Vba To Get Next Balance Based On Date And Month Cycle

Apr 5, 2009

I have dates of the record add date to a database, and balance date cycle month.
What i require is loop through each record and return the next month end date of the balance date cycle month of the add date for each record. eg.

added to DB - balance date cycle month - Next balance Date
05 March 2004 - April - 30 April 2004
18 April 2003 - March - 31 March 2004

Refer sample file attached. I have populated the Next Balance date with the result required.

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How To Find Last Month Balance

May 4, 2014

I have excel data like from b3 to b35 there are different dates with different months and years in long date format and from G3 to G35 expenses in accounting format. what i need is the ONLY last month expense in another worksheet.

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Apply Credits To Running Balance, Pick Smallest Balance

Oct 26, 2006

For the small database in my example workbook, I would like to apply credits earned at a later date to the oldest charges and create a "To Date" balance. After creating the "To Date" balance, I would like to select the smallest "To Date" balance as a way to identify the first charge that has no payment. Please see the attached for more clarity and additional information. The last column shows the desired results.

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How To Calculate Future Dates From Start Date On A Monthly Cycle

Sep 16, 2009

I'm trying to combine monthly calculations with "today" and with "workdays"


start date = 01/01/2009

today's date 09/16/2009

formula result = 10/01/2009 ; or if 10/01/2009 is a Sunday, result = 09/29/2009 (not 02/01/2009, 03/01/2009, etc)

=edate gives me a month but it doesn't skip weekends or calculate beyond today's date

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Calculate Year To Date Based On Known Month

Dec 6, 2009

I want to calculate Year To Data in B1 based on some data in C1 to N1. The monthnumber is located in cell A1.

There is of course several ways to do this, but is there a simple and easy formula one can use.

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The Next 12 Month End Dates Based On Today's Date

Oct 17, 2008

I am trying to project the next 12 month-end dates, based on today's date. I can do that using the EOMONTH function ... see exhibit below ... present month, 1 month out, 2 months out, last month. However, this workbook must be sent to many people and many of those folks will not have EOMONTH functionality because that requires the Analysis Toolpak functions to be added in. How can I accomplish this using standard Excel functions?

Present Month >>> =DATE(YEAR(NOW()),MONTH(NOW()),1)

One Month Out >>> =DATE(YEAR(EOMONTH(NOW(),1)),MONTH(EOMONTH(NOW(),1)),1)

Two Months Out >>> =DATE(YEAR(EOMONTH(NOW(),2)),MONTH(EOMONTH(NOW(),2)),1)

Eleven Months Out >>> =DATE(YEAR(EOMONTH(NOW(),11)),MONTH(EOMONTH(NOW(),11)),1)

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Update Day Of Week And Date Based On Month

Sep 3, 2007

I'm attempting to force excel to auto update the day of the week, and the date in a spreadsheet. The date isn't as important, since it can be hard coded. The only problem there is some months have 31 days, some 30, and another with 28. I've uploaded an image of the spreadsheet, and you can see in field A1 the date/year is input. I'm wanting to find a way to force the days/dates in fields 2E and 3E to update based on the month.

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Total Days In The Month Based On Date

Jul 4, 2008

is there a formula that will say how many days there are in a month ?

B9 contains the a refrence to the first day of the month eg 1/7/2008 I want the cell above it (B8) to return 31. If the date reference is 1/6/2008 I want (B8) to return 30.

I'm using it to pro rata by the number of days in a month.

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Return A Date Based On Year / Month

Jan 21, 2009

formula off here i use all the time relating to finding and sumproducts for specific months and years i.e.

Jan 2008, Dec 2007.. depending on these dates excel searched through a specified range and returned me any values i wanted like No. of occurences, totals, sums etc etc it was a sumproduct formula...

is there any way i could specifiy a date i.e. Jan 2009, which would search column a and return the date /and/or an account number in column b, only if the date was during jan 2009?

The reason i want this is to use a lookup on the account numbers to return specific items of info, but i only need the account numbers if they occurred in specific months which i want to choose.

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Account Balance Sheet, Balance At The End

Jul 31, 2006

need a formula that will give me a balance at the end, needs 2 columns with charges and credits and it allways give correct balance total on last column. have not used Excel for long time and forgot.

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How To Calculate The Week Number Of The Month Based On A Date

Dec 30, 2013

I would like to calculate the week number of the month based on a date.

Now my days would only include working weeks (Monday - Friday).

Supposed the date is 12/31/2012:


Since it only occupies 1 day of the workweek, then it will be considered as Week 1 of January. If the date is 1/28/2012:


It will be considered as Week 5 of January since it occupies 4 days of the working week. If the date is 4/29/2013:


It will be considered as Week 1 of May since it occupies only 2 days of the working week.

Basically if the date's month occupies 3 or more of the working days of the workweek then it will be considered as part of that month's working week. Is this possible with formulas? I tried to explain it the best I can.

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Selecting Between Two Date Ranges (based On Days In Month)

Jul 8, 2014

I have a list of data that displays data by day, I want to select only the data for the for the current month and then the same day time frame for previous months in the data set.


Today's date 08/07
Full days into month 7

Formula to sum data in columns B that only looks at dates 01/07-07/7

I will the adjust that formula for a January date that only pulls data for 01/01-01/07

Then repeat for Feb-June

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Subtract 1 Year From Date Based On Month (January)

Jan 4, 2014

How I can subtract a year when I formulate based on if the current month is January.

Such as Current month = January 2014, I would require the cell to populate December 2013, any other month would return the current year value.

I have currently tried { =DATE(YEAR(A3)-1,MONTH(A3),DAY(A3)) } whereas cell A3 uses NOW() function formatted to MMMM, but it changes for every month.

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Reducing Balance Asset - Get Back To Purchase Date?

Dec 20, 2012

i am trying to get back to the original purchase date of an asset.

It has being depreciating using the reducing balance method.

I have the Net book value of the asset currently, the original cost and the depreciation rate.

However i do not know the quickest way in excel to work back to the original purchase date.

See attached file for examples and my long workaround to estimate purchase date.

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Calculate Future Dates From Start Date With Varying Time Period/cycle

Sep 11, 2009

I need to determine a formula which will allow me to calculate a future date based upon a current date with varying time periods.

For example:

I have a bill which is paid on the 15th and last business day of each month. I would like to be able to see the next due date regardless of what day of the week it is.

I have a bill which is paid every other Tuesday. I would like to know the next due date without having to enter +14 for every due date in the future. In other words, it is preferable to be able to open the spreadsheet and automatically see the next due date, not use autofill to repeatedly add +14 to a previous date which would limit the # of future due dates that could be calculated.

I have a bill which is paid on the last business day of each month, not the last Friday of each month. I would need excel to return a value for the last day of the month which = Monday-Friday, regardless of what day of the week it may be as long as it isn't Saturday or Sunday(holiday exclusion would be nice but not required).

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Automatically Filter Date Column Based On Dropdown Of Month

Sep 18, 2012

I want to be able to show only the dates whose months are selected in the drop down in cell A1. I've been able to do this with a Macro that I must run every time I change A1; however, I was wondering if there was a way to have the macro done automatically. I've been trying the Worksheet_Change options with little command. In addition to all of the If/Thens, I've also tried the If/ElseIfs as well:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then

If Target = "January" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$2:$C$14").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJanuary, Operator:=xlFilterDynamic

[Code] .....

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Formula To Have Excel Select Date Of Month Based On Certain Criteria?

Feb 24, 2014

I am looking for a formula that will select a date in the month based on certain criteria. Found the choose function but not sure if I can really get that to work. I basically have a list of clients, with zip codes, restricted days of the week - and would like the system to group them by zip code and select the best day of the month to schedule an inspection but not pick he restricted day. The goal being have zip codes scheduled together - but on a day other than garbage day. Is this even doable?

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To Get The Exact Count Of Debits And Also The Date Of The Balance In The Savings Acct

Jan 18, 2009

how many debits can take place in my Savings Account if I provide the Current Balance and the No of Debits,Amount of Debits,Frequency of Each Debit.

Lets say, I have Rs 42978/- in my savings account at this moment and I have 2 different Debits taking place on different dates of the Month.

First Debit of Rs 750/- (12th of Month)

Second Debit of Rs 584/- ( 27th of Month)

I am also planning to add one more debit EMI (Equated Onthly Installments)for Rs 1127/- every month.

I need to know the No of Months I can go without paying my Savings Account as well as the Month and the year.

I have tried doing it the regular way but it becomes quite cumbersome, I am looking for help in terms of a better design or a Template as some single-cell (hopefully) formula which can incorporate the number of Debits,Amounts etc.

One very important thing is to also keep a track of the Balance not going below an "X" amount and that is Rs 1500/- as thats the Bank's Minimum Balance requirement..

The no of Installments are as mentioned below:
Debit--- Amount--- Start Month--- No of Installments

I Debit--- 750--- Jan-09--- 36
II Debit--- 584--- Feb-09--- 27
III Debit--- 1127--- Mar-09--- 60

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Autopopulate Saturdays In Multiple Cells Based On Month Date In Another Cell

Aug 19, 2014

get other cells in a spreadsheet to populate with the Saturdays of a month based on the date input in another cell.

A1 = October 2014
The following cells would automatically display:
A2 10/04/14
A3 10/11/14
A4 10/18/14
A5 10/25/14
A6 11/01/14

Then if cell A1 is changed to March 2015 the following cells would automatically display:
A2 03/07/15
A3 03/14/15
A4 03/21/15
A5 03/28/15
A6 04/04/15

I can't seem to find a way to get just the Saturdays. +7 doesn't work because Saturday is not always the 7th day of the month.

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Calculate Balance To Zero Based On Constant Fix Rate & Withdrawals

Feb 5, 2008

I have a situation where I have to determine the required size of a deposit from which constant withdrawals are to be made until the deposit runs out to ZERO. The deposit earns interest at a fized rate, capitalized monthly after each withdrawal had been made.

In my example case, the target month (The actual cell that needs to have a value of ZERO (when the deposit runs out), or the "Range") is found in cell G16. In another situation, it may be found in cell G19 etc, depending on the situation.

It is this changing of the target cell (the one that needs to be ZERO) that has me stumped. I've been thinking of using VLOOKUP (not trying to lead you ;-)) to determine the actual position of the cell that need to have a value of zero but do not know how to build this into the VBA code of Goalseek. This target cell in the Goalseek code should be the cell in column G opposite the figure 1 in column A.

In my example I simply typed in a figure 1 in column A - in the actual spreadsheet the position of this figure is calculated with a formula and its position moves from situation to situation. If the 1 is in cell A19, the target cell, whose value should be ZERO, will then be cell G19..............

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Input Date In A Cell Will Show Month And Year Based In Database From MS Access

Jun 1, 2014

I have my ms access and ms excel which is connected each other .

=> now in my ms access have a table name (tblMonth) has columns (year,MonthNum,StartDate,EndDate)
HERE: sample in january(1) and feb(2)

YearMonthNum StartDate EndDate
2014 130/12/201305/01/2014
2014 106/01/201412/01/2014
2014 1 13/01/201419/01/2014
2014 120/01/201426/01/2014
2014 127/01/201402/02/2014
2014 203/02/201409/02/2014
2014 2 10/02/2014 16/02/2014
2014 217/02/201423/02/2014
2014 224/02/201402/03/2014

=> and for my ms excel has its columns (year,month,date) in this if i input the date that is base in the database range from StartDate TO its EndDate will automatically put the month and year which base also in my database (year,MonthNum)


A1 B1 C1
Year Month Date
A2=2014 B2=January C2=01/01/2014

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Sum Year To Date Based On Month Chosen, Rank Values & Compare Rankings

Dec 22, 2008

1. I would like to be able to select a month from a drop down ( cell C4), and for Column B ('Cumulative Performance') to reflect the sum for each name between Jan and the month selected.

2. In Column D I would like to rank the relative position of the sum total; such that if I selected 'Dec', John would display '13' in D7, Anne '3' etc.

3. In Column E I would like to show by way of a coloured arrow (or even a smilie icon) the relative change in ranking of the sum totals evaluated for my chosen month with those calculated up until the previous month (e.g. for Anne, if I select June, the Jan to June total is 36 (rank 2 in the June total's), the May to Jan total for Anne is 32 (rank 1), therefore her relative rank movement between the June and May cumulatives moves down and cell E8 would show a red-down arrow (amber horizontal for no change and green up-arrow for an improvement in rank).

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Formula That Will Determine The Number Of Days That Fall In A Specific Month Based On A Date Range

Jul 31, 2009

I'm needing a formula that will determine the number of days that fall in a specific month based on a date range. For example, if I have a date range of 10/15/2009 to 01/13/2009, I need the formula to determine the number of days in each month within the range (October has 15 days in the date range; November has 30, December has 31, and January has 13.) I have a large spreadsheet that would be so much easier to manage with such a formula. Currently, my spreadsheet is setup as follows. I need the forumla automatically fill in the number of days under each month.

Stard Date End Date Oct-09 Nov-09 Jan-10 Feb-10
10/15/2009 01/13/2009

I'm using Excel 2007.

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Last Ocurance Of The Last Date Used For Each Month And Then Use The Cell Number To Calculate The Column Totals For That Month

Jan 28, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that is now a yeare old with 5000 rows and is now going into the 2nd year

Column A is for date input and the same date can be repeated several tumes :-

1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09

Sometimes there are all 30 /31 days but normally not .

I need to find the last ocurance of the last date used for each month and then use the cell number to calculate the column totals for that month.

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Create Year To Date Sales Comparing 4 Years Month By Month?

Dec 25, 2013

Need to create year to date sales comparing 4 years month by month. Stacked chart (Excel 2010) works OK for the first three months but adding the fourth month changes the chart to 4 series with a monthly axis. To put it another way I need a vertical axis of years and a horizontal axis of $$$ with each months sales of each year stacked on its year.

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Date Range Formula: Beginning Of Month To End Of Month (which Is In The Current Row)

Mar 20, 2009

I have log data in two columns:
Column A: Date/time (at 30 minute intervals)
Column B: Numeric data

On the last row of each month, I’m trying to perform a SumProduct on the two columns and display that result in column C.

The end of the range is determined by the month in the current row.

I’m having difficulty finding the beginning of the range, though. I need to account for both the normal dynamic calendar days & the fact that I may get data starting mid-day and mid-month.

I have this formula, but I’m not sure how to make the first array dynamic or if this is even correct approach.


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Dates - Show Month Only, And Actually Be The Month Only (not Just Format The Date)

Jul 28, 2008

I have a range of dates from 2003 to 2012. I formatted them to the 'Mar-01' option, but when I want to pivot on the month, Excel still reads them as the date - example 3/25/2008, 3/28/2008...and so my pivot table has multiple columns for all of the dates present in that month.

How do I truly format my dates so that excel reads them as the month only so that I can then pivot and show 12 columns (months) per year?

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Function To Fill All Days Of Month To End Of Month Based On Workdays

May 1, 2006

I would like to create a monthly inventory, based on workdays (Monday - Friday)Myrna Larson has a formula that I would like to use with the workday function, but I don't know how to combine them.

=IF(A1="",A1,IF(MONTH(A1+1)=MONTH(A1),A1+1,""))+ = workday

to fit on the page, I need the dates to be from the 1st to the 15th, and 16th to the 31st. I am not sure how to write this either.

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Reflect Month Name When Column A Date Is Same Day And Month

Jan 8, 2014

How to correct this formula to get correct output.


It's working fine if the year is 2014 but not if the year is different.


If the date is today then only the month should display else blank. The year should be ignore.

For example:

08/01/2000: January
01/01/2000: blank cell
08/01/2014: January
01/01/2014: blank cell

The date is in column 'p' in dd mm yyyy format. In short if the date is current date that is for today '8' then only the month should be display in the output.

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Month(Date): If The Month Is Not January It Works

Aug 24, 2009

I have a problem calculating something that happened last month if the month is january. At the moment, if the month is not January it works:

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