This follows on from my previous posting [URL] ..... which produced a solution using an ActiveX Combobox that unfortunately does not work on Mac PCs!
I tried to replace the ActiveX with a Form Control Combobox but could not make it work.
So I am trying to use the alternative of "find, copy and paste" the relevant information.
As shown on the attached 140207 FINDALL test.xlsm, I need to find all records containing whatever string is entered into the "Search" cell, and copy data form three columns onto the Entry sheet.
The User will then select whichever of the entries they want to use, which will populate the relevant cells.
Problem: The following Code is not recognising any of the data in the Column being searched.
VB: Option Explicit Sub FINDPARTS() Dim ws As Worksheet, i As Integer, k As Integer, z As Integer, CL, myFind, CHOICE As Range, lr As String, lrG As String,
From column A,(lets say cell 10 onwards) I need to copy all the unique entries into column B (cell 10 onwards). However, I dont know what length column A will be. What would be the best way in VBA/Excel to do so ?
I copy rows of data according the Workgroup entries in Column C and paste them in to the relevant team sheet so that it is separated and printed off. Currently I am doing this manually, as the report length is variable and can be a few hundred rows or sometimes a few thousand which takes up some time. I know I can use the auto filter option, but as I currently use a macro to format this report I was hoping to include it whilst it is being formatted. Also would like to apply all borders to report so its easier to read when printed and a comments column at the end, but this can be done later.
There are teams and 27 workgroups to separate into each team, I have to do this everyday and was hoping to save some time here. I've attached a sample work book as an example.
What I need to do is sort certain entries in longer list (column A, it is in .csv format and needs to be in it so coordinates and names and ID, all sorted with commas) and I have another list (column C) which is shorter list of certain IDs. I googled and tried and got some results for the basic structure but the fuction seems to fail. It doesn't matter how I get that third list done, but there is only one criteria: since the list in column A is really long and those entries need to keep the .csv formatting, the function should copy that info what is in the matching cells.
Let me try to put it simple: .csv cells from column A that have matching ID from column C should be copied to column B (or N).
i attach the testing2.xls attachment here. from the sheet 1 "original", how to copy from 1 column, column"B" and then paste to column "A" by clicking function "alt + enter" at the same row but different row in the same cell. Output result can refer to the sheet 2 "output".
In sheet "diary" I have data in certain rows in column A8:C10000 that contains values if a certain condition is met. I need a vba to copy and past only non blank cells in column D8:F10000. I first wrote a formula with index but it takes too long to caculate.
Code: Range("a" & Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Select Range(Selection, "a1").Select For Each cell In Selection If Not IsEmpty(cell.Value) Then If cell.Value "2012*" Then cell.Copy cell.Offset(0, 5).PasteSpecial End If End If Next cell
I have a to copy from column A some cells ( e.g "000005PR RODI T.R, S.L.") and paste it in column F. The problem is that in column A i have as well empty cells and cells that have date (e.g "2012 02 14-OCT-2011 CN 100725") . Neither the IF/AND nor the "double" if constructs are working .
This may seem dumb but I'm having trouble pasting the contents of a column in one spread sheet into a column in another spread sheet. I get the error message about the copy area and paste area not being the same size. The data in the column is nothing complex, just a list of names, but there are 2500 of them so typing or copy/pasting each one individually is not a desirable option. I've been on this for hours with no success. The only hurdle that may complicate things is the sheet that I want to paste to is using the top 12 rows as a 'home-made' header so I need to start the paste at row 13.
I am trying to copy data from one workbook to another. I have an excel Database (Sheet1) with a macro that prompts the user to select an excel workbook which has the data I'm trying to copy.... I got this part down....From this opened workbook, I want to copy the Range("C2:C12") and paste into my database(Sheet1) workbook.
However, I need a dialog box to pop up for a user input to designate which row the data must be pasted into. The dialog box will search column H in the database (Sheet1) workbook to designate the appropriate Row # in which the data will be pasted.
Now the ranged that I copied earlier will need to be pasted selectively if possible. Range C2:C8 will be pasted from Column HG:HM and C9:C12 will be pasted from HO:HR. Is it possible to selectively paste a range in such a manner or should I just split it up? I'm not really sure the order in which I should do these commands or how to go back & forth from one workbook to another. I would like for the workbook filename to not be a factor.
I have the following codes, they almost work. I run the first code, and it copies and pastes the data, however, when I run the second code, it deletes the information that was previously pasted on column A.
Code: Sub copy_Client_ID_Tickets_to_Top5_Ticks() Dim rng As Range, WS As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False
I want to make a vba (macro) for excel that will look at the column to the left of an active cell and if there is a formula there drag it over to the right into the active cell and if there is not a formula there copy and paste value of what is in the active cell into itself deleting any formulas that may have been there. on top of that if the cell to the left of the active cell has no boarding I need to copy it and paste format to active cell. I need it to continue a number of times to be decided in cell A1 and just go down the column doing this. Please help, I know it sounds hard but I need it for 10,000's of lines of code and really cant do it by hand ...
Need code to copy a column from a worksheet, and paste it in the first empty column in a second worksheet? I can do this easily when I want to copy/paste to the first empty row using the
Sheet3.Select Range("A1:A10").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.Copy Sheet2.Select Dim LastCell As Range With ActiveSheet Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp) If IsEmpty(LastCell) Then 'do nothing Else Set LastCell = LastCell.Offset(1, 0) LastCell.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False End If End With
but I cannot find a way to change this to columns!
I am trying to create a macro that will reformat my data from A2:QB24 into 9 columns starting in N28:V28 with the data from every 9 columns pasted underneath each other.
Basically, I need to start with copying Range A2:I24 and pasting it into cell N29, then copy Range J2:R24 and paste it into cell N53, etc.
I have an Excel Spread Sheet that lists all of the people who have been issued Keys in your workplace, so the row has multiple information columns (Name, Department, Key Code, etc). One row is titled "Left Workplace" and you can select either a Yes or a No. Based on that selction I want it to copy and paste into a different spreadsheet (Either Inactive - if "No" is selected or Active - if "Yes" is selected) What is the best way to go about this?
I am attempting to copy the results of a formula in a column to a row. The data in the column is in a different worksheet. Although pasting the data using the transpose option in the drop down menu works, I really want to have the results of the formula returned. The reason for this is the results are variable based on the formula.
In the .xls I am working there is a column with miscellaneous info about the job such as "Copy machine HP3X1A requires service"
I have been charged with going through 1 year's worth of calls (1248) and pulling that printer name (the "HP3X1A) out of the misc. column and putting it into a new column titled "Printer Name"
The printer names vary a bit but usually start with the same three letters.
Is there any function or formula or whatever I can use that will be able to identify these printer names and export them to another column?
i.e. COPY all "HQPxxx" from column 7 and PASTE to column 2
This would save my an ungodly amount of time. I've been doing it for a bit less than an hour and I'm only on to October.
I have dates in Column I (for the whole year) and i would like to paste them into specific cells in three different Columns A,B,C (ie A2, A5, A8, A11 etc) Same Numbers different letter for each respective column. I can get it to go from one cell to another but when i try to specify specific cells
This is what i have so far:
Sub Test() Range("I1").Select Selection.Copy Range("A2").Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub
getting a vba formula to copy values from two columns and paste it in 3rd column on the click of a button.
For example:
if I have 3 rows filled in column A and 5 rows filled in column B then i need a formula to copy 3 rows in A and 5 rows in B and paste it to column C. so column C will have 8 rows now.
The number of rows the value can be entered can vary. [ example: sometimes we may have 6 rows filled in A 2 rows in B ]
I've two sheets: "present" and "removed". I would like to have a whole row copied and deleted and existing rows moved up in "present" when I type the word "yes" in column E. The deleted rows are to be pasted into "removed", with two extra pieces of data - date removed and name of person removing it - to be asked in pop up boxes and inserted into col F and G respectively in "removed".