Conditional Formatting Look At The Cell Contents And Check If The Value Exists In A Range
Oct 17, 2008
I am trying to set up a conditional formatting which will look at the cell contents and check if the value exists in a range.
The range to compare will be over multiple columns and multiple rows.
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Apr 14, 2013
This is a conditional formatting problem I have not been able to resolve:
I have a range, say A1:N30
Each cell contains a text/number combination.
I would like to highlight each cell on a specific row if the vale exists within the row above - the issue is that the cell values are not in the same columns.
I have attached a sample workbook with the desired output.
Conditional formatting.xlsx
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May 14, 2012
If the data entered in Column "I" starting from row4, exists in range "X4:X12" then "Pend for audit" should appear in Column "R" of the corresponding row.
below is the coding Iam using.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim StateName As String
Dim CName As String
Set Cells_Changed = Target(1, 1)
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Jul 3, 2007
I am writing a macro which first needs to look and see if a certain worksheet exists. If it doesn't then I want it to create it but if it does I first want it to delete the sheet then create a blank one with the same name. At trhe moment I have this but it is scrappy and doesn't work very well:
On Error Goto AddSheet
If Sheets("MONEYSHEET").Activate Then Goto Data
Sheets.Add before:=Sheets("LOOKUPSHEET")
ActiveSheet.Name = "MONEYSHEET"
It also does not delete the sheet if it already exists, just edits the existing one.
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Jan 13, 2009
Hi all, this might sound really easy but I have a Named Range in excel 2003.
Now I'd like to write a VBA code to check if this range exists before carrying on futher computations.
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Nov 3, 2009
I'm looking to use the value from a series of dropdowns (made via data validation lists).
Cell AM5 is a dropdown of named ranges made form a seperate sheet
Cell AO5 is a dropdown that uses '=INDIRECT(AM5) to lookup the values in the named range.
I need cell AO5's value to be used to filter rows in the current worksheet. The current problem is when i use the first dropdown in AM5 it still displays the last value, untill i use the dropdown to select a new one. This value typically will not be found and i do not want my code to execute in these cases.
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Nov 29, 2007
I'm trying to check if a named range "ActiveCells" exists before deleting it in VBA but can't seem to get the syntax right, I have tried: If Range("Activecells") Is Nothing Then Resume Next Else: ActiveWorkbook.Names("ActiveCells").Delete
If ActiveWorkbook.Names("Activecells") Is Nothing Then Resume Next Else: ActiveWorkbook.Names("ActiveCells").Delete
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have tried searching but I can only find threads about checking for named objects or about using the toolbars to add/delete named ranges.
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Sep 19, 2012
I'd like to format (colour fill) C1 when H1 contains the word "Bills"
I've tried to "use a formula to determine which cells to format" but it keeps using absolute references ($H$1).
Ideally I'd like to apply the "format" to the entire column C.
I did think I'd be able to use OFFSET but it's not working.
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Apr 27, 2007
I have a worksheet that I've applied conditional formatting to which works very nicely apart from when I use the formatting and apply it to a cell based on the contents of another.
What I don't understand is when I put a formula in cell b1 to read =$a1="yes" and format accordingly it works. So when I type in "YES" in to cell a1 ,cell b1 is highlighted. When I type in "NO" the B1 cell isn't highlighted which is what i would expect. IF however I delete what ever is in cell A1 the cell B1 is still highlighted.
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Oct 7, 2006
I need to check a range of cells (B4:B35) and see if any of the contents are less than a specified cell (M1) and then show a message, (the message part I can do). I have tried using For Each but I then get the message for every cell that is below the specified cell (which in theory could be all of them). I have also tried using an If Any statement but didnt work.
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Jan 31, 2014
Is there a code that can check if the conditional formatting of a cell is met? Or if it is met, how can I reference the condition in my userform to have a command button visible if the formatting is met?
Example: If cell range "Q8:Q51" has a cell that turns the color red when its conditional formatting is met, then I want a command button to appear on my userform.
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Feb 12, 2013
I have a range of data on sheet1 say A1:A10 with random letters in each cell. On sheet2, I also have random letters and number in column A. What am trying to do is find a formula which if any of the data on sheet1 can be found in say A1 of sheet2 then shade the cell a given colour or if formula in B2 then show True otherwise false if not found. then do the same for the remainder of the cells on sheet2 which am assuming will be to just copy the formula in B1 of sheet2 or the conditional format in A1 whichever comes first.
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Jul 18, 2014
How can I check if Sheet1 has any conditional formatting on it via VBA?
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Dec 6, 2013
So I've applied conditional formatting to columns A and B to highlight and bold any blank entries. However since those guys tend to show up a thousand rows or so down I don't have anything to alert me that there is a problem. I know that I can just filter those columns to check but I'm not the only one using this sheet so I'd really like to have a visual cue.
Is there a way to have cell J1 highlight if any of the cells in the range (A2:H3000) have been bolded?
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Aug 2, 2013
I'm new to excel and have had a hang up with the MkDir feature. I would like to check if a folder exists based on a certain cell value, and then create the directory if it does not exist. This is what I have so far.
Dim newFile As String
Dim Path As String
newFile = Range("D5").Value & " " & "op" & Range("B200").Value & " " & Format$(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd")
Path = Range("A210").Value
[Code] ..........
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May 25, 2014
First off I have an excel sheet that I have split into two windows. excel sheet.jpg
I am looking for a formula that will change the bottom sheet number a color if it exists on the top sheet.
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Feb 18, 2014
I am creating an income calculation sheet to qualify my borrowers. I have different "types" of income in regards to hourly pay, bonus pay and overtime pay (examples)
I am using check boxes for my worksheet for the income that my underwriters want to use (example OT plus regular pay or Bonus plus regular pay or just regular pay alone can all be different options) they would then just check the box for the combo they want to use. (my check boxes came from the developer tab and I have them formatted to show true/false for checked or unchecked.)
Intro to my problem: We have 3 separate time frames for each type of pay. (I have 2012 Bonus, 2013 Bonus and then 2014 year to date bonus.....and the same for Overtime pay and regular pay, etc.)
My underwriters can only use ONE of the 3 yearly options.
Excel problem: Im thinking I need to go conditional formatting for this, but I need something to pop up if they accidentally have 2 boxes checked in one category. (So if they accidentally mark a box to use 2012 OT AND 2014 OT year to date, thats a problem and will throw the #'s off) So Im thinking there is some way to conditionally format my true/false results from my check boxes. If 2 out of 3 say true, the cell should black out or something along those lines....
I attached a screen shot of how my worksheet looks as of now : Income example excel forum.docx
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Aug 21, 2014
I would like to change the color of a cell to either green, yellow, or red based on a few conditions. One of the conditions would be based on whether a check box was checked or not.
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May 7, 2012
Can I use conditional formatting to check if a field has a value or a formula?
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Mar 1, 2014
I have a series of columns (L - X) each representing a diagnosed disorder (Dx), coded as binary, with 1=Positive Diagnosis (Success). The reference cell contains diagnostic codes; for each respective Dx column I need a 1 or 0, obviously. Each Dx category has a range of values (Dx codes), so I need to write syntax that reflects this range. For example, =IF(A1=>141,AND(A1=<239.99)),"1","0")
In other words, if cell value is 141 through 239.99 then return 1, else 0
Would it be something like this:
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May 20, 2009
I am working with the Conditional Formatting, which is fine for one cell. Here is what I am trying to do: IF cell in $A1 = 1 then bold $B2:$M2 and apply solid line border to top of cell ranges. I have tried conditional formatting but it only formats the cells in column A. And I can't seem to find a BOLD statement for the cell formulas.
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Oct 21, 2008
I want to set a conditional format to cell A1 with a value in cell P1 When the value in P1 is between 0 and 10 the conditional value in P1 should be set.
cell A1 is also set with a conditional format to put a border around it when there's a value in A1 (cellvalue is not equal to " ")
So the formula referencing P1 would be a second condition.
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May 22, 2012
I need to format cell D1 to have the fill color be red if any cell in D2:D21 is blank. I've tried
=VLOOKUP("", $D$2:$D$21, 1, FALSE) but that returns #N/A (there is one blank cell in the range at the moment).
I really don't want to use =OR($D$2="", $D$3="", ...$D$21="") if I can avoid it.
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Jul 30, 2014
I have a range of cells where each row relates to an employee.
In Cells (Columns H:L) I want the range of cells on that row to turn blue if the user puts a "H" in one of the cells.
Also it will need to be adapted for "O" , "Y", "X" - each with different colours.
This needs to be repeated on each row for each person.
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Sep 19, 2013
Basically I have a list of companies each with five corresponding check boxes in different cells. I want the cell with the company name in (or just a symbol in the cell) to appear Green, Amber, Red when 5, 3-4, 1-2 of the boxes are checked respectively.
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Jul 18, 2014
I've got a list and I need to check if the adjacent cells for a column are empty or not, and if both are empty then format to a certain color. I have a solution but don't know how to implement it into a format fit for conditional formatting.
I have this in the new rule section of conditional formatting
If conditional formatting would allow it I would simply change I4 to the entire range, I am very much confused as to how to format this cell to work with conditional formatting. (I4 is the first cell in the list)
Something else is that if I change I4 to I5 or something then moves all the highlighted cells around, and to top it off the first few cells which should obviously be highlighted aren't, even though the rest of the cells which should be highlighted are.
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Oct 27, 2007
way to highlight selected cells if one of the selected cells equals a certain value eg
1 X X X Y X
2 X X X X X
3 X X X Y X
I select cells A1-E3 and if column D = "Y" then colour fill the row from A to E
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Oct 22, 2013
what i would like to do is change the fill colour of D68 if the word Air appears with in D5:D65?
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Sep 13, 2007
Allows me to check like 10 different text values and return false for all of those in the conditional formatting rule. When those are not present, the conditional format is true thus applying the format.
I tried
It did not work because I believe this statement doesnt give the rule its TRUE value its looking for.
I am having trouble with this, to clarify I need the below...
Cell has conditional formatting checking for text1 text2 text3...text 10ish and if they are present nothing will happen and if they arent present then format the cell.
EDIT: to clarify, the code should look for either text1 or text2 or text3 so on...
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Feb 5, 2013
how to apply conditional formatting via VBA to a range of cells based on input from another range of cells. Obviously this would be easy in Excel 2010, but I'm still using 2003 at the office and it needs to stay in this format to be readable by other users:
For cells M8:EK8, my conditional formatting
condition 2: Formula Is =AND($E$8>=M2,(($E$8-$D$8)>=(N2-$M$2))), color index is 40
condition 3: Formula Is =AND($F$8<=M2,$G$8>=M2), color index is 39
I want to add:
condition 4: Formula Is =AND($H$8<=M2,$I$8>=M2), color index is 40
condition 5: Formula Is =AND($J$8<=M2,$K$8>=M2), color index is 39
and so on
The cells in the range M8:EK8 are blank, they only get colored based on input added to D8 to K8. If there is no input, then the cells should be uncolored.
resource tracking ex.jpg
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