Vertical Lines - Area Chart

Dec 29, 2008

I'm trying to create an area chart to show the change in the number of staff working in my store over time. Unfortunately, Excel likes to draw diagonal lines. That is if I have the following data:

9:00AM - 1 staff
10:00AM - 2 staff
11:00AM - 1 staff

Excel will draw a diagonal line between each data point, rather than creating a box. This gives the illusion that there are somehow half people working at 9:30 and 10:30. Is there a workaround?

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Graph The Following Data In An Area Chart With Line Charts Superimposed On The Area Chart

Nov 1, 2006

I am trying to graph the following data in an area chart with line charts superimposed on the area chart. I have a lot of data (and a lot going on) so I'm trying to figure out the best way to show this in excel from a functional standpoing (i can't get this to work in excel!!) to also an asthetic standpoint (dont want it to look terrible or illegible). This is what I'm trying to chart:

1) Weather data (temperature) by region:
So one region, would be: Northwest
I would like the "area" (so a shaded region) to be the min/max of the temperature data for each month.

2) I would like to show the temperature for each year as a line graph on the chart - so you can see if a year falls in or out of the shaded region.

3) I would like to show a company's sales increases across the same months per year as separate line charts. I may choose to just show the biggest outlier year in the end... or to show 2006 (the latest data).

What I am trying to convery with the chart is that the company's sales is or is not tied to weather deviations. I have attached an excel file with the data. I haven't been able to use the area chart or get a two axis chart to work or get it to look even remotely professional.

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Remove Vertical Lines When I Insert A Row

Feb 23, 2007

I have code that works well to insert a blank row. I need to remove all vertical lines each time it adds a row. You can see I commented out the line I tried.

Sub InsertRow()
Dim LstRw As Long, ChkRw As Long
LstRw = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

For ChkRw = LstRw To 6 Step -1
If Cells(ChkRw, "A") Cells(ChkRw - 1, "A") Then
'Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
End If
Next ChkRw

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Fill In Vertical Values To Selected Area With Horizontal Orientation

Feb 20, 2013

I want to put vertical values to a selected space with horizontal orientation

See the excel file : FILL IN SELECTED DATA.xlsx‎

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Excel 2010 :: Vertical Grid Lines For Multi-level Category Axis Labels

Feb 16, 2012

I am having a problem formatting a chart in Excel 2010. My chart has multi-level category axis labels, and I would like to have a vertical grid line separating each major group of categories. In Excel 2003, I could right-click on one of the gridlines and then specify the spacing I wanted between gridlines. In Excel 2010, as soon as I indicate that I want multi-level category axis labels, I get a vertical gridline between each category and I am unable to alter the spacing. If I deselect the multi-level axis label option, I can adjust the spacing between the vertical gridlines, but the axis multi-level label functionality is lost. Is there a way to fix this problem without having to resort to using the drawing tools or text boxes to achieve the desired results.

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How To Built Vertical Line Chart

Dec 2, 2009

I want to show values on the X axis, and show data/name/legend on the Y axis, then the line chart is vertical, not horizontal..

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Conditional Formatting Vertical Bar Chart Tied To A Date

Dec 2, 2012

I have 60 days of data, Nov 1st through Dec 31st.

The date is my x-axis labels.

I produce a daily report. I'd always like for the current dates vertical bar to be "red".

Is there any easy way to have this accomplished?

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Excel 2007 :: Formatting Vertical Chart Labels

Dec 27, 2012

Using Excel 2007: I have a column graph whose numbers/labels on the vertical axis go from ($300,000) to a positive $550,000.

Question: How do I get the labels on the vertical axis to appear in the "accounting format" with the "negative numbers in red" and the "positive numbers in black or blue"?

I have tried to find the answer online and it appears to need to find Format Data Series, which I have been unable to do.

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Radar Chart - Custom Vertical Access Gridlines

May 14, 2014

Any way of displaying only certain vertical grid lines on a radar chart. I've added several blank rows of data to make the chart more of a circle but I don't want every one of the vertical lines to display. How to only show some of the vertical grid lines?

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Stacked Columns Chart - Use Non-numerical Data In The Vertical Axis?

Jun 10, 2014

I would like to create a chart with stacked columns. Usually, the data on the Y-axis is some kind of numerical data, such as budget. I would like to have the Y-axis have non-numerical data (= nominal categories).

Example :
Take the following data :
category | productname
red berry
red carrot
green cabbage
green apple

The ouput format i want is a chart which shows on the horizontal axis the categories red and green, and stacks in each category the right productnames on top of eachother; preferably each productname should have a different colour and showing data labels (e.g. "1", "green","apple" could be 1 specific data label).

I don't know how to achieve this, because if you display data as "count of productnames", then automatically you get something like a block with value 2, which doesn't show the different productnames inside that block.

Can the desired chart be made with Excel somehow?

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Stock Chart - Create Multiple Short Vertical Line?

Jan 5, 2014

I have created three lines between two point.

But if the two point is located at the same horizontal line.

The line cant be produced.


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Stacked Area Chart In VBA

Oct 28, 2013

ActiveChart.ChartType = xlAreaStacked

I created a simple stacked area type in vba. Is it possible and how to have this stacked area to get values from combobox and textbox?

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Area Chart With #N/A Data

May 5, 2009

Currently I'm working with an amount of data that corresponds with one data point every day in one year. Not every day is measured thus nothing is entered, some days can also be 0. Therefore I've made an if statement in the column next to the raw data column with an if statement returning #N/A if a cell contains nothing or 0.

This gives me normally no problems when I want to make a Line chart, excel just skips the #N/A cells and draws the line to the next data point (that's the whole reason for the if statement). However this is impossible with area charts. I can understand why, but I still want it as nothing or 0 in a cell not necessarily mean that nothing happened.

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Excel 2007 :: Waterfall Chart - Change Color Of Vertical Bar Automatically

May 19, 2012

I am building this waterfall chart. I'd like to put conditional color formatting to change the vertical bar automatically e.g. if it is positive, the bar color is green and if it is negative the bar color is red.

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Dynamic Area Chart Using IF Statement?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm having trouble drawing an area chart that ends sharply at a specifided value rather than drawing a diagonal line down to zero. Let me explain

I watched an Excellsfun youtube tutorial that used the IF statement to chart a subset of normal curve data as the second series in an area chart.

It looks like an easy way to add some interactivity. I enter a single value, and the IF statement checks to see if the data in the first sereis is less than or equal o that number. Once the first series data exceeds the number I entered, the IF statement populates the second series with "", which is to say a blank entery.

Here's my spreadsheet data and the chart it produces:
ABCDEFGHIJ1Series AHeight AHeight B:5.5210.04070850.0407085d2.87228320.06610770.0661077x5430.09509940.0950994540.12118840.1211884Height A: =NORM.DIST(A2:A11,$F$1,$F$2,FALSE)650.13680530.1368053Height B:=IF(A2

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Highlight Area In A Chart Based On Set

Nov 30, 2011

I have been measuring variation against some key performance indicators and trying to plot them on a chart i.e., line chart.

Is there any way in Excel that i can highlight in different colours the area between the variable and benchmarks? I want to fill the area say as green when the variable performed better than benchmark (area between the variable line and benchmark line) and as red if variable under performed than benchmark (area between benchmark and variable.

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Table Inside Chart Area

Aug 4, 2008

trying to find a way to insert a table into an active chart area.

unlike inserting charts as objects inside of a spreadsheet, i am trying to insert a table of the spreadsheet into the chart window.

the purpose is so that i may have a numerical reference to my data.

usually i post questions to which i have begun work on - but i have had no luck even brainstorming how this would be done!

the ONLY solution i have surmised is to insert a table into a chart area as an Object(picture)

but how would one write a macro for making dynamic range screen shotpicture files?

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Add Dynamically Vertical Line To Chart Without User Intervention After Initial Setup Of Workbook?

Mar 21, 2014

I am trying to add a vertical line dynamically to a chart. What I mean is I have a chart that will have a line type chart on it and I want to add a vertical line to it based on the output of one cell in that same workbook. I am making this workbook for use by end-users so I can't ask the end-users to make a bunch of modifications to the sheet or or chart. What I do has to just work when they use the workbook.

The line chart has an X axis of time and a Y axis of items sorted. (This is the part of the chart I have done already.) I want to add a vertical line fed from a cell which will have a time fed from a cell on the workbook. For example the line chart goes from 9:00 to 16:00 and the vertical line might be at 13:00. The cell feeding the vertical line is subject to change based on the other inputs on the workbook so that's why I say the vertical line has to be dynamic as the vertical line could be anywhere between 9:00 to 16:00 or it might even be that I can't place the vertical line because the feeding cell is outside the range of 9:00 to 16:00.

I have seen a number of ways to do this but none that are dynamic and automatic and don't require end user to adjust the workbook to make the vertical line at the correct on the time scale.

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Combining Area And Scatter Data Into Chart?

May 16, 2014

I have a series of X-Y Data (0-10 in both axis) that I want to overlay on an area chart to show outliers outside of an accepted condition. I have been able to create the area chart and the scatter chart separately but when I try to combine them the axis gets messed up. I tried using a secondary axis but I am not that skilled

I have attached the data and my feeble attempts at creating this chart.

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Footer That Displays Filename In Chart Area?

Jan 23, 2012

I need to have a footer that displays the file name in the chart area so that it will copy with the chart when I paste into a word document.

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Incorrect Plot Order: Area Chart

Oct 26, 2006

I have plenty of experience with VBA outside of charts so that's where I need assistance. I need to get SeriesCollection(4), the PTAI series, to appear on the area chart second from the bottom instead of on the top.

The order for the non-line series should be, from top to bottom:
SeriesCollection(3) - Non-Mission AC ( Training, T&E, AMarc series)
SeriesCollection(2) - Total Pipeline series
SeriesCollection(4) - PTAI series
SeriesCollection(1) - Available PMAI series

Here's the

Sub MakeSandChart()

Dim ChartSource As Range
Dim ChartName As String
Dim ChartSheet As String
Dim yCount As Integer
Dim PAA_Value As Integer

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

passtype = Mid(ActiveSheet.Name, 5, 1)
Set ws = Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name)

ChartName = Left(ActiveSheet.Name, 5)
ChartSheet = ChartName & " Chart"
ChartName = "F18" & passtype
Set ChartSource = Union(Range("SummRowDate" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowTAI" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowNM" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowTotPipe" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowPTAI" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowPMAI" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowPlanPAA" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowWorkPAA" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowDrillPAA" & passtype), _
Range("SummRowBaseline" & passtype))


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Legend Overlaps The Plot Area Of Chart

May 4, 2007

I have charts that needs to be placed on specific position and have specific sizes on a chartsheet. I use chartobjects(i).plotarea (top, left, width, height) for that.

Unfortunately when I set these values they still change and get antoher value, there is some scaling going on in Excel and I do not know where that comes from. I have been looking on the internet and finally I found a piece of code which works, but still not good enough, because the legend is also not good positioned.

De data for resizing the charts (ChtNew), the legends and the charttitle I get from other charts (ChtOrig). The legend.legendposition of ChtOrig does not have a value but it still have a top,left,height en width which I use.

I show you my code, the part with the for-next is taken from the internet.

With ChtNew.legend
.Top = ChtOrig.Legend.Top
.Height = ChtOrig.Legend.Height
.Left = ChtOrig.Legend.Left
.Width = ChtOrig.Legend.Width '* 1.1
.Top = ChtOrig.Legend.Top + ChtOrig.ChartTitle.Top
End With

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Swap Series In Stacked Area Chart

Sep 11, 2007

I have an interactive chart displaying stacked area charts for 2006 and 2007
I currently have 2006 in front of 2007, but as the user chooses 1 of 20 units, it will look better to move 2007 in front of 2006

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Duplicate Values For Area Step Chart

Jun 6, 2008

I'm trying to produce step charts like Andy Pope does on his web site using the area chart method. This involves duplicating each of the values in each data series, which is tedious if there are a lot of points. Plus the fact that the area series is offset by 1 from the axis series. Can anyone think of a formula to do this? There are plenty of posts here about deleting duplicates, but I couldn't find much about creating duplicates. I can duplicate row numbers using =CEILING(ROW(),2)/2

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Candles And Lines In One Chart

Jun 12, 2005

I like to create a float chart in excel. for this purpose I need to have a candle chart and add lines into the same chart. I can create a candle chart in excel. But as soon I add lines to it (additional data rows) the candles are distorted. The principle I'm interested in applies as well to: how do I add moving averages into an excel candlestick chart? As soon as I add the data for the MAs, the candles are distorted.

In short: how do I combine candles and lines in one chart?

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Chart VBA Coloring Lines

Oct 2, 2008

I have this code that colors the lines in my Line Chart

Sub ColorLines()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set chrt = ActiveChart
'Here you want to put your own graph
vals = chrt.SeriesCollection(1).Values
'These are the values to determine later whether the line moves up or down. In this example, I just colored 1 seriescollection (= one line in your line graph), with an extra loop you'd do all lines.

It is very simple: When the lines goes up they turn black. When they go down they turn red.

The code work, but only if all cell in the series is filled. If one cells is blank the code error. I'm using #NA() in all cells that are blank, so the chart skip that cell and continue from the next cell's value.

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Stacked Area Chart Series Colour Change

Jan 6, 2010

I have a stacked area chart located on its own individual worksheet. I would like to use VBA to apply colours to individual series based on the name of that series. I have applied the following code which I found on the following help forum, changing it slightly to fit my needs:

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Prevent Chart Title And Plot Area Overlapping

Jan 29, 2010

how to resize the plotarea of a chart so that it wont overlap with the title. I can't seem to find the appropriate property to let me determine the height or the bottom edge of the chart title.

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Shading Area Under Lowest Series In Line Chart

Oct 2, 2006

I am creating a line chart with markers using 5 series of data. I want to colour in/shade the area under the lowest series.

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Filled Patterns For Xy Chart Lines

Jun 6, 2007

I have an xy chart for which I would like to format the lines to be different patterns beyond those available in the format series dialog. I recognise that this will mean using VBA and I am happy to do that. I would like to be able to use patterns in the same way as they are used in a column chart.

I recorded a macro to see which properties were changed when the patterns are selected in the dialog for the xy chart and it is clear that it is only the LineStyle of the border and that there is no interior.

With Selection.Border
.ColorIndex = 57
.Weight = xlMedium
.LineStyle = xlGray25
End With

This would explain why when I use debug.print ser.Interior.Pattern I get -4105 or if I change ser.Fill.Forecolor etc it has no effect.

Is there any way to use user defined patterns to colour the lines in the same way as in a histogram/coloumn chart?

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