When Cell Date Is Changed Then Macro Should Run

Jun 25, 2014

The following code works fine but now I want it to work without a userform. SO there is no userform and so no controls.

When the user changes date in a cell then a macro should run and following kind of code should execute.

[Code] .......

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Date Stamp When Cell Changed

Jun 14, 2009

I want to capture the date and time that a cell is changed.

So if the value in cell A2 is changed, then cell B2 date stamps with the current time; similiarly if cell A3 is changed, then cell B3 date stamps...

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Insert A Date In A Cell When Another Cell's Number Has Been Changed

Dec 6, 2013

I am looking to insert a date in a Cell when another Cell's number has been changed.

I was using If statement as: If(isnumber(f4),TODAY())

but I don't think it is working properly

the cells columns would be, e.g. "Consumables stock" and "date updated".

So if someone changes a number is the "consumables stock" column, date updated column auto-updates with current date. How would I go by in doing this?

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Record Date & Time In Cell Corresponding To Changed Cell

Jun 18, 2009

When a cell changes i would like the cell in the next column to record the date of this change. After achieving this i want to set up conditional formatting to compare this date to the current date and if they are the same then change the original cell's colour to show it changed today!

I started using the code below (from ozgrid) which was working fine BUT my cell value in column A is actually taken from a different column. when the different column cell value changes my cell in A changes but the script below does not seem to see this as a change. it only records the date if i physcially change the cell in A rather than another cell prompting it to change.

based on my overall objective and my plans to date please can someone suggest a solution?
current code below....

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Automatically Add Username, Current Date And Time Each Tiime Any Cell Is Changed

Feb 27, 2009

I am looking to have a macro which will automatically add the username and date to a cell, when the cell above changes (or in this case =x). I have a bit of code from a previous project, but I have changed Target.Row to Target.Column and it is not behaving as I require:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Range("B2:BZ2"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Range("C" & Target.Column).Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm") & " " & Format(Time, "hh:mm") & " by " & (Application.UserName)
End If
End Sub

See the attachment for the example. What I need is whenever row 3 ="x" I need the corresponding cell in row "d" to update with the latest date, time and username. Please not the macro is currently not active on the sheet as i've added the ' character.

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How To Date Any Specific Cell When Another Cell Is Changed

Sep 28, 2011

I am trying to date stamp a cell when another cell has been changed from a drop down selection list. For instance: If cell A1 is changed, time stamp B1. I have tried both the following codes and they both work for 1 column.

"Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range)
If target.column = 1 Then Cells(target.Row, 2) = Now()
End Sub"


The problem is that I want to time stamp cells in columns FHJLN, when the column to the left has been modified (EGIKM). So I basically want to repeat the time stamp code for multiple columns. I have tried messing around and can get not more than 2 columns to work at a time.

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Vlookup Changed Validated Cell Value In Macro

Jul 2, 2009

I have a worksheet containing a cell (say A1) that has a validated list of times (data/validation/list) where the cells in the list contain times in 8 minute increments. The user can select cell A1 and manually select any of the validated times from the list. A vlookup formula on this worksheet uses the content of cell A1 to look for this time in another section of the worksheet. When the time is selected manually, the vlookup formula works properly.

As part of a macro, the macro will change the time in cell A1. I do this in the macro by selecting and copying the desired time from the validation list and pasting it into A1. Cell A1 does change to the new value, however the vlookup formula that uses A1 shows a result of #N/A. If I manually change the time, it again works. I am looking for a way to have the macro change this cell to another time and for the vlookup formula to work as it should.

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Macro To Change Sheet Name When Cell Value Is Changed?

Jun 21, 2012

I would like to create a macro that will automatically change the name of the sheet any time a value is entered into cell a1. For example, in cell A1 of sheet1 I would input "Hello", and then the tab for sheet1 would be automatically renamed to "Hello".

Here's the twist - the workbook will have multiple sheets, and I want all tabs to reflect the value of a specific cell (a1) in each sheet.

For example:

value in sheet1, cell a1 = "Yes" - corresponding tab name would change to "Yes"
value in sheet2, cell a1 = "No" - corresponding tab name would change to "No"
value in sheet3, cell a1 = "Maybe" - corresponding tab name would change to "Maybe"

The "tab change" cell would always be cell a1 in each sheet.

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Macro / VBA To Copy And Paste If Cell Is Changed?

Dec 18, 2013

- A database sheet called 'QAEQUIP' which contains information on the movements of pieces of equipment. This information in in order of Column A which is a movements reference number.

- A reporting sheet called 'Email sheet', which you put in a month and year and using macros it copy and pastes the relevant rows from the database and puts them in date order (e.g. put in October 2013 and it will show all of the equipment moves that happened in October 2013, and in date order).

What my end user would like, is to be able to add text to an extra column on the reporting page which gets fed into the database on the corresponding row. What would the best way to do this be? I was thinking VBA for each row (there aren't that many rows) that says if this cell is changed, copy and paste the cell into the corresponding row / column on 'QAEQUIP'.

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Run Macro Sequence On Set Cell Changed By Drop-Down

Aug 25, 2008

I have found a macro that should work with a change of a specific cell.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$7" Then
Call Button
End If
End Sub

However, the code doesn t work as with a change of A7 nothing happens.
A7 equals to result from a drop down list --> A7=A5(which is a drop down list value). The "Button" macro is a combination of 4 macros that get rid of zero values and names in pie charts (maybe this plays any role). The master macro is assigned to an object. The code is:

Sub Button1()
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 140").Activate
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).ApplyDataLabels AutoText:=True, LegendKey:= _
False, HasLeaderLines:=True, ShowSeriesName:=False, ShowCategoryName:= _
True, ShowValue:=True, ShowPercentage:=False, ShowBubbleSize:=False, _
Separator:=" "...................

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Automatically Call Macro Based On Changed Cell Address & Text

Apr 13, 2009

I have the following code pasted into the worksheet module which used to work fine but no longer does. I didn't touch the code, it just stopped working.

Private Sub WorkSheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Address
Case "$A$16"
Select Case Target
Case "Custom Color 1": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 2": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 3": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 4": Call CustomColorInput1
Case Else:
End Select
Case "$A$17"
Select Case Target
Case "Custom Color 1": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 2": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 3": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 4": Call CustomColorInput2
Case Else:
End Select
Case "$A$18"

CustomColorInput 1-6 are the same except they input data into different cells F16-F21.

When I attach any of the CustomColorInput macros to a button it works fine. When I try to call it from the worksheet module, the data input box pops up but the data doesn't get entered into the cell. When I try to step through the CustomColorInput macros using F8, the input box pops up, I enter data and press ok. Then I continue with F8 and the debugger jumps to a custom function that I entered (below), which is not called for and is in no way related to the code.

Function PullAfterLast(rCell As Range, strLast As String)
PullAfterLast = Mid(rCell, InStrRev(rCell, strLast) + 1, 256)
End Function

When I close VBA, the data that I typed into the data input box is in the correct cell.

So basically, I'm getting three different responses from the offending code depending on how I call it up. Can anyone tell me what's going on?

More generally, in this and previous occasions, I've had problems with macros that cease to work for no reason that is apparent to me. What are some things that would cause a macro to stop working, without actually changing the code (other than the obvious, like referring to names or worksheets etc. that don't exist anymore)?

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Inserting Time (or Date And Time) In Cell On Row When Cell In That Row Changed

Aug 21, 2013

I have a spreadsheet where an engineer is expected to record sample temperatures of water outlets, along with the time he took the sample. Each outlet has a row on the spreadsheet with a column for the Temperature and column for the time. I would like to automatically input the current time(or time and date) on each line as the temperature is entered.

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Having Macros Run When The Date Is Changed

Feb 27, 2009

Is it possible to have a macro run when a date is changed each month instead of clicking on the button. I have a few macros that are ran each month in a spreadsheet (manually) but would I would like to have them run automatically when the date is changed in cell a4 each month (Cell A4 is linked to another spreadsheet tited "Input" here the date is changed each month and all of the other spreadsheets are automatically updated). The date in cell a4 is always the last day of the month. Also the name of the workbook changes each month ( I am not sure if this is important to know).

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Excel 2010 :: Date Sometimes Changed Into Text

Mar 11, 2014

When I combine 3 reports (which we get out of a system) into 1 big file, the date format remains the same (mm/dd/yyyy and right alligned). Same happens for most of my colleagues.

When 1 particular colleague goes and combine these reports, I've noticed that some of the dates are showing as text? (dd/mm/yyyy and left alligned).

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Macro Use After File Name Is Changed

Oct 28, 2009

I use Excel 2003. With a LOT of help from this board, I've written some macros for a workbook template that will be opened then saved with another name with an .xls extension. The problem is that the macros transfer data to and from another workbook template. Here's the code that's giving me problems.
Application.CutCopyMode = False
How can I use the macro if I open BookA.xlt then change the name to BookZ.xls for my data entries? At the same time BookZ is open, I may use another instance of BookA.xlt and save that one as BookY.xls. What's the most feasible way to still use the macros?

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Run Macro Automatically Once 3 Cells Have Changed

May 21, 2008

how to alter this Private Sub for my code to execute automatically once all 3 cells have changed. At the moment it executes as soon as any of the 3 cells change.

Here's the Private and Public Sub codes:

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Macro Activates Whencombo Box Is Changed

May 1, 2009

I'm making a worksheet with 64 dropdown boxes.

I would love a macro that activates whenever any combo box is changed, that could tell me which DropDown was changed.

DropDown1_Click() seems to be the only option i can find, but is there a way to not have to create a unique method for each object?

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Macro Execute When Form Is Changed

Aug 17, 2009

How do I have a macro execute anytime a checkbox, or radio button is clicked on a form? I have a macro that needs to run, but I don't want to put it in the code for every checkbox because it will complicate any changes or additions to the form.

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Macro To Delete Cell Contents If Date In One Cell Bigger Than Date In Another Cell

May 9, 2012

I have the following columns that return cover period dates.

Start of Cover PeriodEnd of Cover Period01-Nov-0631-Jan-0701-Jul-0831-May-0901-Dec-0930-Jun-1001-Jan-1131-Dec-10

I however need a macro that will delete the cell contents if the "Start of Cover Period" (column AK) date is > than the "End of cover period" (column AL) date.

Thus it must compare ak2 with al2 and if ak2>al2 then clear both cells. if AK2

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Trigger Macro When Cells Changed By VLookup

Dec 6, 2013

Colouring calendar entries based on a date match... VBA to colour a cell on each line based on date match

The code works fine if you change the date in the cell and press enter however my date changes are triggered via a Vlookup which the code doesn't recognise has changed so doesn't trigger the macro.

Is there any way to amend the VBA code shown below so that it triggers the macro when dates are changed in column I via Vlookup?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("I:I")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Target.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

[Code] ......

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Run A Macro When A Drop Down List Choice Is Changed

Jul 23, 2007

I am using INDIRECT to create a second dynamic drop down list (L1) that is based on the cell contents of a first drop down list (I1). I want to create a macro that will blank the 2nd drop down list ONLY when the choice in the first list is CHANGED. I have the following, but it blanks the second list as soon as the first list is clicked on, rather than when a change is made:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

If Not Intersect(Range("I1"), Target) Is Nothing Then Range("L1").ClearContents

End Sub

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Macro Assignment Lost When File Name Is Changed

Nov 17, 2007

When I use customize and assign a macro (to a button) I set the "Marco In" option to "This Workbook" then select a macro from the available list. If you close the Assign Macro dialog and open it again, notice how it appends the name of the file to the macro name. Later, in an automated process the xls filename is appended with a value and I think this is causing the problem because the appended data is static and thus no longer is in sync with the new (latest) filename. How do I assign macro's to either custom toolbar's or autoshapes so that the assignment is tolerant of file name changes? I tried to delete the appended data but it is appended automatically.

I am also curious why some of the macro's listed in the dialog include a filename and macro name delimited with an exclaimation mark and some are macro name only (with no delimiter).

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Sort Macro Reverses When Anything Changed / Added To List

May 13, 2013

I used the "record macro" to record a simple sorting (high to low) of columns A-F based on values (0-3) in column A. Everything works when I initially institute the macro. However, when I change anything or add a new item at the end of the list, the order reverses and sorting goes from lowest to highest.?

Here is what ended up in the macro:

Sub SortColumnA()
' SortColumnA Macro


I noticed that it only includes a fixed value for the length of the list (row 90). Is there a way to have it increase when anything new is added?

As of now I plan on just making an arbitrary large index (~200 ish) to automatically grab anything new.

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Macro To Save XLSM In Defined Path With Year Day And Month Changed

Jan 31, 2014

I need to save a document in the following path: [URL] .......

Only the year month and day sould change when I hit the save button/macro: 2014_01_29

How to build a macro that would save my file as per my above explanation??

If I would run the macro today the excel file should be saved in the path: [URL] .......

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VBA If Cell Changed

Dec 30, 2009

If the value of any cell in in column D is changed to "Closed", a message box will appear that says "Others must be notified when item is closed". In that message box, I want two buttons: Button 1 One is cancel and will undo the change. Button 2 will open MS Outlook with pre-filled email addresses and will attach the open worksheet. After the email is sent, to return to Excel.

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Get The Value Of A Cell Before It Was Changed

Jul 26, 2007

I have the following code on my worksheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2")) Is Nothing Then
End If

End Sub

Cell B2 contains an employee number. What I need to do is save some data for the employee number that was in cell B2 just before it was changed.

Example: If employee number "10" is entered in B2.
Then the user were to change the employee number in cell B2 to "55" I would like to use the previous value "10" to do some VBA stuff with.

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Send Row Number Of Changed Cell To Cell Where Row Resides In Cell

Apr 26, 2008

I have the following range of cells B2:Y3700. I want that when a value from 1 to 9999 is inserted in one cell of the above mentioned range, to copy the row number of that cell in the cell that is located in column Z and row is the number inserted in that cell. For example, if the number "1234" is inserted in one cell from range B2:Y3700, to enter in cell Z1234 the number of the row where is located the respective cell. At same the time is very important to me to not permit to insert the same number in B2:Y3700, so i believe that is need a macro code to check the cell from column z to see if value already exist .

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Save When Cell Is Changed?

Jul 24, 2009

Is it possible to save a workbook whenever any changes are made to any cell in a specific column? The reason - I'm putting an excel workbook out on a network drive for 4-5people to share. The sheet contains work items which are imported every 4 hours... Column A contains the status.

I want to save the file every time anybody changes a status to prevent multiple users from working on the same item. I realize that I could build a form then load each workitem into the form, then apply the save to a change event on the field/control, but that's something for next week - I need to get this out the door, bare bones, as soon as possible.

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Change Hyperlink As Cell Reference Is Changed In Cell?

Jan 27, 2012

Is it possible to change hyperlink as per the cell reference changed in a cell. for example :- in cell D2 the apply a match formula to find out a cell reference (eg "A"& Match function based on info type on cell A1) Now I want to create hyperlink as per the cell reference mentioned in cell D2. suppose I type Red in A1 and D2 give me the cell reference A51 than automatically Hyperlink create for A51. and it continiously changed whatever i type in A1 and what cell reference is showing in D2.

Sheet1ABCD1Type Abbrivation12Full FormACell AddressA13Is it possible that I click on Cell D2 and it goes to particular cell 45Abbrivation6Short CodeDescription71A82B93C104D115E126F137G148H159I1610J1711K1812L1913M2014N2115O2216P2317QExcel 2007Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaB2=VLOOKUP(B1,A6:$B$1000,2,0)D2="A"&MATCH(B1,$A$7:$A$1000,0)

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Automatic Calculation Of Cell Value When One Of The Variables (cell Value) Is Changed?

Oct 31, 2013

which will calculate value of a cell when one of the variables has been changed?

To illustrate what I have in mind, an ecxample:

* User can add values to cells using UserForm
- Component name (to Cell "A1")
- Component price (to Cell "B1")
- Component quantity (to Cell "C1")


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