Add Conditional Formatting Based On A Check Box Condition?

Aug 21, 2014

I would like to change the color of a cell to either green, yellow, or red based on a few conditions. One of the conditions would be based on whether a check box was checked or not.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Multiple Check Boxes

Sep 19, 2013

Basically I have a list of companies each with five corresponding check boxes in different cells. I want the cell with the company name in (or just a symbol in the cell) to appear Green, Amber, Red when 5, 3-4, 1-2 of the boxes are checked respectively.

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Conditional Formatting :: Condition 1 Override Condition 2?

Feb 29, 2008

I'm having trouble with the two formulas working in conjuction with each other.

Condition 1:

Condition 2:

"Condition 1" seems to override "Condition 2"? Ever see that?

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Conditional Formatting Under Changing Condition

Sep 13, 2009

There is a table [A8 TO D60] and a column alongside, where the months of the year are listed. In a particular independent cell, the name of any month can be chosen and entered.

The table rows preceding the chosen month, have to be shaded. When a different month is chosen, the shading should now cover the new set of rows preceding this different month and so on.

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Count By Conditional Formatting Condition

Feb 20, 2008

I work as a teacher and my role is the analysis of data, something I can do fairly easily using my Excel knowledge but I want to take it a step further (maybe this isn't the best was and another suggestion would be great.

The spreadsheets I use have 400 students in columns A (first name) and B (last name), in columns C to AC I have the students targets for the 26 subjects/courses we offer, a student would only study between 10 and 14 of these so in a row there would be blanks. In cells AE to BE I have the students current grades (those which show current situation/progress). The first student would be in ROW 2.

I want to show whether a student is below, equal to or exceeding their target and have done this using Conditional Formatting (3 separate conditions) using RED for below, White for Equal to and Green for Exceeding.

I now want to count how many of each colour there are in each row to quickly work out how many of the subjects the students are falling behind in so we can focus our efforts on these.

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Check To See If Conditional Formatting Is Met?

Jan 31, 2014

Is there a code that can check if the conditional formatting of a cell is met? Or if it is met, how can I reference the condition in my userform to have a command button visible if the formatting is met?

Example: If cell range "Q8:Q51" has a cell that turns the color red when its conditional formatting is met, then I want a command button to appear on my userform.

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Check If Sheet1 Has Any Conditional Formatting On It Via VBA?

Jul 18, 2014

How can I check if Sheet1 has any conditional formatting on it via VBA?

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Conditional Formatting Group Of Check Boxes

Feb 18, 2014

I am creating an income calculation sheet to qualify my borrowers. I have different "types" of income in regards to hourly pay, bonus pay and overtime pay (examples)

I am using check boxes for my worksheet for the income that my underwriters want to use (example OT plus regular pay or Bonus plus regular pay or just regular pay alone can all be different options) they would then just check the box for the combo they want to use. (my check boxes came from the developer tab and I have them formatted to show true/false for checked or unchecked.)

Intro to my problem: We have 3 separate time frames for each type of pay. (I have 2012 Bonus, 2013 Bonus and then 2014 year to date bonus.....and the same for Overtime pay and regular pay, etc.)

My underwriters can only use ONE of the 3 yearly options.

Excel problem: Im thinking I need to go conditional formatting for this, but I need something to pop up if they accidentally have 2 boxes checked in one category. (So if they accidentally mark a box to use 2012 OT AND 2014 OT year to date, thats a problem and will throw the #'s off) So Im thinking there is some way to conditionally format my true/false results from my check boxes. If 2 out of 3 say true, the cell should black out or something along those lines....

I attached a screen shot of how my worksheet looks as of now : Income example excel forum.docx‎

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Can Use Conditional Formatting To Check If Field Has Value Or Formula

May 7, 2012

Can I use conditional formatting to check if a field has a value or a formula?

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Detect Cell Conditional Formatting State Of Specific Condition

Nov 26, 2009

Is it possible to check the conditional state for a specific condition for a specific cell.
For example a cell has 1 or more conditions.

A condition will toggle to a condition if true or false etc.
The specifics is i use red (color 255) if a cell has not met a specific condition (of 1 or more conditions)
So if the cell is mandatory to be populated, and is blank, it will be red, if not it will be something else.

But i want to loop all visible cells with conditional formatting, and where the cell has a condition when true will show interior color = to 255 return the cell address.
To msg the user where data entry is still required etc.

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Conditional Formatting To Check If Adjacent Cells Are Empty?

Jul 18, 2014

I've got a list and I need to check if the adjacent cells for a column are empty or not, and if both are empty then format to a certain color. I have a solution but don't know how to implement it into a format fit for conditional formatting.

I have this in the new rule section of conditional formatting


If conditional formatting would allow it I would simply change I4 to the entire range, I am very much confused as to how to format this cell to work with conditional formatting. (I4 is the first cell in the list)

Something else is that if I change I4 to I5 or something then moves all the highlighted cells around, and to top it off the first few cells which should obviously be highlighted aren't, even though the rest of the cells which should be highlighted are.

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Conditional Formatting Look At The Cell Contents And Check If The Value Exists In A Range

Oct 17, 2008

I am trying to set up a conditional formatting which will look at the cell contents and check if the value exists in a range.

The range to compare will be over multiple columns and multiple rows.

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Return 1 Result From Many Based On Multiple Condition Check Of Cell Value

May 21, 2008

I am trying to write a formula to figure out Body Mass Indexes for certain age groups and whether or not they fall into a High or Low risk category. So, I am trying to write a formula that does the following. I have 3 columns, Gender, Age and BMI. I need the formula to do the following.

IF Gender = M AND Age >18, <39 AND BMI >7%, <19%, Then return an "L" into 4th column
IF Gender = M AND Age >18, <39 AND BMI >19%, Then return an "H" into 4th column
IF Gender = M AND Age >40, <59 AND BMI >14%, <23%, Then return an "L" into 4th column..............................

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Check 10 Different Text Values And Return False For All Of Those In The Conditional Formatting Rule

Sep 13, 2007

Allows me to check like 10 different text values and return false for all of those in the conditional formatting rule. When those are not present, the conditional format is true thus applying the format.

I tried
It did not work because I believe this statement doesnt give the rule its TRUE value its looking for.

I am having trouble with this, to clarify I need the below...
Cell has conditional formatting checking for text1 text2 text3...text 10ish and if they are present nothing will happen and if they arent present then format the cell.

EDIT: to clarify, the code should look for either text1 or text2 or text3 so on...

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Conditional Formatting Based On Another Cell Conditional Format

Mar 20, 2013

Is it possible to change the format of cell AI3 based on the format of cell C3 and D3? I have C3 and D3 set to turn red based on what is in cell C2 and D2. I would like the following done:

If AI3=C3 & C3 is red, format AI3 blue
If AI3=D3 & D3 is red, format AI3 blue
Otherwise, leave AI3 unformatted.


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Conditional Format Cell Based On AND/OR Condition Of Another

Feb 8, 2008

i m trying to format a cell so that it colours in red when a specific text is chosen in another cell, ive tried conditional formatting but I cannot get it to work. e.g column A has a drop down list, if GB or IEN is chosen in that cell then cell in column K will become red. (as if these two are chosen then they have to input a number into column K). Once they have inputted the number into column K i want it to go back to its original format. Or if they dont select GB or IEN then it would stay in its original format aswell.

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Condition Formatting Based On Dates And No Values Entered?

May 10, 2013

Date Due
Date Ressolved

How do I make this change, If the date resolved column has not data entry, but todays date is past the due date cloumn data entry change cell red and insert text to read "past date due"

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Sum Based On Conditional Formatting?

Feb 2, 2012

I currently have a spreedsheet which has a conditional formatting cell where if the figure is above 1 is green and below red what i am trying to do is get a sum to calculate based in its color?

I.E. I have a value in cells F7+F25+F27+F29 i then have a value in F17 but only want this to be included in the total calcualtion if the figure in E15 is equal/above the value of 1.

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Conditional Formatting On Cell Based On Value

Jul 29, 2014

In Excel, I want to do conditional formatting on a cell based on the value of another cell. For example: in cell A1, I have text. I want this cell to have a grey background if the value of cell B1 is less than or equal to 1/31/14 and to have no fill (default) if it is greater than that date.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Another Cells Value?

Aug 18, 2014

On the attached worksheet I'm looking for the squares in F4:F6 to be coloured corresponding to the colour names in D4:D6 using conditional formatting. I just can't get it to work today.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Cells?

Mar 30, 2014

I have a worksheet which has the years 2001 to 2013 on in row1. I am trying to find a way of highlighting the entire row in green if a specific year contains an "a" (Marlett, tick). The complex part is that I would like the specific year to be determined by an entry input into cell A2 on sheet 2. See Attachment for reference.

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Conditional Formatting Based On A Value In A Different Cell?

Apr 9, 2014

I am working in a table where I would like the whole row to highlight based on the value in one of the cells. These rows of data will be updated regularly, so the formatting has to change with the data.

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Conditional Formatting Of A Row Based On A Value In A Cell Of That Row

Feb 17, 2010

I want to create a conditional formatting based on a cell in a row. If the value of that cell is greater than or equal to $20 the entire row would be highlighted with a color.

the main thing is that the cells in the rows have if formulas that supple the data for the cells. The cells will be blank if nothing is to be displayed but they will still contain the formula.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Value Of Another Cell

Jun 4, 2012

I want to format a cell conditional on the value of another cell. I have read numerous threads on the topic and no matter what I do, it doesn't seem to work for me. I've made it a simple as possible by creating a new workbook and entering:

A1: 5
B1: 2
C1: Some random text - this cell has the conditional formula: ="A1>B1"

However, the cell doesn't get formatted. Here is a screenshot and here is the simple workbook.

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Conditional Formatting Based On % In Other Cell

Feb 15, 2013

I want to color format a cell based on a percentage value in another cell but I just can't get my head around how to solve it. I've attached a file that explains it better.

The formatting for A1 should be something like:
If A2 is
> +/- 10% RED
+/- 6-10% YELLOW
+/- 5% GREEN

Attachment 214464

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Conditional Formatting Based On Percentage

Oct 5, 2013

I need a conditioning format formula. If cell A2 is less than 50% of cell A1, then highlight red.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Several Conditions

Oct 11, 2013

I am trying to do some conditional formatting to highlight rows based on several conditions, I don't know if this is possible, but these are the criteria:

10/1/2013 11:14:15

10/1/2013 11:14:20


I want to highlight a row if:

- the difference in time value is < 20 seconds

- the first symbol column is the same

- at least one, but not all of the rows meeting the above criteria contains a value in the second column from a given list (in this example, say tt is on this list)

So if done properly the logic would highlight the first and third rows, but would highlight none if none of the values in column two match my list.

I think the test criteria would go something like this, however I know that there are problems with my row references.


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Conditional Formatting - One Cell Based On The Value Of Another

Jan 6, 2014

I am attempting to apply conditional formatting such that cell B3 is green if it is greater than or equal to cell B2, and red if less than cell B2. Then to apply this conditioning across the row of data (i.e. C3 >= C2 green, C3 < C2 red; D3 >= D2 green, D3 < D2 red; E3 >= E2 green, E3 < E2 red ... etc.). Needs to be formatted such that if I change the value in cell B2, the colour of B3 is automatically updated.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Value In Another Column

Feb 17, 2014

I have a value in column H7 as 2000.

I have columns M to X labeled Jan to Dec. I want to highlight in yellow values in the row M7 to X7 if they are greater than 2000!

Then, I need to copy this conditional formatting down the columns under M to X, but under column H the values will be different, but I still want the same results, values greater than the value under column H then highlight in yellow.

I thought I had the answer but when I tried to copy down, it was making cells yellow that were clearly less than the column H value.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Two Criteria (Using VBA)

Apr 7, 2014

how to create VBA code for conditionally formatting a column of dates that have expired. My unique challenge is that I first need to associate the item attached to the date with the expiration date of a particular group. Therefore, I have to first match the Item label with the appropriate group, and then I need to evaluate the expiration dates of both the Group and the Item. If the Item expires before the Group expires, then I need the Item date to be formatted in bold and with a red font.

Attached is a sample spreadsheet.

Thoughts about how to accomplish this with VBA? By the way, VBA is the necessary approach due to the fact that the data is updated several times per day, and all existing data is erased prior to uploading new data.

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