trying to create a button to hide unsed rows, can anyone help? basically the sample below is what i want to do but it hides all the rows listed.. i want it to hide only unused rows in the rows selected if yes is selected and unhide them when no is selected...
wannahide = MsgBox("hide rows", vbYesNo)
If wannahide = vbYes Then
Rows("5:28").Hidden = True
Rows("5:28").Hidden = False
End If
Is there a simple way to hide rows and columns? A lady in my office just asked me how to make only Columns A to J visible and only show 100 rows. She doesn't want the rest of the spreadsheet to show. I know how to manually hide columns and rows but it takes a while to drag down and select 64000 rows so I thoguht I would ask the question:
Does Excel have a feature that will automatically hide all unused rows and columns or is there a simple VBA code to do this?
If Sheet1.Range("A34:A94") = "HIDE" Then For Each cell In Range("A27:A94") If UCase(cell.Value) = "HIDE" Then cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True End If End Sub
I need a little help here as I am trying something new, and am not sure how to proceed. I am trying to change from 2 columns to 3 columns where there are a few variables. This is the original:
I have a command button that hides rows based on zero value in Col B then a 2nd btn to unhide those rows. The challenge is that as I want this code for several workbooks that will have data of varying row lengths & not all the zero values will be in the exact same place for each workbook or each month. Having done a little research on the Board (& googled) I have not found an answer to my challenge. So I am sure someone will point me in the right direction -
For RowCnt = BeginRow To EndRow If Cells(RowCnt, ChkCol).Value 0 Then Cells(RowCnt, ChkCol).EntireRow.Hidden = False End If Next RowCnt Range("A2").Activate................................
I'm trying to create a condition that hides rows when certain cells are equal to zero (column D + E + F). Anything else, I would like those rows to remain visible. Ideally, I'd like for this to be applied with the use of a macro (button) and then also deactivated when not desired (possibly another button). I've seen some varieties of code for this but none have worked flawlessly yet. An example sheet I would like for this to work on is my "ADM" sheet", among others.
I am trying to make an excel toggle button and am stumped. I am trying to create a toggle button that hides the entire row if it finds a 0 in a preset range that I am calling "Alpha". I have tried this code but it's not working.
Code: Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click() If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then For Each cell In Range("Alpha")
I found this code for a button, so I can collapse and expand a set number of rows within that sheet. It works exactly the way i want it to, however, now I have a second sheet in my workbook, and I used the same button. Problem here is that when I activate the button, it opens the same rows in EVERY sheet in the workbook. "For each ws in Worksheets" so my question is what is the term for it to only work on a certain worksheet?
Code: Private Sub ToggleButton1_Change()Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim ws As Worksheet With ToggleButton1 If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then For Each ws In Worksheets
[Code] ........
Other questions is about the ability to send an MS Outlook email from inside of excel.
I've been trying to find something that does the following:
Click button, Form pops up, has drop downs to select recipient, has field for subject, has field for message body, sends email.
I have some if statements for 300+ employees. Some rows are left blank b/c a specific type of employee didn't meet the if statement criteria...which is what I wanted. Now how can I get rid of those blank rows (that actually do contain formulas but are returnnig a "" value) to have all of the employees in a "nice" grouping?
Apparently Excel can't delete unused rows, nor can it specify the sheet to be exactly X by Y large. My problem comes in any time I fill down a column of data by selecting the column header (A for example) and selecting fill down, rather than selecting the exact range of cels I need the formula in (which might be several thousand...) Excel winds up taking my sheet that was, let's say, 1000 rows long and filling down until now it's many many many thousands of rows long, with "error" fills in most of the rows. This now means that any kind of sorting, resizing of rows, etc. takes absolutely forever because it's dealing with 5 or 10 times more rows than I am actually using. Even clearing the contents of all the extra cels does not help. I can't in any way seem to get rid of these extra rows.
In one spreadsheet, I want to have a command button that will hide all rows where the date column (column A) shows a date older than one week from today. When this button is clicked again, all rows will unhide again. Preferably the Command button title would change to reflect whether it is on the hide or show cycle (for example "Click to Hide all older than one week" and then "Click to Show all events") .
Is there a macro that will format unused rows or with no value in a given range. I have a sheet that I am using that some of the date is either added or deleted and would like to have a macro to do grey out unused rows. I am using this with a form control.
I have a spreadsheet ranging from A1 to AH602 Column AH contains row totals and Row 602 contains colunm totals. I am importing a CVS file starting at cell A4 - the number of rows contained in the import varies drastically. I would like to build a macro that would remove all the unused rows. I have tried to record a macro that would do this but the number of rows always ends up static and not variable.
What I'm doing below is Using an END+HOME to take me to the furthest point in the active range then 3 UP ARROWS to get to the desired row then an END+LEFT ARROW followed by END+UP ARROW and 2 DOWN ARROWS to get to the starting cell in Column A. At that point I use a SHIFT+END+DOWN ARROW to capture the range of Rows I need to delete.
Sub Macro1() ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Select Range("AH599").Select Selection.End(xlToLeft).Select Selection.End(xlUp).Select Range("A101").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Selection.EntireRow.Delete End Sub
This works except that the starting cell remains the static.
I like the look of when only the used columns and rows are shown. I like to hide all unused columns and rows, and have the background and a minimalist spreadsheet.
HOWEVER, is it just me, or does Excel move a lot slower when thousands of rows and columns are hidden? Particularly, opening files seems to be slower. I'd love to delete them entirely from existence, so Excel only has a few rows and columns to work with, but that doesn't seem to be an option.
I have a long grocery order list and only choose about 100 items out of 1000. I would like to send it to the store with only the items I need. There are several category headings throughout the list which I would like to Produce, Meats, etc. The list total dollar amount is automatically updated as I enter the amount of the items I need. I just have a lot of unused items (10) pages worth.
Need to find out how I can restrict a worksheet to show only the columns and rows that I want. For example, I want to show columns A to H, and rows 1 to 25, and nothing else - I don't want there to be a column G, or a row 26, just blank grey space. I know it's possible, because I've seen it done : D . But the closest I can get to is: View > Page Break Preview, which isn't quite what I'm after.
I have a macro in which i can enter the rows i want to hide.
If i want to hide "position 32" i have to enter the number 8 of the row. This works fine. But now if i want to hide the "position 32" from Sheet1 it also should hide the rows 4-8 from Sheet2 [Data with 32].
Or if i hide "position 34" in Sheet1 [row 10] it also should hide the rows 14-18 in Sheet2.
I want to unhide one row at a time but then also have an option to hide a row if it is not needed. I am using an ActiveX button to unhide one row at a time and that is working well, but what code would I need for (I assume) a second ActiveX button to hide one row at a time.
I'm looking to make a simple button that would hide a given range of columns.
This is the simplest I could find:
VB: Sub button1() Columns("AD:AE").EntireColumn.Hidden = Not Columns("AD:AE").EntireColumn.Hidden End Sub
Although this works nicely, there was another way to do it (looks more ergonomic and doesn't take up spreadsheet space). Here's a screenshot of what I mean: ColumnHide.gif
I want to hide & unhide columns using only (plus minus) button which is appearing on top of current sheet. I have couple of files with that options built in, but I dont know how to do it. I tried to see macros but appears that there is no macros at all in that file??
I'm trying to get a Button to hide and unhide rows depending on Column A only which is a pasted link to other sheets. The rows should hide when Cell A is empty or 0.
or 2 buttons one for hiding and the other for unhiding rows.
I have a workbook full of several tabs. The main tab is the 'Report' tab, all other tabs are hidden. The information on the hidden tabs populate onto the 'Report' tab.
My question is, I have created a shape on the 'Report' tab to act as a button. This "buttton" is which I have hyper-linked with one of the hidden tabs. When the hyper-linked tab is showing, the button works fine. However, when I hide the hyper-linked tab, the button does not work. I would prefer to have just the 'Report' tab showing.
I have a formatting macro that I recorded, nothing fancy just bringing in a few different spreasheets, and formatting them. I made this for someone who really doesn't know excel.
I linked this button to the macro and it works great, except at the bottom of the code I would like to put something that when this has run, it hides the button, so it can't be run again.
I have a command button that is within a cell that when selected it insert a picture, the problem I have is when picture is in selected cell (same as command button) I can still view the command button from behind. I set the picture to “view from front” and Command button to “view from rear” but it doesn’t solve anything. I also have the command button checked to not print