Check First 2 Cells Of The Last Row Is Null Or Not
Jan 19, 2009
In a column "V", when the user enter "Y", i need to copy the entire row to another sheet("Written-off"), its working fine.Sometimes the first 2 columns of that entire row where the user enter "Y" may be null, so using my code, copy first entire row where user put "Y" and paste to another sheet("Written-off"), then user also enter "Y" to wherever in "V" column, this time the entire row should overwrite the last row in the "Written-off" sheet.
I found the reason is first column of the last row was null, so when check the first cell, if it is empty then the next entire row should be copied that area.
Is there anyway to check first 2 cells of the last row in a sheet in null or not?
If Right(Left(ActiveCell.Address, 2), 1) = "V" Then
myColumn = "V"
If Intersect(Target, Columns(myColumn)) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo last
If UCase(Target.Value) = "Y" Then
Target.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("Written-Off").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Exit Sub
End If
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Aug 25, 2009
I have a large number of customers listed in an excel sheet that may recieve a visit from my organisation. The reason for the visit may vary and sometimes a customer may recieve more than one visit. Each Row (or record) maps to a customer. Each column has a visit type which I insert a date in to say when the customer has been visited.
I am looking for a function that will return if a customer has been visited or not. As dates can be summed like numbers I am currently saying in the "Visits Recieved" column =if(sum of dates (visit type colunm) >0, 1,0) Then I simply sum the column to get my answer of how many csutomers have been visited.
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Nov 9, 2006
I'm having a problem with a seemingly simple formula I can't quite figure out. I need to search through four cells, M(n)-P(n), to find out if they have a value in each cell respectably. When the values are found I need them to form a make shift column in which the three cells underneath the cell with the formula are filled with any available values.
For example:
John Smith has the values: 1 in col M, 2 in col N, 3 in col O, and 4 in col P. That is of course ideal and I would be able to fill in the other cells very easy. But in my case John Smith has values: 1 in N, and 2 in P. Or whatever other order you can think of. I wrote a formula that looks like this:
This seems to work if they have a value in column M, but if for instance they dont but have a value in column N instead, it doesn't produce a result. Could someone give me some advice to what I am doing wrong? I am still new at writing formulas, so I'm sure there has to be some function I don't know about that would make this a lot easier.
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Feb 28, 2009
I have a large worksheet that has one column that contains cells with either numbers, text or in some cases Nulls. Can anyone help me with some code that would loop through all the cells in this column and when it encounters either text (any text) or a null change the cell value to 0 (Zero).
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Sep 16, 2008
I want to search a range set in column a. from a1 to a200. When it finds a cell that has some sort of value in it (for example cell a29) i want it to take what is in cell a29 and set sell z1 = to whats in a29 and then continue searching for other cells that are not null in column A.
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Mar 10, 2014
I am having difficulty trying to solution this:
Row 1 = Dates e.g. 1-Mar - 31-Mar
Row 2 = Day of Week e.g 1-Mar(B1) = Sat(B2) through 31-Mar ending at (AF)
Column A has hourly time intervals
A3 = 0:00
A4 = 1:00 etc to 23:00
Numbers fall into cells by date/day and interval up to today 10-Mar
What I am trying to do at is average the days separated by Weekdays and the formula at AG for interval for weekday would be =AVERAGE(D3:H3,K3:O3,R3:V3,Y3:AC3,AF3) weekends (Column AH)would be =AVERAGE(B3:C3,I3:J3,P3:Q3,W3:X3,AD3:AE3)
I want to average the weekdays and weekend numbers without having to group the weekdays and weekends in a custom sort in the final column. That way when I add the data every day, it auto calculates in AG and AH. If I do it as it shows above, the AVG is skewed due to the blank cells.
Attached a sample worksheet.
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Oct 4, 2007
what formula to use when my formula does not determine any data (N/A) in a cell in order to count and use count number to determine annualized % change.
State 2002 2003 2004 2005 Annualized Change
GA 36.8% 37.1% 45.5% NA 4.4%
=SUM((C4-B4)+(D4-C4)+(E4-D4))/3 (here is my formula)
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Jul 13, 2009
I am looking for a time saver macro,pretty easy to make i guess,as the theory is not difficult...but i am too newbie to make it. So i have an xls that has like 20k lines on Column A!And i have to seperate the numbers. I count the first 4 digits and I have to do it by adding a cell between them.
Example :
(add a null line)
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Oct 3, 2013
Creating a macro. Need to delete records in column D from the first blank cell. 1st blank cell variable.
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May 20, 2006
The problem that I am having today is defining a range object that cannot include null cells. If it does include Null cells then the filterwill fail. the cells that I need to define are all in a cohesive unit. the other thing to know is that the cells that are not null will never be mixed in with cells that are null. so for instance you might have a range of cells from one to 100, the first 50 might be full. the last 50 would all be null. in that situation I would need to loop through those cells to define a range object that would just see the first 50 cells ....
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Sep 6, 2006
I have a chart that shows up to a list of 28 people and the number of sales for that day. I'm try to make the chart only show the names and number of salesperson that are not = to null. This is what the chart has for values right now "=' Nest Average'!$C$6:$C$33". How can I make it so that it only shows those cells if not = to null.
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Jun 24, 2012
I need to calculate the average spend on a day of the week over the month, so all Monday's or all Tuesday's, etc. One sheet is one week so I need to average b16 on 6 sheets as an example.
I used =AVERAGE('WEEK1:WEEK6'!B18) to calculate average over the six Monday's. The issue is, as in other posts, how do I ignore the cells that have a zero or null value.
I've tried adjusting this which was in 1 post
with this
=AVERAGE(IF(1+1=2,IF('WEEK1:WEEK6 '!B180,'WEEK1:WEEK6 '!B18))) which returns #REF!
this from another post
=SUM('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18)/COUNTIF('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18,"0") which returns #VALUE!
and this
=AVERAGE(IF('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B180,'WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18)) which returns #NAME?
The cells on each sheet are sum formulas for other cells on the sheet not just numbers on their own.
Using windows 7, excel 2003
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Aug 10, 2012
I have data in Row 53 that spans 7 columns, but stays in the same row. I want to design a loop to select every 7th cell in that row and check if it is empty. If not, add onto a "counter" then display the final number of occupied cells (the value of the counter) at the end. This is what I have so far, but I get all sorts of errors.
Sub Tester()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheets
Dim modCounter As Long
Dim Cell As Range
Set WB = Workbook("Transverse Series.xlsm")
Set WS = WB.Sheets(BM18)
[Code] ......
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Jun 21, 2006
Cells F16 & K16 can either contain a "Null String" ("") or a number created
from another IF statement , from these 2 Cells I need another calculation,
if the error "#Value" is made I want it to be blank, If the number is >0, I
want it to be blank, but if it's a number I want it to appear.
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Jul 26, 2007
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - test.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutH2I2J2K2L2H3I3J3K3L3=
HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1Cat*ID*#ELECTMTC*HoursInv.*Material*$Mutiplier096450965509656097510975209757098891023610673106751067610842108772108429655#N/A1.5813310317206365573396459655#N/A1402310317206365573Buchanan Survey*
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box
This is a partial of the sheet that I am working on.
The current Formula in Column L is manually entered for each line. What I would like to know is if there is a way to have a macro that would create this formula?
What we would need it to do is check out the Cat ID #'s in cells H - J and based upon the numbers in there, look up the $ amount (right now they are in columns N-Z). The amount in column M would be manually input and then the formula in column L would be
the value in M multiplied by the sum of the values that correspond with the ID #'s in H-J plus 10.
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Mar 26, 2010
I have a range of cells which contains one of two text values (Ok and Not Ok). I would like to check my range of cells for these values. If this range have one cell that contains the text "Not Ok" I would like the formula to say "Not OK". If all cells contain "Ok" I would like the formula to say "Ok".
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Dec 13, 2012
I have multiple colums that I want to compare (A=F), (B=G)........
I want to see the difference of the two as shown in Blue column (example file is attached.)
Skærmbillede 2012-12-13 kl. 18.37.15.jpg
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Jun 14, 2009
I have a number of worksheets, each sheet is set up like a data entry form, at the bottom of which is a command button that takes them to the next worksheet based on a value in a cell. what i want to do is before it takes them to the next worksheet it checks a selection of cells, if any of which are blank it shows an error message and wont allow them to continue, better still the cell that is blank it high lights with a red border.
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Jul 13, 2009
I am using the followng code to check data is entered in a cell ...
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Aug 18, 2009
I would like to check a combination of two cells, if these two cells are both empty (not zero, just blank) then it will return a blank in another cell. I tried using AND but am unsure how it works. I would like to use a "Case" Function.
Function FirstCheck(Count1, Count2)
Select Case FirstCheck
Case Count1 = "", Count2 = ""
FirstCheck = ""
Case Else
FirstCheck = Abs((Count1 - Count2) / (Count1 + Count2))
End Select
End Function
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Jan 23, 2008
I am trying to get a statement to check 7 different cells to see if they contact the same value, i go into a little depth
if a person is late to work then, a text value of 'LT' for late is placed in the cell, if they are late the next day then another LT will be used and so on.
from this then how many mins they are late is loaded into the next cell so
i have so far (in english) =IF Cell Mon,Cell Tue,Cell Weds, Cell Thurs, Cell Fri, Cell Sat, Cell Sun = 'LT' then SUM all mins late
but excel is saying there are to many arguements, any one any ideas can provide sample spreadsheet if needed
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Oct 7, 2011
I have the following code that i want to use to run trough a few checkboxes to check the value and then wright something in a cell. i have written the the checkbox name to a variable and then want to use it in the if command but gives me a type mismach.
Dim CheckBox As String
For i = 1 To 204
For c = 3 To 227
CheckBox = "Sheet3.CheckBox" & i & ".Value"
If CheckBox = True Then
Range("J" & c) = "Done"
Range("J" & c) = ""
End If
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Apr 8, 2012
I want to do a check with one cell that has a list of a maximum of 4 numbers seperated by a comma and space, with 4 cells that have one of these numbers in each of them. The numbers wont be in the same order, and they wont be repeated.
A3 = 4, 12, 19, 34
A4 = 12
A5 = 19
A6 = 4
A7 = 34
I only need to highlight if they dont match. So result could either be a tick or cell changes colour.
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Dec 12, 2006
how to check if cells contain only whole numbers (cells are in text format)?
I do not know how the code is for the activecell checking
Example Range("A1:A10")
As soon the code hits a cell containing something other then numbers then Msgbox "Error"
Sub Check()
i = 1
Do Until Cells(i, 1).Text = ""
Cells(i, 1).Select
If Not Activecell.Text only numbers then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
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Aug 13, 2007
Is there a way to create cells to be like a check box. I am creating a survey in which there are 5 options and what I would like to do is make the cells so that that when they click into the cell it puts an X in it or maybe highlights that cell.
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Jun 4, 2008
I'm trying to scan a column of data, example column H, for empty cells, if it's empty then skip it. This doesn't work, because cell.Value = " ":
If cell.Value 0 Then
'Extra coding
End If
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Nov 6, 2008
Sub PastSpec()
If Selection.Locked = True Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo ErrHan
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Exit Sub
End Sub
I recorded part of it and adapted it afterwards. You will notice I have a line to check for locked cells, this does its job if the cell selected is locked. However if the cell selected is unlocked and the cell below is locked the code still excutes and pastes.
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Feb 15, 2007
I have two cells which refer to employee number: A1 and A2
(employee numbers are 001, 002, 003, etc)
I want Cell A3 to check if either A1 or A2 = 001
If both cells is 001, I want an "error message" because that is not allowed, and if one of them = 001 then I want the value from Cell A4 to be but in Cell A3.
So in my head the forumla should go like:
=If(A1 Or A2 = 001;A4;"-";)
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Mar 3, 2007
I am successfully using VBA to check a cell on one sheet against a cell on another sheet.
How easy would it be to check if this is the same OR less than 2 or more than 3? I have done part of this using nested formulas but cant find anything to help me with the syntax in VBA
The code I am using is
If W1.Cells(a, 3).Value = W2.Cells(b, 3).Value Then
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Jul 29, 2007
I have completed a formulation and included in a macro but I dont know about coding to check for specific cell string values before macro will take off. I want macro to check that if specific cell text are not matched, use MsgBox to display the wrong versus correct cell string text, then vbOK to exit macro. Also, if Range(B2:G2,J2) are completely blank, use MsgBox to display "missing data", then vbOK to exit macro.
cell B =REQ
cell C =SS
cell D =Current Stock
cell E =PO
cell F =Sales Order
cell G =In-coming
cell L =unit cost
If these cell texts (U or L case will do) are in their specific cells, macro will proceed. If either one or some of these cell texts are not matched, display MsgBox of the wrong and correct cell texts. Then button OK to stop macro run. If Range(B2:G2,J2) are completely blank, use MsgBox to display "missing data", then vbOK to exit macro.
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