I have developed an extensive program running on excell but with the user only seeing userforms. I would now like to build in a "print screen" button, but have no idea how to do this.
What it needs to do is capture the userform and all its entries (as it is displayed on the screen) and send this to the printer to be printed as a picture.
I am assuming that there must be code available so that when ever the user clicks this button, the standard windows (or excell) print screen appears from which he will be able to choose the printer etc.
I Have a Userform which Have My Data i Print User Form Using Print Command Button And My Code Is
[Code] ......
But Its Printout Whole Form I only Wants To Print contents of Text Box's Or only Text From Userform TextBox. How To Print out Only Content of User Form Not The Whole Form ...
I have this code, which does what i want it to do but i want 5 userforms printed in a4 and 1 in a3, also i want to print them all in colour, as they contain graphs, and visually its poor when in black and white
I added in black and white = false, but it still prints black and white, i tried size = A3 and that wouldnt work either
I have a number defined print ranges. I wish to create a list of all the named print ranges and then select certain ranges to print in a single document. I have been told can use something called a "userform".
with printing a long userform? Unfortunately, the me.printform does not print out the whole form. It gets cut off because my form is too long and slightly too wide. I also tried to do a print screen, but unfortunately, because my form is too long, it will only do a snapshot of a portion of the form. In my case, on the bottom as that is where I have placed my command button.
Does anyone know how to bring the whole form out to excel or word? I don't mind doing that as long as I can print out the whole form?
On my excel 2007 UserForm I have a CheckBox with 18 possible or multiple selections of reports (word.docm) what I would like to do is, when selected they would be sent to printer.
Here's what code I have so far, something is missing, I'm not sure
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() For x = 1 To 18 If Controls("checkbox" & x) Then Select Case x Case x = 1 worddoc = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Inspection ReportsCover Page.docx" Case x = 2 worddoc = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Inspection ReportsClient Information.docx" Case x = 3.....................
I have created a userform which user will fill in, but have come up against usual problem of not being able to print a copy. It has scroll bars so can't just use ctrl + alt + print screen method.
Thought i could get around problem, by recreating the form on worksheet by using activeX labels. I use a basic loop that goes through each of the required controls on the userform and exactly recreates it on the worksheet, using Active X Labels.
This all works fine, but when it gets to end of macro, the userforms just disappears and macro stops. No error message!! Also during the process of creating the axtive x labels i can't step through in VBA as it says its uable to break at that point!!
Private Sub NoPRINTBLANK_Click() Dim percent As Integer Dim Olob As OLEObject Set ctrl = TICKSHEET.Controls pgs = TICKSHEET.COMPS.Pages.Count pgs = pgs - 1 For z = 0 To pgs percent = (z + 1) / (pgs + 1) * 100 ' this is for a progress bar on sheet progresser percent ' this runs small sub to alter progress bar TICKSHEET.Repaint Worksheets("SHT" & z + 1).Activate ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Delete...................
I know you don't usually print userforms & when you do I know the code, however, how can you print one page of a multipage userform when the page has a vertical scrollbar & you want to print the whole page, not just what is showing on screen?
1/ I enter manually a list of serial numbers in a column
2/ the latest cell gives the number Y (count) of data entered
3/ I need a macro to perform the following on a Form when I press a button: a. the form is printed Y times and every times: b. "Page x of Y" where x increments (Y is the value given by the item 2/) c. the serial number cell shows values from the list one by one (item 1/)
So, that means I will have Y copies of the form where the page number starts at 1 and ends at Y, and a Serial number linked to the list (page 1 shows SN from line1, Page 2 SN from line 2, ... Page Y SN from line Y).
Is it possible to have a (print)preview shown in a textbox in a userform?
A layout has been made in a worksheet and content is added to some cells through Userforms (textboxes and comboxes).
1 Userform contains a big textbox and a "SEND"-button. What I would like is to have a preview of the worksheet inside that textbox before they click send.
During this whole proces, the Excel -Worksheet is not visible (to prevent changes being made to the program)!
I created a macro that prints a label from a userform. The macro used to reside on an XP platform and performed without issues. IT decided they wanted to upgrade the machine to a Windows 7 platform. Now when the userform prints a small window pops up that looks like a print preview of the label, however it is transparent and has a window caption of 'Precut Label' as identified in the userform design. I am including a screenshot of the pop-up. The unusual thing about this is the window cannot be closed, moved or selected in any way shape or form. The only way to get it to close is to view the userform object in the vba editor. The line of code that triggers the print sequence as well as cause the pop-up is: frmLabel.PrintForm. This line of code is housed in the sheet1 object.
I have a before print event that shows a userform - the user can then select which worksheets they want printed and select a command button. I then have a loop set up that loops through the selected workbooks and prints them. The problem is I am not sure how to tell VBA to print without it going back to the Before Print event userform.
In this worksheet I have data in following range : "N1:V2".
N1 to V1 is headings and N2 to V2 is data transfered from listbox on userform.
I am trying to print this range via command button on my userform.
I am wondering anyone can help me with the code for selecting and printing this range when user clicks on the "Print" command button on my userform?
how I can format this print out to look different than the tabular format? I mean if possible I would like to print this in portrait, fit to one page and possibly not look like a table. (If it has to look like a table then I will have to go with landscape as the table wont fit portrait without getting too small and un-readable)
I have created a custom Menu (excel add-in) to make my work easy in excel. My problem is to print only selected sheets from Workbook in one PDF file, for that I've created a Userform with 2 listboxes, add sheet and print buttons. In the first listbox are listed all the sheets and in the second listbox are the sellected sheets to be printed. What I've succeded so far is to print selected sheets, but it creates one PDF file for each sheet, only if I put my code in workbook and not in Menu add-in (.xla file). As PDF Printer I use PDF reDirect Pro v2.
I have a UserForm that I want to use as a “Print Selection Page” using check boxes to make selection or multiple selections of pages to print from different spreadsheets but same work book.
I was wondering if it's possible to unhide a row directly below one that is visible?
I am creating a template for users that allows them to choose which lines (rows) they would like to use. They then hit a button to hide all the other lines they don't wish to use.
For each row that is visible I then need the row directly below it to become visible so that the user can enter associated information.
I'm stumped on how to do it. I have the user entering "a" in column A for any row they wish to keep - but I'm not sure how to incorporate this into unhiding the row below (or if I'm on the wrong track with my thinking).
How I can control many loops directly after each other. For example I have this script:
If (Cells(x, column) > 35 And Cells(r, column) < 25 Then
If (cells(x, 75) = "GotU") Then xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Else
If (cells(x, 85) = "GotYah") Then xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Else
If (cells(x, 95) = "GotYou") Then xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End if
Is this script correct if I want the loops to check all data that I write (for ex. GotYou, GotYah etc.) or do I need to end every if before next if? I want that the loops makes all 3 controls.
I've been working with this script to import and paste a webpage to a worksheet. Once the webpage is on a worksheet I can pull it into VBA easily enough but I was wondering if there's a way to "paste" the webpage directly into an array in VBA and skip the paste to worksheet step?
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") With IE .Navigate theURL IE.Visible = False End With
I have found some code that allows me to email directly from within a workbook, but the example only contains one addressee, I wish to send to 3 or 4 different addresses, these addresses would remain constant once entered. How do I alter the code?
Sub sendactiveworkbook() ActiveWorkbook.SendMail _ Recipients:="type-in-email-address", _ Subject:="New Quote Raised - Test Transmission " & Format( Date, "dd/mmm/yy") End Sub
Is there any way to refer to a cell that is directly to the left of the current cell?
I need to create a Comma-Separated Value file with the Excel formula in the CSV file. Because of this, I do not know the current cell location, but want to do something like =(Cell directly to the left of me) + (Cell two cells to the left of me)
I have an excel file with about 200 images! This increases the filesize too much. So, I want to (if possible) have all the 200 images in different files, but still show all the pictures directly in Excel like before, without having the directly imported into excel. So, easy explained: I want to show a picture directly in excel that is in another file without having the picture increasing the filesize as before! How can i do this??
Lets say we have prices in column (B) and in column (F) I want to insert a formula that says:
In the same row, look at cell in column (B). If price is between 1000 and 8000 then put 2.00 if price is between 500-999 then put 0.50 if price is between 1-499 then put 0.00
I need to achieve this using something like =OFFSET(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(), COLUMN())),0,-1) but I am not sure how its done.
I will be using this formula in a find and replace macro. So I can NOT make the typical drag and fill formula.
I want to thank you all for the solutions/support I received in completing my (for me) difficult workbook.
I still have a tricky problem. In the example below, can Multibeep "know" when it is being called from Beep versus being excuted directly? And if so can I direct a different sequence?
I have a large number of webpages represented by live hyperlinks in a worksheet. I need to save the webpages either as html or prefereably as text files. My current option is to save the worksheet as a html file, open the saved html file in Opera and manually right click and save these webpages to the download folder. This will save the webpage without opening it in a new window or tab.
I would like to write a macro that automatically moves vertically from cell to cell and saves the webpage without opening a browser and requires no user interaction.
I need to know the commands to have the macro read the hyperlink in the cell, got to the website and save it to a location on the local hard drive using a differently numbered filename (file1.txt, file2.txt etc)
There is no problem if a webbrowser needs to open and close as long it is done automatically and controlled by the excel macro.