Type The Product Id In The A Column Of The Orders Sheet(Sheet2) To Auto Insert The Product Name In The B Column
Jul 16, 2006
In the first sheet I have two columns, one for the product_id and one for the name of the product. So the Sheet1 is like a small database. The second sheet is for the orders.What I want is when I type the product id in the A column of the orders sheet(Sheet2) to auto insert the product name in the B column so i dont have to write it every time.
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Sep 30, 2009
I am trying to use a PRODUCT formula to return the product of a list of numbers in a column, between 2 specified dates. The spreadsheet is arranged as follows:
Column BA list of dates
Column C & DNumerical data not used in any calculations
Column EThe numbers to multiply together
Cell A1Start date to be used in the PRODUCTformula
Cell A2End date to be used in the PRODUCT formula
The formula I have to multiply the data in column E, subject to the start and end dates in Column A is:
This returns zero though works appropriately if I replace “PRODUCT” with a “SUM”.
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Dec 24, 2008
I'm working on a order spreadsheet system, and I have one sheet called Product Details, where the product name, list price and product code are found, these link to the Sales order page, and I need them so that they can be added to.
So far, I have created a dynamic named range for the Product name on the Product details sheet, and linked the the range via a list validation on the Sales order sheet.
The drop down list displays the products and can be added to by typing new product names on the other sheet.
What I need now is that when a product on the sales order page is selected, it draws the the list price and product code data automatically from the sheet, I tried using a normal vlookup, but I couldn't get it to work. I also need the list price and product code columns to be 'dynamic' so new values can be added further along.
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May 21, 2014
How do I create a macro to sort rows into groups, add break rows in between & insert a product sourced from another excel workbook onto the break line?
I receive a spreadsheet each day with a series of requests, most of the information is the addresses & names etc with the important data in columns K,M & O. Data in each of these columns is a code that refers to a product and information sheet to be sent out to the person requesting it. They may want just one in which case data will only be in column K, if they want two there will also be data in M and if they require three there will be data in column O as well. The bit I do know is how to sort the important data into groups of the same by the country (column I) and the product sku's.
Whilst I can do the sort as a recorded macro I really need it to be part of a larger macro that does the following bit I can't get my head around. I need to insert a break row above each group then by cross referencing the data in the product sku columns to a separate workbook insert the appropriate item / letter combination onto the break line row, telling the volunteer which items to send out. This is a v look up?
I have attached an example of the files we work with, the first tab is with the data simply sorted and the second is what I need it to look like. I normally receive it as a CSV file, there are around 8000 possible combinations of product and instructions and the files are normally around 4000 records long. At present we insert the break lines and copy/paste the information manually, seriously slowing down the process.
Orders Example EUR RM.xlsx
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Jan 30, 2014
I would like to have a Macro to go from the first tab called "Start" and end up with the second tab "End" automatically. BAsically I need to take the product on each line under Tab Start and reproduce it for sizes 35-41 always ending with "-(size)". Then this new Product with Size needs to be multiplied one below the other for as many times as I have pictures (number shown under column B of the tab Start). Next to this value in column B of tab End I'd like the same name listed again but with the number 1, then 2, then 3, etc. as needed and the extension .jpg.
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Mar 13, 2014
I am dealing with date ranges with the data being on a second tab of the Excel workbook. The first tab is to populate a report of the difference in dates. I need to count the number of values are less than 3, after I subtract Column P from Column K.
Raw Data'!P:P is a Particular date and 'Raw Data'!K:K is another date. I am trying to find a count of all of the rows where the difference of the 2 dates is less than 3.
Here is a couple formulas that I tried.
=COUNTIF(IF(('Raw Data'!P:P-'Raw Data'!K:K)
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Apr 10, 2014
Winner and runner up names , have attached expected results
Also wonder what if the formula to pull second highest in a range , I do know =Max(RANGE)
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Apr 27, 2009
I have a set of sales data which shows the dates of transactions and also the product type that was sold. I want to see the monthly sales for each product type. I can get a total for all product types over the months using the following:
=COUNTIF(Licences!E2:E9999, "<39600")-COUNTIF(Licences!E2:E9999,"<39569")
36900 = Jun-08
39569 = May-08
But I need it to also break it down for product a, b, c so I need something else to add to the formula?
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Dec 15, 2009
I have created a drop down list of products that we manufacture on a tab in excel. I want to use this list so we can create production/manufacturing paperwork that can be used in our factory.
On other tabs I have created the manufacturing specifications which are a list of specifications and cutting sizes that vary depending on the 1st column /size selected. The rest of the data for follows across.
However for the three products the manufacturing specifications are different so what I want to know is can I create a formula that says if I select product A then look at product A's specification tab, if I select product B select product B's specification tab or if I choose product C then look at product C's specification tab?
I can create a vlookup formula that works for one product and drops the necessary information into a sheet I have designed but I don't know to get it to distinguish the correct cutting info depending on the product type selected.
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Feb 20, 2009
i need to look up a product based on the number and the qty. see the example attached.
On tab "Printer - S" 1 need to lokup the costs based on the product code 8 and the qty 100. How do i do this and make it adjustable for any range of priduct codes and qtys. Again, becuase this will be used on a Mac Office, i cannot use macros.
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Aug 3, 2009
I need a formula that will bring up the Model type of a product based on its Material code. All the models I need to generate have a "root" number in them (the first 6 digits define model type). This is what I need to fill out:
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Sep 19, 2013
I have a stocklist that is currently in excel with product codes in column B. (eg 60080U-090)
I want to insert product images into column A. The product images are labelled as the style code (eg 60080U-090)
Now this is where you will chuckle, previously we have spent hours manually adding each image into the relevant cell and resizing.
Images are saved on a folder in the desktop labelled "Imagery" The excel workbook is saved in the same folder and labelled "Stock"
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Feb 3, 2009
I'm trying to create a supply order form. Is it possible to enter a product name in one cell and have the price for that product automatically appear in another cell? Is there a formula that I can use to make this happen?
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May 11, 2009
I have an excel sheet with several thousands products.
I also have an excel sheet with hundreds of products that need to be deleted.
The excel sheet with the products to be deleted have a unique product model number to identify with.
I've been using the "Find" feature to query 1 product at a time. It works but it's slow. Is there quicker way to do this?
For example can I feed a list of Product Models to excel and tell it to delete the items?
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Jun 27, 2013
I am trying to put all my parts with quantities on a seperate sheet called "Parts List" Every time you select a quanity for one of the parts, I want it to pop up on my parts list. This will make it easier to identify the exact parts I want and also the quantity I need. This will be much more convenient then scrolling down my parts list and trying to find the one's with quantities.
I think I need to use a vlookup or even a Macro but I don't know how to go about doing this.
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Feb 13, 2014
im looking to have a drop down list on sheet2 that displays unique items in column A on sheet 1.
then when an item is selected from the drop down list, i want to be able to display all unique values that correspond to that option. i have attached an example worksheet
data on sheet1 is ever changing
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Nov 1, 2008
I have an excel sheet where I gather information about companies. There are two columns involved in my problem. Column "D" and column "E". In column "D" I put the country code (example: DE for Germany, GB for England and so on..) In column "E" I put a number (for example: 45786521). What I would like Excel to do is to autoinsert the value of the column "D" before the numbers I have written in column "E". For example if in Row 12 column "D" is GB. And then I write the number 555888777 in column "E", then after the number is written and I hit Enter I would like column "E" to look this way: GB555888777. So the GB (value of the column "D") is inserted at the beginnig of the number I just wrote in column "E". How can that be done?
P.S.:I know that there is a possibility to add the values of these two columns in another column, but as there are far too many columns in the worksheet I would not like to add an extra column just for this.
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May 13, 2014
I have code for auto insert row, when i m getting to new row column Q formula not working
remove the auto generate serial number in column column A, only i want to insert auto with column Q formula to work.
find enclosed a worksheet for your ref.
Please see the below auto insert code;
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim O As Range
Set O = Range("O:O")
If Intersect(Target, O) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
roow = Target.Row
Cells(roow + 1, 1).Value = Cells(roow, 1).Value + 1
Cells(roow + 1, 2).Select
Rows(Target.Row + 2).Insert
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Jun 9, 2014
I would like to insert rows into column A from column D based on the count values and without affecting subsequent values in column B and C. For example. Count of a value in column A =1 and count of that same value in column D=5, THEN 5-1 (count of D - count of A) insert 4 rows in column A (shift cells down) without affecting data in column B AND C. Basically making the counts in column A and D equal.
The above example should look like this -
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Sep 4, 2009
I have to create a spreasheet monthly that has perhaps 60 transactions. The data is in columns A - G, with columns E and F having the costs figures. I need to sum the value in column E and also in Column F every few rows. The problem is that sometimes there are two rows per transaction and other times it could be 30 rows per transaction. Where I will be lucky is that there are two rows between transactions, and the sum goes in the first empty row.
Basically what I would need it to do, from a macro point of view is to go down column E, and every time it finds the first empty row, insert an auto sum. It would then need to ignore the next row, because it too, is empty.
Just Column E - I need an autosum in the "empty row 1's)
empty row 1
empty row 2
empty row 1
empty row 2
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Mar 26, 2008
I have a Sumproduct formula that should be resulting in 0. However, it is resulting in a very small number. I have 2 columns of data. The first one contains -169.5, -123.4, -34, -67.4, 169.5, 123.4, 34, and 67.4. The second column contains all 1's. When I create the following formula, =SUMPRODUCT(H27:H35,J27:J35), it results in 5.68434E-14.
Sometimes, when I have different numbers in the first column, but it still adds up to 0, the Sumproduct works.
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Aug 29, 2008
What I need to do is count the number of cases and values of everything written between the first of January and today (242).
I know how to do it by counting the days from the 1st of Jan to today but how can I do it so it automatically updates each day.
This is what I have at the moment.
The product name is in K, the date is in H and the value is in M. The range is from cell 7 to cell 94
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Mar 3, 2009
Maybe I should say conditional product of conditional sum. Eitherway, the values in column J are summed if P is column R for the repective row.
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Feb 6, 2010
uses CSV files for importing product data, problem is both have it formatted differently. What i ideally need is a master file that i can change whenever a price needs changing or product adding, this feeds down into 2 csv files that are formatted for the relevent softwares and then i can use a macro to upload these automaticly at end of day. ive tried using just excel but had no luck, i tried using access and custom reports but keeping getting errors as page size is 35 fields long and doesnt want to export as a csv,
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May 15, 2014
I have Workbook A and Workbook B(csv file)
In workbook one I want to look for a unique code that is in both workbooks and if it is then return a result of the total.
As an example
Code qty
a0YC000000YWPE1MAP 10
a0YC000000YWPE1MAP 1
a0YC000000YWPE1MAP 14
Result I need is 25.
What to type if it is a different workbook and not just a sheet.
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Jun 8, 2006
PRODUCT shows a value even if 0*# =IF(H15*I15=0,"",PRODUCT(H15,I15))
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May 6, 2014
I have the following which works just fine
=SUMPRODUCT(--(Table_owssvr[Migration Slot]>= (ActualMigrations!D$3-6)),--(Table_owssvr[Migration Slot]<= ActualMigrations!D$3),
--(Table_owssvr[Department]= $A6))
If I then add a condition ie
=SUMPRODUCT(--(Table_owssvr[Migration Slot]>= (ActualMigrations!D$3-6)),--(Table_owssvr[Migration Slot]<= ActualMigrations!D$3),
--(Table_owssvr[Department]= $A6), --(Table_owssvr[Is_Migrated]="TRUE"))
It returns nothing even though the Is_Migrated is TRUE
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Dec 27, 2013
I have built a pivot table that shows parts used during a period of years. I need creating a formula that would sum each part by a particular year.
The table is as follows
A part number
B date
C total quantity
I want to display the totals on a separate sheet.
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Jan 6, 2014
I have a set of 5,800+ data points between 0 and 1 that I would like to multiply together. When I use PRODUCT for the whole set, the formula returns 0. However, I can use a smaller subset of the data to return a very small number. I'm curious if Excel has a closest-number-to-0 or number-of-cells-for-PRODUCT limitation. Is there another way to perform this calculation?
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Jan 27, 2009
The following formula takes a census of people in our area by date and by hour (sample data attached): =SUMPRODUCT(--(FLOOR(Data!$B$4:$B$39,1/24)<=$B2+C$1)*(Data!$C$4:$C$39>=$B2+C$1))
The formula works great, but I would like to add another component whereby the census will only count someone if they have a certain description (see column A - with color descriptions). So how can I setup the formula, to say, only look at the "red" colors during the same specified dates/times and give me the same type of census...instead of looking at all of the data or creating 50 different ranges for all the colors?
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