VBA Goal Seek Macro To Calculate Specific Range Only
Nov 20, 2008
Is there a way to use goal seek in VBA that won't trigger a full model calculation?
I would like to (somehow) perform goal seek, but only recalculate range("A1:B50") say on a single worksheet (where both the input value and the final calculated value is included in that range), as opposed to calculating the whole model inbetween each iteration.
Also, all dependencies between the input value and the final calculated result are contained in that range.
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Apr 1, 2013
I wanted to set up a macro to automate goal seek on a range of cells. I've attached a short extract below of the spreadsheet I'm working on (the full one has a few thousand lines of data) which I hope illustrates what I'm trying to do.
New Avg
[Code] ...........
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Jan 27, 2008
I am trying to get Goal Seek to seek a value on each row as such:
Project 1 : Value 1 : Goal Seek using Value 1
Project 2 : Value 2 : Goal Seek using Value 2
How do I create one macro that will pick up Value 1, 2 etc and then set the Goal Seek to that value automatically, since Value 1, 2, etc will already be available in a cell? Alternativley there could be a macro that just runs that a Goal Seek for all the rows at once?
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Nov 8, 2011
I am trying to setup a macro to automate goal seek to calculate the required payment to meet a 12% IRR Lookback at the end of a 10 year period. The problem I am running into is that in multiple scenarios the required return is reached without any excess payment at the 10 year mark so it is returning a negative payment in the goal seek cell. In other words it's adjusting what might be a 13% IRR to a 12% IRR (the minimum return) by showing an expense at the end of the term. I need a way to set it to goalseek with a minimum of 0.
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Nov 7, 2012
I'm trying to build a macro that iteratively runs a goal seek, then reduces a certain value (Let's call it "Bogey") in a different cell by a small amount (note that changing Bogey will affect the desired goal seek value), then runs the goal seek again, reduces Bogey by a small amount again, etc etc, and keeps running in this loop, with the restriction on this loop being that a different cell, affected by Bogey--let's call it "Constraint"--doesn't drop below a certain amount.
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May 30, 2009
Trying to automate Goal Seek using variables for the three arguments. It's working when I define the cells references & values within the code, but cannot figure out how using variables. I'm sure the example below is incorrect, but will give an idea what I need to accomplish:
GoalCell = Worksheets("Parts").Cells(DestRowID + 10, DestColID)
Value = Worksheets("ICA").Cells(CopyRowID + 13, CopyColID).Value
ChangeCell= Worksheets("Parts").Cells(DestRowID + 9, DestColID)
GoalCell.GoalSeek Goal:=Value, ChangingCell:=ChangeCell
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Sep 28, 2006
CSS = P divided by S.
PS Required is a number that needs to be added to both S and P to achieve target of 83%
The answer to the below = 5. But i dont know how to get it using a formula
(If 5 is added to S and P both, S will become 36 and P will become 30; 30/36 = 83.33%)
Name S P CSS Target PS required
Adam 31 25 80.65% 83.00% ?
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Aug 15, 2008
I need to goal seek cell B1 to zero by changing C1.
Then, I need to goal seek cell B2 to zero by changing C2.
Then, I need to goal seek cell B3 to zero by changing C3.
I need to goal seek cell B100 to zero by changing C100.
I don't want to have to perform 100 different goal seeks. Is there a way to do them all at once?
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Apr 6, 2013
Goal seek function
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("Polynomial").GoalSeek _
Goal:=15, _ ChangingCell:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("X")
Is it possible to modify this such that I can use variables? For example, the variables are 'left term', 'right term' and 'sigma max' .
I want to set the value of the following equation 'left term - right term' to 0 by changing variable 'sigma max' Everything is done on the userform and not in the spreadsheet.
(Note: In spreadsheet format, the above query is equivalent to setting a cell which has a formula to 0 by changing the value in another cell, fairly simple).
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Jun 4, 2014
Say employee John Doe has a salary X. Giving him a salary raise Y (euro/dollar) induces a pension premium to be paid by the employer, on that amount.
The premium is (fixed) 17% of the part above a (fixed) treshold value of 3.750. On the part of the raise below the 3.750, the pension premium is (fixed) 4,35%.
E.g. having a salary of 3.600, with a raise of 400.
4,35% of (3.750 - 3.600 = 150) equals 6,525
And 17% of the remaining 250 equals 42,500
So the total premium is 49,025
But, I want to give a raise with a total cost of no more than 400. So, I use goal seek to find a raise that, together with te pension premiums equals 400.
In the example, with 3.600 as a salary to start with, that raise would be 358,10 Because the part below 3.750 stays the same and induces a premium of 4,35% of 150, being 6,525 and the remaining part is 208,10 at 17% is 35,377.
Proof: 358,10 + 6,525 + 35,377 = 400
The question is: is there a possibility to have a formula that calculates the (e.g.) 358,10 based on a salary to start with (e.g. 3.600), an aimed total cost (e.g. 400) and the fixed constants 3.750, 17% and 4,35%?
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May 24, 2008
I'm trying to understand how complex numbers are handled/processed in Excel.
As related to my application, an interesting exercise would be to use Goal Seek w/s command to find the roots of the equation:
X^2 + 4 = 0
setting the (rounded) value in cell A2 to 0 by changing A1
A1:: 1+i
Obviously a conventional or direct use of Goal Seek wouldn't work since Excel treats complex numbers as text.
Perhaps, one should use Goal Seek twice in this case:
first: find the coefficient "a" for IMREAL(A2) = 0
second: find the coefficient "b" for IMAGINARY(A2) = 0
and the root would be "a+bi".
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Nov 25, 2008
I've been playing around with GoalSeek in VBA because of this thread and found something about the syntax that I don't understand.
If I want to find out whether GoalSeek worked, I can use
Ok = Range("B1").GoalSeek(Goal:=10, ChangingCell:=Range("A1"))
Debug.Print Ok
This requires parentheses around the GoalSeek arguments.
If I just want to do the GoalSeek, then I need
Range("B1").GoalSeek Goal:=10, ChangingCell:=Range("A1")
with no parentheses. Why? The Help says that GoalSeek returns True if it works, and the proforma syntax includes parentheses, but then the only example uses the syntax without parentheses.
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Jan 22, 2009
I need to use a Multiple Cell Goal Seek.
I used the code from this site.
Here is the ....
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Feb 12, 2010
Is there a way to "copy" Goal Seek acroos multiple rows?
I have used Goal Seek in the first row. However this spreadsheet is several
hundred lines long and using it like this is not practical.
I want to seek a goal value of 30% on the cell that I called “c”, and I want the result of the goal seek to be put in the cell situated on the same row, 6 columns before.
This is the code that I tried to write, registering and saving the “goal seek” operation for one row.
Is it clear enough?
What i wrote:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 12/02/2010 by Whirlpool Europe Srl
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+w
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In ActiveWorkbook
If cvalue < 0.3 Then
Range("c").GoalSeek Goal:=0.3, ChangingCell:=Range offset(c,0,-6)
Next c
End Sub
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Oct 18, 2003
I have created the following in an effort to automatically goal seek whenever changes are made to the cell C2.
Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target.Row = 3 And Target.Column = 2 Then
Range("D19").GoalSeek Goal:=Range("C2").Value, _
End If
End Sub
As far as I know, the Macro is running all of the time? When I use goal seek manually it works fine. Assuming the above is running, when I change the value in C2 nothing happens. Does the fact that I have a three sheet workbook make any difference? I am sort of lost. By changing the value in C2 I want Excel to change the value in D19 to match C2 by adjusting D3.
Application.EnableEvents = False
Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target.Row = 3 And Target.Column = 2 Then
Range("D19").GoalSeek Goal:=Range("C2").Value, _
End If
End Sub
Application.EnableEvents = True
Doesn't seem to work either. However, I don't really know if other settings in the workbook are correct.
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Aug 5, 2009
wish to write an VB macro in Excel (2003) that populates a 6 row by 10 column matrix (for a 3 D graph) by inserting values from matrix row column headers in cells in another worksheet and using goal seek to derive a value which will be pasted in the respective cell in the 6X10 matrix
Specific example: Matrix (Row Headers A2 to A7, Column Headers B1 to K1, Cell values are in B2 to K7). Please note row and column headers are numerical values since this is for a 3D graph
Macro to be written
Pick a value (numerical) from row header A3 in Sheet A and paste it in cell B6 in another sheet (Sheet B). Pick anothet value (numerical) from column header D1 in Sheet A and paste it in cell B7 in Sheet B.
Run a goal seek scenario such that cell S10 in sheet B is equal to 50 by changing cell G8 in Sheet B
Copy the value chosen/optimised by Goal Seek from cell G8 in Sheet B and paste it in Cell D3 (which is the relevant cell for the values for intersection of headers A3 and D1) in Sheet A
Macro should populate all cells in the matrix in Sheet A (matrix cells to be populated are B2 to K7) in a similar fashion
The macro should be locked in to the cells which are either being copied from or pasted into so that it still references them even if new columns or rows are inserted.
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May 8, 2007
I have the total sales for a company. Then I have four specific segments that fall under those sales. Two out of the four segments I have exact sales figures for. The other two segments I just have the year-end sales and the dollar increase in each quarter. Is there a way to solve in excel for the missing quarters. So each of the four segments would have to add up to the total sales for both the quarter and the year. I've attached my example spreadsheet too. There are two cells missing highlighted in blue but i'm going to try to obtain that data. provided i fill in those two blanks, is there way to back into the rest of this spreadsheet?
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Feb 17, 2010
Any function in Excel, that would allow me to have a unit cost price (for example: 0.5432) and then for a table of figures containing the pack sizes to determine the correct unit price that would allow all pack costs to be at 2 decimal places. I have included an example below:
My spreadsheet would look like the following:
Cell A1 (Unit Cost Price) = .5814
Cell A3 (Pack of 75 units) = .5814*75 = 43.605
Cell A4 (Pack of 80 units) = .5814*80 = 46.512
Cell A5 (Pack of 100 units) = .5814*100 = 58.14
and so on
I need some way of making cell A1 change to a value that will cause all cells A3 to A5 to be 2 decimal places or less.
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May 21, 2009
I want to save one million dollars in 10 years earning 8.00% interest. How do I calculate how much I need to save per month.
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Jan 20, 2013
I have a form with grouped check boxes for each day of the week, and start date and end date from the Microsoft Date and Time picker control. I want to know the total days within the date range based on check boxes. For example, Tuesday and Thursday are checked off. The start date is December 1, 2012 and end date is January 31, 2013. What is the total number of Tuesdays and Thursays in that two month date range.
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Mar 26, 2014
I am trying to calculate the total amount of kilos for a specific date with a given time range.
As well as the average time they have been handled with in the same specifications.
Attached is a sample sheet of the info I am working with but I cant seem to get the formulas to work.
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Jun 6, 2006
I have a code and I want to run this macro whan a specific cell change (which has sum formula) and this code also has some calculation. And I m not understanding to overcome this problem through Calculate event.
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Jun 26, 2009
I'm trying to do a forecast of my organization's budget for the next five years and need to create scenarios where certain figures will either be increased or decreased by a specified percentage that varies from 5% to 20%. I have recorded eight macros that can accomplish this task, but I feel like there must be a more effienct method.
In addition, I would like to increase or decrease the figures from either column H or column J. Column R is the results column. This is the macro I recorded that provides for a 10% decrease:
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Mar 5, 2014
I am using the below macro to delete row:
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="P@ssw0rd!"
Set Rng = ActiveCell
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="P@ssw0rd!"
End Sub
However I would like not to apply that macro when I am in the row 12:26! btw, I am running my script by pressing CTRL+D.
Last thing would it also be possible to "extend" the exception to another range ? (name manager -> row 84:276 called "NEXT") if possible to define two name manager for the exception to implement to the existing macro.
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Jun 16, 2014
I have my template workbook with sheet tab as following:
Summary/Report/Contact 1/Contact 2/Contact 3/Contact 4/Contact 5/Note/
And I have one macro to run and only want to run in the specific sheet as below:
Summary/Report/Contact 1/Contact 2/Contact 3/Contact 4/Contact 5/Note/
The sheet name for contact 1 to 5 is varies means it can be change to any name based on different job. How should I write my macro in order to do that with one macro?
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Apr 27, 2014
Looking to code a loop to go to sheets whose names begin with "day" and a number and clear a specific range. How would i code this without affecting the other sheets in the book?
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a workbook with 2 worksheets, Sheet1 & Sheet2.
Sheet1 has a list of products on it, with a code, pack size and cost.
Sheet2 has got 8 columns in it.
The first column will be A , B , C
The second will be D, E, F
Third will be G, H, I
Going right through to column 8 which will be V, W X
In the second column in each on I will be have a (sell by date) So B, E, H, through to W will have sell by dates in them.
What I am looking for is a macro that will give me a list of short sell by dates when I click the button. So if today’s date is 02/12/09 when the button is clicked it will give me a list of all the product that have lets say a month sell by date left, I would like to be able to change the month to anything I want, just in case I want to do a longer check on the sell by date.
When it finds a short date I would like it to check against the code, so in the first column the code will be in A, it will match that code up against the code in Sheet1 and give me a list of the Code, and the Product from sheet1 and the sell by date that’s in Sheet2. The problem I have is when data is put into the second column on sheet2 which is D.E.F, I would want it just to check that column and not the A,B,C from column 1.
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Jul 12, 2014
I currently had to start from scratch as my formula kept raising the debug screen. I know the answer is simple but I cant figure out what it is. I have column A, rows 9 through 1000 with data. I want to delete the entire row of any "x" value present in column A rows 9 through 1000. I am new to VBA. So simple is good.
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Aug 1, 2007
I'm working on an assignment that pulls information for different countries and I'd like to know how to go about placing the charts on a specific area. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The concept:
With each click of a country, the country's information will be pulled from a 'data dump' that I created in the same file. The map and flag are also shown. Some of that information is just using lookups, or a combination of lookups and code, and the hardest part are the GRAPHS - which I'm having a really hard time placing and adjusting accordingly.
The problem:
As of now the charts are automatically filled as the user clicks a new country, but all of the charts are placed in weird locations, but I'd like for them to be placed in the specified ranges above.
I would like charts in the following ranges:
A20:B30 (Immigrant Group)
D20:E30 (Ethinc Group)
F20:G30 (Languages)
F13:G19 (Religion)
D10:E17 (Age structure)
This is the major part of my project that I need to complete. Any help would be greatly appreciated, PLEASE. =)
Right now I have ranges that aren't accurate, but regardless of how I try to show my range, the function does not work:
Sub CreateCharts()
Dim counter As Integer, chartname As String, xvals As String, offset As Integer, Range As String
'Delete all charts
Dim oc As ChartObject
For Each oc In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Next oc
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Jun 10, 2014
I have the following macro to autohide some rows with no data, however its remove rows starting from column A.
[Code] .....
How do i fix this to only hide the rows in the range (H4:V50)?
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