Delete Contents Of Cell If Text Is Present?
Feb 13, 2014
Need to search a sheet and find cells that contain the text "Requirement". If found then i want that cell to become blank.
so in sheet1,
i have a number of columns and a number of rows
in cell A3 the value is - " there are requirements"
in cell F23, the value is -"the Requirement is"
since both cells have the word requirement, I want these cells to become blank.
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Feb 19, 2014
Need to search a sheet and find cells that contain the text "."
Want all cells that don't contain a "." (dot) to be erased from the sheet
Example : so in sheet1,
I have a number of columns and a number of rows
in cell A3 the value is - " there are requirements."
in cell F23, the value is -"the Requirement is."
since both cells have "." ( dot) , I want these cells to remain in the sheet, but the rest of the cells should become blank.
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Sep 11, 2009
The following code fills down column B for rows 3 to 110, regardless of the inserted "If Not IsEmply' statement. I've got formulas in Column A from row 3 to 110, but visible values in rows 3-5. I want it to fill the for the visible values only.
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May 9, 2008
is there a formula that will find a word in a sentence written in a cell and if present then enter specif text in another cell? for example, if the word "Hotel" appears in the sentence in cell A5 then put in the text "Hotel and subsistence" in cell B5...
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Feb 7, 2008
I have a macro which is identifying unique values between two sheets (sheets '4' and '5') then pasting these unique values at the end of the list (column C) on sheet '5'. It also drags down the formulas in columns D and E in sheet '5' as long as there is text in column C.
Does anyone know how i can add to the macro so that for every unique value added from sheet '4' to sheet '5' the word "uncategorised" is added to the respective cell in column F on sheet '5'.
I only want this to be for the new text added (the unique values form sheet '4') because column F will be blank for these cells.
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Mar 14, 2008
What I need to do is starting at cell E251 of the Cheque Logging Sheet I need the code to check the cell for any contents and if there is nothing in the cell then DELETE THE CONTENTS then move to cell E250 and do the same all the way up to E2
My ACCESS problem is that even if the cells in Column E contain nothing the only way that I can upload the spreadsheet to Access is by deleting the contents of the empty cells. Currently I am doing this manually but I would rather sit back and have VBA do it for me...
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Feb 28, 2007
I need a formula that would scan a given column for data, get the first available data from the first available cell ( D1 ), perform computation, input result in a different cell ( A1 ) and then delete the contents of D1 and move on the D2 and so on till end of data. So far I have been able to have the result in A1 but could not achieve the deletion of D1 contents. The purpose is to prevent the formula from scanning the data column from D1 again. In this way, the datawould be made available in one column and when the data have been processed the column would be empty and the result would be in another column.
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Jul 27, 2009
How do I delete a worksheet but ONLY if it exists, if it doesn't exist, ignore the command. I'm afraid to mess up the other code in the macro/sub, so here it is...
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Jan 20, 2009
I'm trying to write a procedure which will search the contents of Column B of my worksheet for the word "Total". Whenever the word "Total" is found in a cell within Column B, the entire row should be deleted.
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Feb 14, 2008
I am using conditional formatting to apply a light green color (index number 35).
Is there a macro that can delete the cell contents of the cells with this formatting in col K and L?
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May 23, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with a serial number is row 1 in column A with the rest of Row 1 empty. Column A is empty in Row 2, but has the data associated with the row above in columns B through L of Row 2. Then comes 2 blank rows and the pattern repeats with a new serial number in column A of row 5 and so on. I would like to move the serial number down one row, delete the now empty first row, delete the following 2 empty rows, and then loop to do the same thing again for all 9000 rows of the spreadsheet.
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Aug 29, 2007
I have merged two workbooks into one. What I need to do at this point is to delete all rows that have a duplicate entry, basically anytime the cell content in one cell matches the cell content in the cell right below or above it, BOTH rows should be deleted. At this point, this is above my VBA skills so I'm asking for help in how to do this. The stripped version of the workbook is attached (only 100 rows) but in reality this is a huge workbook with almost 22,000 rows.
You will notice in the attached workbook, that cell contents for A2 and A3 match. For what I need to do, I need both rows (2 and 3) to be deleted. If you go down a bit, starting in row 89 all the contents in column A are unique so those need to remain.
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Oct 8, 2013
Recently I have been practising writing my own macros in VBA. I am using Excel 2010.
I have been trying to write a macro to look at two columns in a worksheet (say, columns D and E) and to delete the contents (not the formatting, and I don't want to delete the cell itself) of that cell only if it contains a numerical value (e.g. 1, 2, 256 or any other number). If it finds a cell with letters, then it wouldn't delete the contents of the cell. The cells are currently formatted as "currency" cells.
I have been trying all sorts of things and I just can't get it to work. I can write a macro to clear a range easy enough, but I am stuck on getting it to delete the right stuff. I won't embarrass myself by uploading the code that I have been using..
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Aug 6, 2014
I'm trying to write a macro to update a report including deleting all rows that do not contain a specific value of TP in column K. Below is one of the examples.
[Code] .....
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Apr 16, 2009
I want to delete the contents of every cell without deleting any code from my module. The reason I ask is, I'm reading from a text file into excel.
I want to run my code to read text into excel one time through. Then i want to delete all the text, make some alterations to my code, and run the code again. That way each time the worksheet is fresh and clear before i run the code.
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Jul 23, 2008
I have this forumala.
I would like to apply this formula to VBA and call to existing macro so that this is applied to all the cells in Col. A. How can I do that? Or, is there a better way to do it?
Buttom line, I'd like to see only the last 500 characters per cells in Col. A after I run the macro.
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Jun 7, 2007
Search a worksheet for a user defined text string, and have excell return the contents of a predetermined column in the same row in which the text string was found.
A prepopulated worksheet has the text "gold" entered in cell T278.
1. user searches for "yellow_metal"
2. Excell finds "yellow_metal" in row 278, say in cell A278.
3. Excell then goes to predetermined column (programed as part of macro or VB), say "T", and returns the text contents of the cell in that column, T278 in this example.
4. Excell returns "gold"
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Feb 1, 2008
I'm currently trying to sum across a row only if certain text is present. So, if A1 has CT8 and A2 has 5 and A3 has CT5, I want to just sum the cells with CT in them. I've already worked out how to strip the CT from the numbers in the sum, but not how to specifically only sum if CT is present. And of course, the sheet uses other letter/number combinations that need to be separately summed.
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Feb 18, 2009
Been racking brain, searching through the forum here, and my Excel 2003 Bible all day trying to figure out this problem to no avail. I would like to clear the contents of any cell in a given range if the cell immediately to the right of is formatted as bold.
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Mar 10, 2004
I need a macro to automatically copy the contents of a cell to a text box.
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with many many columns...the top of each column has a string (it's a bird name). Below in the same column are various blank spaces or letters (defining species abundance, if there), example:....
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Jan 2, 2014
Below is a small sample of Column A from a spreadsheet I'm working with. All cells in the column begin with a 6 digit number:
What formula would allow me to enter only a 6 digit number and return the entire cell contents, i.e, search for 115403 and get a return of 115403_WACO ? I have tried INDEX and MATCH, but I'm not getting the results I need.
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Oct 31, 2008
I need to merge the contents of an Excel 2007 workbook into a text document, creating a series of paragraphs that look like this: Text text text [contents of cell A1] text text text [contents of cell A1] text. Text text text [contents of cell A2] text text text [contents of cell A2] text. Etc.
Apart from the cell contents, each paragraph will be identical. (I would do this by hand, but there are about 500 paragraphs.). Is there a way to merge the cell contents like that into a text document (Word or whatever)?
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May 9, 2014
Cell A1 = Ref#01
Cell B1 = A1&(whatever I choose to type)
Result in cell B1: Ref#01whatever I choose to type
Looks like I would need a macro because a function will be overwritten as soon as I start typing in cell B1.
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Feb 9, 2009
I want to display the contents of cell B5 in A7 by using cell C7 to show the location of the cell to be displayed. Cell C7 has a formula that shows the cell location of information (text) that needs to be displayed. How can I show in A7 the contents of cell reference shown in C7? In figure attached I show an example to better understand. Want in A7 to show the contents of B5 by reading what is in C7. So A7 cell should show word Road.
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Jun 19, 2014
So right now I have a spreadsheet that looks something like this:
As you can see, the stock names are slightly different in columns A & C (CORP. vs CORP, CO vs CO., etc). I need a formula in column D that searches column A for the first word in column C, and then retrieves the contents of that cell. I want to do this because I will then use a vlookup in column E to get the ticker for the stock.
Right now I have: =IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(LEFT(C1,FIND(" ",C1)),A:A,1)),A:A,"")
This formula searches column A for EXXON, but does not return the contents of the cell. Instead, it returns the contents of a different cell in the column.
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May 9, 2012
I have the following columns that return cover period dates.
Start of Cover PeriodEnd of Cover Period01-Nov-0631-Jan-0701-Jul-0831-May-0901-Dec-0930-Jun-1001-Jan-1131-Dec-10
I however need a macro that will delete the cell contents if the "Start of Cover Period" (column AK) date is > than the "End of cover period" (column AL) date.
Thus it must compare ak2 with al2 and if ak2>al2 then clear both cells. if AK2
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Mar 7, 2013
I want to transfer certain data from one workbook to another. The problem is that I want to copy certain rows from my main workbook which has 3026 rows to a smaller workbook which has 1545 rows, both workbooks have the same product numbers in column A - except my smaller workbook has 1481 products omitted
These are the first 3 rows in both sheets:
Main Workbook
Dar ABACUS Spare Glass Dropper For ABA4750/5050/5250
ABACUS Spare Glass Dropper For ABA4750/5050/5250
Dar ABACUS Spare String Accessory For ABA5240
ABACUS Spare String Accessory For ABA5240
Dar ABACUS 800mm G9 Square Flush Polished Chrome
ABACUS 800mm G9 Square Flush Polished Chrome
Second Workbook
As you can see both 'ABA19' and 'ABA191' are not included in my second workbook but 'ABA4750' is, therefore I want to only copy the row of data for that product in my main workbook to my second workbook.
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May 13, 2009
Column A consists of cells with a variety of five digit numbers. My formula needs to return a text value if numbers are present in column A, this is what I tried:
=if(A1="","Chassis") but it returns "False" instead of "Chassis".
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May 20, 2005
If I have the following text string in a cell "" how do I reverse the contents i.e. "zyx.321cba"?
If the cell contains a numeric value e.g. 12345, then I want to know how to reverse it i.e. 54321
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