, 5x10
3x12, 4x12, 5x12
So if I have a countertop that is 25 sq ft., I cant use a 3x8 (24 sq. ft), so I need to go up to the next size which would be a 4 x 8.
I might need to use a ROUNDUP function with this formula too? I already have cells set up to figure the depth, backsplash height, and front edge height and then give me the squage footage of that.
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Jan 4, 2014
Example If Selection.Value *Does not equal* ActiveCell.Offset (0,1) Then .....
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Oct 31, 2009
I am trying to set a scorecard up where it will give points depending on the % actual. For example:
if less than 60%, then 0,
if equal to or greater than 60% but less than 75%, then 1
if equal to greater than 75% but less than 80%, then 2 and so on.
I have been playing around with the example below, but can't seem to get it working.
Maybe it 's because I pickled my brains last night.
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Feb 12, 2009
revised this code to reflect the "not equal to". I want the user to only enter "In" or "Out." Therefore, If cells b19:B26 does not have either word, then the message box will prompt the user to enter the correct word again. I think my code needs to be revised into some kind of loop.
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Oct 19, 2008
I've created the following function that chooses the maximum value from a set of cells then inserts theappropriate row number (within a table) into a new cell.
=IF(J27=0,"?",IF(J27=J19,1,IF(J27=J20,2,IF(J27=J21,3,IF(J27=J22,4,IF(J27=J23,5,IF(J27=J24,6,IF(J27=J 25,7,IF(J27=J26,8)))))))))
It's working fine until I have 2 cells with the highest value. The above statement is entering the first cell that meets the criteria in the new cell but ignores the fact there maybe 2 (or more) of the same value.
How can I get both (or all) to be entered in the same cell? Is there a better way, maybe highlighting all the rows in the table that equal the max figure?
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Jul 18, 2012
If/then statement:
Trying to say if C2 is equal to Fee, Fixed, then C2 should be equal to S2.
Was trying to use
=IF(c2=Fee, Fixed,c2=S2,C2)
but, don't think I have it quite.
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Apr 24, 2013
I am confusing of using the equal function in vba, I need to have some cells between sheet1 and sheet to be equal but i cannot just put = sign in the sheet as it may be deleted. Can I have it as VBA code? how to do that and where to put this code, in what event?
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May 30, 2013
I have 31 cells in a row (one for each day of the month. we collect data in these cells by typing "y" or "N". based on these input, cell 32 calculates the percentages based on total of Y's. Cell 33 has goal percentage. So, if the goal percentage is 30, Is there a way when a "y" or "n" is entered in cell 25, if the data percentage is = or 5% above the goal to get text message saying "good" but if the data percentage is 5% or more below goal, get a "not good" message?
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Mar 8, 2008
I am having trouble creating a formula that will do what I need it to do. In C4 the I already have a formula that states if B4 is greater than 94.99% then it will equal 5. What I need it to do is if it is equal to or greater than 95% then =5. Also if it is equal to or less than 94.99% - 92% =3 and if less than 91.9% =1. Here is the worksheet I am using....
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May 27, 2014
I have a formula that I am trying to get the IFERROR to equal blank.
So if it's an error, I just want the cell to be blank.
[Code] .....
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Mar 10, 2014
How to recreate the formulas used in my old database. One important factor is that:
In the old database, once you type in a word, it associates it to a number, and also adds that number in a further row. how do i do this?.
- i have the word "sitter" that = 10.25$. If i enter "sitter" in column F, it enters 10.25$ in column M.
- Likewise, i can also have the word "private" that = 13.50$. If i enter "private" in column F, it enters 13.50$ in column M.
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