Calculating Averages :: Weekly Demand Of A Product

Apr 28, 2008

I am currently using the following formula to calculate the average weekly demand of a product:


It works fine, but sometimes the data I'm analysing doesn't span the full horizon (78 weeks). What I therefore want, is for the COUNTIF part to recognise the last populated Cell in the array, and to use the length of the array up to that point to calculate the average. Put another way, if I only have 52 weeks of data (the last populated Cell is $BF8), I want the COUNTIF to calculate based on 52 weeks and not 78 weeks.

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Calculating Quarterly Averages From Weekly Data?

Jan 20, 2014

generating a formula that takes the weekly values in a quarter and uses them to generate a quarterly average. Quarters are split up as follows.

Q#1: 09-11 (First week of September-last week of November)
(Used to generate price for January)

Q#2: 12-02 (First week-Last week)

Q#3: 03-05 (First week-Last week)

Q#4: 06-08 (First week-Last week)

I've attached an excel sheet with some dummy data.

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Calculating Averages In Spreadsheet

Feb 19, 2008

I'm trying to Calculte the Averages of just the Teachers Salaries in my spreadsheet. If possible i would like to put the average at the end of each
of Teachers information.

Is there code that would allow me to do so.

I attached a sample file to view.

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Calculating Average Of 2 Averages

Jun 7, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that we are using as a Skills Matrix for the team. The area that the team member deals with is listed in Row 3. The scores for each person are recorded in Columns D to M. The process steps being scored against are in Rows 8 to 38, and are seperated by the area of responsibility.

I am trying to work out the average scores of each person depending on their area of responsibility. I can work out the totals easily enough using:


But if I use the same for the average scores is works fine until a person covers two duties:


This is becuase it adds the 2 averages instead of working out the total average score. Is there an easy way around this?

i.e. For team members who have CM in Row 3 I need an average of certain cells, for team members who have V in Row 3 I need a different average and for those team members with both CM and V I need an overall average.

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Calculating Average From Averages

Oct 1, 2013

I have a database with monthly tabs and a summary sheet, on the summary sheet I calculate an average length of stay for each month (tab) but I need to find the yearly average and I don't know if there is a formula that would calculate the true average by using the monthly averages.

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Calculating Daily Averages

Aug 9, 2006

The data was taken in 15 min intervals and is organized by date. I have one column with the date and time and another column with the data. I need to find the average for each day. I have almost a years worth of data. Is there any formula I can enter to find the values in a given day and return the average of the values (without having to select the data for each day)? I want to be able to copy the formula down a column with the value per day.

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VBA Macro Code For Calculating Averages Those Which Have More Than One Value?

May 2, 2014

I need vba macro code or excel function to calculate average for some intervals in my excel sheet which have more than one value... I need all those values to be get averaged and placed in one cell...

I have intervals like 0-2, 2-4, 4-6.... 22-24.

In these intervals, few have got more than one values like


Now I need 16503.9902 and 17390.0293 need to get averaged and placed in one cell like,


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Calculating Averages In Mark Book

May 10, 2006

I want to be able to keep an average grade for my students through the course of a year. Work is marked with a grade A - U. I can use VLOOKUP to convert this to a numerical value but I can't work out how to generate an average from these numbers because every week there will be a new unit of work marked.

On the sample spreadsheet I have attached, the problem I have had is trying to get an average of the numerical values in row 7 because the cells without numbers have a VLOOKUP formula in them and mess up the calculation. And as the range of numbers will increase each time I mark a piece of work I can't use a fixed formula to find the average from say 10 numbers...

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Formula: Calculating Averages To Reach A Goal

Aug 27, 2007

Below is my data point for each month. The goal I need to hit is 99%. So I need to figure out what minimum monthly percentage I need for the rest of the year, I will need to reach a goal of 99%, and if I can't reach it, return an error. Lastly, i want to be able next month to go in and fill in the AUG percentage with an absolute number (i.e. 89%) and then I would like the rest of the percentages to automatically update by figuring out the new minimum monthly average given the new value for August. I thought that I might be able to do that if there is a function that says "If cell is a number, leave it alone, if it's a formula, then include that cell in the calculation of the minimum monthly average.

Jan 89%
Feb 88%
Mar 83%
Apr 89%
May 90%
Jun 86%
Jul 82%

Goal 99%

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Calculating Quarterly Averages From Daily Data

Jan 19, 2007

I have a sheet with daily data starting from 01/01/2000. I want to calculate daily averages for each quarter (i.e 2000Q1 value will be the average of values between 01/01/2000-31/03/2000, 2000Q2 will be average of values between 01/04/2000-31/06/2000, 2000Q3 average(01/07/2000-31/09/2000) and 2000Q4 will be the average of (01/10/2000-31/12/2000) etc. for all years afterwards.

I want to have the values in the corresponding cells starting with range ("e2")

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Weekly Stock Without Listing All Products Weekly

Jun 19, 2007

In the attached workbook, the CASTINGS worksheet has a SOH ( stock on hand) column.
It looks up the SOH from the SOH worksheet (column 3) for each product on order for that week.

But how do I make week 2 use the SOH figure minus the previous weeks order, IF there was an order?

And so on until week 52.

The problem I have found is what if that product wasnt ordered for the last 4 weeks? Maybe I need a temp worksheet with all the products listed for all the weeks and a running total of SOH weather it is ordered or not?

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Conditional PRODUCT Function Formula (return The Product Of A List Of Numbers In A Column)

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to use a PRODUCT formula to return the product of a list of numbers in a column, between 2 specified dates. The spreadsheet is arranged as follows:

Column BA list of dates
Column C & DNumerical data not used in any calculations
Column EThe numbers to multiply together
Cell A1Start date to be used in the PRODUCTformula
Cell A2End date to be used in the PRODUCT formula

The formula I have to multiply the data in column E, subject to the start and end dates in Column A is:


This returns zero though works appropriately if I replace “PRODUCT” with a “SUM”.

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Dynamic Named Range For The Product Name On The Product Details Sheet

Dec 24, 2008

I'm working on a order spreadsheet system, and I have one sheet called Product Details, where the product name, list price and product code are found, these link to the Sales order page, and I need them so that they can be added to.

So far, I have created a dynamic named range for the Product name on the Product details sheet, and linked the the range via a list validation on the Sales order sheet.

The drop down list displays the products and can be added to by typing new product names on the other sheet.

What I need now is that when a product on the sales order page is selected, it draws the the list price and product code data automatically from the sheet, I tried using a normal vlookup, but I couldn't get it to work. I also need the list price and product code columns to be 'dynamic' so new values can be added further along.

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Macro For Name Generation From Product To Product With Sizes And Filenames

Jan 30, 2014

I would like to have a Macro to go from the first tab called "Start" and end up with the second tab "End" automatically. BAsically I need to take the product on each line under Tab Start and reproduce it for sizes 35-41 always ending with "-(size)". Then this new Product with Size needs to be multiplied one below the other for as many times as I have pictures (number shown under column B of the tab Start). Next to this value in column B of tab End I'd like the same name listed again but with the number 1, then 2, then 3, etc. as needed and the extension .jpg.

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Product Look Up: Look Up A Product Based On The Number And The Qty

Feb 20, 2009

i need to look up a product based on the number and the qty. see the example attached.

On tab "Printer - S" 1 need to lokup the costs based on the product code 8 and the qty 100. How do i do this and make it adjustable for any range of priduct codes and qtys. Again, becuase this will be used on a Mac Office, i cannot use macros.

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Demand And Supply Gap Template?

Dec 14, 2012

I am looking for a template where I can have the Gap between Demand and Supply of Resources. This is to plan taking up new opportunities or not based on the supply.

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Type The Product Id In The A Column Of The Orders Sheet(Sheet2) To Auto Insert The Product Name In The B Column

Jul 16, 2006

In the first sheet I have two columns, one for the product_id and one for the name of the product. So the Sheet1 is like a small database. The second sheet is for the orders.What I want is when I type the product id in the A column of the orders sheet(Sheet2) to auto insert the product name in the B column so i dont have to write it every time.

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Simple Supply And Demand Graph

Jan 30, 2009

Maybe the title shouldn't be simple or I am missing something starring me in the face.

I am trying to make a supply and demand graph, with the following table,

wage supply demand
45,000 200,000 325,000
40,000 220,000 310,000
35,000 250,000 300,000
30,000 290,000 290,000
25,000 310,000 275,000
20,000 320,000 250,000

I can make either a supply or a demand graph without problems, however no matter where I place the vaules, ie wage first, demand, then supply or demand, wage, supply, the graph will not work or look right. The wage must be on the left had side so that the graph complies with standard Supply and Demand. I also need to be abble to make another graph showing what happens with a wage cap.

I can do it on graph paper, put I can not find a way to do it using Office 2007 Word and inserting a graph option and using Excel.

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Static Random Number On Demand

Oct 19, 2006

I am using =randbetween(1,100). however everytime i enter a new number elsewhere on the sheet, a new ndom number is made. Could you make a button (or something) that, when pressed, creates a random number in a certain cell?

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Fomula To Calculate Supply Vs Demand - Stock

Sep 3, 2008

I have a spreadsheet which uses MS Query to import data from our MRP System. This Spreadsheet has all new orders and qtys required per sales order etc. Each Part number may have several sales orders and different qtys for each. I am looking for help to write a fomula which looks the required qty`s for each sales order & part and check another sheet which has all the avaliable stock to sell on it and populate a column next to the qty req`d with what if anything is available.
Both the orders sheet and the stock sheet are MS Queries which refresh at a given interval so cells may change position.

Cutdown Example of Orders Sheet.

Sales Order No. ¦ Part ¦ Qty Req`d ¦
1234 ¦ Apple ¦ 12 ¦
6777 ¦ Apple ¦ 16 ¦
7989 ¦ Pear ¦ 4 ¦

cutdown Example of Stock Sheet.

Part ¦Qty in Stock ¦
Apple ¦ 12 ¦
Pear ¦ 3 ¦

Now the fomula should bring back the following

Sales Order No. ¦ Part ¦ Qty Req`d ¦ Qty Avaliable ¦
1234 ¦ Apple ¦ 12 ¦ 12 ¦
6777 ¦ Apple ¦ 16 ¦ 0 ¦
7989 ¦ Pear ¦ 4 ¦ 3 ¦

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Equilibrium Point On Supply And Demand Chart

Aug 27, 2013

Once you have created the supply and demand numbers and have put them in a graph or on a chart, how do you find the equilibrium point? Also, how do you show the equilibrium point on a chart.

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How To Make A Forecast For The Demand For The Time Periods Shown

Dec 3, 2006

how to Make a forecast for the demand for the time periods shown....

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Graphing Price Elasticty Of Demand & Supply On Same Axes

Apr 18, 2006

For an economics assignment I would like to graph price elasticity with price on the 'y' axis and units on 'x'. I have not found a way to do this in Excel, can someone assist?

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Cell Referencing: Enter A Product Name In One Cell And Have The Price For That Product Automatically Appear In Another Cell

Feb 3, 2009

I'm trying to create a supply order form. Is it possible to enter a product name in one cell and have the price for that product automatically appear in another cell? Is there a formula that I can use to make this happen?

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Rolling Averages

Jun 5, 2007

I am working on a spread sheet and am trying to use rolling averages of the last 3 months. I am using worksheets for each month with a final worksheet containing the 3 mo. rolling average. I tried using a formula with OFFSET and it worked fine if all the data was in 1 worksheet, but did not work for multiple worksheets averaging to another worksheet in the same workbook.

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Averages With #N/A In Row/column

Jan 13, 2009

I am trying to work out the average volume of our daily downloads. I have used Vlookup to automate this. When there is no data it returns #N/A which is no problem. The problem arises when i try to work out the average for the month or peaks (MAX sum).

I have tried several variations of sumif/if/isna etc etc and am not having much luck. Below is an example of what i am trying to average out:

That is 4 different days download data - I want it to ignore the 0's and #N/A and return the average for the days we actually had a download.

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Splitting Averages...

Feb 2, 2009

If I have a varying number of figures(say between 4 and 10) which I want the average of the first half of the set and an average of the second half, is there a function which I can use to calculate this? ie if there is 8 numbers in total then I need the average of the first four and last four... but if there is ten figures total then I need the average of the first five and last five.

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Getting Averages To Round Up?

Mar 8, 2013

I have a spread sheet with col's that I want to average their totals, but would like them to be rounded up or down.

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Averages When Using A Filter?

Apr 7, 2013

I am using the formula =AVERAGE('Year 13'!BV:BV) to work out the average value in column BV.

However, I would like the value to change if I filter one of the other columns, is there any way to do this?

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Automatic Averages

Jul 13, 2007

I am inputing each day the total amount of sales. I am manually doing the averages for past 12 weeks on Monday sheet. I would like when I enter the amount for that week that the cells B84, C84, E84, F84 are automatically updated for the past 12 weeks. I have tried a few different approaches but I keep getting #ref or circular reference

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