VLOOKUP With A Condition?
Dec 19, 2013
potential VLOOKUP (or possibly another function)
I have a table with about 14 columns, and need a VLOOKUP based on column A.
The problem is Column A has 2 of each unique ID - but column B is the subtype.
For example
Column A Has names (Bob, Jim, Steve, etc) Column B has Opt in or is blank (if they opt out the cell is blank if they opt in the cell says Opt in)
So essentially it's like a vlookup - as i need to read across the columns based on the name, but i also need to check column B if they have opted in.
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Jan 28, 2014
See attached the excel for reference : Vlookup with condition.xlsx‎
I have table A1:E10 , where i enter Internal team transfers "From Team" to " To Team" with Month
Now what i want in Table G1:S15 is that whenever a transfer takes place, for that particular month, tables gets filled up as +1 for "To Team" and -1 for "From Team." Also if there are multiple transfers happening for a particular team in a month then that numbers should sum up.
For your easy understanding, i have filled the table as per my logic explained above.
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Apr 10, 2014
I have an excel file with thousands of rows and I'm trying to pull certain data from one tab to another. In the example, I want to pull all Listings that are "Open" (I know, just filter), but if the listing is "Open" I want to pull all of the other statuses it once had as well in the new tab. Notice how a listing can have multiple statuses.
I was thinking I could filter by Status (Open) and then do a vlookup (using the listing number as the lookup number), but it doesn't work.
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Jan 9, 2009
I've been trying to figure out how to do a vlookup using two conditions. Reading some other posts, I saw this could be done by combining a MATCH function but I'm still having trouble. Here is what I'm trying to do: I am trying to match cash amounts based on two look up values....one being the identifier (cusip) and one being the pmt code. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m204/RAK_08/data.jpg
This data is formatted exactly the same but comes from two different sources. I need to match the pmt amounts for a cash reconciliation.
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Jan 28, 2009
i looking for function, which will give me a results if its the person good , bad and other (Y). It will look based on column A, but if will be more equal names in this column, it looks in the column surname (B) and return value from column (Y) in this row. But it can be more equal column B.
Here is an example:
Results what i want are in Z1,Z2,Z3
1 sue doe good
2 joe bond very good
3 mark no bad
SOURCE table
1 john doe good
2 joe black bad
3 sue doe good
4 mark black not bad
5 joe bond very good
6 mark no bad
7 kat doe bad
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Apr 26, 2014
I have an excel sheet with lot of data.i want to use vlookup function for getting what cell i want. the same time it will also check if and only if two cells are matching then return the result.is it possible. for example:
101 3.2 7.3 200 500
102 5.2 8.3 200 450
103 3.2 7.3 200 750
101 7.3 7.3 200 450
102 7.3 7.3 200 500
103 7.3 7.3 200 600
if my lookup_value is 103(ie A3 ) in this table array and required column is 6th column(ie E6).
return the value if and only if B & C cells of the corresponding row matches. In the example B6=C6 then return the E6=600.
if i am using without this condition it returns the same row values ie E3=750 required is E6=600
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Feb 22, 2009
Have following table:
No. Be Country
1 D GB
1 C DE
2 B DE
2 A GB
I want to present it as follow:
1 D C
2 A B
Did not solve it with a pivot table. Not either with VLOOKUP combined with IF. I am thinking in the direction: If 1 in the first column and GB in the third, return the D. But I am not getting it right.
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Aug 28, 2009
Title: How do I add a condition to an IF and Vlookup Formula:
I need to edit a formula to include a condition. I attached an excel file for ease of explaining the problem. I want to say if $E$5 has “A to B” then F5 will automatically have BOR, but if E5 has anything else then the Vlookup formula applies.
I was thinking something along this formula:
=IF(AND($E$5<>”A to B”,ISBLANK($B5),"",VLOOKUP($B5,'Drop Down'!$D$1:$E$500,2,FALSE)))
I know I need to add “BOR” in the formula above somewhere
Where am I going wrong?
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Feb 16, 2014
I created a Vlookup but first want a condition to be met to determine what Vlookup to use.
Such as
If cell = 1 then
run Vlookup #1
If cell = 2 then
run Vlookup #2
There are only 4 possible variables that the cell could equal. This would have to be on a loop, because the entries in the worksheet are multiple. It would first see what the specific cell equaled, then determine what Vlookup to use.
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May 27, 2014
Attach below are 2 sample file and inside it consist of device,grouping and lb1,tb1,ab1. How do I use excel formulae based on 2 condition and set from vlookup with 2 condition file to vlookup with 2 condition 1 file like a vlookup.
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Feb 6, 2014
I have been struggling with this formula for ages and have finally given up. What I would like to do is to do a lookup on the concatenated values of Province, Department and Initiative No, which has mutiple values in the status of milestone column, and then give the answer based on a condition.
The condition for this example should be, that if the returned status / or statuses of the initiative is all 1, then the value should be 1, if it's all 2, then the value should be 2, and so on.....but if the values returned from the status of the initiative is a combination of 1,2 or 3, then it should give me the answer 2. If 4 is part of the comination of values returned, then the value should be 4.
Zero - 0 should be excluded from the formula as it is part of planned values and not actual.
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Mar 24, 2014
I am trying to perform a calculation in a cell that leaves the value 0 if before Feb 2014, changes to the value of another cell in Feb 2014 and leaves the value unchanged if after Feb 2014. I can get to the Feb 2014 value but after that month the value changes to 0.
The Cell formula that I am trying to use is as follows:
A3 contains TODAY()
H114 is the cell being calculated
AA118 is the cell containing the calculated value for the current month.
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Aug 13, 2009
I would like to try and achive a conditional format that will require a lookup function. when the condition is met it places Yes or No into a cell and changes that row colour to red for the NO condition. and after 10 days from now the rowcolour is removed.
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Feb 29, 2008
I'm having trouble with the two formulas working in conjuction with each other.
Condition 1:
Condition 2:
"Condition 1" seems to override "Condition 2"? Ever see that?
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Apr 12, 2014
So I have one sheet that needs to pull data through to another sheet (which is a stats summary)
I have a drop down list containing 4 options all of which have to be counted separately on the stats summary sheet. However I only need them counted when a value is input in another cell in that row.
For example: I select option 1 from down down menu, but I only want this to be counted on the stats page when I enter a date in the "date" cell.
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Jan 15, 2014
Here's a simplified example:
[Code] .........
I'm looking to return the values in column A adjacent to the cells in Column B equal to "Y". The kicker has been returning only the cells where the condition is true. Column C displays the desired behavior.
The closest I've been able to get is with a simple IF statement but I'm pretty sure the answer is a far cry away from there and likely requires an array formula. I'd prefer not to use VLOOKUP or OFFSET but will if the alternative is very complex.
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Feb 2, 2014
I need cell (O4) to display days overdue or days remaining on an assigned task based on subtracting due date (M4) from todays date, but only perform days subtraction function if (M4) is not blank and only if task complete cell (N4) is less than 100.
Have the conditional blank cell figured out, but nesting another condition for the less than 100 complete cell. So in other words, I don't want cell (O4) to subtract days and display any error, irrelevant data if there is not any due date entered or the task is entered as complete...
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a Vlookup which I want to modify so that it can become dynamic as the table array part of the vlookup will change.
So the basic vlookup is as follows:
but the data I am looking for wont always be in the range M60:P73.
So I tried to make it dynamic by doing the following:
The idea being that U1 and V1 would be numbers that can change so in this case U1 would equal 60 and V1 would equal 73
This vlookup is giving me #N/A and no matter how I modify it I cannot get it to work.
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Oct 5, 2009
I have a sheet using VLookup to find EMail and Web addresses. I can get the address to show up but not as an active URL address. Is it possible to have the address "active" so I can click on it and activate the EMail or Web Site?
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Oct 29, 2012
I'm trying to do a Vlookup on a file that gets automatically downloaded to the computer from a website. The data is in lots of different data sets, like so:
Loans to countries
Loans to banks
Every month a new row of data gets added to each table, meaning the start and end cells of the array also shift each time.
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Jul 13, 2009
I'm currently trying to vlookup the same data from 2 different sheets. Here is the code i've tried.
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Jun 9, 2009
I’m trying to develop a workbook which holds monthly data on loan information. It tracks the interest and balance on the loan. I want the first page to have a table displaying the interest payments for every individual tab. When I was brainstorming the idea, I was considering a sort of Vlookup function to find the tab the account is on and then a further function, possibly another vlookup which connects the month to that month’s interest payment. Can anyone help me figure this out?
The attached spreadsheet is obviously simplified, there are well over 30 tabs. But I would like it to, ideally, search the account number column, search the workbook for that account number, and then when on that page use the month at the top of the first page and retrieve the interest payment and put it back in the cell. It’d also be great if the formula can be transferred between workbooks. I’m not sure if that makes sense; basically if I were to copy that worksheet into the next months book, I would like that the formula read those tabs instead of becoming obsolete due to references from the first workbook.
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Jul 24, 2009
I have data in a pivottable which I want to compare with another table. The lastcolumn+1 of the pivottable needs to get data from another table. I have this for an example:
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a spreadsheet (Need Data.xls) that needs to be filled out with a couple columns of data.
This data lays within 338 spreadsheets which have many items and may only have 2, or 3, or 50 that belong on my Need Data.xls spreadsheet.
I have a tab in Need Data.xls named "DIR" which has a list of 336 excel files that need to vlookup'd into.(not a separate file) They're all setup with this format:
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Jan 8, 2009
I am receiving a run-time error with following code. The error message is "unable to get the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction class". I only receive the message when the lookup value is not found in the table.
I thought adding the "False" command at the end would return an "N/A" but it didn't. Is there anything I can add to avoid this error?
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Jul 15, 2008
I'm taking a spreadsheet that I produce each month and creating a year to date spreadsheet in the same format. I'm using a vlookup to find the campaign name in each sheet and add up the totals. This works fine but sometimes a camapign ends and so the vlookup for that month will produce an #n/a value so will reduce the whole sum to #n/a.
The VLOOKUP + VLOOKUP + VLOOKUP I was using that produced an #n/a is shown below.
=VLOOKUP($A6,'[Margin by Site Net April 2008.xls]Brighton'!$A$5:$F$26,2,FALSE)+VLOOKUP($A6,'[Margin by Site Net May 2008.xls]Brighton'!$A$5:$F$26,2,FALSE)+VLOOKUP($A6,'[Margin by Site Net June 2008.xls]Brighton'!$A$5:$F$26,2,FALSE)
To get round it I've added in an IF statement combined with ISERROR as shown below. It works but is looking quite messy. Is there an easier way to do this ? (the formula below is from the cell below the one above so the look up value is one cell down)
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a rows of the following.
The following are the outputs.
When I do summation on the output cells, the results returned 0. Do I have to do anything procedure in order to add up values that are generated by If-Else?
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Feb 10, 2010
3 different condition using IF. See the attachment.
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Oct 23, 2008
I need to find the last date when a company bought any product from my company.
So i have taken the export from the CRM, now i want if the company name collumn is same take the max function in the date collumn fro that perticular company.
I am attaching the file also with a small example.
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Dec 11, 2005
Is thre an easy way to set up the following testing conditions:
- if A1=A2=A3= ... =A10, do something?
Additional information:
- I'm using Office XP
- I'm using Windows XP
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