VLookup And Concatenate - Leading Zero Dropped
Apr 13, 2012
I am trying to use a Vlookup and concatenate 3 cells from Sheet B onto one cell in Sheet A. I have managed to get it to work, but the leading Zero's are being dropped. I have formatted the cells on Sheet B using custom format and "00000" but they are not coming through on Sheet A.
Here is the formula I am using
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Jul 7, 2013
I have a cell formatted as text and I'm throwing it to a variable. That variable is a string. Then I am streaming that data to a CSV using I/O. I am using the "print" command to send the value:
Print #1, value
=> If the value in the sheet is "0123", the value that appears in the CSV is "123".
=> If the value in the sheet is "'0123" (preceeded with an apostrophe, to indicate literal text), CSV value is "123".
=> If I add the apostrophe (') in VBA directly so that value in the variable is still "'0123", I actually then get "'0123" (apostrophe included!) in the CSV file! Problem is though, that the (') is not the preceeding character but is actually part of the value now!
I'm trying to retain the leading zeros through the file streaming process.
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Feb 13, 2009
I asked this along time ago and received a worksheet formula which suited my needs then. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-work...trailing+zeros
Now I need this in a macro. Below is my current concatenating code.
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Feb 10, 2014
I've read various "solutions" to my request but it's Greek to me. Simply stated I occasionally have to create worksheets that involve dollars and cents. My question is how can I get Excel to stop dropping the zero if its the last digit to the right of the decimal point? $42.30 becomes $42.3, etc.
I've looked through the preferences/options and can find nothing to rectify this. Any way to do this so that keeping the zero becomes the default for any tables, lists, etc that I create in the future?
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Mar 28, 2007
Trying to do Vlookup with If but dont know how , I can do the concatenate function and then Vlookup as in Sheet 3 but that is too much of load to deliver in quick time specially i have pull data in dynamic and continuous update.
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Jan 31, 2014
I would like to Vlookup an association of data in a matrix where not all information is available. e.g:
Vlookup of following data (concatenate):
but in the mapping I would have a wild card (*) in certain columns (not always the same column)
The concatenate would be for exemple:
I know it works on the other way around (Vlookup of concatenate with wilrdcards) but I can not have wildcards in my source data.
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Jun 20, 2014
[Code] ......
Trying to get columns 10, 11 & 13 to join so it says "Mr Noddy Bigshoes" (Salutation, Forename & Surname).
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Jul 13, 2006
I have drop down fields using a vlookup to grab the corresponding data in a colums next it which is being concatenated into a one big cell. The problem is a set of other columns that I need to pull data from but its dependant to a previous column. In the attachment you see which ever region is selected the following column data is grabbed and the same goe for title. Now when the location is selected the info in its column should be selected that corresponds to the row that the specific title is on. example
if selected: North America>Secretary>Texas
results: A Crazy Mix->;typical,Notepad, pen,square dance
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May 8, 2014
Say in L4 on form test i want to look for the value of A4 in Drill data range a2 to z1000 and retun a concatenated string of something like "sav 407 : 08-may to 11-may"
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Mar 20, 2009
I want to Vlook a value from a cell in another workbook then before I get the formula result I would like it to concatenate the result with another cell.
I have attached an example
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Mar 4, 2010
what i am trying to do is use concatenate in a vlookup to search for a resource number and date, then return another column in the array.
the formula looks like:
but only results in NA.
if i search for the resource number only, i get the correct result.
also, the res# and date are concatenated in the table array. could this be related to the way excel is storing the dates (40241?) even though both concatenated fields look the same?
i have also tried adding a new coumn which has the res# and dates concatenated as the lookup value but still all NA.
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Jun 10, 2014
The 3 vlookup will be in a single cell for concatenation like :
Problem the are 3 vlookups where it will return names (with format -> Fname, Given Name Middle) and probably blank returns.
I have problem with the replace since there are also spaces between the Fname,Gname and Mname sample name with spaces.
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Jul 23, 2014
two formulas for one data set. The data is attached in the spreadsheet: "Product IDs". The data is a set of Master Product IDs (parent) and the Linked to them Products (children). I need to create a relationship between unique parents (Master Product IDs) and their children (Linked Products)
I need to create two formulas:
1. From the Data Set table, need to vlookup the unique value in column A (Master Product ID) and return comma delimited (concatenated) corresponding values from column B (Linked Products). So, the result will be as shown in Table 2.
2. From the Data Set table, need to vlookup the unique (de-duplicated) parent/children relationship in column A (Master Product ID) and return comma delimited (concatenated) corresponding values from column B (Linked Products). There are total 3 parent/children relationships in Table 1. So, the result will be as shown in Table 3.
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Oct 6, 2007
I have a list of P/N's that are used in more then one location. and it's sorted by P/N's.
I Want to be able to put in Col A the concatenate results of all equal P/N's from any given list. Or at least select the few cells that i know are duplicates and from that copy the Location to a single Column.
ColA ColB__ColC
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Aug 11, 2013
Sampling table :
Desired results obtained via IF =IF(B2>0,A2&" , ",A2)&IF(C2>0,B2&" , ",B2)&IF(D2>0,C2&" , ",C2)&IF(D2>0,D2,"")
one , two , three , four
one , two , three
one , two
Is there any smarter, shorter formula via Concatenate and Substitute or other formulas ?
My closest match, but not good enaugh is =SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE(A2&", "&B2&", "&C2&", "&D2), ", , ", " ")
[ returna 2 commad ]
one, two, three, four
one, two, three,
one, two
one ,
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Oct 8, 2012
I have formatted the cells to be '0000' (showing the leading zero) however when my VBA code runs it copies the cell value into a string but when I stop the code running to check the value the leading zero(s) are gone. I can see they are the same on both worksheets in the correct format. I've tried a few others like integer and long but same same.
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Nov 21, 2008
I have a CSV file I'm importing into Excell that contains leading zeros in a number field. I cannot get the zeros to display in Excel, but the user of the report needs to see them. Is there a way to dsiplay the leading zeros on a number field?
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Dec 13, 2008
I have cells where the formual is this: =D17/SUM(D17:E17). The result is always going to be a three-digit decimal, less than 1. .546 .345 .678 etc. Excel, of course, places a zero in the front: 0.546 0.345 etc. Is there a way to remove this?
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Jan 23, 2010
Sample data:
I need to be able to use formulas on the above numbers to perform look-ups and comparisons(=IF(A1>1000,"Yay","Boo")). My issue is the leading 0. To use formulas the above fields HAVE to be in a number format. Converting to typical number format removes the leading 0. All of the help files I can find show how to preserve the leading 0 either require a set number of 0s or require a set length. Unfortunately my data cannot match those rules. Is there any way I can convert these cells to a number format AND preserve any existing leading 0(s)?
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Oct 22, 2008
How do I keep leading zeros in this code? I am incrementing a value with in a string.
TextBox1.value = "PRO 001"
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Oct 17, 2011
I've been tasked at work with created a daily CSV upload file for a new system. Typically, the format the raw data comes in is .xls and very untidy (direct from SAP).
As such I have created a small macro which tidys up the spreadsheet, and saves it as a CSV. However, I have only just noticed that for the product codes we have which have a leading zero, the .xls file displays the leading zero without a problem, but in the resultant CSV file they are gone.
The macro I use, is as follows:
Sub SamplesUpload()
' SamplesUpload Macro
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
[Code] .....
As you can see, it's very crude (I'm a complete nubie when it comes to this) - the Application.Run "PERSONAL.xlsm!CSV" is a small macro which puts double quote marks around all content of any populated cells in column B and the Application.Run "PERSONAL.xlsm!SaveAsCSV" is a small macro which saves the current sheet as a CSV file - code for those as below:
Sub SaveAsCSV()
Dim DTAddress As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim FullyQualifiedFileName As String
'Get the path to the desired save location
[Code] ........
Sub CSV()
Dim arrB As Variant: arrB = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, [B:B]).Value
Dim R As Long
For R = 1 To UBound(arrB, 1)
arrB(R, 1) = """" & arrB(R, 1) & """"
Next R
Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, [B:B]).Value = arrB
End Sub
So, why the leading zeros are not in my CSV file, and how to get them back?
The line which I use to get the leading zeros is:
Selection.NumberFormat = "[>9999]000000;General"
And this is because the only codes which have a leading zero are 6-digits long. Could I maybe add a single ' to the beginning of each cell in column A to make them text, and thus keep the leading zero?
To confirm, the column which contains the product codes is column A.
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Dec 6, 2007
Trying to manipulate basketball statistics copied from websites ... each cell has a leading space before the number(s) ... is there any way to globally eliminate the leading space from the cells
Tried find/replace, finding [space] replacing with 0 (which would then be disregarded ... didn't work
Tried converting all cells to number format, didn't work
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Nov 12, 2009
I have two, technically unique text values, with leading zeros, countif is including them in the count for each.
D17 = 01234
D18 = 1234
formula in column "C"
=IF(D17<>"",COUNTIF('Part Numbers'!B:B,D17),"")
=IF(D18<>"",COUNTIF('Part Numbers'!B:B,D18),"")
both countif's are resulting in 2, whereas they should be 1 since they are textually unique. The cells themselves, on both the source and counting side are formatted as text.
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Jun 28, 2013
I have received an attachment of a .csv file from a client and one of the fields is a tenant ID number that sometimes begins with 1 or more zeros. When I open the attachment it is opening in Excel and dropping the zeros. How can I open that up and keep the zeros. I need those leading zeros.
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Feb 21, 2014
I have a perfectly fine formula but whenever I try and use VBA to enter it for me it adds a leading apostrophe and it ruins the INDEX/MATCH with an RTE 1004.
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Oct 29, 2008
Can anyone tell me how to have a variable which can store leading zero's. I am using this variable and part of a string and want it to be able to store and calculate numbers such as 0005 at the moment if such a number is entered it sees it as 5. At the moment I have declared the variables as integers but clearly this is incorrect.
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Dec 31, 2008
A1 has the value 7
I want the code to take that value and add a leading 0 and put the result as 07 in B1.
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Jan 5, 2010
I'm trying to finish up a little program, but am stuck on getting date values from excel over to a another front end system correctly. The issue is pretty basic - I have a value I call "fulldate" which, for example is "1/5/2010"
I have to move each element of the date to this other system, but if I don't add the 0 before the month and day, it gets pushed over incorrectly (this other front end has three fields which accept: mm dd yyyy. BUT, if one character is entred into the mm field, you need to TAB to get to the dd field. If you enter TWO characters, you CANNOT tab to get there (you'd end up in the yyyy field).
So, all I really need to do is take the value "1/5/2010" and end up with three variables of consistent lengths.
Month = 2 characters
Day = 2 characters
Year = 2 characters
Here's what I'm trying tu use.. .but Day1 = 1, not 01. I've tried using format, but it's just not working how I'd expect.
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Nov 14, 2013
How do I format a cell so there is a leading 0 displayed and no little green arrow error message? I'm sure it's something silly and stupid, but I can't get it formatted so.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have pasted over 1300 numbers in a list, all of which need to have 5 digits. However, when I pasted the 5 digit number (ie 00003) into the cell, it omits the leading 0's.
Is there any way to get these numbers back to having 5 digits....and if it omitted the 0's, can I put them back all in one fell swoop?
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