Conditional Formatting Based On Multiple Check Boxes
Sep 19, 2013
Basically I have a list of companies each with five corresponding check boxes in different cells. I want the cell with the company name in (or just a symbol in the cell) to appear Green, Amber, Red when 5, 3-4, 1-2 of the boxes are checked respectively.
I am creating an income calculation sheet to qualify my borrowers. I have different "types" of income in regards to hourly pay, bonus pay and overtime pay (examples)
I am using check boxes for my worksheet for the income that my underwriters want to use (example OT plus regular pay or Bonus plus regular pay or just regular pay alone can all be different options) they would then just check the box for the combo they want to use. (my check boxes came from the developer tab and I have them formatted to show true/false for checked or unchecked.)
Intro to my problem: We have 3 separate time frames for each type of pay. (I have 2012 Bonus, 2013 Bonus and then 2014 year to date bonus.....and the same for Overtime pay and regular pay, etc.)
My underwriters can only use ONE of the 3 yearly options.
Excel problem: Im thinking I need to go conditional formatting for this, but I need something to pop up if they accidentally have 2 boxes checked in one category. (So if they accidentally mark a box to use 2012 OT AND 2014 OT year to date, thats a problem and will throw the #'s off) So Im thinking there is some way to conditionally format my true/false results from my check boxes. If 2 out of 3 say true, the cell should black out or something along those lines....
I attached a screen shot of how my worksheet looks as of now : Income example excel forum.docx‎
I would like to change the color of a cell to either green, yellow, or red based on a few conditions. One of the conditions would be based on whether a check box was checked or not.
I am working on a check box based list for work. The requirement is for the check box to be linked to the cell that it is in and then for conditional formatting to be done so that if the box is checked it goes green and if it is blank it goes red. This is fine for individual cells, but when i try and copy the formatting and cells throughout the worksheet it links all the cells back to the original cell.
Is there a way to a mass insert of Check Boxes without the cell link all being the same cell? I have a huge list of items that I want to put a check box next to each one. This way when my warehouse people check it off in the sheet one of the columns will read "Available".
Problem is when I put the first box in and cell link it to E4, and then copy and paste it, all the boxes toggle based on one another. Otherwise I have to put in 584 check boxes. Solutions or other recommendations are gladly welcome.
Also, is "True/False" the only available "response" when using Check boxes? (I Know I can write an equation based on the true false, but I am just curious)
I'm working on a fairly complex spreadsheet where I want to pull conditional formatting into an entire row. I have a column in tab1 where I have a bunch of beer styles listed. On tab2, I have a 2 columns: a complete list of styles with a 'yes' or 'no' in the next column based on certain criteria. What I'd like to do is have the column in tab1 highlight if that style in tab2 has a 'no' in the column next to it.
I would like to be able to create multiple check boxes that will accomplish 2 things.
1. When Checked will display a date in the cell one column to the right. 2. When checked will change colors
Secondly, since i will need to make several hundred of these I would like a macro that will allow me to define how the check box is to behave and then have a macro which will allow me to define all of the settings and then input the number of check boxes that I want and it will create that many boxes.
I recall seeing a macro on here some time ago (at least 1 month prior but no more than 6 months prior) which allowed you to type into a form how many check boxes or option boxes you wanted to create in your workbook, and then it would create that many.
I'm trying to set up conditional formatting in a spreadsheet where there are 3 possible correct letters that can be entered into a range of cells and if one of these letters is not entered then I would like the cell to be highlighted.
To be more precise, it's an accommodation spreadsheet and in each cell if someone needs a room for that particular night (each night is represented by a separate column) then a letter is used to indicate what type of room they require i.e. "k" is a king room, "s" is a Suite and "t" is a twin. I don't want to force people to have to select from a list which would be the obvious solution to this as it is simply too cumbersome for the amount of data entry we do.
However i want to ensure that if someone accidentally enters anything other than t,k or s then the cell is highlighted. We work in large spreadsheets covering months of dates so to manually have to find any errors is hugely time consuming.
As part of an audit program I have a questionnaire. One of the questions has 10 check boxes, one with a combo box and one with a text box. The user will check at least 2 or more answers, but not all 10. (2-4 average). I don’t want to link the answers to specific cells, because I don’t want the answers to display with blank rows between answer on the sheet. I want the answers to display in 2 columns evenly distributed.
I would prefer, to not have to run a macro, if possible, but the only way I could see to do this is a very long if statement base on every combination of answers. If the only way to do this is thru a macro, I would prefer to tie it to the printing of the sheet, or I could make it part of an error checking macro I plan to do. The actual question is in the attached file
I'm looking for a Conditional Formatting formula that will check two columns before highlighting the duplicate rows. I need it to be conditional formatting because I know nothing about writing macros or vba (what-ever that is?). Data is entered into Columns A, B, and C. I need to check both column A and C before it highlights the duplicates, based on those two columns. (The format only unique or duplicate values checks only one column.) I have attached an example, but this is just an example, as I have hundreds of lines to go through on the original. (For this example, Row 2 and Row 7 are the duplicates I need highlighted.)
I am trying to hide/show entire rows of a range based on the conditional formatting in the row. I want all rows with at least one overdue training cell (indicated by a red cell) displayed, and rows with no overdue training hidden. The conditional formatting formulas vary greatly, but always result in a white (unchanged), yellow, or red cell. Here is a sample picture for reference:
The CF formulas vary based mostly on two major factors: the frequency of the requirement found in Column "C" (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, or Annual Requirement), and the personnel's arrival on site or date of departure (wheels up) found in Rows("3:4"). Each training class has two rows. The first row indicates the last time the class was completed, and the second row shows when it is due next. Both rows have to be displayed/hidden based on the second row's conditional formatting. Here is the code I am using right now: ...
I am trying to write a formula that will do multiple IF statements checking to see if words are written in certian boxes and if so to do certian things and I need help, never done multiple IF statements in one formula before and can't find anything in the books I have or on the web.
I am trying to create a macro that will create a number of check boxes, which are linked different cells. I have had some success in creating multiple check boxes and having them at the destination I want the problem is that instead of linking to different cells they are all linked to the same cell. I have attached a sample workbook SAMPLE.xlsx
I am trying to get a row of cells to highlight a percentage based on a date range
Below is an example of what my spreadsheet will look like, very simple for managers to read and understand but I am stuck on how i can get this to display the right way.
In the example i would need the Jan column to colour for a certain percent for 21 days and continue to feb for 26 days. Im not sure if this makes sense but this is what they are asking for. Colour bars to simple show the percent of days off each month.
Name Start Date End Date Jan Feb Mar
Dale 11/01/14 26/02/14 21 days 26 days
I have attached the spreadsheet for an example : Book1.xlsx‎
I am having issues formatting an excel sheet. Many of its parts seem unaccessable in excel, at least to my knowledge. What confuses me is that the "check boxes" and other certain cells can be worked with, while others including rows and columns can't. How do I format it so that I can work with all of its parts in excel like a normal worksheet?
I'm using Excel 2007. I would prefer to stay away from the scripting side of the house if possible. This is basically a 3 day forcast weather chart. The top is the actual weather data, the bottom portion is a color coded reflection of how the weather affects various things.
This product is created in excel, but will be embedded into a powerpoint. It will be updated daily. Here is what I would like. I want the color chart at the bottom to update automatically based on the data I enter above. I have a grasp that I can update the color through conditional formatting, although im not exactly sure what that will look like with all of those cells.
I also figured out that I can insert the letters in those lower cells with something similar to " =IF(C6>90, "T", "") " which would put in a 'T' for Temperature when the temperature got above a certain degree.
I run into a problem when I have multiple factors affecting a single cell. For instance on the example in day 2 of my image. Personnel are affected by Temperate AND UV Index. How would I set up that cell to pull that information from both of those cells and display it accordingly? I would prefer the letters to stay separated by the comma, but I could live without that. The default cell color will be green, with the potential to be yellow or red. I left a few examples of possible situations on day 2 and 3.
I'm trying to incorporate multiple conditional (Dynamic?) drop down boxes to enable me to get an appropriate code at the end of the process. This will be used to product data entry and the code will tell Amazon where to post the product. I have many thousands of codes that i need to access and the easiest and most accurate way is to break down everything in to category and sub categories until I eventually get the code I want for that specific product.
To return this code I would want to select Clothing, which returns a list which includes baby which in turn will give me a list that includes baby girls and so on and so on until I can select Tracksuit bottoms that will return the code.
Each list is dependent on the previous choice
As I have thousand and thousand of potential codes creating range list for each potential category and sub categories is not really feasible and would be very difficult to maintain when changes occur.
With this in mind I have created a code list that breaks the above example so that each category is now in it's own cell and there can be upto 8 (as I've seen so far) potential conditional categories before you return the code and ideally I would like to use this as it very easy to create and update. (see attached)
I might be able to use filters to return the appropriate list each time but don't know where to begin.
Is there a code that can check if the conditional formatting of a cell is met? Or if it is met, how can I reference the condition in my userform to have a command button visible if the formatting is met?
Example: If cell range "Q8:Q51" has a cell that turns the color red when its conditional formatting is met, then I want a command button to appear on my userform.
I've got a list and I need to check if the adjacent cells for a column are empty or not, and if both are empty then format to a certain color. I have a solution but don't know how to implement it into a format fit for conditional formatting.
I have this in the new rule section of conditional formatting
If conditional formatting would allow it I would simply change I4 to the entire range, I am very much confused as to how to format this cell to work with conditional formatting. (I4 is the first cell in the list)
Something else is that if I change I4 to I5 or something then moves all the highlighted cells around, and to top it off the first few cells which should obviously be highlighted aren't, even though the rest of the cells which should be highlighted are.
Allows me to check like 10 different text values and return false for all of those in the conditional formatting rule. When those are not present, the conditional format is true thus applying the format.
I tried =NOT(FIND("text1",$A$1,1)) It did not work because I believe this statement doesnt give the rule its TRUE value its looking for.
I am having trouble with this, to clarify I need the below... Cell has conditional formatting checking for text1 text2 text3...text 10ish and if they are present nothing will happen and if they arent present then format the cell.
EDIT: to clarify, the code should look for either text1 or text2 or text3 so on...
I have numerous hyperlinks in cells on a worksheet, next to these I have checkboxes. I am looking for a macro that will check if the boxes are checked and if not ignore them and if so run a certain macro.
Is it possible to change the format of cell AI3 based on the format of cell C3 and D3? I have C3 and D3 set to turn red based on what is in cell C2 and D2. I would like the following done:
If AI3=C3 & C3 is red, format AI3 blue If AI3=D3 & D3 is red, format AI3 blue Otherwise, leave AI3 unformatted.
I want to have 1 check box affect 3 others in the following way: check box 1 if checked, allow check/uncheck of check boxes 2, 3, 4 if unchecked, uncheck boxes 2, 3, 4 and do not allow checking check box 1 is linked to D1 which starts with a value of false. cell E1 is if condition to have value 1 when D1 has value of true.
I am creating a userform with 10 checkboxes. The first 9 checkboxes are user options. I want the 10th check box to be a "Select All" option i.e. if the 10th checkbox is checked all the other 9 options are deemed to have been selected.
The way I want the display to work is that if the 10th checkbox is ticked all other checkboxes are cleared. Also if the 10th checkbox is ticked and any of the other check boxes is selected then the 10th checkbox should be selected.
I have tried coding this up but the checkboxes don't seem to operate as desired. I placed some code on the click event for the last option button to set the vlaue for all other buttons to false. This works but the 10th check box doesn't get ticked itself. When I try to code up the other bit I get similar issues.
I currently have a spreedsheet which has a conditional formatting cell where if the figure is above 1 is green and below red what i am trying to do is get a sum to calculate based in its color?
I.E. I have a value in cells F7+F25+F27+F29 i then have a value in F17 but only want this to be included in the total calcualtion if the figure in E15 is equal/above the value of 1.