I have an Excel sheet that I want to scroll up and down and I want an area in the upper right-hand corner to display static information. This information could change as more input into the sheet is performed, but it always must remain in the upper right-hand corner.
For example, let's assume the sheet has 200 rows to enter in a credit card application. There would be an area in the upper-right that would display information for some of the cells that were typed in. So as you type information, labels would display information from the form. I know that I can program the selection change event to re-position the box and labels, but if I scroll off the screen, the area does not stay there until I click on a cell on the page. I am using XL2003.
i am making a spreadsheet for recording employee telesales activity each day. administrators will update a shared workbook each day with the information
employee names are across the top and the activities are down the side (calls, CVs sent, interviews, meetings) each day has it's own block of data. on a friday I would like to run a macro to select these blocks and paste them into the first free row on a separate worksheet.
i have something similar working elsewhere which copies one column and pastes that into the last free column of a new sheet but i have no idea how to do it for rows going down a page. I have attached a file example to clarify.
I've design a small little excell program that brings up a form and hides the excel workbook upon opening. By using the form the user is able to input data to a worksheet in running in the background. I've added a button on the form where I want the user to be able to open the worksheet which is password protected and view or print the data. I've already got the code to hide the workbook, protect and unprotect the sheets, I just can seem to get the code to view the one worksheet.
I'm stuyding the book "Professional Excel Development" which has a Project Template and an addin with several modules and a worksheet. I can view the addin's modules but not it's worksheet - is this normal for addin's? I haven't worked with them much before.
I've got a "Title Sheet" in which our dispatcher can come in and enter date,workorder number , Location and an item description. I am needing help automating the process for them. I need the information entered into the Title Sheet to auto insert into an existing spreadsheet depending on what location is used.
Ive searched for a solution around this site and it all leads to a dead end. I have a userform created in Excel, where I want to import a existing worksheet from another workbook and display it on the user form, so the user can edit it. I have tried using the Office SPreadsheet 10.0. By copy the excel file contents and pasting it into the spreadsheet cells, but PasteSpecial doesnt work so all the formating is out the door.
I'm using Excel 2010. I have a workbook with only 1 worksheet in it and it will be sent to several people. I want that excel file to open in Full View when the end user opens it. Is this possible without any VBA codes?
Excel 2007 - need to adjust protected view settings but the protected view tab is missing from my Trust Centre settings - have the following tabs - trusted publisher / location, add-ins, activeX, macro, message bar, external content and privacy options. Document is a revenue authority download and without being able to adjust the protected view settings, can't input data.
Basically I need the macro to select clusters of zeros in each of the columns with a label of 10 characters (this is an arbitrary number I chose when writing the macro), and if the values of the cells immediately above and below the cluster are the same, change the value of the zeros to the value of those cells, otherwise, the value of the custers remain as zero. So far I have the following code.
I've attached a sheet with details. I have references that I want to copy to a different cell but I want the reference to stay fixed AND allow the column to move.
I've got a spreadsheet that could have 1 of 3 possible print ranges: PR1 = B2:K67 PR2 = B2:K132 PR3 = B2:K197
If there is a value greater than "0" in Cell B68, the print area would be PR2, but if there is a value greater than "0" in Cell B133, the print area would be PR3, otherwise it would be PR1.
These print ranges are such that the page break would would be below B67 and B132, but I'm concerned that I may need to set these page breaks in the Macro.
I'm not sure how to use the IF, THEN, ELSE, in the Macro to test the value of the cell and then set the print area.
can shut off the automatic calculation of a particluar worksheet or better yet, certain areas of a workbook, leaving the remainder of the workbook as Automatic? For example, a workbook with Sheets 1,2,3 and 4. Can Excel 2007 be set for automatic calculations on the entire workbook except for Sheet3?
I have a table that lists staff according to where they are located, all adjusted using drop down lists, problem is that some locations have 5 staff and some up to 40, so when I set up a macro to print the area, those with 5 consultants look very small because the page area is so big. how can I adjust the print area dynamically so it only prints to 1 row below the last line with text?
'Get all the sheets 'y = 3 Sheets(1).Select Worksheets.Add Sheets(1).Name = "OM Files" For J = 2 To Sheets.Count With Sheets(J).UsedRange x = Sheets(J).Name If x "xxx" Then .Resize(.Rows.Count).Copy _ Sheets(1).Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(3) End If End With Next Application.DisplayAlerts = False
I have a userform that has two comboboxs on it. When the user clicks and selects an item in combobox 1 the code will highlight an area of cells that I set before. When the user clicks and selects an item in the combobox2 I need a piece of code that will highlight a second area of cells while still keeping the first areas of cells highlighted.
How I have it set up now if the combobox1.text = "Monday" then the cells B6:H20 are selected. But when the combox2 click event fires and selects another range of cells the first range selected by the combobox1 event is unselected. Is there a way to keep both areas selected?
I have been conducting seasonal characteristics of the availability of certain fruits and vegetables in the region I am in (Italy), now I want to compare the data from my first seasonal characteristics region (Texas). My goal is to see trends, view characteristics of climate in that given month in an easy view.
I have data for both lists containing over 50 vegetables / fruits each. Along with different side notes that show factors of each month like climate, availability, flavor profiles, and cooking techniques.
Is it possible to put it into format showing a 12 month period, (jan, feb, mar,......) and then putting the type of fruit/vegetable to see trends? along with adding the side notes...
I have locked print areas on 7 work sheets. I have successfully printed them at 1 time. However it appears as if the print areas have to be set again before I print them again? What's up.
As you can see, when I go to print preview, I will want the first and the last four to be formatted landscape and the second and third to be formatted portrait. This is all I want the macro to do. Then later when I go to print, I want to be able to print them all together. Is there a way to do this? Perhaps by letting the first printarea be on its on sheet, the second two on their own sheet, and the final four on their own sheet?
i need to pull data from one spread sheet and place it in a new spread sheet. and i am not that familiar with macros i am learning but i need to get this done.
In making my label printer, I will need to set the print area for multiple sheets based on a range generated in a cell. E.g. Sheet1 might need cells A1:P1200 set as print area, Sheet2 might need cells A1:G694 set as the print area, Sheet3 might not need to be printed, etc..
I have no problem generating a formula to state what the print area for each sheet should be, respectively, but passing that info into VBA has me really stumped. (Using indirect in the Page Setup menu doesn't work after the value has changed, it changes the value to a static reference, which is bizarre). I suspect I'd want to use the Sub Workbook_BeforePrint, but I'm not 100% on that. I will generally have 3 or more specific sheets selected using a button-triggered macro that gets a cell value of sheet names and selects those sheets.
My code is below. See how I have repeated the same code over and over for each row. Is there a shorter way to write this, perhaps a cleaner way. Im not an expert and I write what I know and most of that is long code that can be shortened.
How to do a ranking for productivity based on goals in six categories for my employees. I want to be able to rank them on these key categories and rank them based on the best average. For instance:
Employee #001 Ranked 1st in Sales per Hour, 3rd in Avg Transaction Amount, 2nd in Multiple Sales, 5th in Accessory Percentage Employee #002 Ranked 2nd in Sales per Hour, 1st in Avg Transaction Amount, 1st in Multiple Sales, 4th in Accessory Percentage
I want to factor against the goals to determine each individual rank for each category and then rank based on the combination of them all.
I haven't gotten to all the additional conditional formatting but recall how to do this with ease, but the sheet in its basic format is present in the attachment below.
I produce spreadsheets which is conditionally formatted to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The tables are separated by one line, and can easily be defined by VBA, I was wondering if it is be possible to export them as image files via vba? I know it can be done for graphs, but not sure about defined sections of the worksheet?
I have a situation which I hope is fixable. I have frozen panes above and to the left of cell F5, therefore all columns to the right of column E scroll left and right and all rows below row 4 scroll up and down as required. My problem is that I also need the whole top row to remain static all the time.