Why Cannot Directly Set Wrap On Range Of Cells

Jun 28, 2014

I would like to simply reference this range of cells and change one formatting attribute.

VB: Sheets("flaggedSite report").Range(Cells(RowV, 2), Cells(RowV, 6)).WrapText = True

I get a runtime error 1004 with this???

With Sheets("FlaggedSite Report").Range(Cells(RowV + 1, 2), Cells(RowV + 1, 5))
'.Range(Cells(RowV, 2), Cells(RowV, 6)).WrapText = True
.WrapText = True
End With

This one runs but gives me unpredicted results. This one I think changes the format on my original sheet vs FlaggedSite Report.

With Worksheets("FlaggedSite Report")
With Range(Cells(RowV + 1, 2), Cells(RowV + 1, 5))
.WrapText = True
End With
End With

All I want to do is with as small a code as possible make a change to an inactive sheet of my choosing to the wrap format of a range of cells.

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Paste CSV String Directly Onto Range

Mar 17, 2014

I am playing around with code to extract stock prices from Yahoo! Finance.

The data is extracted from Yahoo in the form of a CSV string, for example:

"HSBC HLDG",596.80,"-0.22%"

I've written code to split the string into cells as I'd like, but just realised that if I copy the above text manually from the Immediate Window (on the back of a Debug.Print) and paste it anywhere on the worksheet Excel automatically splits the string and reformats the values.

Although my code works perfectly I was wondering whether there is a shorter way of doing this, i.e. by just coding up the above action? I've tried a few routes but haven't found a solution yet.

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Macro To Wrap / Unwrap Text For Given Range?

Mar 26, 2014

This is my current code to unwrap text for a given range


I would like to build in a IF function to say if the given range is unwrapped (Cells.WrapTEXT = False) THEN wrap the range (Cells.WrapTEXT = True) i.e. everytime the macro button is clicked it will wrap and unwrap the data range

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Insert New Row To Add More Rows To Merge Range With Wrap Text?

Aug 8, 2014

I have a sheet that has a section in range (c18:k25) (it is merged and text is wrapped) If that amount of space is not adequate to fit all their information I would like to add a macro that when activated it asks how many rows would you like to add and then based on that number whether it be 1-10 it would insert a new row to that merged range so they can continue adding more information . I have the sheet locked down to prevent changes so it would have to be unlocked and then re-locked within the macro.

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Move 2 Cells Directly Below The Cell?

Jan 1, 2012

I have the following code that will go down through column "L", look for the value "ATS", and if found will move it to the right 1 cell. this works find,

My need is to also move the 2 cells directly below the cell containing "ATS", then clear the contents of the "Original" 3 cells before going to find the next instance of "ATS".

Sub Move_Values()
Dim myrange, cell As Range
Set myrange = ActiveSheet.Range("L4", Range("L5000").End(xlUp))
For Each cell In myrange
If InStr(cell.Value, "ATS") > 0 Then
cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = cell.Value
End If
Next cell
End Sub

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Wrap Text In Merged Cells Macro

Feb 11, 2009

want to merge cells!

I have several columns "A" thru "J" with simple contents, part#, qty, date, etc. and in column "K" descriptive text which can run several sentences long.

I'm trying to record a macro to insert a row, merge "A" thru "J" in that new row, cut the text from the "K" cell in the row above and select wrap text so it shows up below those headings so my user can read it.

Would look like:

I can get it to look like that if I grab the row borders and drag it to fit, but can I get it to increase row height and wrap to fit the text length automatically with the macro?

Code looks like this so far:

Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M

Dialog box pops up "This operation will cause some merged cells to unmerge.

I'm going to have a shortcut key in the macro to do this one row at a time, as the data isn't that extensive, but I don't want to have to drag all the row heights.

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Autofit Merged Cells With Wrap Text

Aug 6, 2007

I found referred to writing a vba code such as the one below:

Sub Format()
End Sub

I have tried a vba code such as the one above but the issue persists.

I have a worksheet with merged cells [horizontal]; each cell is also formatted to warp text.

The issue is that the row size or cell size [vertical] does not adjust when the user types more text than what the cell size can handle.

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Wrap Text In Merged Cells In Protected Document

Jan 20, 2003

I understand that the wrap text feature doesn't work if you are merging cells.

I have a document that users will be able to input certain cells but not others...the document needs to be protected so they can't change formulas etc.

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How To Get Cells In A Column To Adjust Height Automatically / Text Wrap

Oct 28, 2011

Is there a way to get cells in a column to adjust their height automatically, or with a macro to account for text overflow/wrap?

For example, lets say a column is 200 px in width and it's height is enough to view a single line of text, and the column is set to wrap text. Now more text is entered into the cell and it needs to be re-sized to fit two lines of text.

Is there a way to create a macro button to have this done automatically?

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To Write A Macro That Will Insert A Formula Directly Into The Cells In Column M Of My Worksheet

Aug 9, 2007

I am trying to write a macro that will insert a formula directly into the cells in column M of my worksheet.

The worksheet has about 3400 rows. When I run the macro it does not adjust the cell reference in the formula so I am getting the same value in all 3400 rows.

I am using the following ....

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Looping & Conditional Format: Finds A "J" It Will Apply Conditional Formatting To A Row Of 4 Cells Directly Adjacent?

Feb 9, 2009

I need to run a loop through a column of values (attachment col B) and when it finds a "J" it will apply conditional formatting to a row of 4 cells directly adjacent. The attachment is a theoretical before & after.

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Merge & Wrap

Oct 4, 2007

I have a need to merge cells in a row and there to be more than one line of data in the merged cell. I also format it to wrap text. But I found that when doing this with merged cells it won't automatically resize the height of the row to accomodate the wraped text. It can be done manually, but this is a pain.

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Text Won't Wrap

Sep 7, 2009

I have a worksheet where i need three columns at fixed widths and in one of these columns i need the text to wrap. I have a macro and have included a wrap text function in it but it doesn't seem to wrap text!! No cells are merged and the row height has not been altered from the default height. I would very much appreciate if one of you could look at the macro(pasted below) and tell me why the text won't wrap. I have looked through forums and found answers to this question, but none of the solutions I have come across seem to work

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Unhide Row Directly Below

Jan 9, 2009

I was wondering if it's possible to unhide a row directly below one that is visible?

I am creating a template for users that allows them to choose which lines (rows) they would like to use. They then hit a button to hide all the other lines they don't wish to use.

For each row that is visible I then need the row directly below it to become visible so that the user can enter associated information.

I'm stumped on how to do it. I have the user entering "a" in column A for any row they wish to keep - but I'm not sure how to incorporate this into unhiding the row below (or if I'm on the wrong track with my thinking).

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Wrap Text Macro

Sep 22, 2009

I added a shortcut Button using a Macro on the Menu Bar on Word Wrap (Format > Cells > Alignment > Tick Wrap Text). However, that button is working only on the Workbook I created. When I created the macro, I did not have the option of putting it in "Personal Macro Workbook"? How can I make that button work on all Worksheet I operate in Excel from now?

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Can't Get Textbox In Userform To Wrap

May 8, 2014

How do I get the text to wrap inside the text box? I have the Wordwrap property of the textbox = True.

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Word Wrap And Row Height?

Mar 9, 2012

I have a section of my sheet to have the data in the cell word wrapped.

Is there any way to set it up so the row height automatically changes when there is more than one line of data?

Right now if my cell reads:

The other day
we went to the

It shows:


Meaning only the last line of the data. I'd like it to automatically make the row height change to show the three rows. (And change any of the other rows where there is a cell with more than one line of data)

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Wrap Combobox Text

Jul 18, 2006

how to wrap the text on a combobox located on a userform?

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Cell Text Wrap Cut-off

Sep 9, 2006

how I can get the text that is reflected in the Edit bar for cell A1 of the attachment to display fully within the cell boundriesof A1? I've reseached Qzgrid and found no previous answers. Is it an Excel 2003 bug that I just have to live with? You will see I've set the Text Control under Format Cells > Alignment to "Wrap text".

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Vba To Wrap If(iserror) Around Formula

Sep 20, 2006

I would like some code that would wrap if(iserror) around a formula, so that if the result is an error then no text is shown. It would be good if I could select a range and the formula would be adjusted for all cells with formula in. (Would be even better if cells with references in could have if(isblank) instead!) I am currently spending ages adjusting all my formulas manually and haven't got time to try and work out how to do this with vba.(I'm not very experienced with it!)

e.g. =INDEX('Characs Single'!$B$1:$C$100,MATCH('1Report'!$B12,'Characs Single'!$B$1:$B$19,0),2)

would be come

=IF(ISERROR(INDEX('Characs Single'!$B$1:$C$100,MATCH('1Report'!$B12,'Characs Single'!$B$1:$B$19,0),2)),"",INDEX('Characs Single'!$B$1:$C$100,MATCH('1Report'!$B12,'Characs Single'!$B$1:$B$19,0),2))

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Text Wrap Within A Form

Mar 28, 2007

Text Wrap in TextBox within an Excel form. I can’t get text to wrap within a textbox even though the “Wrap” option is selected for “True” in the textbox properties. The textbox value is from a cell that has text within it. The textbox code is: Me.txtC1 = Format(Worksheets("Data").Range("T46"), "0")

The form code is: Me.txtC1.Value = Worksheets("Data").Range("T46").Value

How do I get it to wrap?

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How To Control Many Loops Directly After Each Other

Aug 7, 2012

How I can control many loops directly after each other. For example I have this script:

If (Cells(x, column) > 35 And Cells(r, column) < 25 Then

If (cells(x, 75) = "GotU") Then

If (cells(x, 85) = "GotYah") Then

If (cells(x, 95) = "GotYou") Then
End if

Is this script correct if I want the loops to check all data that I write (for ex. GotYou, GotYah etc.) or do I need to end every if before next if? I want that the loops makes all 3 controls.

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How To Import Webpage Directly Into VBA

May 16, 2014

I've been working with this script to import and paste a webpage to a worksheet. Once the webpage is on a worksheet I can pull it into VBA easily enough but I was wondering if there's a way to "paste" the webpage directly into an array in VBA and skip the paste to worksheet step?


Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
.Navigate theURL
IE.Visible = False
End With


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Insert Letters To Take You To The Name Directly

Mar 12, 2008

I have a validation box that has 371 names it using the full range of the alphabet.

Is there away within the validation box that instead of using the scroll bar that you can insert a letter or letters to take you to the name directly?

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Print A Userform Directly

Jun 15, 2006

I have developed an extensive program running on excell but with the user only seeing userforms. I would now like to build in a "print screen" button, but have no idea how to do this.

What it needs to do is capture the userform and all its entries (as it is displayed on the screen) and send this to the printer to be printed as a picture.
I am assuming that there must be code available so that when ever the user clicks this button, the standard windows (or excell) print screen appears from which he will be able to choose the printer etc.

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Email Directly From Within A Workbook

Jul 11, 2006

I have found some code that allows me to email directly from within a workbook, but the example only contains one addressee, I wish to send to 3 or 4 different addresses, these addresses would remain constant once entered. How do I alter the code?

Sub sendactiveworkbook()
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail _
Recipients:="type-in-email-address", _
Subject:="New Quote Raised - Test Transmission " & Format( Date, "dd/mmm/yy")
End Sub

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Text Disappears When Word Wrap Is Used

Sep 7, 2005

Whenever word wrap is applied the text is not visable in the cell. It
remains visable only in the bar above.

I have already confirmed autofit and it reduces the column to 1 character

I tried detect and repair on the installation and nothing.

I even upgraded from Excel 2k to Excel 2003 and no change.

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Wrap Text And Expand Cell?

Apr 16, 2012

I have a sheet that copies text info (merged and centered cell)from a cell in another sheet (text alt+enter to create more line), the text wrap is on, however i have to manually expand the cell to see all of the text

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Word Wrap Over Multiple Lines

Feb 6, 2008

I send a regular file from Outlook which contains a large amount of data, the intention being that the receiptiant will copy this data into notepad or excel. This works fine if it is going to another Outlook user, however one of the users is running Lotus notes and it causes the text to go onto multiple lines . Unfortunatly i am unable to send the files to the users as attachments so i have to send the text in the body of the email

This is how they see the data

2353|11000955&770695&PAL_CHEP_FG|152&143&2|customer name |HARDWICK GRANGE|WARRINGTON|WOOLSTON|WA1 4RJ||20080204|S353||
2.875|M3|40|083000|20080204| 2.000|02143970067|ADVICE IF
PALLET QUANTITY INCORRECT Customer reque|MV1080097/1080105|
2353|11000654&PAL_CHEP_FG|78&12|customer name |BLACKHEATH
16.865|M3|40|090000|20080204| 13.000|0262 04020801 LOAD
2353|10000294&748060&725762&PAL_CHEP_FG|180&475&240&3|ICELAND FOODS
5.732|M3|40|103000|20080204| 3.000|02143971494|Customer
requested delivery time: 04/Feb/2008 10:|MV1080097/1080105|

There are always 30 records, some are blank, but are always seperated by a | i.e 1st record ends with MV1080097/1080105

I have tried to create a macro for them to use which will seperate the cells into excel using the delimeter but i am stuck on how to manage the multiple lines which dependant on the amount of text within the cells may vary

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Wrap Text For A Merged Cell

Nov 9, 2006

Currently working on an excel worksheet. I merged 5 rows to a single cell. Want to be able to auto fit all the textl. Enabled auto wrap but when the contect surpass the 5 rows, only portion of the text are appearing. Any way to force the cell to autofit whatever text is within?

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