Work Schedule: Insert The Numbers 1-6 Into The Spreadsheet Throughout The 14 Days For Each Employee

Oct 7, 2009

I developed a 14-day work schedule and I assigned each different job position a number. The different job positions are numbered 1-6 and are as follows: #1=5:30am-1:30pm, #2=6:00am-2:00pm, #3=9:30am-1:30pm, #4=12:00pm-8:00pm, #5=1:00pm-8:00pm & #6=6:00pm-8:00pm. Numbers 1,2,4,5 clock-out for a 30 minute lunch break, while the other numbers do not.

My goal is to insert the numbers 1-6 into the spreadsheet throughout the 14 days for each employee, and have Excel calculate the total number of hours for each employee in the far right column. I would also like "V" & "H" to equal 7.5 hours. This would save a lot of time instead of going through and adding up the hours with a calculator

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Weekly Employee Schedule

Sep 16, 2008

I'm trying to create a weekly employee schedule using Excel 2007 and have several issues but will start with one at a time till we get them all resolved.

I put in my start hour '6' in cell 'B7' and get this: 1/5/1900 12:00:00 AM.

I would like for to display 6AM.

I figure if I get his cell fomatted that I can get the other times correct then go on to the next issue.

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Employee Time Schedule, Calculations

Sep 28, 2009

I have tortured the cells into producing the output I want...

Namely time(s) in and out, with the hourly totals - subtracting 1/2 hour
for shifts over 6 hours.

I however have a couple of questions about glitches the approach I am using give me.... I will outline as best I can: wish I could upload a sample...

1) the user inputs (in the time format) the starting and ending times for the individual ie. 9 A = 9:00 AM ... 1:30 P = 1:30 PM simple

2) after the user inputs the total formula for each day is calculated:


That leaves the cell null if there is no time in the day...
If there is time, checks to see if more than 6 hours...
If so, deducts 1/2 hour, else does the difference calculation
This does work, but is it the elegant or simple way? recommend?

3) At the bottom of each day totals are calculated by this :


This also works to sum the individual totals to the bottom
But is this the best way to work with the times?

4) the individual then inputs the Actual Hours worked by the team...
And the sheet does a variance calculation between actual hours
Worked vs. Scheduled hours...


Now this is a problem...cannot do negative times....need help!

5) Am having a problem with totaling the individuals weekly total using ...


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Employee Schedule Auto Complete In New Worksheet

Sep 2, 2006

This should be really easy, but for some reason I can't figure out how to make this work. I'm managing a resteraunt, and build my schedule by department using a drop down menu to insert my employee. I'd like to be able to automatically resort the data into a new worksheet organized by employee name. please see attachment.

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Counting The Days Worked And Days Remaining On A Schedule Automatically

Sep 1, 2007

I'm basically looking for a forumla that will count each employees total scheduled work days for the month inserted and then depening upon the day it is will show how many days the employee has left to work for the month.

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Employee Schedule Lookup Time Value And Return Name For Daily Tasks

Oct 10, 2013

I'm trying to auto input names from my schedule into dailytasks for my servers. Sometimes the amount of servers on a specific day changes(i.e Mondays 3 to 5 servers and Friday - Sunday there is 4-6 servers on) and times could change also as of now it works with


Not sure how to set up lookup value and return the name

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Work Schedule Formula Using IF?

Jan 8, 2014

Combing these two formulas. I have a work schedule spreadsheet. If the employee is Off I want the value to = 0 (zero hours). But if the cell has a start time I need it to calculate those hours. I know both of the formulas work individually. But I need them to work together.

Formula for when cell says OFF:

And the second

Formula to calculate hours (based on start time/finish time is the same for all employees)

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Work Schedule Timesheet

Dec 19, 2009

I have made a work schedule for my local business and have set up a series of formulas that will fill out time cards that I could print out directly onto the paper time cards. The formulas that I have work except that if there are two subsequent entries that later will not return a value and result in an error.

If you could take a look at it that would be awesome. To use it you just need to type a name into the name column and a work time into the time column for that day. then in the other sheets( one for each worker ) it will set up the time card. The the error happens on Thursday, when Bob has an entry right after Fred. Then on Bobs sheet it gives me a #N/A.

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Calculate Each Employee Work Hours

Apr 11, 2013

Just like if I put the employee's number and work time for each day,

The excel will accumulate the hours automatically somewhere in the sheet. (I don't want the total hour cover each day's work time)

Is there anyway I can do it?

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Seeking Min And Max Times For Work Schedule

May 31, 2013

I am trying to extract times from a work schedule to automatically generate a 'time in' / 'time out' chart. Been trying to use the lookup formula amongst others with little success.

See example template attached...Example Sheet.xlsx

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How To Create A Work Schedule By Date

Jul 11, 2014

Each row of the spreadsheet from a6:a25 is the planned production of one cellbuilder.

From this sheet I need to produce a work schedule of tasks to be performed by date.

Detailing, batch, cellbuilder number,weather 1st or 2nd graft etc, and the date available (for picking)
I would like the option to choose a daily or weekly schedule.

Is this possible ? and how would I even start to go about it. I just can't visualise how to do it.

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Subtracting Hours In A Work Schedule

Aug 29, 2009

I am working on a monthly employee work schedule that has 2 stores. All employees work at both stores and the boss wants 2 separate schedules.

I have attached what I have started, which at the moment I am stuck.

I would like to have the Row 5 total hours to always reflect (subtract) a 30 minute lunch. I know it would be easier to have another column, but the boss wants it this way,

I also need the total hours in column H to reflect the total of each day (with the subtracted lunch break). In this column I am having the figures turn red if over 40 hours and green if it under 40 hours.

With having 2 stores with the employees working at both, I need to somehow have the hours of the employees add up from one store to the other (a running total, if you will).

Lastly, if I have an employee not scheduled for a day or need to put other data such as, VAC, HOL or blank cell etc in a cell, how can I get this to work and not have the formula go nuts when it is not in a time format.

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7 Day Work Schedule - Display On One Page

Dec 2, 2012

I am working on an easy to read worksheet for my employees. i have a multi-page schedule that i would like to display on one page, i can make this work using the IF function, how ever i would need to display names not the time they work, how to make this work, i have attached and example sheet of sheet 1 and sheet 2. I am trying to take sheet 2 into sheet three to display names, if they are off to display nothing.

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Weekend Work Schedule For Employees

Nov 28, 2013

I am attempting to create a rotating weekend work schedule in Excel to make life easier. There are 30 people who rotate Saturday's and Sunday's every month. Technically, they are only supposed to work 2 weekends a month, and am attempting a way to create this in Excel to make it more fair to the group instead of just picking and choosing which weekend these employees work, I would like an Excel program to do this for me.

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Auto Populate Calendar Days Based On Month / Year And Auto Insert Work Based On Dates / Name

Jul 31, 2013

I am trying to auto generate a calendar based on two drop down menus - Month and Year.

Once the month and year is selected I want to import all work orders onto the calendar based first on the "Labor Name" found in the list of work tab, then assign each work order for that labor name to the respective date on the calendar for the month.

August PM Schedule Demo.xlsx

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Use VBA To Identify Multiple Days In A Schedule

Jan 3, 2013

I have managed to write some vba using sumproduct to identify multiple instances of a day in a persons schedule ... following is the code:

Range("A" & jj).Select
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
Range("AF3").Formula = Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT((A3:A" & LastRow & "= """ & WeekDay & """)*(B3:B" & LastRow & "="""
& ClName & """))")

[Code] .....

The sumproduct essentially checks to see for example that in the A3:AA range whether we have a match .... say a Monday that appears more than once for the client ... say John G. In the example I am using we have John G with three time slots on Monday that he is scheduled thus kkk = 3.

I would like to loop through the ranges in the Schedules sheet and copy those rows where the above statement about John G is true. For the rest of the example we just assume that John only has one scheduled time for each of the rest of the days of the week so in those instances kkk = 1.

I have the following code to loop thru the days of the week:

For j = 3 to 11
WeekDay = Range("AE" & j)
if kkk > 1 then
WeekDay = Range("AE" & (j-cntr))
WeekDay = Range("AE" & j)
Next j

There is a whole bunch of code, including he sumproduct above that then loops thru the Schedules sheet in the appropriate rows and columns copying the instances where John G has a schedule for a particular day of the week.

First I create a schedule sheet for John G and the vba code enters the first row of data ... Monday etc etc in Row A3 thru H3 of this new sheet.

On the second loop through the data on the Schedules sheet it finds another Monday for John G and this is where I would like to hold the WeekDay variable such that it is still pointing to Monday for a total of three loops since kkk = 3 for John G and Monday.

The problem that I am having is that if I hold WeekDay to point at Monday by something like WeekDay = Range("AE" & (j -1)), it seems to work for two instances ... that is the first instance, WeekDay = Range("AE" & j), j here is 3 for example, then the next pass we have WeekDay = ("AE" & j) and here j = 4 but since I reset it back one we are still at 3 ... this unfortunately only works once then I get and empty WeekDay = "". The loop has to loop through the Schedules sheet and I use jj as a variable here which increases by one each pass through ... next j, however ... increases j but then I try to reset it back by one so that it is still pointing to Monday in the Range("AE" & j) section of the Schedules sheet, it is a temporary range.

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Counting Number Of Days For Each Employee Since Last Day Of Absence / Tardy

Aug 9, 2013

I am trying to get the correct formula to count the number of days it has been for each employee since the last occurrence of an absence/tardy. For each employee, starting with the beginning of the year, we mark and employee as Absent as an "A" or Tardy as "T". See below the examples.

...................................1/1 ....1/2 ....1/3 ....1/4 ....1/5 ....1/6 ....1/7 ....1/8 ....1/9 ....1/10 ....1/11 ....1/12 ....1/13

Captain America ................................A ..........................T .....................................T
Incredible Hulk.......................................................................................... A
Spider Man ........................................................................................................................ ........A
Iron Man ....................................................T

( I added dots because it wouldn't let me space them out?)

We are keeping track so that employees have the ability to make up numbers because after so many occurrences they can become terminated. If an employee has about 60 days in a row without an infraction, that employee can deduct a day from their total on the year.

Any formula to use. Also to include a vlookup so that I could have their name as well with the number of days on a separate tab!

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Formula- Calculate The Number Of Days Since An Employee Worked

Oct 16, 2009

I am trying to calculate the number of days since an employee worked. Column A has the date and columns B,C, and D show the name of the 3 employees who worked that day. Each row shows the next day in column A with the three employees who worked that day in columns B,C, and D. I need the format of the excel sheet to remain the same. I'm looking for a formula that will calculate the number of days since each employee has worked...there are 10 different employees and only 3 work each day.

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Work Out A Formula For My Spreadsheet Which I Use To Work Out Cutting Lists For Timber Frames

Jan 11, 2009

i need to work out a formula for my spreadsheet which I use to work out cutting lists for timber frames. I need it to work out if the width of a job is for eg 2400mm i need to work out how many timber studs I need so the space between each stud is between 400mm and 500mm and this will need to work for a range of different sizes of frames. I have it written at the moment and it just devides the width by 400 and gives me a amount of studs but it would work much better if it could space them between 400 & 500.

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Count Number Of Days Since Employee Last Day Of Recorded Absence / Tardy

Aug 9, 2013

I am trying to get the correct formula to count the number of days it has been for each employee since the last occurrence of an absence/tardy. For each employee, starting with the beginning of the year, we mark and employee as Absent as an "A" or Tardy as "T". See below the examples.

Employee Name


We are keeping track so that employees have the ability to make up numbers because after so many occurrences they can become terminated. If an employee has about 60 days in a row without an infraction, that employee can deduct a day from their total on the year.

Also to include a vlookup so that I could have their name as well with the number of days on a separate tab!

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Creating Simple Monthly Work Schedule For 6 Employees But Need To Tally Hours

Aug 19, 2013

Maybe it is the layout but I was trying to keep it simple and just put hours into a cell for each employee.

I have 2 employees per day, one in the morning and one in the evening. How to get excel to add the hours for each employee at the bottom per month. Simple right?

Here is an example of what I thought would be so easy (first week in excel spreadsheet format)

sun mon tue wed thu fri sat
emp1 5 emp3 6 emp5 5 emp1 4 emp3 5 emp5 5 emp1 6
emp2 5 emp4 5 emp6 5 emp2 5 emp4 5 emp6 6 emp2 6

Is there a way to associate cells to look at values for each employee and add all the cells for the month?

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Calculate Employee Vacation Accrual Rate & Number Of Days Taken/Left

Jun 18, 2009

Our office has a vacation days accrual policy based on number of years worked. We have a vacation days number, based on year of employment, the employee earns monthly. I need help with a worksheet, formulas, to document each employee, the year of employment they're in, # of days they have available based on the current month (which would need to add up automatically as the year progresses), then any days they request off, and finally a remaining balance of days left.

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Spreadsheet Protection Based On Employee ID

May 12, 2006

I have a productivity report that is posted on an intranet. I only want the members of my deptartment to see the productivity results. To accomplish this, I need help creating a VBA so the names in column B will only populate if an employee enters his/her 6 digit employee ID correctly in cell B1. If the ID entered is not listed in column B of the "Rep ID Master" sheet, then an error message should pop up stating something similiar to, "Incorrect ID. Please Enter Your 6 Digit Employee ID". Also, Since I don't want the entire company to see our dept's productivity numbers, I want the VBA to prevent the associate from saving changes to the sheet, but still allow me to do so--preferably via a password.

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Employee Ranking Spreadsheet Based On Key Areas

May 3, 2013

How to do a ranking for productivity based on goals in six categories for my employees. I want to be able to rank them on these key categories and rank them based on the best average. For instance:

Employee #001 Ranked 1st in Sales per Hour, 3rd in Avg Transaction Amount, 2nd in Multiple Sales, 5th in Accessory Percentage
Employee #002 Ranked 2nd in Sales per Hour, 1st in Avg Transaction Amount, 1st in Multiple Sales, 4th in Accessory Percentage

I want to factor against the goals to determine each individual rank for each category and then rank based on the combination of them all.

I haven't gotten to all the additional conditional formatting but recall how to do this with ease, but the sheet in its basic format is present in the attachment below.

Employee Productivity.xls‎

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Excel Automatically Insert Employee Number

Sep 6, 2013

Is it possible with excel, to automatically insert an employees number if their name is inserted.

Column A If Smith, John is entered in Column B automatically have his employee number show 5668?
Joe, Mary entered in Column A Column B to show 12345

This would save me a huge amount of time going back and fourth.

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Excel 2013 :: Employee Vacation / Holiday Accrual Spreadsheet

Jul 22, 2014

I used Excel 2013 template to create employee absence schedule but I want to add if they have enough accrued hrs/days.

Currently, I need formula so their holiday balance is accruing every week.

On a weekly basis employee is accruing 3.85 or 4 hrs (depends how long he worked for the company).

Less than 5 years rate is 3.85 hrs and more than 5 years is 4 hrs.

I attached example sheet for accruing vacation.

E column is employee current balance from last week.

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Runtime Error 1004 In Company Employee Timesheet Spreadsheet

Mar 9, 2009

we've been using this spreadsheet as a timesheet since May of 2002. Recently in the past couple of days when we try to update an employee's time and date of work done by clicking on an update button on the first Worksheet, an error (Runtime Error '1004' Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed) pops up.

Clicking the 'Debug' button opens a window up with this information:

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Count No Of Work Days In A Month

Oct 10, 2007

How do i count no of days in a month; excluding saturday & sunday.

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Calculate Work Days Between 2 Dates

Sep 14, 2006

i have a few fields with dates in my excel sheet. I also have a field, where i want to automatically insert the business day between two other date-fields! Business date means days without the weekend and public holiday! Is it possible to do that? how?

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Days Since Count To Work Correcty

May 27, 2007

I'm having trouble getting the days since count to work correcty. It works fine when only counting the number of days that have elpases between a number being drawn in a lottery draw (Main numbers Only), and it being drawn again as a main number. However if I try to include the bonus ball into this count, it just returns an error. I've tried altering the old code, but I can't get it right. I've included 2 old codes as an example. Sorry I can't include the full programme as it's huge, way to big for this forum.

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