How To Use VLookup Return Only Some Condition Satisfies

Apr 26, 2014

I have an excel sheet with lot of data.i want to use vlookup function for getting what cell i want. the same time it will also check if and only if two cells are matching then return the it possible. for example:

101 3.2 7.3 200 500
102 5.2 8.3 200 450
103 3.2 7.3 200 750
101 7.3 7.3 200 450
102 7.3 7.3 200 500

103 7.3 7.3 200 600

if my lookup_value is 103(ie A3 ) in this table array and required column is 6th column(ie E6).

return the value if and only if B & C cells of the corresponding row matches. In the example B6=C6 then return the E6=600.

if i am using without this condition it returns the same row values ie E3=750 required is E6=600

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Macro To Select All Rows Above Cell That Satisfies Condition?

Mar 26, 2013

In a particular sheet the data (with formulae) are present from rows E5:Q5000. I require a macro which automatically does the following:

- When user enters “submitted” in the row Column N, entire rows above that cell should be selected, and copy-pasted as values to remove all formulas. So if user enters “submitted”, at N31, then data set E5:Q31 should be selected and copy pasted special so as to retain only values.

-Finally the copy pasted data should be sorted as per the status of Column N.

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Formula To Select Value That Satisfies Conditions

Apr 3, 2009

Need a formula that will use column F as a reference to find out if there are 3 previous wins and show the value of FG (H column) and if not it should return just a character ("-" eg). For example in our case the end result should be what is shown in column J. The problem I have is that the sheet contains a break in stats after every 20 games and more conditions have to be added to accomodate this and have not been able to succesfully do it. You can use other columns (as shown) for references if it is easier. See column L for what I have come up with but it does not quite work as I wanted it - as it shows a false where it should return just "-" and also in the row after the last data entry it shows a 0 instead of "-". Table gets updated.

Any other solution (not using IF function) would be fine as long as I get the end result in column J (as shown).

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Return Values Of Adjacent Cells When Condition Is True Omitting Values Where Condition Is False?

Jan 15, 2014

Here's a simplified example:




[Code] .........

I'm looking to return the values in column A adjacent to the cells in Column B equal to "Y". The kicker has been returning only the cells where the condition is true. Column C displays the desired behavior.

The closest I've been able to get is with a simple IF statement but I'm pretty sure the answer is a far cry away from there and likely requires an array formula. I'd prefer not to use VLOOKUP or OFFSET but will if the alternative is very complex.

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VLOOKUP With A Condition?

Dec 19, 2013

potential VLOOKUP (or possibly another function)

I have a table with about 14 columns, and need a VLOOKUP based on column A.

The problem is Column A has 2 of each unique ID - but column B is the subtype.

For example

Column A Has names (Bob, Jim, Steve, etc) Column B has Opt in or is blank (if they opt out the cell is blank if they opt in the cell says Opt in)

So essentially it's like a vlookup - as i need to read across the columns based on the name, but i also need to check column B if they have opted in.

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Vlookup With Condition

Jan 28, 2014

See attached the excel for reference : Vlookup with condition.xlsx‎

I have table A1:E10 , where i enter Internal team transfers "From Team" to " To Team" with Month

Now what i want in Table G1:S15 is that whenever a transfer takes place, for that particular month, tables gets filled up as +1 for "To Team" and -1 for "From Team." Also if there are multiple transfers happening for a particular team in a month then that numbers should sum up.

For your easy understanding, i have filled the table as per my logic explained above.

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Vlookup Rows With Condition?

Apr 10, 2014

I have an excel file with thousands of rows and I'm trying to pull certain data from one tab to another. In the example, I want to pull all Listings that are "Open" (I know, just filter), but if the listing is "Open" I want to pull all of the other statuses it once had as well in the new tab. Notice how a listing can have multiple statuses.

I was thinking I could filter by Status (Open) and then do a vlookup (using the listing number as the lookup number), but it doesn't work.

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Multiple Condition Vlookup

Jan 9, 2009

I've been trying to figure out how to do a vlookup using two conditions. Reading some other posts, I saw this could be done by combining a MATCH function but I'm still having trouble. Here is what I'm trying to do: I am trying to match cash amounts based on two look up being the identifier (cusip) and one being the pmt code.

This data is formatted exactly the same but comes from two different sources. I need to match the pmt amounts for a cash reconciliation.

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Vlookup Based On 2 Condition

Jan 28, 2009

i looking for function, which will give me a results if its the person good , bad and other (Y). It will look based on column A, but if will be more equal names in this column, it looks in the column surname (B) and return value from column (Y) in this row. But it can be more equal column B.

Here is an example:
Results what i want are in Z1,Z2,Z3

1 sue doe good
2 joe bond very good
3 mark no bad

SOURCE table
1 john doe good
2 joe black bad
3 sue doe good
4 mark black not bad
5 joe bond very good
6 mark no bad
7 kat doe bad

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VLOOKUP, IF Condition And Pivot Table

Feb 22, 2009

Have following table:
No. Be Country
1 D GB
1 C DE
2 B DE
2 A GB

I want to present it as follow:
1 D C
2 A B

Did not solve it with a pivot table. Not either with VLOOKUP combined with IF. I am thinking in the direction: If 1 in the first column and GB in the third, return the D. But I am not getting it right.

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Adding A Condition To An IF And Vlookup Forumula

Aug 28, 2009

Title: How do I add a condition to an IF and Vlookup Formula:

I need to edit a formula to include a condition. I attached an excel file for ease of explaining the problem. I want to say if $E$5 has A to B then F5 will automatically have BOR, but if E5 has anything else then the Vlookup formula applies.

I was thinking something along this formula:
=IF(AND($E$5<>A to B,ISBLANK($B5),"",VLOOKUP($B5,'Drop Down'!$D$1:$E$500,2,FALSE)))

I know I need to add BOR in the formula above somewhere
Where am I going wrong?

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Setting Condition Before Running VLookup VBA?

Feb 16, 2014

I created a Vlookup but first want a condition to be met to determine what Vlookup to use.

Such as

If cell = 1 then
run Vlookup #1

If cell = 2 then
run Vlookup #2

There are only 4 possible variables that the cell could equal. This would have to be on a loop, because the entries in the worksheet are multiple. It would first see what the specific cell equaled, then determine what Vlookup to use.

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How Do You Make The IF, False Condition Return Nothing

Feb 21, 2008

Below is the forumula I am using. The problem is, when the condition is false, it puts a "0". This then effects the conditional formatting as well as the count function at the bottom. I need it to just leave the space alone when the If statement is "False"


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Return Largest Value Meeting Condition

Sep 6, 2007

I am making a pilot logbook and I need a formula which gives me the date of my last flight per aircraft type.

Colum 1 is the date of the flight
Colum 2 is the aircraft type
Each row is one flight

I tried lots of things (IF, LARGE, MAX, SOMPRODUCT,...) but nothing works.

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Multiple Formulas In One Cell To Return 1 If One Condition Met

Apr 13, 2014

I would like to put the following two formulas in one cell, so if one condition is met, it returns 1:



The formulas work fine as single formulas in one cell, but I can't figure out how to do both in one cell. I tried this but I get errors.


I've also tried using the OR function, get errors. I'm not sure which to use, IF or OR, and I can't get the syntax right on either one.

I actually have six formulas for each cell, but how to do two, then I'll know how to do all six.

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Return Relative Cell Based On Condition

Jun 6, 2009

I have 8 columns of data, the first 4 and the last four columns have the values which correspond to each other.. Here is an example:


So value 1.345164 corresponds to 321 and 1.28622 to 370. I need a function that will return a value from one of the VALUES columns which corresponds to the second smallest cell value from the NAMES columns. For example here the second smallest number in NAMES column is 325 so the function would return the corresponding value of 1.338358.

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Vlookup Using 2 Condition One Based On Devices And Grouping Column?

May 27, 2014

Attach below are 2 sample file and inside it consist of device,grouping and lb1,tb1,ab1. How do I use excel formulae based on 2 condition and set from vlookup with 2 condition file to vlookup with 2 condition 1 file like a vlookup.

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Search For Keyword With And Condition And Return To Different Sheet Within Excel

Jul 22, 2014

I've got an Excel document with over 323 entries and I need to search the data to find where ever a certain keyword is mentioned and copy the entire row into a separate sheet within the same workbook. However, I have a list of around 323 keywords and there is AND condition as doing this using Ctrl+F would take some time.

The data is in Sheet "Training Dataset" and the particular column that needs to be searched is Column "A" . "Training Dataset" is the sheet where I would like the found results to be copied to in the column B and C. The list of Keywords that need to be searched for are located in Sheet "Keywords" , starting from Cell C and D.

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Using COUNTIF To Return Matching Array Values With A CONDITION

May 9, 2014

I'm having a difficult time returning COUNTIF values for a positive match between 2 columns THAT meet a certain condition. Basically I want to iterate through column A sheet 1 (ONLY for values where column B is paid) and return a count for every instance there is a match of value A sheet 1 in column A sheet 2. In other words, I'm looking to find the number of ids marked as paid from Column A sheet 1 that exist in Column A sheet 2. I don't wish to return the actual ids, just the total count.

I've tried the following but I know there's an error in iterating through Column A the way I have it:




[Code] .....



[Code] .....

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Formula To Return Successive Multi Condition Look-up Results

Aug 24, 2009

Currently for the first line on the sheet I'm working with, I have the following:


which is completed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, and it works properly. However, I want to do the same for all lines following, where it will go to the next item matching that value. For instance: on my SALESMEN sheet, I have John Smith, Fred Johnson, and Mary Williams. Fred Johnson is considered inactive, which is represented in the SALESMEN sheet as an "X" in column H. Therefore, I want line 1 to show John Smith, and line 2 to show Mary Williams.

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VLOOKUP Multiple Values Then Give Answer Based On Condition?

Feb 6, 2014

I have been struggling with this formula for ages and have finally given up. What I would like to do is to do a lookup on the concatenated values of Province, Department and Initiative No, which has mutiple values in the status of milestone column, and then give the answer based on a condition.

The condition for this example should be, that if the returned status / or statuses of the initiative is all 1, then the value should be 1, if it's all 2, then the value should be 2, and so on.....but if the values returned from the status of the initiative is a combination of 1,2 or 3, then it should give me the answer 2. If 4 is part of the comination of values returned, then the value should be 4.

Zero - 0 should be excluded from the formula as it is part of planned values and not actual.

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Return 1 Result From Many Based On Multiple Condition Check Of Cell Value

May 21, 2008

I am trying to write a formula to figure out Body Mass Indexes for certain age groups and whether or not they fall into a High or Low risk category. So, I am trying to write a formula that does the following. I have 3 columns, Gender, Age and BMI. I need the formula to do the following.

IF Gender = M AND Age >18, <39 AND BMI >7%, <19%, Then return an "L" into 4th column
IF Gender = M AND Age >18, <39 AND BMI >19%, Then return an "H" into 4th column
IF Gender = M AND Age >40, <59 AND BMI >14%, <23%, Then return an "L" into 4th column..............................

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VLOOKUP Return #N/A...?

Oct 29, 2008

Rather than explain, it's best to look at my simple example attached. Why am I getting #N/A in cell E6 when I want it to return "one"?

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OR Vlookup; Return The Name Of

Nov 26, 2008

In C1 I have =OR(B10="MOODY",B10="AIB")

B10 (see below) is a Vlookup and it is preventing C1 to return the name of
the agency: AIB or MOODY - Instead I get TRUE or FALSE, No use to me.

Hours Agency
70.00 AIB
80.00 MOODY
70.00 AIB (B10)

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Vlookup Return Value From A Different Row

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to use the VLOOKUP function to return value from a row below.

I have a large list of numbers (sheet Data) for the entire year with 8 different items per week, and I need to create a list for each week with group of 8 unique items as shown on "Week 21" sheet (I did it manually by copy and paste, highlights are just for the example, don't need to be at the original file). After the first 8th rows, it should start over until it gets to the last value on sheet "Week 21".

Basically, Column B on sheet "Week 21" should be statics, and once I change value on column A it should return values as in the example automatically.

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VLOOKUP Return First Value Only

Mar 21, 2014

For some reason when i run a vlookup, it is only returning the first lookup value for the whole column. Not sure why this is happening.

See attached example. vlookuperror.xlsx

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Vlookup Return 0 When #N/A

Mar 19, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with 2 tabs.

Tab #1 is a complete list of ALL possible pipelines

Tab #2 is a partial list that will ONLY have a pipeline listed if there was activity for the month

I need a Vlookup on Tab#1 that looks up the activity from Tab#2.

However, when a pipeline is NOT populated on Tab #2, I'm getting "#N/A" on Tab#1.

Instead of seeing #N/A - I need it to say "0" so that I can sum the column total.

I tried to look at Error Types...and found that the error type for #N/A is 7, however - I can't figure out how to make the formula work.

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Return Cell Above VLookup

Nov 17, 2012

I am trying to use vlookup to locate a cell in another work book. The identifier is in the same workbook as the vlookup formula however the table and column to look within is in another. The identifier will also show up in the other work book where the table resides.

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How To Make Vlookup Return 0

Jun 8, 2014

I have this formula "=VLOOKUP(B5,$F$254:$G$258,2,FALSE)" I want it to return a "0" when cell B5 is not populated. How could I do that? Right now it returns "#N/A" and messes up my math down the sheet..

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How To Get Vlookup To Return The 3rd / 4th / 5th Ect Result

Dec 9, 2013

Been working on this problem for a while, I need to have a vlookup (or other function) return locations based off of a concatenate (for unique identifiers). Only issue is that the concatenate formula creates doubles which returns the same location for each vlookup. I have attached an example file.

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