in creating a macro that will remove all frontspaces, trailing spaces from entire sheet + remove characters like (), *,-, &, @,/,',;,. from columns E and F,
in col E and F there should either be string or numbers, everything else should be removed.
I want to remove the front zero(s) from the front and put a space before the last two letters for the following column of data in Excel:
0001MG 0020MG 0100MG 1000MG
Final result will have this format and the data are right aligned. 1 MG 20 MG 100 MG 1000 MG
The numbers can vary (e.g. 0150MG, 0025MG,etc.) but the arrangement is always the same: four figures for the first 4 characters and two letters for the last two characters. The format of the cells containing the data is: General
My table has 7 columns and these data are in the 5th column in a worksheet called ProductSummary. The number of rows for the records can vary from 10 to over a couple of hundred.
How can I use VBA to: 1) automatically select the table range in that worksheet and reformat all the data in the 5th column.
I need to do a lookup on these cells but for some reason they all appear to have some kind of space characters in each cell which you can see if you double click on them. I have tried trims, text to columns, find replaces and none of these seem to work
I have a huge list of these numbers / codes and they all have the weird space kind of characters at the end
Can anyone give me a solution on how to remove them so my lookup will work?
I have cells in a sheet containing varying numbers of items separated by semicolons. I want to convert these to columns using text to columns. The trouble is there are spaces after each semicolon, and I don't know how to get rid of them. I believe this may be compounded by the fact that the cells containing varying numbers of items. When I convert to columns I don't want each cell in the new columns to start with spaces. I'm attaching an example of what I mean (sanitized with fast food joint names).
Spaces after entries keep messing up my VLOOKUPS. I get a lot of data from other people and when they have entered the information in some of the entries have a space after the word which mess up the results of my vlookups. Is there an easy way of going through and removing spaces after a word? Not all the words have spaces after them.
In my spreadsheet, column A, I have a list is part #'s. I have found at the end of my part #'s there are several spaces in each cell. I need to remove these from the cells so that my formulas will be easier to use. Is there a way to do this? The part #'s very in length and format. They would look like this "100020x0 ".
I have a list of product numbers that I would need to convert into correct format. The logic is that the maximum number of characters is 14, but the there are 6 different formats. In my list there are spaces added and I would need to delete the needless spaces.
For XXX XXX XXX correct format is XXXXXXXXX (no empty spaces)
I have a column with 11 digit numbers formatted as text (Column C) and it seems like there's three spaces after the number (In Sheet A). I am trying to do a vlookup comparing Sheet A to Sheet B. It's not working and not sure if it's the extra spacing in the cell of Sheet A that's causing the Vlookup not to work.
I would like to compare both lists to see what UPC's are on both sheets. Any ideas how I can do this?
In Sheet A, Column C contains UPC (11 digits) 07845968952
I have some data that is seperated by spaces. I need to split the data so each is in a seperate cell and then remove the spaces. I can do this if there is only one space inbetween the data, but that is not always the case. I attach a workbook with examples.
I'm compiling several old worksheets into a single database for a research study. The worksheets contain patient data. Some of the worksheets have the patient's last name, first name, and middle initial entered all in one cell like this: Smith,John R. Compounding the problem is the fact that sometimes the name is entered with a space between the comma and the first name, sometimes not.
I have formulas to break the name out into three separate columns "lName, "fName", "midInit". However, if the name in the original cell has a space between the coma and the first name, then the fname column will contain a blank space in front of the name. This is problem because patients names can appear in the database more than once. Some patients are in the database several times.
If patient John R. Smith, for example, is entered in the database as
Smith John R
and also as
Smith <space>John R
then the database wont recognize them as the same name when I search for John Smiths data. Right?
If so, then I need a way to eliminate the empty spaces in front of the first names. Like I said, some have empty spaces and some dont. I could do this by hand, but there are over 1000 entries in these worksheets.
I have written a short piece of code based on some other posts and for some reason it doesn't work and it's driving me mad. The task seems to be very easy - I'm trying to get rid of some formulas in all worksheets and keep the actual values only. The part that is failing is the following: ws.Range("A1:P31").Select
I have an Excel file with several worksheets and each of those worksheets has over 600 rows (a list of employees) and above or under 30 columns. Most of cells have trailing spaces in them and they vary in length. For example:
B5: "Jacobson " C5: " " (Seems like it's not allowing me to post long gaps between the last letters and the "
I'm aware of the TRIM function and know that I could at least get a column or a few copied with the spaces removed. However, it would just take so much time. What would be the most efficient way of getting rid of all the trailing spaces in all the cells in all the columns in all the worksheets?
A range of cells contain characters that i want to replace with spaces. The problem is that the length of the string differs and also the characters differ.
For example, below a list of cell values:
As a result for the first value i want 2 spaces, for the second one 4 spaces etc.
Is it possible to do this with a formula? I don't want to use VBA for this if possible...
How do I add special characters in-between text? I know how to include a registered sign by using =CHAR(174) but what I do not know is how to include text before and after the sign itself.
I need to fill out a web form and have been doing so like this:
With hDoc.forms(0) .NameOfInputBoxWithinTheForm.Value = "AAC" .NameOfInputBoxWithinTheForm.Value = "1/1/7" .Search.Click End With
I have recently run into forms where the name/id of the input element contains special characters. Like Name#OfInputBoxWithin$TheForm$1. which VBA wont allow me to use in the code above since they are type def characters.
I am trying to do a vlookup. I receive a report that gives the data as hyperlinks. I run a macro to remove the hyperlinks. I'm then left with a name that i want to match using a vlookup to get other data. The names are Chinese characters. I have tried using trim and clean function but its still leaving a space after the name. If i fo in manually and delete the space at the end the vlookup works fine. How to remove the spaces? i have about 5000 rows.
What i need is the following: In cell B1: if A1 is greater than 08:00am but less than 14:00pm than B1 should have a tick which is green, if cell A1 is greater than 14:00pm than B1 should have a cross which is red...
I have a worksheet that I produced from optical character recognition, and there are a lot of funky characters that I need to get rid of. One is a line break or carraige return (I assume it's the same character that I could insert by entering ALT+ENTER). How do I search for this special character to replace it? How do I identify what that invisible character is?