Work In Spreadsheet While Userform Is Open
Mar 20, 2008
Problem: I have textbox entries that are part of a Userform that opens using a macro on a speadsheet button. Once this form is open, I can no longer actively work in the spreadsheets.
Need: I need a way to minimize or "put on hold" the Userform so that I can freely move around in the spreadsheet. This could be in the form of a button on the Userform. Then, I need a way to bring back this userform to the point I was at before being put on hold so that I can continue to input entries into the textboxes (again, a buttton that could bring it back). There should be a way to toggle between both worlds.
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Jul 18, 2007
I'm writing a program on VBA for Excel and I've succeeded in just displaying the Userform when opening the file. I have set the ActiveWindow.Visible option to False and the Application.Visible one to false as well so that i only have the user form displayed.
However, if i try to open an excel file via "My Computer", the file doesn't open. I also noticed that when I was leaving the application.visible option to True, i couldn't access the application while the userform was running. I think i need to do something with an event, but i can't find the event corresponding to opening a file oustide Excel.
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Mar 5, 2007
I've got a 'Control Panel' spreadsheet which is all based on UserForms. When a user clicks a particular button, it opens one of many separate 'Regional' sheets which they work in.
When the user closes the 'Regional' sheet, I would like the 'Control Panel' sheets userforms to show again. However I can find no way of doing this as it simply switches back to the 'Control Panel' sheet without loading the forms (as I had to hide the 'Control Panel' useforms to give them access to the 'Regional' sheet).
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Jan 11, 2009
i need to work out a formula for my spreadsheet which I use to work out cutting lists for timber frames. I need it to work out if the width of a job is for eg 2400mm i need to work out how many timber studs I need so the space between each stud is between 400mm and 500mm and this will need to work for a range of different sizes of frames. I have it written at the moment and it just devides the width by 400 and gives me a amount of studs but it would work much better if it could space them between 400 & 500.
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that on open needs to open a 2nd spreadsheet minimised and delete 2 named sheets in the 2nd spreadsheet.
On close of the first spreadsheet it should then copy 2 sheets with the same name from itself into the 2nd spreadsheet.
This is to start a spreadsheet that will track project risks and issues that I will post further details for as other functions are required.
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Aug 4, 2007
The spreadsheet has been around for a long time. Even in the electronic form, it has been around for over a quarter century. How has the electronic spreadsheet improved or changed your job?
I'm taking a course in computer applications and will be using any information I get in replies to this thread in my term paper.
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Jun 10, 2014
When I copy the dates from this spreadsheet into a new one, in the new spreadsheet the copied dates are different. Looks crazy. Why does this happen?
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May 21, 2014
I created a very simple macro, which actually works.
There is a button on my spreadsheet, so the user can launch the macro using this button.
[ Code] .......
At the moment the user clicks on the button, the part of the macro which is hiding the rows will not take place if the cell activated at the moment of launching the macro is in the range below :
The table on my Excel sheet covers range A5:E49
If the active cell is anywhere in A6:49 or C5:D24 or C25, the hiding part of the macro will not work. Launched from any other cells on the spreadsheet it works fine.
The rest works fine and I am not getting an error.
To solve this I just need to add the line Range("G9").Select and it will work.
But I would like to understand why it does not work from the cells given above. My sheet is not protected and I unlocked the cells just ion case.
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Nov 25, 2012
When I first open a workbook most of the functions don't work. for example the vertical scroll bar does not move. When I close the workbook and then reopen it for the second time it works fine.
Happens with any workbook I have.
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Aug 21, 2009
how to get excel to open a work book in my c drive if i have given it the location in cell m2
eg: the cell is M2
C:AVERAGE PRICE (update 2009) 240809
i need the macro to open this workbook when i click the button in the workbook i have open that has the above in cell M2
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Jul 25, 2006
how do i show a userform in Excel in the spreadsheet environment? I used to "run macro" but unable to run userform code "private sub".
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Jan 20, 2009
I am having trouble trying to develop a code to include into a spreadsheet for work. It will be a live spreadsheet accessed by a few people who will have control over there own columns in the spreadsheet (2 columns are designated for one project) Each Project director is to edit the info about their project.
So my goal is to put a code in cell C3 that shows the date that cells C4-32 and D4-32 were last updated.
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Mar 23, 2014
I have this code...
Sub Macro1()
For Each wb In Workbooks
If wb.Name Like "Test Book*" Then
can't get it to work properly...Basically I want the code to copy the date in cell F1 of the 'Log' sheet in Workbook 'Main' - then goto an open Workbook called 'Test Book' (note: this Test Book is a partial string name used hence the other code around it) and paste the copied date into cell O2 in sheet 'Data'
Using this pasted date in cell O2 carry out the required filter function.
The copy/paste of the date from my Workbook Main to Test Book isn't working so the code then shows error when trying to filter the data using the pasted date.
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May 29, 2007
I'm trying to get a Workbook.Open macro to work. I"m using the exact name for the location. For example:
Workbooks.Open ("O:AdministrationPM Weekly's2007PMWeeklyWE")
My other locations are working fine. For example I am using:
Workbooks.Open ("O:AdministrationDCS Week EndingStats"
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Jan 4, 2008
I currently use a spreadsheet to track my work and I would like help automating some of the functions. I don't want to use macros if at all possible. I have some formulas but it doesn't do enough.
what i do is audit other peoples work and send out error notifications when needed. i use the spreadsheet to help me tack the status of the error notifications. when I send out an error notification the auditee has up to 3 chances to rebut the error so i need to keep track of where the follow up lies and when the error is finally accepted or removed (process completed).
I would like column U to tell me where we are in the process...
1.notification sent (by the auditor)
2.reply received (either accepted or 1st level removal request by the auditee)
3a. if error accepted- process complete
3b. if removal request-notifcation sent(by the auditor - error removed or error remains)
4.if still an error(following 3b) - reply received (either accepted or 2nd level removal request by the auditee)
5a. if error accepted- process complete
5b. notification sent (by the 2nd level reviewer - either error removed or error remains)
6.if still an error(following 5b) - reply received (either accepted or 3rd level removal request by the auditee)
7a. if error accepted- process complete
7b. notification sent (by the 3rd level reviewer - either error removed or error remains) & process complete (3rd reviewer decision is final)
I would like the V column to be the "date of last action"
since the notification bounces between people, i need to know who is currently responsible for followup & how long they've been sitting on the work. i would like the date to populate based on the manually inputed fields where I input sent & received dates for each level of action.
the spreadsheet is too wide for the post so i will put it on a website...
the columns are all titled and all manually inputed except for column U which is the one that I want to autopopulate with the current status of the error notification. the formula is a IF statement but due to the 7 formula limitation It came out too simple. it's better than nothing but I want it to be more specific.
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Mar 14, 2014
We want to create an excel spreadsheet that will tally the number of votes for a particular artist's work. There will be about 150 artist's works that will all be assigned an individual number from 1 to 150 on an excel sheet.
We will have about an hour to complete the counts to determine winners, so a short time frame.
Is there a way of creating a formula/macro in one cell -to just enter the number of the artist's work that was voted for- and have it placed as a tally against the individual piece?
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Jun 20, 2014
I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will automatically increase the work order number by 1. The cell will always be in the same place. The idea is that when the file is opened it populates the number. After being closed and reopened the number will be 1 higher than the previous.
The page will reused by various people to create and print work requests for my mechanics, I want it to assign the W/O automatically.
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Oct 7, 2009
I developed a 14-day work schedule and I assigned each different job position a number. The different job positions are numbered 1-6 and are as follows: #1=5:30am-1:30pm, #2=6:00am-2:00pm, #3=9:30am-1:30pm, #4=12:00pm-8:00pm, #5=1:00pm-8:00pm & #6=6:00pm-8:00pm. Numbers 1,2,4,5 clock-out for a 30 minute lunch break, while the other numbers do not.
My goal is to insert the numbers 1-6 into the spreadsheet throughout the 14 days for each employee, and have Excel calculate the total number of hours for each employee in the far right column. I would also like "V" & "H" to equal 7.5 hours. This would save a lot of time instead of going through and adding up the hours with a calculator
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Apr 9, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that is being used for tracking work completed each day in a week. Each day has 5 columns and 10 rows of data to potentially be entered, some of the data is text and some is numerical. Can anyone help me come up with a formula that will count the text and the numerical entries for each day? I tried to use a nested if statement but it exceeded the number of nestings available. The range of cells for the first group is B6:F16.
As a side question, will count work for a range of data or only one column or row at a time?
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Jun 4, 2008
I am trying to simultaneously use two Excel workbooks that are open at the same time--one is calculations--other is data worksheet = one scenario: A macro uses "Set" to specify workbooks for "current_wb" and "wbkFrom". Code here
Set current_wb = ThisWorkbook
Dat_Fil = Application. GetOpenFilename
Workbooks.Open Dat_Fil
Set wbkFrom = Application.ActiveWorkbook
NOTE-Workbook object variables are declared outside any macro, and as "public." Code here
Public current_wb As Workbook
Public wbkFrom As Workbook
In a second macro I want to use the Current_wb and wbkFrom object variables I set in first macro, but get the following error: "object variable or With block variable not set" for any of the following statements in the second macro
I've declared the object variables as public in a different code module where there is no other code; I've tried declaring as public at the top of the code module that has my macros, but declared at top of code module and outside any macro; I've tried declaring the object variables as "static" variables (instead of "public") within the first macro. I can't figure this out.
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Jul 4, 2012
What I would like to do is to be able to open a second workbook from a user form, preform some work on it then save and come back to the same place in the original user form.
So in steps:
1 : user clicks command button to open user form
2: user then clicks on command button on userform that opens 2nd workbook via a yes / no message box, but closes userform on 1st workbook (would be ideal if this could stay open, but hidden)
3: user then does work on 2nd workbook,
4: userform on 2nd workbook saves then activates the 1st workbook and reopens the userform
This is where no matter what I try I cant get the command button on the 1st userform to be clicked automatically so the yes / no message box appears.
This is part of the code in the 2nd sheet commandbutton that saves / closes / opens
Unload Me
Sheets("Request Sheet").Activate
Call Sheets("Request Sheet").ForceClickOnBouttonXYZ
Call UserForm1.CommandButton6_Click 'this is where I cant get it to work!!
ABC is the 1st workbook
xyz is the 2nd workbook
This is the code on the 1st workbook I use to call on the 2nd workbook
Public Sub ForceClickOnBouttonXYZ() Call CommandButton1_Click End Sub
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Apr 30, 2012
I have created a userform template and is working fine, the problem is the users are not able to minimize the template nor open any other excel files.
How to allow the template to open any other excel files or macro enabled files and also to minimize the windows.
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Feb 15, 2010
Created a new tab and menu buttons on the Ribbon in Excel in 3 separate .xltm files. Everything worked great through all of the development and testing, but when we went live we got reports of a bug. Here is what is happening...
User opens the template file and immediately saves it as a .xlsm file with a new name in a new location. The user then does various amounts of work in the file. When the user needs to use one of the tools on the custom tab, it is as if the buttons are inactive or not associated with any actions. The tab and buttons are all visible, the animation of the button being pressed works when any of the buttons are clicked, but nothing happens. The user can close and reopen the file and the ribbon buttons will work correctly, but not until they close and reopen.
Upon digging into the problem, we found that if the user clicks on the custom tab before they save the file, all of the buttons will work correctly after the save. But if the tab is not activated before the save, they dont work until a close and reopen.
The XML code is good because if I place it in a add on file (.xlam) and trigger it from the main file, there is no problem. But this is not a good solution since the add on file needs to be located in the same file that the main file is run from which can be any number of places.
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Apr 28, 2014
I'm trying to return the selected items from a listbox to a range within a Worksheet when the user press the >> button as shown below. The point is i can't return ALL the selected items but only the first picked by the user.
Here is the code i'm using when button >> is pressed:
Private Sub Inserir_Atributos_na_Analise_Click()
Dim i As Long
Set ws1 = Worksheets("ListBox")
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Dec 4, 2008
how to work with RefEdit tool within a userform!
eg: say I use RefEdit to select a range and I want that range to be in Bold.
Just give me a small code using RefEdit to perform the above action. I hope then I can use it in a larger way.
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Mar 27, 2014
I came across a userform which was perfect for my needs, as I only had to create additional fields, which I did and have attached. However, since I have more than 10 fields, I was getting an error with respect to the listbox function, where it stated that the list property could not be found. I gathered from the searches I did, that this is the max limit for this particular function. I have been unsuccessful in finding a solution, partly because I don't know very much and I'm not understanding how to incorporate some of these solutions into the vba code. I've created simple userforms before, but this one is a little more advanced than my current capabilities.
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Feb 8, 2014
I have my code here:
Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
[Code] ....
GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function
My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.
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Dec 16, 2008
I cannot open an Excel spreadsheet except through the Excel application. This includes through Windows Explorer, on the internet (this forum), in email. I need to save the file first, then open Excel, then open (through Excel) the file.
In Email, I get "System cannnot find the file specified" On this site, I get "Access to the specified device/path is denied" From Explorer, "Cannot find the file.... based on the criteria xls(or one of its components). Make sure the path and file name are correct and that all required libraries are available."
Last time, our IT group couldn't fix it and had to reinstall the entire Office package to get it working again. I'd rather not go through that.
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Apr 19, 2006
I am just wondering if it is possible to insert a module or a code such that it is user specific.
In detail, there are two types of users: Administrator and User.
If it were administrator, it should ask for a password. If user, it should give the read-only or a protected form of the spreadsheet.
I just need the workbook to pop-up with a msgbox of administrator/user with a radio button or a select button. If administrator, it should ask for a password. Also, disabling the macros should not open the spreadsheet as making this would lead to nothing.
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May 18, 2007
I would like to have a popup appear on the opening of my spreadsheet that warns me of things that are past due or due today. I would like it to be in list form...
For example my source is:
Customer 1 Customer 2
Topic Expected Complete Expected Complete
One 05/18/2007 05/10/2007
Two 05/12/2007 05/15/2007 05/18/2007 05/18/2007
Three 05/12/2007 05/17/2007 05/16/2007
Four 05/21/2007 05/17/2007
What I would like to see is a popup that analyzes this data with the result of:
If run today...5/18...................................
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