Macro To Change Sheet Name When Cell Value Is Changed?
Jun 21, 2012
I would like to create a macro that will automatically change the name of the sheet any time a value is entered into cell a1. For example, in cell A1 of sheet1 I would input "Hello", and then the tab for sheet1 would be automatically renamed to "Hello".
Here's the twist - the workbook will have multiple sheets, and I want all tabs to reflect the value of a specific cell (a1) in each sheet.
For example:
value in sheet1, cell a1 = "Yes" - corresponding tab name would change to "Yes"
value in sheet2, cell a1 = "No" - corresponding tab name would change to "No"
value in sheet3, cell a1 = "Maybe" - corresponding tab name would change to "Maybe"
The "tab change" cell would always be cell a1 in each sheet.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a cell that has a validation list. When i select a value from the list, i want the value of another cell to change automatically but it isnt working. The list source is pointing to another sheet:
I get an error when it tries to change the cell value. Its error no. 1004.
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Jan 3, 2014
How can I get a cell to change color if a user were to modify or change the value of the cell contents?
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Jul 10, 2012
I have 10 excel sheets that are filled with data some 20,000 each.
Some of the descriptions in that row need to be changed.
I wonder how I can create some kind of macro or formatting that will change the text color or the fill color as I make those changes automatically?
I can sort the list after that easy enough, pulling the color text or the fill color.
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Dec 4, 2006
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
With Target.Cells(1, 1)
If Not Intersect(.Cells, Range("b3:b6")) Is Nothing Then
Range("b7") = "Not Found"
For i = 3 To 6: txt = txt & Cells(i, "b").Value & "_": Next
For Each r In Range("m3", Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))
For i = 0 To 3: txt2 = txt2 & r.Offset(i).Value & "_": Next
If txt = txt2 Then
Range("b7").Value = r.Offset(4).Value
Exit For
End If
txt2 = ""
ElseIf Not Intersect(.Cells, Range("b16:b19")) Is Nothing Then
Range("b20") = "Not Found".....................
I'm working with this code right now. The problem is the macro will only work if i type the numbers manually. if the values are retrieved from a combobox, the code above down not work as it cannot read the values.
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Jan 27, 2012
Is it possible to change hyperlink as per the cell reference changed in a cell. for example :- in cell D2 the apply a match formula to find out a cell reference (eg "A"& Match function based on info type on cell A1) Now I want to create hyperlink as per the cell reference mentioned in cell D2. suppose I type Red in A1 and D2 give me the cell reference A51 than automatically Hyperlink create for A51. and it continiously changed whatever i type in A1 and what cell reference is showing in D2.
Sheet1ABCD1Type Abbrivation12Full FormACell AddressA13Is it possible that I click on Cell D2 and it goes to particular cell 45Abbrivation6Short CodeDescription71A82B93C104D115E126F137G148H159I1610J1711K1812L1913M2014N2115O2216P2317QExcel 2007Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaB2=VLOOKUP(B1,A6:$B$1000,2,0)D2="A"&MATCH(B1,$A$7:$A$1000,0)
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May 28, 2009
I am trying to create some code that will work each time a cell is updated. For simplicity, when cell A1 on Sheet 1 is greater than or equal to 25,000, I want Sheet 2 and 3 to be shown (they will already have been hidden). When A1 on Sheet 1 changes to less that 25,000, I want only Sheet 4 and 5 to be shown. I want to be able to change the number back and forth in A1 so only Sheets 2 and 3 show when A1 is >= 25,000, and only Sheets 3 and 4 to be shown then A1 < 25,000. I can't seem to find how to hide sheets based on a cell changing. I can only find how to permanently hide sheets.
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Jun 25, 2014
The following code works fine but now I want it to work without a userform. SO there is no userform and so no controls.
When the user changes date in a cell then a macro should run and following kind of code should execute.
[Code] .......
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Jul 2, 2009
I have a worksheet containing a cell (say A1) that has a validated list of times (data/validation/list) where the cells in the list contain times in 8 minute increments. The user can select cell A1 and manually select any of the validated times from the list. A vlookup formula on this worksheet uses the content of cell A1 to look for this time in another section of the worksheet. When the time is selected manually, the vlookup formula works properly.
As part of a macro, the macro will change the time in cell A1. I do this in the macro by selecting and copying the desired time from the validation list and pasting it into A1. Cell A1 does change to the new value, however the vlookup formula that uses A1 shows a result of #N/A. If I manually change the time, it again works. I am looking for a way to have the macro change this cell to another time and for the vlookup formula to work as it should.
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Dec 18, 2013
- A database sheet called 'QAEQUIP' which contains information on the movements of pieces of equipment. This information in in order of Column A which is a movements reference number.
- A reporting sheet called 'Email sheet', which you put in a month and year and using macros it copy and pastes the relevant rows from the database and puts them in date order (e.g. put in October 2013 and it will show all of the equipment moves that happened in October 2013, and in date order).
What my end user would like, is to be able to add text to an extra column on the reporting page which gets fed into the database on the corresponding row. What would the best way to do this be? I was thinking VBA for each row (there aren't that many rows) that says if this cell is changed, copy and paste the cell into the corresponding row / column on 'QAEQUIP'.
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Aug 25, 2008
I have found a macro that should work with a change of a specific cell.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$7" Then
Call Button
End If
End Sub
However, the code doesn t work as with a change of A7 nothing happens.
A7 equals to result from a drop down list --> A7=A5(which is a drop down list value). The "Button" macro is a combination of 4 macros that get rid of zero values and names in pie charts (maybe this plays any role). The master macro is assigned to an object. The code is:
Sub Button1()
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 140").Activate
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).ApplyDataLabels AutoText:=True, LegendKey:= _
False, HasLeaderLines:=True, ShowSeriesName:=False, ShowCategoryName:= _
True, ShowValue:=True, ShowPercentage:=False, ShowBubbleSize:=False, _
Separator:=" "...................
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Apr 13, 2009
I have a macro code for conditional formatting. The first 2 lines of the macro are
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ....
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Apr 13, 2009
I have the following code pasted into the worksheet module which used to work fine but no longer does. I didn't touch the code, it just stopped working.
Private Sub WorkSheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Address
Case "$A$16"
Select Case Target
Case "Custom Color 1": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 2": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 3": Call CustomColorInput1
Case "Custom Color 4": Call CustomColorInput1
Case Else:
End Select
Case "$A$17"
Select Case Target
Case "Custom Color 1": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 2": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 3": Call CustomColorInput2
Case "Custom Color 4": Call CustomColorInput2
Case Else:
End Select
Case "$A$18"
CustomColorInput 1-6 are the same except they input data into different cells F16-F21.
When I attach any of the CustomColorInput macros to a button it works fine. When I try to call it from the worksheet module, the data input box pops up but the data doesn't get entered into the cell. When I try to step through the CustomColorInput macros using F8, the input box pops up, I enter data and press ok. Then I continue with F8 and the debugger jumps to a custom function that I entered (below), which is not called for and is in no way related to the code.
Function PullAfterLast(rCell As Range, strLast As String)
PullAfterLast = Mid(rCell, InStrRev(rCell, strLast) + 1, 256)
End Function
When I close VBA, the data that I typed into the data input box is in the correct cell.
So basically, I'm getting three different responses from the offending code depending on how I call it up. Can anyone tell me what's going on?
More generally, in this and previous occasions, I've had problems with macros that cease to work for no reason that is apparent to me. What are some things that would cause a macro to stop working, without actually changing the code (other than the obvious, like referring to names or worksheets etc. that don't exist anymore)?
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Nov 26, 2013
Am currently working on an excel sheet that has values in multiple columns and rows. Simple example would be like
Assume two columns , with column One having a dropdown list to select the value ,
Pencil 2
Paper 3
Pencil 3
Eraser 3
Pencil 3
I want the data to be created in another sheet as
Pencil - 8
Paper - 3
Eraser - 3
I understand that this can be done through pivot table but the issue is when I change the quantity of the item in the source , say reduce pencil by 1 , the same should be reflected in the summation sheet as well automatically .
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Feb 11, 2014
I am trying to have one cell (G5) populate with a timestamp when a change is made to any cells in a range (some are merged). The code below worked for a second, until it didn't.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("F8:G33")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Range("G5").Value = Now()
End Sub
*Getting a yellow arrow by the row starting with Range("G5")
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Oct 2, 2007
Currently I am using a vlookup for 19,000 columns or so. Basically what I am doing is calculating the change in the P&L values from when I ran the file currently to when I ran it previously. I have a macro that pastes the old data to sheet "PL Changes" and then the new data on "PL Detail" All the Vlookup is doing is taking 2 criteria(from A and E and comparing them to a concatenated formula in column A on "PL Changes" then returning the old value in column 5. Is Vlookup the most efficient or is Match() any quicker. Right now it takes almost a minute for it to calculate cells and I was hoping to reduce that time as this data may get longer: ...
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Jul 21, 2009
Im trying to use an event change to change the sheet name based on a cell value, but my issue is how can I error trap if the sheet name is a duplicate? Here is what I have so far
Sub ChangeName()
On Error GoTo errhandler
Sheets(1).Name = Sheets(1).range("d10")
Exit Sub
MsgBox "sheet name is already exists"
End Sub
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Jul 16, 2014
I need to use the Worksheet Change event in a particular sheet in a specified column which works fine if the data is already there in the sheet and then changed however,the data is in this sheet is actually a Sub-Set of a Main sheet i.e certain filtered records are being copied from Main Sheet and then copied to this IBSL Sheet.
After the data is copied I have to check each record manually and then categorize each record as Fresh , Rebooked , Cancelled , Tranch or On-Hold.....These 4 criterias are added in the Column 38 and the same thing has to be repeated in the column 40 , so when i change the data in the column 38 the same category has to be updated in the same row in the column 40..
But the problem is that the data is first copied from the Main Data Sheet into the IBSL Sheet using a Macro so then this even t gets fired and goes in the DEBUG MODE...
I need this to happen when i change the category manually..I am adding data validation at the same time while copying the data in to the TEMP sheet.
So what can be done to achieve..
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May 13, 2009
I want to show which rows of data have been changed by incrementing a revision attribute. For example, if a user changes the contents of a cell anywhere between rows 2 and 13 and col 1 and 9 then the revision attribute in col 10 would increment from 1 to 2 (for the affected row). If another change affects the same row then the rev attribute would increment to 3, and so forth. I don't care which cell was changed only that something on that row was touched.
I thought the CHANGE event was a dead ringer for triggering some VBA code to control this but, since part of the change event code writes the revision value, this triggers another CHANGE event causing an endless loop until something (??) kicks in and stops it after 220 iterations. Is there a way to inhibit the change event just prior to updating the cell containing the version attribute?
Rather than post the code here I have submitted the workbook that includes the whole setup and code. I should also mention I looked at all the other worksheet events and I do not see any "triggers" that would fire each time a cell content is changed. As a side note, is there a way to step into the code of a change event? F8 does nothing.
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Jan 16, 2008
Can you protect a sheet name from being changed by a user?
Can you protect a sheet from being deleted by a user?
I have an Excel 2003 file available to all employees on a network. There are three sheets. Two sheets are protected with passwords and users can not enter any data on them. They are used to hold data needed by the third sheet.
The third sheet (named FORM) is for user input. FORM has a majority of the cells protected with a password. Users can enter information, save the file, print the sheet, or make duplicates of the sheet. The sheet contains data validations, conditional formatting, and formulas.
I have some VBA which acts on all the sheets (even those which users might have inserted) making them visible (very hidden) or not. When a user opens the file (whether for the first time or after adding sheets), I always want them to have FORM unhidden. I have VBA to do this but what if a user changes the name of the sheet? CRASH!
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May 19, 2014
In need of a macro to change the look of the attached example spreadsheet.
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Aug 13, 2012
Iv changed the security settings to my name (along with admin) and removed 'everyone'.now when i go into my folder, everyone else's excel sheet is there but mine has gone.
is there a way i can get it back?
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Jun 27, 2009
I have a workbook, 'MyWb.xls' and a sheet with buttons to which I attach some sheet macros. When I assign a macro to a button I pick the appropriate reference, e.g. Sheet2.MyMacro, and this gets recorded by default as MyWb.xls!Sheet2.MyMacro
When I create a new single sheet workbook with the instruction ActiveSheet.Copy, I end up with a new workbook, say 'Book2' along with the buttons as expected. However the macros attached to the buttons still refer to the MyWB.xls file and not the new 'Book2.xls'. As part of the process of creating the new book I've tried redefining the macro with the instruction
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Jun 19, 2013
If for example cell A1 begins empty with no data in it other than a formula and something occurs to change the state of cell A1 to a value which triggers a change in cell B1 (a variable), can I use this to fire a sheet change macro ????
Wish to trigger a macro on sheet change based on every cell in column C, is this even possible ???
Or, is a change in a variable (C1) for example, the same as that of a DIRECT user keyboard input for example ???
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim c As Range
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Columns(3)) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each c In Target
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Mar 8, 2014
This is my basic setup, each piece of equipment will have more than one routine to be performed:
Equipment Type
To Be Performed
Last Performed
Performed By
Next Due Date
[Code] ..........
I want to track changes on "Last Performed" and "Performed By" and, if changed, copy both values to a separate "log" sheet. In total, there could be up to 10 routines for each peice of equipment. That means I would need to track 20 columns for changes. I would like this check to be done on save because that ensures that the user is satisfied with their changes and keeps the log from being flooded. And lastly, it needs stored in the log sheet in a way that I can identify which piece of equipment it was for and which routine was done.
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Oct 28, 2009
I use Excel 2003. With a LOT of help from this board, I've written some macros for a workbook template that will be opened then saved with another name with an .xls extension. The problem is that the macros transfer data to and from another workbook template. Here's the code that's giving me problems.
Application.CutCopyMode = False
How can I use the macro if I open BookA.xlt then change the name to BookZ.xls for my data entries? At the same time BookZ is open, I may use another instance of BookA.xlt and save that one as BookY.xls. What's the most feasible way to still use the macros?
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Jun 18, 2014
So I have a worksheet that has a lot of macros in it. I have just barely run into a problem that happens anytime a change a cell in another workbook that I have open. The second workbook I have open isn't even a macro enabled workbook. But for some reason it gives me an error and says I am trying to run this code.
[Code] ....
It gives me the runtime error 9. This code is supposed to run when I click on a combobox in my main workbook but it is running anytime I change something in my other simple workbook. Why this happens and how to stop it? I have had a lot of similar problems in the past but I just dealt with it by only having one workbook open but in this case I will need both.
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May 26, 2009
Is there a way to prevent the Workbook_SheetChange event macro from triggering when I run Excel's Solver?
The solver goes through 100 or so iterations changing multiple cells each of which seemed to trigger the Workbook_SheetChange event. If there was a Solver Run event, I could turn off application events, but as far as I know such an event does not exist.
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May 21, 2008
how to alter this Private Sub for my code to execute automatically once all 3 cells have changed. At the moment it executes as soon as any of the 3 cells change.
Here's the Private and Public Sub codes:
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May 1, 2009
I'm making a worksheet with 64 dropdown boxes.
I would love a macro that activates whenever any combo box is changed, that could tell me which DropDown was changed.
DropDown1_Click() seems to be the only option i can find, but is there a way to not have to create a unique method for each object?
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