VB Code To Capture Pathname And Filename
Nov 9, 2011
I want to have a macro (because i do so often) that for any active workbook that I'm using will....
capture the full pathname and file name and place into clipboard for pasting elsewhere.
eg run macro and the following is added to clipboard.....C:Test DirectoryTest_File.xls
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Nov 10, 2009
I have an excel workbook that uses a .bmp file [a picture]. The master excel file and the .bmp file are in the same directory on the network. The excel file is "Read-Only", so the user would open it, customize it and save it on their own computer or somewhere else on the network.
They are only allowed to save it under "Save As". Once the user saves it, they would then be able to use their customized copy for future updates etc. The problem is that the .bmp file is missing from this new directory.
Is there a way to automatically save a copy of the .bmp file under the Directory specified by the user, so it's always available when the Excel workbook is opened? Or is there a way to attach the .bmp file to the excel file, so they are always saved together?
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Jul 21, 2014
Is there a way of capturing the print event to run some code?
I.e. The 'Print' button is clicked and then code executed in the sheet.
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Aug 22, 2007
The code below puts a green border around the cell that is beneath 10 in my chosen range, however I wish to add the border to the row of information instead of just the cell. My columns of data are from columns E to M, but the criteria for whether or not the data gets a green border is in column D....so lets say D15 is less than 10, I would want a border to go around E15:M15.
Sub Test()
For Each c In Range("D2:D350")
If c < 10 Then
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.ColorIndex = 4
End With
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Oct 17, 2012
In VBA I need to open a workbook using the UNC pathname. Right now the code is:
mfdate = FileDateTime("HG Equipment Tracking Matrix.xls")
I need to add the UNC pathname to the file name. Nothing seems to work.
The UNC pathname is: eavertn-nas-06 wikle
What is the right code to make this work?
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Sep 29, 2013
In one Sub() I assign a pathname to a variable. At the moment I am using this to activate the window of a file that is open....
Windows("OLD LOAD LIST.xls").Activate
But I would rather use this as the file name may sometimes be different...
But it isn't working. Is it because I set the Old_File variable outside this Sub() and the variable is losing its contents ? If so, how do I make the variable keep its contents until its changed ?
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Jan 23, 2014
I have a file that I want to name based on content in certain cells. I.e. "Q-(text from cell G1)-(text from cell B7)-Date(mm_dd_yy)". I want to be able to specify the location where I save this file each time I try to save it, but I want it to update the file's name if any of the parameters have changed.
I have some code generated that does just about everything right except that it automatically saves a version of the file in the folder where the original is located even though it also brings up the dialog box and allows me to save it in another location.
Basically, I want to fix the code below so that it doesn't save what appears to be a backup file each time. Should I be using some sort of savecopyas?
Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
'Add the quote # to the header
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = "Quote No. " & Range("G1").Value
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Jun 25, 2007
I have a VBA form that the user enters information into and once they click submit on the form the code opens a new workbook and then enters the information from the form into that workbook. What I need is for that code to then save the workbook with a filename from one of the fields entered into the form but I'm not too sure how to do this.
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Jul 22, 2009
I work for emergency services, and one of my colleagues has a GPS camera that snaps digital pictures and collects the coordinates where the image was shot. These coordinates are recorded in a database file readable in Excel. The emergency mapping software can load these points along with the images, but in order for the hotlinks to work (and thus be able to click on a point and load the image), I need a field in the database file that shows the full path name of the respective JPG image. As it is, the database file has a field (named ORIGINAL) that records just the filename of the image.
I need a field that contains the full pathname of the image. This is easily done in Excel, but I need an external script that will run this outside of Excel because I need to streamline the process. If dispatchers need to go into Excel and edit columns to make the data show up, they're not likely to bother.
I have a blank (not populated) column in the dbf (named INTERNAL) that I can use for the full pathname. What I want to do is begin with the text "C:/" and insert the text in the ORIGINAL column immediately following this. Is there a script, such as in a batch file, that will run this outside of Excel?
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Oct 31, 2008
I have the following codes in which I am to refer a file and folder to do some further processes.
myfilename = "C:Documents and settingsacsMy DocumentsEntrymyfile1.xls"
folderPath = "C:Documents and settingsacsMy DocumentsEntry"
I want to enter these two paths in a sheet in my excel report file (For example, I am running the report from Report1.xls, in which there is a sheet name "Filepaths". In this,
in B5, I would like to enter the Filepath (B5 named as "FILEPATH")
in B6, I would like to enter the Folderpath (B6 named as "FOLDERPATH")
So that, if I am copying the folder to another area, I no need to change the code every time in the VBA editor. I can do changes in these cells and it will be taken as the path to run the code further.
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Aug 20, 2009
I need to enter a revision string into a file.
Basically, I need to combine the filename and its generation time and then encode it into a string (i.e. a 6 digits HEX code or 6 digits using [0-9][a-z][A-Z]) so it would generate a pretty much unique revision number.
So, is there any function that you can think of that would do something similar?
If not, what is the best to tackle this?
Generate a CRC or md5sum?
What would be in your opinion a quick and efficient way to solve this tricky one?
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Aug 11, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that from a button I want to run a macro that will input todays date, the value in cell A1 as the filename into a default dialog box that is at a default file path. I have been trying to do this for several hours and can not completely get it done.
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Jul 7, 2006
I am trying to display the Filename in a cell on my worksheet. However, when I enter the =Cell("filename"), it provides the full path (C:/Documents......Cost Summary.xls) How can I display only the filename without the path?
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Aug 1, 2012
I have a workbook where data is constantly changing
If two cell values become equal I want to capture and keep the value that was in another constantly changing cell at that time
The IF argument will only caapture the moment and then return to the IF False command
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Apr 5, 2014
I have excel formula which let for different numbers appear in the same cell,
for example we have AS1 cell in which appear first number 15, then it change to 5, then it change to 15, then it change to 11 etc. What i need is to capture and lock just the first shown number (in this ex. it has to be 15) and put it to another cell (for ex. cell AT1) Maybe there is any formula ?
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Dec 6, 2005
I have a lot of workbooks with a date as a name (eg. 2004-08.xls or
1999-03.xls). I would like to capture the date portion of this name
with a formula in sheet 'Date' cell 'A4'.
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Oct 6, 2007
I have streaming data coming into my excel spreadsheet. The data is in 1 cell and its a number that changes almost every second. How can I capture and store this data.
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Dec 17, 2008
i have a long text in A1 field and i just need to capture some characters in between. Below is the example.
Raw Data:
Cell A1 (r1,c1) = Target: ABC, CustomerOrder, Results: BDE, LastUpdate: 12Dec08
I want to get the Result as below:
Cell A2 = Target: ABC Cell B2 = Results: BDE
Can this be done in Excel Cell format? Or do i need to do it in MS Access?
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Feb 4, 2010
I am preparing a template on the con-call done with various states. What I want to do is to capture their log in time to the call.
1) As soon as participants log in, we need to input the time of that moment. Click or double click with the cell should give me the current time.
2) Need to calculate how many participants, logged in to the call On-time by considering the log in time captured.
3) Similarly, we need to count the participants joined within 10 minutes of call and who are late comers.
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Feb 27, 2007
I would like a formula to capture all values >=50 to <=99 in a row.
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Jan 10, 2013
I want to extract just the last name from a cell that contains the full name and put just the last into a seperate cell.
WHAT I AM DOING: i copy the contents of a internal screen onto a spreadsheet that i use to check various peices of info and calculations. when i save I like to save my sheet with the last name and then acct number. The internal system screen combines the customers names into a single cell. Right now i have to type the last name into a new cell and have a simple save macro that concatenates that last name with the acct number and saves it into the appropriate folder.
The field i am pulling from is always formatted with FIRST NAME then MI (IF PROVIDED) and then LAST NAME. So when i dump the screen contents into excel A20 may be MIKE SMITH, or MIKE T SMITH. so i need something that looks backwards in the cell and stops at the first space and dumps SMITH into another cell of my choosing (B1 in this case)
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Feb 8, 2013
In my sheet, i have a list of machines in cells A2 to A5 & list of Plants in cells B2 to B5 as below
Col A..........Col B
What i want to capture is the last machine selected by clicking and also the value of the last plant selected by clicking
I want the machine last selected (clicked) to be in captured in cell D2 & the Plant last selected (clicked) to be in captured in cell D3.
i.e if i click Machine C in column A then go the column B and click Plant 4
Then D2 cell should show C and D3 should show 4
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Feb 23, 2008
I would like an input box that asks users a select a range of cells....After this certain range of cells is selected....I would than like that range to be copied to a different sheet.
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Jun 9, 2008
I have a cell (for example, "A1") which is inserted with a WINROS formula to retrieve some data into my spreadsheet. And it is running live at all time.
Actually, I can't think of any formulas to capture the value from cell "A1" to "B1". Because I do not want the value that I captured into cell "B1" running live. I just want the value "B1" fixed after captured.
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Oct 27, 2008
I have a userform with a 3 refedit controls. Each needs to capture a range from a different workbook (already open - only not active).
Is it possible to configure the refedit to capture a range from another workbook (either thru window menu or ALT+TAB)?
I notice that InputBox type:=8 allows it - I'm a little suprised that default refedit doesn't.
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Dec 12, 2009
I have a number result in a cell (d1) from a calcuting formula elswhere on the spreadsheet.
As the worksheet is constantly calculating the result in d1 keeps increasing and decreasing
I would like a formula in cell f3 that will give the result 1 if the d1 has reached the number 45. If cell d1 has not had the number 45 appear f3 will be 0
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Jan 24, 2007
I need to find a term "aa" and upon finding this term, the term on the right must be "bb" before we capture the number. Output will be 15 for this case.
Note that we do not know which cell "aa" will occur in, but the term "bb" will always be on the right of "aa". Can anybody help me with this? I have attached an example for your reference. Hopfully by modifying the below code, i can get the value i desired.
Sub test2()
Dim xx As Variant
Set rng = Cells.Find(What:="aa" , After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
If Not rng Is Nothing Then xx = rng.Offset(0, 3).Value
MsgBox xx
If rng Is Nothing Then xx = 0
MsgBox xx
End Sub
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Jul 5, 2012
How to modify this code so that I select only one column triggers the time stamp update? For e.g. if i make any changes in column A, the date stamp is updated in the corresponding cell in column B. Basically, I am trying to narrow down to only one cell in the row, but it should work for any row in the sheet.
Refer to the below post: [URL] ....
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row > 1 Then Cells(Target.Row, "B") = Now()
End Sub
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Aug 12, 2009
I have a moving average spreadsheet that I am having trouble with. In column F of 'Data for Pivot' Tab, I have a set of data that doesn't begin populating until 101 data points (cell C8 in 'Mov_Avg_Chart' is the input; in this cell F138 of 'Data for Pivot' tab) after data begins populating in Column E of 'Data for Pivot' Tab (in this case data begins populating in Column E in row 38).
What I would like to do is have the data in cells F38 to F137 = the value in cell F138. From there on forward (cells F138 and onwards), I would like the formula to calculate data in the same way as it is currently calculating it. That is, I would like the values in cells F38 to F137 be 0.00110 (in the current example). However, the data will be constantly changing. Thus, sometimes the data in column F will begin at a different cell than cell F138. In essence, I want the formula: when column E begins populating data but column F has not, I want those column F values to equal the value of the first populated value in column F (which is usually numerous cells below this value).
I just can't seem to get this one right after spending considerable time on it. I would appreciate any help you can give on this.
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Nov 30, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has two tabs that show different views of my report. In tab "Team View" I'd like to capture the information that is in "Cost Centre View" in the fields Nov09 to Oct10.
I want my formula in "Team View" tab to take the TOTAL "Run Rate Reduction" value in "Cost Centre View" ONLY and have the same "Initiative Type" in "Cost Centre View" that align to what is shown in "Team View" in column A (i.e. ISO).
I tried using a SUMPRODUCT but my formula didn't work.
Is there another formula that will give me this calculation?
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