VBA Command Loop Through Spreadsheet Rows Until Blank Rows

Apr 22, 2012

Using excel's text to speech I've put together a basic spreadsheet.


Function talkit(Speech)
Application.Speech.speak (Speech)
talkit = Speech


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Loop Command Across Multiple Rows And Worksheets

Jul 23, 2014

I have a large data file with several different worksheets. In one cell I have a large set of individual numbers (i.e in the cell there is "123456 234234 939829") This value is my 'sample' number. The same sample could be in multiple rows on one sheet and could also be on other sheets. I am trying to find the sample in a column (on some sheets its column "Q", other sheets it could be different columns, but that column is fixed per sheet) and then copy the information on the same row in columns A & B and copy it to my target sheet. Then the next place the sample appears copy that info to the next row of my target sheet. So far I am stuck getting it to find the multiple values on one sheet. My code is below.


Sub Samplesearch()
Dim sample As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim lr As Long
Dim lsr As Long


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Removing Blank Rows In Spreadsheet?

Feb 2, 2006

Is there a quick way to remove blank rows quickly. I have a spreadsheet with over 8500 rows but some are blank.

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Delete Off All Blank Rows In A Spreadsheet

Jul 20, 2006

How can I delete all blank rows in a spreadsheet without sorting the data as I want it to be in the exact order it is in.

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Loop Through Rows Until Blank And Call Macro

Feb 16, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with a list of names from cell A5 to A? - can be as many as 130 names or as few as 20. I have to create individual spreadsheets with the persons name as part of the filename. I have 3 subroutines which work manually ( CreateFile, LookUp and NewWorkbookSave ) so that I can generate individual files for those users who require them. However I need to be able on occasions to create a full teams worth of files with one click - to this end I need to be able to loop through cells A5 - A whatever and call the Subroutine CreateFile - I enclose the code I have so far

Const Fname = "AON Ver 3,0.xls" 'insert filename here like "AON Ver 3,0.xls"
Const DirName = "\Ukplscs105central repositoryAOMTally SheetsTeam upload Tally sheets"
Const TeamName = "AON" ' insert team Name here like "AON"
Const FilePath = DirName & TeamName
Dim count As Integer

Sub CreateFile()
ChDir FilePath
Workbooks.Open Filename:=FilePath & Fname
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized
Call LookUp....................

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Automatically Hide Blank Rows In Spreadsheet

Jan 22, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that is linked to another spreadsheet in a workbook. The information comes from an export of an access query into a template in excel that I am using just to store the values, then I link the values to the appropriate field in another sheet. I was wondering is there a way to programmatically hide blank rows in this sheet starting at a specific row of the page.

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Count The # Of Rows In A Spreadsheet In Which There Is Non-blank Text Data In 2 Separate Columns

Dec 5, 2008

I am trying to count the # of rows in a spreadsheet in which there is non-blank text data in 2 separate columns. For instance, if the spreadsheet looked like the one below (dashes just for formatting purposes):

Mary-------some text--------some more text
John-------<blanks>---------just text here
Sue--------just some here-----<blanks>
Dave-------something--------something else

The total # of rows with something in both the "THIS" and "THAT" columns above would therefore be 2.

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Loop Command Until Blank Row

Mar 7, 2007

to get the code myself but nearly smashed the computer , then been searching for hours for the answer and still no luck, so last resort, to what I bet is an easy solution.

I'm building a spreadsheet and want to create a macro that will copy a row to another spreadsheet, and continue repeating this until it reaches a blank row and then stops the macro. For example:-

Row 1 contains Anna
Row 2 contains Ben
Row 3 contains Clive
Row 4 contains nothing

I want excel to copy rows 1, 2 and 3 to another workbook but once it reaches row 4 it realises it's reached the end of the list. (The list won't always be three rows but will be continous)

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Macro To Split Rows Into Groups Of 5 And Insert 3 Blank Rows In Between

Feb 9, 2013

I would like to have my macro code search column A (supplier numbers) and split the rows into groups of rows of 5 or less and then insert 3 blank rows between each group of rows. The split needs to start on a new supplier number and cannot split a supplier number into two different groups. Here is a sample:

Invoice Date
GL Date
Invoice Amt


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Pulling Rows From Other Sheet - Skipping Over Rows If Column Is Blank

Jan 17, 2014

I am working in the attached spreadsheet. For anyone who does not wish to open the link, let's say these sheets are titled 'Sheet1' and 'Sheet2'.

Sheet2 looks like this:

Year Cat Name
2013 4 Sal
2013 4 Pat
2013 3 Pat


Now, how may I pull this data into a summary sheet (Sheet1) that skips over any instances where column A ("Year") is blank so it looks like this:

Year Cat Name
2013 4 Sal
2013 4 Pat
2013 3 Pat
2013 2 Pat
2013 5 Bob


Note: All columns are the EXACT same across each sheet(including Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3), if that extra piece of information works.

PS It is fine if, in order for a formula to work, I need to copy and paste the formula for the length of rows per each Sheet to consolidate.


So, in my industry, any summary-level data (shown on Sheet1) must have a linked reference to a particular sheet (Sheet2, Sheet3, etc.) so the user knows where the raw data came from. This is to ensure increased accuracy of data and minimize human error (like, if for example, I accidentally didn't copy and paste all the rows correctly).

I have uploaded the actual sheet to show what the data actually look like. I am trying to pull in 2013 data into my "Summary Page" and would like to have all the data linked to the '2013' sheet but skip any blank rows.

Here is my failed formula:


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Macro To Separate Lots Of Rows With Certain Amount Of Blank Rows

Feb 15, 2014

I have been using this macro to separate lots of rows with a certain amount of blank rows.


Sub test()
Dim j As Long, r As Range
j = InputBox("type the number of rows to be insered")
Set r = Range("A2")

[Code] .......

I trying to change it so that, instead of inserting how ever many blank rows, it just copys the row above.

Example (Row A to C)

I have been messing around with macro recorder and i could select each row and paste it into the blank rows, but from researching on the internet selecting and pasting data seems to be a waste of resources (ram?) and i will be running this on a couple hundred rows (lots of data). Also, i would like to keep the functionality so that i can still choose how many times it copys/inserts each individual row from a input box.

I eventually want the data to end up like it is shown in the table but i am takin it one step at time because i want to understand what the code is doing.

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Insert Blanks Rows In Alternate Rows But Ignore If Already Blank

Jun 26, 2014

i have this code which inserts blank rows in alternate rows,

Sub insertrow()
' insertrow Macro
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Dim count As Integer
Dim X As Integer
For count = 1 To 20
If activecell.Value "" Then
activecell.Offset(1, 0).Select


what changes should i make in this code to insert rows only when ther are now blank rows. So first time i run, blank rows are already there, and when i update some data at the bottom and re-run it inserts blank rows again.

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Getting Rows To Columns Macro Skipping Blank Rows

Dec 28, 2011

I have this in Column A, with about 120 entries:

Company 1
Contact 1
Address 1
City, ST, ZIP 1
Phone 1
Fax 1

Company 2
Contact 2
Address 2
City, ST, ZIP 2
Phone 2
Fax 2

Company 3
Contact 3
Address 3
City, ST, ZIP 3
Phone 3
Fax 3

I want this:

Company 1 Address 1 City, ST, ZIP 1 Phone 1 Fax 1
Company 2 Address 2 City, ST, ZIP 2 Phone 2 Fax 2
Company 3 Address 3 City, ST, ZIP 3 Phone 3 Fax 3

all the way down.

I can't figure out how to record the macro to tell it to then skip the blank line, collect the next set of data, and put it in the next row. I can do it for two, but then it just replaces the first two with the next two and I lose data.

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Delete Blank Rows (formula Not Deleting All Rows)

Sep 30, 2008

I have the following codes to delete all blank rows in column A

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox lastrow

With Sheet1
For t = 1 To lastrow
If Cells(t, 1) = "" Then
End If
Next t
End With

End Sub

Although it is working , it is not deleting all the blank rows at once, I have to keep pressing on the macro button running the macro several times, until all blank rows are completely deleted.

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Hide Blank Rows Based On Values In Other Rows

Nov 3, 2006

I have a worksheet used for inventory. In Column A is the quantity (to be entered manually). In Column B is the product description. In Column C is the price of the product, and Column D the total price (column C price x the quantity entered in Column A). At the bottom of the worksheet is a grand total. Also, Column B (products) is grouped into subheadings by the supplier each product came from (for example, row 6 has the title PPG, and then rows 7-137 list every product from PPG).

The calculations in this worksheet work fine. What I am trying to do is, using a macro once all of the appropriate quantities are entered in column A, automatically hide every row of product that does not have a quantity. The tricky part is, if no products under a given supplier subheader are entered, the subheader also hides, and if a quantity is entered, that subheader shows. For example, if I have no quantities under any products for PPG, then the PPG subheader hides, but if just one quantity is added, PPG shows. Also, this list will be constantly updated, new products will be put in and taken out all of the time, so I cannot base the macro on a specific number of rows.

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Delete Blank Rows & Rows Below Meeting Condition

Jun 21, 2008

I have an imported report in a spreadsheet. It imports to three columns. I need to check each row in column A for three seperate criteria and delete the rows I don't need. I need to delete blank rows and check next row for page header info. Delete these and next rows to next blank cell. Check next row for page header and not delete if not page header. Several rows down will be a cell with 23 blank spaces before the word Reg: and sometimes other words past this but always this first. This row is to be kept. I looked at the FAQ's example of Deleting but I don't think it will work. I also need to put a key word in column A at a point where I want to stop. This report is a couple thousand rows long so a VBA procedure would really save time. I have a procedure I use to check for two zero's in two cells that hide these rows but I couldn't modify it to work on this report.

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Eliminate Blank Rows By Shifting Rows Up

Nov 4, 2008

I have the code below that clears colums B-J and L-N in whatever row you activate a cell in. When a row gets cleared, how do I shift all the other rows up to eliminate blank rows in between the data real-time? I've deactivated the cut function already since this messes up references in the worksheet, so it would have to only use copy, paste, and clearcontents functions. Also, I don't want to DELETE any rows, just essentially shift the blank rows to the bottom. So when a row is cleared, all others shift up and the blank one goes to the end of the data that is available for data entry, so rows 17 to 116 are always available. But it must check to make sure that B-J and L-N are ALL blank, otherwise some wanted rows with one piece of information might get cleared. So at any given time, my range will always go from row 17 to 116. This is Excel 2007. Here is the code I have to clear rows that can be built upon.

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Counting Rows And Inserting Blank Rows

Dec 31, 2008

I have an excel sheet that has the A column populated with many different things.

I'm not sure how possible it is, but I'm trying to group everything up by 7s and putting a space in between the groups.



Would turn into




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Store Row Number Within Loop And Delete All Stored Rows After Loop?

Sep 11, 2013

I have working code that returns a row number within a for loop based on parameters I set.

Each time the for loop runs I would like to store this row number, then after the loop has finished, delete all stored rows.

for rowNum = 1 to x (some variable end row number which I already have worked out using End(xlUp).Row)
if x = y then
*storedRow = rowNum
end if
next rowNum

Lines with a * are the bits I can't work out. I've been trying to understand arrays by reading posts on what other people have done, but I can't fit (or fully understand) the reDims, or reDim preserves into my code. I've seen what appear to be quite complex ways involving uBounds and LBounds, but unfortunately I can't see how to use them.

All I want is to simply keep adding a row numbers to a variable, (i.e. row 2, 5, 20, 33, 120, etc) and then delete those specific rows.

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Erase 2 Blank Rows Every 37 Rows

May 30, 2008

I have 1006 records in an excel file and would like to erase 2 blank rows every 37 filled rows.

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Copying Only Rows With Data In First Column - Skipping Rows With Blank First Column

May 12, 2014

I have 2 columns of data E and F. Column E has 11 different words that randomly repeat, Column F has 10 years of dates, about 1,000 entries (10/11/12 format). Both columns values come from formulas.

I am trying to copy cells E & F to columns K & L starting in row 2 only if there is is data in column E (one of the 11 words) and skipping all others rows. Both the E & F values of tthe row must be copied together, i.e if text is in E45, then copy E45 and F45 into column K and L starting with K2 & L2. This is a task which will be repeated multiple times as data is replaced in columns A-D.

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Repeating Command Until End Of The Rows

Nov 23, 2009

I download an extract from our company's website (.csv). After that, I need to do certain actions (such as deleting certain rows etc.).

The parts I am struggling with in VBA is:
- I need to trim B:B and give back the values to the same cells it came from;
- I need to add three columns behind the data: a date (same for all rows), a simple sum of two cells (A2-D2), and a vlookup.

I vaguely remember that I need to build a loop until the end of the rows (number of rows varies with every download, column headers are the same always), but I cannot remember how.

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Count Blank Cells Within A Range Not Including Fully Blank Rows

Jul 15, 2008

I can count the blank cells withiin a range using


But I dont want it to count the cells if the entire row, within that cell, i.e. C6:AD6, is blank.

It should only count the blank cells within a row if there has been some data entered on that row..provided it has been entered within the specified range.

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Adding Rows Via Command Button?

May 30, 2012

I have a monthly log that I need to keep to track expenses and customers visited. The log is segmented into 12 parts corresponding with each month.

I need to be able to add multiple lines via an input box while maintaining the formulas and formatting of the 2 rows directly above the forms command button (because both lines are filled with a different color) but not the contents?

There will be 12 command buttons in all and the new rows should be added at the bottom (directly above where the button is)

I found this and it works to some extent.

Sub FromFormsCommandBar2()
Dim Btn As Button
with ActiveSheet
Set Btn = .Buttons(application.caller)
end with
End Sub

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Command Button - How To Delete Specific Rows

Mar 15, 2012

I have a command button that upon its click I would like to delete a specific row. I am using a vlookup which is giving me the row of the number I would like to delete. How do i go about deleting out this row?

this is also a radiobutton within the row that I would like to delete out as well. It is not named but it linked to column B within the row that I will be deleting.

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Adding Numbers To Rows Using A Command Button ()

Nov 28, 2007

I have a user form with combo boxes. The user selects items from the combo box and when they click the command button the selection is written to the spreadsheet. Each time the button is clicked it adds an item to the sheet making a list of items. I am trying to assign a number to each item when the command button is clicked so I have numbered list. Here is my code so far:

Private Sub cmdbtnAdd_Click()

Dim RowCount As String

'Writes user inputs to Active Worksheet when Add Item Button is clicked.

RowCount = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range


With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")

.Offset(RowCount, 0).Value = ' This is where I have been trying to code in the numbering

.Offset(RowCount, 1).Value = Me.Combobox1

.Offset(RowCount, 2).Value = Me.ComboBox2

End With

End Sub

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Insert Rows (and Copy Formulas) Using Command Button?

Feb 5, 2014

I have a simple command button in my worksheet that will insert a blank row and copy formatting, but not the formulas. How do I adjust the code so that the formulas are copied to the new blank row? This is currently what I have:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Sheets("WAWF Track").Range("A9").Select
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Insert Shift:=x1Down
End Sub

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AdvancedFilter Macro. This Command Needs At Least 2 Rows Of Source Data

Dec 24, 2007

I'm trying to put a search userform in a worksheet. I got this code from the web and tried to alter it to fit my worksheet....

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Requesting A SUMPRODUCT Command That Will Give A Count Of Rows Where All Of The Follow

Aug 25, 2009

Requesting a SUMPRODUCT (or other) command that will give a count of rows where all of the following three things are true:

column A = P
(column B = Q or column B = R)
column C = S

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Put Together A Macro For A Command Button That Deletes Rows With Certain Text In A Document

Feb 4, 2009

how to put together a macro for a command button that deletes rows with certain text in a docyment - which worked fine a week or so ago - but now the macro will not work.

I made changes to the document - but made sure i also made changes to the code.

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