Whats The Best Way To Paste A Formula With VBA

May 4, 2007

I am trying to paste a vlookup formula with a macro, my problem is that I only need it to be as long a column "B" whats the best way to do this.

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Whats A Good Way Of Learning VBA

Sep 1, 2006

I would like to build on my Excel VBA but not sure where to start. P.s I want to aim towards reporting side of things so make reports look good, copy data from sheets onto another sheet, formatting all done through vba, macros

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Two Columns Of Data And Trying To Get Function That Tells Whats The Same In Each

Jan 22, 2013

I have two colums of data with names in them, Column A and B. I want to see what names in column B also occur in column A and I want to put this function in column C. So for instance if I want to see if "John" is also in column A and if he is then I want column C to say yes beside Johns name in column B.

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Code To Delete Whats Written In A Range Of Cells

Oct 19, 2009

I use this code to delete whats written in a Range of cells ...

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Sticky Paste And Paste Exact Formula

Feb 5, 2008

I m working with office 2003 pro in Windows XP.

2 Excel questions:

Is there a way to make the "paste" option in excel "sticky" (that is, so that you can do some other work in excel then come back and click "paste"? currently excel makes you go back and recopy then only can you paste. You cannot do anything between "copy" and "paste".

Is there a way to paste so that the cell is exactly copied? What i mean is, so that the formulas that are copied are pasted exactly as they were (without changing references)? (i get the right result when draggin and moving a cell, except that the original cell is emptied - but u get the idea). A work around is to add absolute refrences, and then take them away later - or to copy the formula in the formula bar and then paste it into another cell (one cell at a time ... )

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Copy A Formula In A Cell And Then Paste Only The Text Of The Formula

Jul 16, 2007

I would like to copy a formula in a cell and then paste only the text of the formula, but I can't figure it out. Basically, I would like to avoid going into the cells and absolute referencing or hitting F2, then copying the text.

When I hit "Ctrl C" to copy the cell, then hit "Alt/E/S/F/Enter" to paste the formula, it is just like a regular copy/paste formula-wise in that the references move.

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Copy & Paste Formula

Sep 4, 2008

I have a supply worksheet that is set up where the new data is added into a new column, so that the report extends horizontally. All of the pricing is in Column I, quantities are listed in the new column, and then totals at the bottom with the following formula:


When I copy and paste the cell, into the next column for a new order, it changes the quantity column from "AF" to "AG", which I want it to do, but it also changes the pricing column from "I" to "J". I then have to go in manually and change all the J's to I's. When I copy the just the formula, it keeps everything the same, and then I have to manually change "AF" to "AG".

Is there a way to copy and paste so that the pricing column stays fixed within the formula, but the quantity column changes?

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Paste As Hyperlink VBA Or Formula?

Feb 23, 2012

I am trying to link the values between two sheets in the same workbook.

Sheet1 is a unique list of names. Sheet2 is non-unique list of names.

I am trying to link the values on Sheet1 to where they first appear on Sheet2.

I can do this manually with the Paste as Hyperlink. I am assuming there is a formula or VBA solution for this?

I tried this:
=HYPERLINK(Sheet2!(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A$1:A$10000,1,False)),A1) but am getting an error.

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Cut And Paste Formula Between Different Workbooks

Jul 15, 2014

I am trying to cut and paste formula's from one workbook to another and they often have vlookup's into other sheets within the original workbook. I have renamed the sheets in the new workbook exactly the same but when I cut and paste the formula's the vlookup formula is still looking up in the old workbook. I then have to manually fix it by deleting the [old workbook] out of the formula.

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Copy And Paste Formula

Mar 13, 2007

I need to copy a formula that is entered into a cell via a macro and copy it down to the bottom of my data. Now the ROWS never change but the Columns change every week as new data is needed to be entered. The code I am using to enter the formula is:

Dim MyLastColumnWip As Interger
Cells(3, MyLastColumnWip).select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "= SUM(RC10-RC[-5]"

This works fine for that specfic cell but i now need to copy it down. An example of my spreadsheet is:..............

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Copy Paste Formula As Value

Aug 11, 2007

how to make my macro copy ONLY the Value it finds in a cell, and then paste ONLY the value into another cell on another sheet, while retaining the DESTINATION cells's formatting, font, size etc... I know how to do all of that except get it to copy and paste ONLY the values and not the cell size, formatting etc...

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Formula That Paste Entire Row From One Sheet To Another

Apr 18, 2014

I need a formula that finds each instance in shee1 column "L" where the row contains the text "1st" in them. If that criteria is met then the entire row from sheet1 is pasted into sheet2. I would like the rows pasted in order of appearance.

"L52" in sheet1 contains the text "1st" so the entire row 52 from column [A to COX] would be entered in sheet2 in A3 and the next instance where "1st" appears would be entered in in sheet2 in A4.

Please see the attached spreadsheet for a better explanation of what I'm trying to accomplish.


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Formula To Paste Cells Without Override?

Jun 28, 2014

looking for a formula to paste value without overriding another value. For example in my case, I want to replace the value in G column (highlighted in red) by the value from J column (cells that on the same row as the values highlighted in red). For those values in B column that originally start with M180, i want it to be untouched. Right now I dont know what formula should i use.

U can see the attachment for reference.

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Copy And Paste One Formula Into Every Other Blank Row?

Jan 21, 2014

way to copy and paste a formula into every other blank row?

The formula will be staying in the same columns the whole way down the sheet. Eg: A1, A2, A3 ..... ETC

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Copy Formula And Paste Same Row To Last Column Used

May 11, 2009

I m finding the last used column and pasting a formula in the same row to the last column. Here is what I have used and it isn't working.:

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Paste Array Formula By VBA Not Working

Sep 13, 2012

The code below pastes an array formula on the given range. However, it results FALSE and it does not paste as an Array formula. How can I fix it?

Sub copy_Time_Spent_by_Ticket_Formula()

Dim SheetName As Variant

For Each SheetName In Array("Calculations")

With Worksheets(SheetName)


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Looping A Copy / Paste Formula?

Nov 1, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that calculates a rolling percentage of a row of numbers. The formulas are contained in two columns, J and K. The first row is a header row, and the formulas repeat every 52 rows (e.g. J2:K53, copy paste those cells, re-paste at J54, then J106, and so on. Because I don't know how to loop, I've had to manually right in the paste every 52 rows in my line of code. Surely there is a way to have this cut down and to actually stop when there are no more rows of data. For the record, this continues on manually until 80,000 because I don't know how to stop it at the last row.

Sub CopyPasta()
' Copy_Paste_52 Macro


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How To Build A Formula In VBA That Can Paste Into A Cell

Apr 6, 2013

I need to run a loop to look up several columns.

My problem is that I need to build a formula that can sum each value in this row from the columns found when I'm done looping.

And then I was planning to just use "AutoFill", because of the large amount of rows this procedure has to cover.

Can I somehow create a code that will put each column number in memory, and then when done create formula like = "=SUM(G3, I3, AF3, BB3)" or something like "=SUM(& "i1" & 3, & "i2" & 3.... etc etc

I'm a little worried for overdoing loops as they have a tendency to slow down the speed.

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Copy And Paste Macro Or Formula

Nov 19, 2013

I would like a formula or macro that would recognize an answer to a question and populate a group of headings in another sheet.My thought is it would be copy and paste related.

Specifically, =If(sheet1A1=2013, then show January 2013, February 2013, March 2013 etc in Sheet 2A1-A120.

I would have all these months written out somewhere else to be copy and pasted.

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Paste Only The Values - Not Format Or Formula?

Jun 16, 2014

How do I change the code below so that it copy paste only the value and not the format or formula or anything else...

With Sheets("Rules")
.Cells(rw, col).Copy _
Destination:=Sheets("Entry").Range(.Cells(1, col).Value)
Application.CutCopyMode = False

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Copy A Cell And Paste The Formula

Nov 29, 2007

If I have a cell lets say A1 with a formula in it say "=A2" how do I copy A1 into A3 so that A3 will contain the text =A2 (and not the formula)?

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#NAME Error When I Paste Formula In Directly

Dec 1, 2007

I want to create a column such as shown in column 'A' which concatenates names from column 'C' for every department. How to write this command?

I'm getting a #NAME? error when I paste your formula in directly. I'm not sure how to edit it because I'm not sure what it's meaning is.


John; Mary; Jack



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Copy Formula And Paste To Other Cell

Mar 30, 2008

i pull the formula of o21 to o22

o21 has formula =IF(J21>=U21,1,"")
022 has formula =IF(J22>=U22,1,"")

and basically u21 and u22 are "=s20"

so may i know what formula i should use to simplify o21 and o22 so that i do not need to use u21 and u22

i cant use =IF(J21>=U$21,1,"") because if i copy this formula and paste to other cell, it will always refer to U$21...

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Paste Formula To Numeric Cells Only

Oct 18, 2007

I am looking for macro to paste this formula: [abc.xls] Total BA def'!E12-'[NEW abc.xls]Total BA def'!E12. into any cell that contains a numerical value. the cell reference would change to correspond with each cell it is pasted into. just like it does in excel when absolutes are NOT used. If possible i would not want it to affect any cells that contain headers which would only have letters in them. If this is not possible it would still be worth having the macro replace everything with something in it and i could just replace the headers from an original file.

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Paste Formula In One Row To Variable Number Of Columns

May 9, 2014

get this macro to paste the formula across to a variable number of columns? It is falling over at

Range(Cells(5, .Columns.Count)).Paste
Sub Clear()
With ActiveSheet


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Copy / Paste Formula With Increment Of Six Rows

Apr 8, 2014

I am trying linking it and this what I am trying to do , need a formula for it.


Sheet 1 cell J3= Sheet 2 cell K3
Sheet 1 cell J4= Sheet 2 cell K9
Sheet 1 cell J5= Sheet 2 cell K15
and so on.

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Copy / Paste For Results Of Formula In Column To Row?

Jun 13, 2014

I am attempting to copy the results of a formula in a column to a row. The data in the column is in a different worksheet. Although pasting the data using the transpose option in the drop down menu works, I really want to have the results of the formula returned. The reason for this is the results are variable based on the formula.

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Paste Values From Cell With Formula That Will Update With Changes?

Jun 26, 2014

I have a cell with a fairly long formula for concatenating a large number of other cells. Let's call it cell "A". Due to the formatting and end use of the data in cell "A", I have to copy and only paste the values of that cell into another cell, which I'll call cell "B". What I need to know is whether there is a way for the values in cell "B" to automatically update in the same way they do in cell "A" when data changes in any of the cells that are being concatentated.

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Copy A Formula And Paste Into Adjoining Cells

Oct 27, 2008

We have many spreadsheets in my lab. We have been using them for YEARS. Two days ago we ran into a bizarre problem. If we copy a formula and paste into adjoining cells we get the following

Init Values Formula copied & Pasted Results in B column
A column B Column
10 =A1* 10 100
15 =A2*10 100
20 =A3*10 100

If you copy Range("B1") and Paste it to Range("B2:B3") you get 100, 100, 100 NOT 100, 150, 200. If you click on range("B2") it says =A2*10 but the value 150 does not appear in the cell. If you manually type a formula into each line, the results are what one would expect. If I open a new workbook, copying and pasting works as always.

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How To Copy / Paste Cell Text (not The Formula)

Sep 24, 2009

I have a drop down list. When I choose something from the list, it creates a description (text) in the next cell. I need to be able to copy/paste the text from the cell, but it will only let me choose the formula instead.

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