Formula To Append Data To Cell

Jan 18, 2010

I need to create a rule that will append data to the end of a url to pull images for a ecommerce store.

I have a column that needs filled in with a image url.

For example:
Each image url starts with

Then, it needs the style number, which is in column A, and then a _ and color, which is column B, and then .JPG added to the very end.

The final example url will look like this:

Each row has it own color, so each row will need a unique url to the image location. The data for each url is all in the same row.

So, how can i add a formula to each row so that it will pull the data and add the file extension for each row?

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Excel 2010 :: Append Two Tabs Of Data Onto New Tab Using Formula

Jul 4, 2014

I have attached an example workbook where I have three worksheets i.e. Data1, Data2 and Master Data all of which have the same data format in each column

I have data in the Data1, Data2 tabs and was wondering if it is possible to copy the data from both these tabs (using formulas) onto the Master Data bearing in mind the rows of data in the Data1, Data2 can vary on week to week basis.

Excel version 2010

Attached File : Data.xlsx‎

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VBA To Copy Value Of Cell To User Defined Cell And Append Formula?

Sep 13, 2012

My workbook has sevaral sheets reresenting the payment methods used by our customers. Each sheet has a range of cells F9 to Q33 which should hold the value of payments for each working day. e.g. F9 represents April 1st, F10 represents April 2nd.

A daily list of values is supplied which then transfers that day's value into cell E1 on each sheet.

On each sheet I manually have to take the value in E1 and copy and paste special: value into that day's cell e.g. today I will paste into cell K21. The cell value then looks like this '12134.12'. I then edit the cell to put a calculation on the end to divide the value by the value in another cell on the sheet. The cell value ends up like this '=12134.12/$G$5'. This is so I can see the values in thousands of pounds or by changing the value of G5 to 1,000,000 in millions.

Tomorrow I will do the same but in cell K22.

I have to do this on 15 worksheets and I have been struggling to get a macro together to do this. I can get as far as copying and pasting but I don't know how to add the calculation onto the end. I also would like to be able to input the cell destination daily probably with an input box so I can be flexible and potentially run it sevaral times if I need to catch up on previous days.

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If Value, Append Data To Previous Cell

Feb 23, 2007

if cell in column E contains 'YTD', append value of cell in column D at the end with a space before it (example: " VALUE") to cell in column C. not sure how to go about this. i attached a one row example

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Append To & Replace Cell Data By Condition

Apr 8, 2008

I want to append / replace data in cells depending on the initial data.

A cell has the value 3AB00456 XYZ
I want to append the value with My
I want to check to see if the 4th & 5th characters = 00
If YES, I want to append the value with My and replace the rest with just the the 1st 3 characters So the final value would be My3AB
If NO, (the cell has the value 3AB02456 XYZ) I want to replace with a hyphen after the 3rd character and then the rest of the cell value. So the final value would be My3AB-02456 XYZ

I have several worksheets each with a column of about 2000 cells. I want to replace the data in the cells and not create another row with the result.

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Append Data In Worksheets

Nov 14, 2009

I am hoping that you can give me a sample code to append data on Excel Worksheets, I have attached my project as a sample, as u can see the code I have here is only to view the Datas on Multiple worksheets but no code for appending the entries.

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Macro To Append Data

Jan 24, 2010

Hoping for some help in designing a macro to bring in additional data to my master sheet, which is the last step in this project.

I have attached a sample file which includes two sheets. Sheet1 is a sample of the master sheet and includes all the data. The 'real' file has over 100,000 rows. Column A are parcel numbers which idenfity specific properties. These numbers can be repeated if there is more than one improvement on the property.

Sheet 2 are simply the number of fireplaces located within the specific improvement. This 'real' file has about 75,000 rows as commercial and other property types are not included.

What I hope to do is re-write all the data from Sheet 1 onto Sheet 3 with the data on Sheet 2 integrated in, located in column 'AX' or column 50.

Where a parcel number (Sheet 1 Col A) may be repeated, it may or may not be the case in Sheet 2 Col A, I am not sure. However an example of repeated parcel numbers and their respective fireplace counts is as follows:

Sheet 1 rows 111 and 112 list parcel number 3701023511950000. Their cooresponding fireplace data, with the same parcel number (s), on Sheet 2 is located at rows 39 and 40. In this case both show a count of 1.

Sheet 2 rows 127 and 128 list parcel number 3701023541140000. Their corresponding fireplace data, with the same parcel number (s) on Sheet 2 is located at rows 54 and 55. In this case the first parcel shows a count of 2 and the second shows a count of 0 which I would like to reflect as a blank.

I would like to move the results to Sheet 3 in order to preserve the data on Sheet 1, if needed later.

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Append Unique Data To Workbooks

Oct 30, 2006

I could use some help in modifying it so that instead of creating new workbooks to copy to, it copies to EXISTING workbooks whose names match the YEAR ("yyyy") in the Dates fields in column "B" (and only creates new workbooks for non-existing Years, IF needed).

Each workbook name is a "Year" (ie. 2000, 2001, 2002, etc.), and all unique data in A:D are to be copied to each corresponding Year workbook, again as per the Year in the Date field.

I’d like both columns "A" AND "B" tested to make sure that only original (non-duplicate) data is added to the corresponding Year Workbooks (all residing in one folder).

Btw, the code also copies the header, which is ok for new workbooks, but not needed for already-existing wbs.

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Append To Cell

Jul 12, 2006

just wanted to know if there is a way i can append to a cell
for example:
cell f3 contains "what a beautiful"

i would like to know how to add more to it
so the final f3 would look like "what a beautiful day"

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Append Master List If Missing Data From Another

Feb 5, 2008

I have two lists of data. The Master data in sheet one and the monthly download in sheet two. I want to create a macro that will identify the new entries in sheet two and add it to the bottom of the list in sheet one.

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Copy Data From All Worksheets One By One And Append In The Master Workbook

Jul 20, 2013

I have a report(Input report) with multiple sheets with different worksheet names.

Now I have to select 2nd worksheet of input report and copy a certain range values and paste in the other workbook(output) . From the same sheet 3 diffrent values I will copy and paste in other work book.

Now, I have to come back to the input report and go to next sheet and copy the same range data and append to the out put report below the first sheet.

This I need to do for all worksheets for the input report worksheets (there are more than 100 worksheets)

[code here]

Sub testtest()
Dim ws As Worksheet


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Append Column Data From Different Worksheets In Master Worksheet

Jul 29, 2008

I have tweaked this code in order to accomplish my requirement. I have in all 35 worksheets in a workbook. Out of 35 sheets, 31 worksheets are infact the 31 days of the month starting from 1st July to 31st July. What I want to do is copy and append all the rows in column A (starting from row 2) of all these 31 worksheets into one master worksheet. Basically, appending the rows in col A from all the worksheets together in master worksheet.

Sub append_master_sheet()

Dim wAppend As Worksheet, wSheet As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long

Set wAppend = Worksheets("Master")

For Each wSheet In Worksheets
If wSheet.Name wAppend.Name Then

LastRow = wAppend.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=wAppend.Range("A2"), _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

wSheet.UsedRange.Copy Destination:=wAppend.Cells(LastRow, 1)

End If

Next wSheet

End Sub
This code when run gives me a Debug error "Object variable or with block variable not set". I did a research for this error on Google and most of the answers are in reference to using ADO Recordsets. I am not even distinctly using a Recordset in this example.

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Copy And Append Text File Data To Worksheet

Jun 7, 2006

I want to copy a bunch of data from a text file and paste in into an excel worksheet I have open. I want to paste it at the end but I don't know how large the data range will be each time so I can't select that size range. I have this code so far:

FileToOpen = Application. GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
If FileToOpen <> False
Workbooks.Open FileToOpen
Exit Sub
End If




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Append Contents Of One Cell To Another Cell With Text That Still Editing

May 9, 2014


Cell A1 = Ref#01
Cell B1 = A1&(whatever I choose to type)

Result in cell B1: Ref#01whatever I choose to type

Looks like I would need a macro because a function will be overwritten as soon as I start typing in cell B1.

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Cell Reference Cell Then Append Specific Text Using Vb

May 16, 2009

This is probably really easy but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

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Macro To Append Text To Cell

Jul 10, 2009

I am looking for a macro to convert a 6 digital serial number into an 8 digit serial number by adding "00" to the front. ie. The cell may say 123456, but I need to change it to display 00123456.

Is there a simple way to do this?

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Append Cell Text To Textbox

Aug 11, 2007

I write a daily status report that adds my daily comment to a cell with previous text in it. I then paste it in three other cells. This process is slow and tedious since the text in the cell is now becoming extremely long due to organizational and managerial restraints of the existing format. I use cut and paste and manual enter, a alt + enter, to space new comment. I would like to be able to enter the text in a cell and have it update the comment cell with the text in it and to update the text box. I have reviewed the forum and have yet to find the answer and use of how else to pose the questions.

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Append Part Of Cell Value To Save As Name

Sep 8, 2007

I would like to do a SaveAs that includes information from a cell, range("A1") on Sheet("#28 - All Eligible"). The contents of the cell will always be like "Dates of Service 07/01/07 to 09/05/07 - Measure #28 All Eligible". I want my SaveAs file name to concatenate part of that cell. My final result should be "PQRI Totals - DOS 07/01/07 to 09/05/07". The date range would come from my A1 cell. This is what I've written, but it's not working.

Sub PQRIHeaderTest()
Dim sHeader, sHeader2, sPath

sHeader = Left(Sheets("#28 - All Eligible").Range("A1"), 37)
sHeader2 = Right(sHeader, 20)
sPath = "R:BusinessObjectsReportsPQRI"

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sPath & "PQRI Totals - DOS " & sHeader2, _

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Append Cell Text To File Name

Oct 15, 2007

I have a filename written in cell A1- eg dog.jpg - and I want to insert a set character string just before the .jpg part. ie so it becomes dog_test.jpg in B1. How would you guys do it? I've been thinking of really long-winded methods that'd use several cells, but I reckon there might be a cleverer way!

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Copy Data From Multiple Worksheets And Append To Single Worksheet?

Oct 8, 2012

[URL] to append summary data within several workbooks. But suddenly, it works for some workbooks, but for some others, it just captures the data for the very last WS.

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Copy Data From Multiple Worksheets & Append To Single Worksheet

Feb 1, 2008

I have several exel workbooks (.xls files) and each workbook contains multiple worksheets. The number of worksheets and their names are variable. Each worksheet is formated in the same way. Now I want to copy an specific cell range on each worksheet and copy it into a single worksheet.

For example let assume that we have a a workbook called temperature.xls. This file contains 4 worksheets named: 40-1, 40-3, 40-5#, and 40-22. I want to copy a specific cell range (F46:O47) from all the worksheets in the workbook temperature.xls and paste only the values on a summary worksheet. This summary worksheet can be in the same workbook or in different one. I just wanted to add that I want to repeat this process 15 more times to summarize all my data containing workbooks. On average each workbook contains 35 worksheets so it is a tedious manual process.

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Append Text In One Cell And Delete Duplicate Rows

Jul 14, 2009

I have data that covers multiple rows that I need to merge into one row.

Header:| InvoiceNumber | Type | Name
Row1: | 1000 | Payor | Doe, John
Row2: | 1000 | Payor | Smith, Mary
Row3:| 1000 | Payee| Jones, Henry
Row4:| 1000 | Payee | Jones, Bob

I need to get those four example rows down to one row such as:

Header | InvoiceNumber | Payor | Payee
Row1: | 1000 | Doe, John & Smith, Mary | Jones, Henry & Jones, Bob

The number of payor/payee can vary between 1 and several. I need some way to loop through and keep appending the names in one cell separated by a "&". And then deleting all the duplicate rows (based on InvoiceNumber).

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Append More Than 256 Characters From Cell On Double Click To TextBox

May 21, 2008

if there is a workaround to this issue. I have this code that transfers data to a textbox but it stops after hitting the character limit. Does anyone know how to extend this limit ?

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
With Me.Shapes("textbox1").TextFrame.Characters
.Text = .Text & Target.Value
End With
End Sub

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Merge Multiple Worksheets By Append With Same Cell Structure To One Sheet

May 10, 2007

I have a workbook that has a lot of worksheets. I want to merge all the worksheet data, skipping blank rows from each worksheet and simply appended the data on one single worksheet. The goals is to just copy the data from worksheet b and append to worksheet a>copy data from worksheet c and append to worksheet a> etc. etc.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Copy 3 Cell Values And Append To Existing Database File

May 14, 2014

I'd like my macro (in an Excel 2010 workbook) to copy values from three worksheet cells and append them to an existing Access or SQL database file -- without having to leave my Excel spreadsheet or open any other programs. The database file simply needs to be appended. Keeping a running list. That file isn't being used for anything else, we can set it up however is necessary to do this.

For example, Excel cells A1, A2, and A3. Representing Job Name, Job Number and Job Total.

how make VBA do this(in SIMPLE terms)? Or give me a link of where to look or what to search for? I understand VBA but not Access or SQL.

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Copy & Append To Report, Rows From Multiple Sheets If Any Cell Meets Format Color

May 1, 2008

I've seen a few threads on here about this issue but none of them do quite what I am looking for. I'd like for a single page "report" to be created when a user presses a button (which runs a macro, of course) The macro should be able to run through certain named sheets (even if hidden) and if a cell in any row is red within a sheet then the entire row or rows that meet the criteria should be copied and pasted into the Report sheet.

On the report sheet, for each sheet that has had rows that were copied, I'd like to have the name of the sheet as the header above the pasted rows so that the user knows which sheet the data came from. Any sheet that doesn't have red cells would be excluded from the report. I've attached a sample file but had to limit the number of sheets because of Orgrid's file size limit. Hopefully, you'll see what I am getting at here.

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Copy Data From Closed Workbook And Append In Active Workbook?

Feb 6, 2013

I have some vba that opens a closed workbook, copies data from a named range and then pastes it to the active workbook.

However, what is happening is that the closed workbook is opened and only part of the data is pasted. What I would prefer to happen is this:

Open the closed workbook-->copy the named range-->paste(append) to next empty cell in column B.

Heres the code that I have got.

Sub Workbook_test()Dim wb As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' turn off the screen updating
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("G:WAREHOUSEPlanningSmartNew Training Plan raining plan.xls", True, True)


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Search Multiple Criteria If Match Append Multiple Cells To One Cell?

Apr 28, 2012

I am having such a difficult time creating a macro that will reduce the 5+hours I have to spend each week manually copying & pasting all of this data. I making an IMMENSE difference in this worker bee's life!

I have a workbook with two sheets (Sheet1 & Sheet2). Sheet1 has license #'s in column A and the state that the license belongs to in column B like this:

COLUMN ACOLUMN B11111Alaska11112Alabama11113Arkansas11114Arkansas
Sheet2 has three columns. Column A has the license #'s, column B has the state that the license belongs to and Columns C shows a line-of-authority tied to that license #.


I'm trying to write a macro that will compare the license # and state in Sheet1 to the license # and state in Sheet2. If it matches, append the contents of Column C to the corresponding row in Sheet1.

Here's the thing...Sheet2 contains the entries for all licenses in the company (so this table is HUGE). And there are multiple entries for each state license # (notice how there's two entries above for AK license # 11111 - one for the Property line and one for the Casualty line.

After my macro is run, I want Sheet1 to show all the lines-of-authority on a single line. So if I ran my macro on the above example, after it's run I would have this in Sheet1:

C11111AlaskaProperty Casualty11112AlabamaProperty Casualty11113
ArkansasLife Health11114ArkansasLife Health

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Append Text To Existing Cell Text

Apr 1, 2008

I've got a sheet in which I want a drop down box, to ADD the value* to a cell, not overwriting its current value!

*The name of the selected option in the drop down box, the names are located in Map3!A1-n, I set the drop down box to display the related number in a cell next to it.

The cell would contain some text, and by selecting something in the drop down box, it would add the name of that option to the already existing value in the cell.

So if at first the cell's value is

Hi! I 'm Mark,

and you select the following option from the dropdown box

I 'm from Holland!

the cell would end with the value

Hi! I 'm Mark, I'm from Holland!

This would probably work with a macro, already made a start with it but I couldn't get it to ADD the value instead of overwriting it.

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Formula To Target Another Cell: Formula/Data In Same Cell

Oct 1, 2006

Note: I know the syntax below is not how you would enter forumlas into Excel but I am using it to quickly illustrate what I'm trying to do and need help with. A cell not in column D, E, or F contains a formula of the form: F=IF(D>0, D/E, "blank") .
Note: If a cell in column D>0 (eg. D5>0) then the cell to the right of the selected D cell (eg. E5) will also be >0 ; otherwise, both cells will be empty.

This is what I want to do: If cell D?>0 , then F?=D?/E? ; otherwise, F?=empty .

Example 1: If D5>0, then F5=D5/E5 ; otherwise F5=empty .
Example 2: If D7>0, then F7=D7/E7 ; otherwise F7=empty .
Etc. I want this to apply to all rows.

I cannot enter the formula directly into the F? cell because sometimes I will need to enter data into cell F? manually. When I need to enter data manually into F? this results in the formula being overwritten by the new data and this means that if I ever needed to have data calulated based on the formula F=IF(D>0, D/E, "blank") I would have to re-enter the formula from scratch over again; obviously this is a nusance.

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