I have an Excel 2007 Workbook that has a variety of different reports. I’m trying to find a way that will allow me to reset reports back to original setting after the report has been completed. Sometimes a report may take a couple days to complete, so closing and saving is a must. Any thoughts how I may achieve this.
I have a save button running a macro that validates before saving. Is there a way to remove all other save options (alt f a, ctrl s, the toolbar save button, etc.) but just from this one workbook?
A while ago I tried playing with a code that did this but it did it through out excel.
I have a spreadsheet with 32 worksheet, I want to write a macro to "save the work, save as.. in a specific location and with a specific name and then reseting all data in specific cells.
Firstly... using VBA i'd like to disable any save function to everyone other then me and a colleague on a spreadsheet (The one below).... Is it possible that just the two of us will have the ability to save and no other user?
Secondly... On opening one work book... in this case "Productivity Test" i'd like it to simultaneously open "Productivity Test Back End" both saved in P:MI TeamNew Prod with the back end remaining locked totally.
The reason behind this is these two spread sheet's are linked via sums, productivity test uses the back end as a kind of data source so i'd like "Productivity Test Back End" locked so they cannot see it/amend it..
Maybe i could use a bit of code that updates the link everytime something is used as opposed to having the back end open at all...? What do you think?
The last thing, i have alot of macros that run quickly on my PC, if my manager opens productivity test and uses the spread sheet it appears to run alot slower.
There are alot of tables in Productivity Test that are hidden and only appear when needed while everything else remains hidden. The example below is one buttons code..
ub Selectdsrtablenew()
'Select the correct table for users to view DSR detail'
Is there any way of stream lining the code here to make it smoother as it appears quite a few times in the report for different buttons.. Maybe defining table names?
Is there any way to select things like tools - options across all worksheets in a workbook? I often want to suppress display of zeroes in an entire workbook, but so far the only way I've found to do this is to go to eash worksheet in turn and go thru the procedure on each one.
I am looking to create a macro button which will reset the sheet to its original state.
I have locked the cells users should not imput data into, and unlocked where they add their data.
At the end of every school year, they will need to be able to reset ALL the workbooks back to their original state with all the reference formulas.
I am thinking I will need to tell the macro to create a hidden copy of the workbooks and then upon hitting reset it will use the backup to override the current. But they will need to be able to reset at the end of every year.
I would like to have one reset button that resets ALL the workbooks at once, but if not, I could put a reset button on each workbook.
As I have just started my VBA training, I have a code that will create a backup and hide it, but I have no idea how to do the reset portion. And again, since they need to be able to reset it each year for x amount of times, I don't know how to get it to keep having a fresh backup and get everything to its original.
I need to be able to have a time counter on my excel sheet that whenever I open my sheet, it automatically starts counting the number of seconds, minutes and hours spent. I also need my sheet to be able to satrt from where it stopped and also have a reset function built in.
I'm trying to limit the controls users have on a specific workbook. Problem is I would like for them to have this workbook open throughout the day and if I look all the controls then they will be locked out of these controls on other seperate workbooks they open. The only reason I ask is because of some awesome code I just found by Dave Hawley. The code is...
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) With Application . CommandBars(1).Enabled = Not Sh. Name = "Sheet1" .CommandBars(" Formatting").Enabled = Not Sh.Name = "Sheet1" .CommandBars("Standard").Enabled = Not Sh.Name = "Sheet1" .DisplayFormulaBar = Not Sh.Name = "Sheet1" End With ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = Not Sh.Name = "Sheet1" End Sub
This works great with one exception. It will only block the menus for one Sheet. In my workbook I have 8 sheets and would like to apply this to 4 of them. Is there any way to modify code to hide menus on mores than one sheet. Also while I'm in the neighborhood. Is there a way to hide the sheet tabs for this workbook only. So once again if a user opened another workbook they would be there?
I have a workbook that is accessed through a network by many users. The one problem that occurs with certain users is that they leave the autofilter on when then are in the spreadsheet. It has an autofilter on each title, and the user initials are an option to filter...certain users leave the filter on when they save the sheet so the next time someone else goes in, it only displays the previous users results.
Is there a way to reset the autofilter for the user initials each time the sheet is opened?
Using Excel 2010 - I have a large workbook with multiple worksheets - been using it succesfully every day for a long time. All of a sudden every empty cell, and any cell not specifically formated in every worksheet has a default cell format of Time. Any new workbook created is OK.. defaults to 'General' - But, if I add a new blank worksheet to this particular workbook it defaults to 'Time' format. How did the default cell format for this workbook become set to 'Time' from 'General' and how do i fix it?
I have an expense report, which was originally done in Excel 2003. It still prompts users to open as read only however if they select no, they are not prompted for the password, and it has allowed them to save, so when the next person opens it, they have the previous person's report instead of the clean workbook. I have tried everything to put a password onto it. I know this is really basic stuff, but maybe I am missing a step? I want the end user to be able to make all the changes they want in read only mode and then do a save as, but if the select No when prompted "Open as Read-only?" they should have to put a password in.
I'm having a problem creating a Reset All command button that will remove user entered unlocked cell values from an entire workbook save for one specific worksheet. So for example, I have five tabs labeled as "DTF", "Week 1", "Week 2", "Week 3" and "Week 4". I want one single command button (placed in the "DTF" worksheet) to remove all of the unlocked cell values from "Week 1" to "Week 4".
I have figured out how to save the workbook using a variable to saveas but I would like to create a new folder to place the new workbook into. I have tried a few things a am not having any luck. I recorded a macro and the code it produced is as follows.
I have a update/Save button on a spreadsheet. So when clicked it updates another sheet and saves the workbook. how can i have it run the macro when they don't click the button and do File -> Save.
I have been trying to edit a code which previously saved a copy in a new workbook to a specific folder/path. (Additionally it copies and clears some figures, but this is working as it should.)
However I would like the copy to be saved at the same location as the original workbook, regardless of the path the original workbook is saved.
I.e if I need to move the workbook containing the code to a new folder/location, when using the macro, the new copy should be stored in the same folder/location as the original one.
For now it is only saving the copy into "My Documents"
Code: Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' Macro recorded 16-02-2009 by ceng '
I'm trying to find a way to save a single sheet of an excel workbook and in the same process delete all vba code and shapes from the new single sheet workbook. I was looking around and found this code which does save only the single sheet to a new one sheet workbook but doesn't delete the vba and shape that I have used to assign macros to in the original.
Code: Sub SaveSheetAsNewBook() Dim wb As Workbook Dim InitFileName As String Dim fileSaveName As String Dim wshape As Shape InitFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Format(Date, "mm.dd.yy")
I am using the following code to save a workbook as a macro enable workbook on the selected path as today's date. But it is being saved as a macro free workbook.
Below is the code in module:
Sub save_file() Dim tDate As String Dim FileSaveName As String Dim fPath As String tDate = VBA.Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), Day(Date)), "dd-mm-yyyy") 'FileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=tDate, filefilter:="Excel Files(*.xlsm),*.xlsm", Title:="Please save the file")
I have a spreadsheet that data gets exported to from a software program. There is information such as customer name, part number, inquiry number, etc that I'd like to use to develop a log of all my estimates I create for parts. I'd like excel to take the cells I select and insert them into certain cells in the other workbook and automatically save that workbook. This will create a log of all my estimates where I can then link the full estimate to the log. The information will have to go in the next available row. Is there any way I can accomplish this without having to open the other workbook and save the work book each time?
Need VBA code to save column J of open workbook called LmbcAcctsPayable.xls, Sheet1, to same workbook & sheet called LmbcAcctsPayable.xls, Sheet1, when save is not selected.
Reason: The workbook is usually not saved because it is more of a templet with names in column A. Column J is updated with a date when a row is used so I need the column J to copy automatically to the blank templet when exiting without saving (using ThisWorkbook.Save = True in Auto_Close). That way, rows not being used for a long period of time can be periodically eleminated.
I snagged this code out from another project I wrote, and it works fine in that one, but doesn't in the new project.
What I want, is when the person presses the exit button, it will save whatever was done, its running as a form printer and database. The code below is the code for my exit button.
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() Dim sAnswer As String Dim i As Integer
When it gets to "If ActiveWorkbook.Saved = False Then" it does put the question out "Do you want to save changes" I click Yes and it doesn't save it.. I have tried both activeworkbook and thisworkbook ... I copied the code and verified all is good to go..
I have got a master workbook and I have written macro to copy and paste data on another workbook. write a macro to save the new workbook to a file path with a file name where both file name and path are stored in master workbook sheet...
I have a macro that I have been trying. I want to take a workbook and do a saveas, remove one of the tabs called UPDATE closing the original and renaming and dating the new workbook.
I have a Sub SaveFile() in a standard module and a Sub in ThisWorkbook module that will call that Sub; however, I have another Sub CopySheet() that I would like skip the Sub SaveFile(). The reason I do not want the Sub SaveFile() to run is because I am making 19 copies of the first sheet and I do not want the user to have to click "Yes" 19 times. How can I have Sub Savefile() ignored when I run Sub CopySheet().
Sub SaveFile() Dim Ans As Integer Dim Filt As String Ans = MsgBox("Confirm you want to save this File." & (Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & _ "File will save as: Backup - (SheetNumber).xls in current directory", vbYesNo) If Ans = vbNo Then Exit Sub Application.DisplayAlerts = False ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Backup - " & ThisWorkbook.Name ............. End Sub
Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Call SaveFile End Sub
Sub CopyBook() ActiveWorkbook.Save Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To 3 ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & CStr(i) & ".xls" Next i ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub