Copy From Template To First Empty Row In A Master Workbook
Dec 30, 2009
I'm unsure how to adapt the code to suit my needs.
I have an Excel workbook that is created a few times a month from a template. When I update it I run a macro that saves a values only copy with the current date. I'd like to copy non-blank rows (from row 8 down) into the first empty row in a master workbook that is saved on a network drive. The path to the master workbook is "B:8MPBGTrade Pre-AdviceBG Trade Confirm Master.xls"
I've attached 2 test files, one is the database master file containing the projects (each row represents a project, unique reference number in column A) and the other is the blank template file i'm hoping to export data into and then save down with the naming convention "column A_column B.xlsx"
Kept the test files simple but would need to modify any code to apply to much larger database consisting of many more fields etc.
I have multiple workbooks ( with unique names) under same folder. Each workbook has "Report-Corn" sheet.
I would like to copy cell "P15" from each (workbook-> report-corn -> P15) and paste to Master.xls workbook -> Sheet 1 one after another which is also located under same folder.
I have created a template with a Worksheet called "Certificate".
There is a userform that is opened on Auto_Open of this template and allows a file name and some other parameters to be input.
On pressing the OK button on this form, I want to do the following.
1. Create a new XLS workbook with the file name entered on the form (this includes the full Windows folder address).
2. Copy the Certificate workbook from the template across to this new file.
3. Close the original template (maybe closing needs to be done at the end??) and make the "Certifcate" worksheet in the new workbook the active worksheet.
4. Using the parameters entered on the userform, change the details in "Certificate" (this code is already written but not set up for the new workbook - currently it updates the template "Certificate" worksheet)
I have a list of invoice #'s on a sheet named "Temp Sheet".
I have a VBA macro that created a new tab for each entry and named it the invoice #. So basically the vba code created a new tab ( based on the number of invoice #'s on my list ), and named each tab an invoice number. So if I had a list of 10 invoice #'s, named S1-S10, the vba code created 10 tabs, named S-1, S-2,. S-3.....
Now to my question. I have a template sheet I want to copy from ( "Template" ), and select any sheet that starts with "S", and copy/paste this template to.
Using a Command button into my Master file, I'm looking for a code that give me an option to select an existing file that will have a variable name & path, open it and then copy all worksheets contained within it, into my Master workbook. Then close the selected file on completion.
Not sure if it's important but some of the copied worksheet names will contain copies. e.g. Apples, Apples (2), Pears, Pears (2). etc.
I have 600+ variations of the same workbook. Contained within each workbook is a worksheet, from which I need to copy and paste a range of cells into one "master" workbook. For example, in workbook 1 I need to copy rows 2:5 and paste that into the master workbook in cells 2:5. Then I need to open workbook 2, copy rows 2:5 and paste them into the master workbook starting at row 6. I have fumbled my way through everything except the pasting part into the Master workbook.
I have got a file with a lot of different workbooks
What i want to do, is open each one of them, copy a range of cells, for example E4:E15, then open the "master" workbook, look in row 4 which cell is empty and then paste the data there
i know how to copy-paste from one workbook to another, i am just not sure how to do it for more than one workbook.
I have what is probably a simple request to all the VBA experts out there, and simply want to take a template sheet in a workbook and copy it across to 100 sheets numbered/named 101 -200, and add the name of each sheet as a text reference, e.g. sheet name 101 will have a cell within the worksheet that refers to sheet 101.
I have attached a simplified spreadsheet which indicates what i'm trying to achieve.
I have csv files auto generated (with date stamp in name) and saved in a specific folder everyday. I need to find a macro that will copy the row(s) every day and add to the next empty row in the master excel file. Some days the csv file may have a single row of data and on some other days it may have multiple rows of data to copy and paste.
I have a workbook that will have multiple sheets that I wish to have the exact same formatting, however, the data on each sheet may vary.
I want to be able to use a "Master Sheet" to make all formatting (ie. cell size, text alignment, font size/style) changes and have the other sheets automatically update.
I do not want this to affect or interfere with the data.
The reason is that some workbooks may end up with a large amount of worksheets and when I want to make a change to cell sizing or alignment I don't want to have to go through all of them to do this.
how to create a copy of my employee attendance template. Is there a way to create a copy of the template by entering an employee name in the "name" cell of the template and it automatically renames the sheet that employee name and also saves or recopies the template for use with the next employee?
I have a report(Input report) with multiple sheets with different worksheet names.
Now I have to select 2nd worksheet of input report and copy a certain range values and paste in the other workbook(output) . From the same sheet 3 diffrent values I will copy and paste in other work book.
Now, I have to come back to the input report and go to next sheet and copy the same range data and append to the out put report below the first sheet.
This I need to do for all worksheets for the input report worksheets (there are more than 100 worksheets)
My excel database has a master sheet where all data is included. It consists of 8 columns with two rows of headers (1st row: Sheet title, 2nd row: Categories for the columns like, name, salary, emp. start date, Boro,emp. number...etc.
Master sheet aside, I have 12 other sheets in the same workbook (Feb-Jan), we run a fiscal year, not calender. The data that is included in the master sheet needs to copy over to the corresponding worksheet sheet month as long as the date in the emp. start date falls with the month range. For example, if my master sheet has data in rows 4,5,7,9,19,23,101...600 and the emp. start date is in the range of from June 1st, 20xx through June 31st, 20xx then all the data in that row should copy over to the next available row in the month of June's worksheet. The same should happen the months of Feb - Jan.
I had to copy data from child woekbooks (*.xls) and paste it to the master workbook with same page to page every time when a macro is executed i had done the copy and paste part
But I'm Facing the problem in which i had to deal with
Validations as on both master and child sheet validation (column based combo box is activated ) one is worktype 2ns is time type
i jst had to copy data to the master macro works perfectly fine but the problem is that a msg box appears which signifies that i had to change the name (version ) for both types when i click yes 2 times it pastes the data
I'm attaching my macro as well as pic of that msg box with this attachment
I have 17 workbooks which contain similar data and formatting. The only variance is the number of rows of data in each. I want to write a macro in the Master worksheet that will accomplish the following
1. Create a worksheet name in the master workbook with the same name as the workbook that it's pulling data from. 2. Copy over the column headings from columns A:P to the newly created worksheet on the master workbook 3. Copy over all rows that contain the word "down" under column D titled Operational status
The naming convention for the master workbook will be titled "All Switches". The naming convention for the worksheets containing the data are titled Port_Map_on_tiegcsw01, Port_Map_on_tiegcsw02, Port_Map_on_nypgcsw01. There are other names , but I can reference the code an update accordingly.
I found some searches on the forum for creating a macro to copy data between workbooks, but not quite sure how to write the macro for the three functions.
how to loop through workbooks in a certain directory and copy the rows in sheet1 where column B contains numbers greater than zero, and then pasting them into a new master workbook. The sheets will be named differently each week but will always be in the same directory.
I get 'x' number of workbooks(with one sheet only) everyweek from which I need to copy data and paste to a master worksheet. (SCREEN CAPTURE BELOW)
I am unable to write the code myself as I have never worked on VBA and am only a beginner.
Part I:
The data I need to copy starts from the 19th row (A19:H19). The end point is determined by the row just before the row that has the words "Calibration Request" in it.
Part II: Just below the data that was pasted from Part I, the data from 2 rows below the words "Calibration Request" needs to be pasted. The end point for this would be a blank row encounter.
I get this monthly report that has 5 tabs in it. The last tab, ALL_FAILURES_1mon, is a list of part and serial numbers that have failed that month. From that tab I copy the information into a master workbook that houses all the failures broken up by part number, each part number is a separate tab. I am wondering if there is a way to search in the "Monthly_Report" document for all rows containing the part number, 07X-000-ZZZ" and copy the entire row into the master fails list. I have attached a couple examples with sensitive information blocked out.
What I need is for when the macro is run, it will search "Monthly_Report.xlsx" ALL_FAILURES_1mon tab, for "07X-000-ZZZ" and copy all rows containing the part number and paste them in the next blank row of "Master_Fails_List" in appropriate tab.
*NOTE*I have attached both examples however my "Monthly_Report" document was too large so I had to upload it as a .xlsb but the original is .xlsx
Basically, i have a common workbook template that is used by multiple users across the business to request a cost for numerous new products.
Within the template, there is a common section at the top, where specific project information is entered. There is also a table beneath where 1 or many products can be entered, with specific information relating to that product in the same row.
All the submitted requests are uploaded via an email attachment, to a particular sharepoint directory.
What i would like to do in the master workbook is the following:-
1. Open in turn every uploaded workbook within the sharepoint directory and copy the following cells into the master workbook, each in it's own row (or next available), with the data in adjacent cells.... 1st cell to enter data is $B6.
Cells to copy from each sheet:
Common info contained within cells: $DG$2,$N$11,$N$12,$N$19,$N$13,$AO$7,$AO$8,$AO$9,$AO$10,$AO$11,$AO$12,$AO$12,$AO$13,$AO$14,$BO$8,$BO$11,$BO$14
Product specific info: $U37, $AD37, $AH37, $DH37, $C37, $O37
Depending on the number of products requested, we need to repeat (loop?) until it finds the next blank row in the table. I have hidden a blank row in the table, so there will always be one!
All of the common information needs to be included for each product specific entry.
For each file, once the upload has been completed, i would like the file to be moved to another "archive" directory.
I have attached the template for information. The master workbook is still in development so can't share currently.
I am creating a template to use at work. One one sheet, I am collecting data from another. Based on some conditions, it will print the value or leave the row blank. This works! But I can not get the empty rows to delete at the end.
I have a worksheet with some info that is filled in from other employees. I have Customer Name, Date of Oldest Invoice, Avg. Days Beyond terms in column N42:N44, with the data in column M42:44. I want to copy and paste that into another workbook, I need to transpose the data and then paste it into the next blank row. IF POSSIBLE, I would like to have some of the column headings the same as the above fields, and I would like to paste the data into the correct column heading.
Currently I have the code listed below. It copies the data, opens the spreadsheet, (this is where it fails) find the next blank row and transpose and paste the data. It does transpose and paste the data but it does not look for the next blank row, instead it just transposes and pastes the data in the last cell that was active when the work book was closed.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()' Paste Macro ' Macro recorded 5/14/14 ' ' Range("O42:O47").Select Selection.Copy
Workbooks.Open Filename:="L:Financial Services! FRA !! Preston !3rd Party Collections Accounts 2014.xls"
I want create a macro which will extract 6 values (see below) from a workbook tab called summary to an master workbook for reporting purposes. Each workbook has a unique file name e,g ACI1150.
Values on sheet SUMMARY: A1 A2 A3 G21 G24 G26
I tried to adapt the below to get one item copied/extracted. However it would no work.
I am new to using macros
Sub GetG26s() Dim MyDir As String, FN As String, SN As String, NR As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False
I am collecting data from 6 locations for the quarter and combining the information into a corp worksheet. Each quarter I need to copy information from 6 different files and paste it into the master file worksheet. The sheet I need to copy is named Substandard. The amount of information changes from each location (ie one may have 10 rows one 50 rows) so the number of the row to paste it into the master sheet changes. I would like a macro that opens the file Location1 copies the information from the substandard sheet opens the Master file pastes the information into the Substandard sheet closes the Location1 file, and repeats the process for all 6 locations. I would end up with all infomation in the Master file substandard sheet. I know how to manually record a macro to do this but the numer of the row to paste it into varies on the Master sheet depending on the amount of information from each location.
So I basically have a template workbook that the code is stored in. I need it to pull an entire row if Column C in workbook "rawdata" contains specific text, in this case "PRCH - Purchase".I have never had to do anything like this before, it has always been working in the same workbook. It's failing at the 'mp = ...' line every time. There might be other errors in the code too, I just cannot resolve the first one!
How to Automatic open others Workbook when we opened the Master Workbook. Examp.: I have a workbook (Master.xls), and when this file be opened, and then others workbook (Transactions.xls, Order.xls, etc.) is opened too.
I am using Excel 2007. I have a template BOOK.xlt in the XLSTART folder which opens a customized workbook each time I start Excel. This part works fine. If I want to open a NEW workbook, with Excel already open, by clicking the OFFICE BUTTON, NEW, BLANK WORKBOOK, I do, in fact get a blank workbook, but without any customization. Is there a way to open a NEW workbook with customization using OFFICE BUTTON, NEW, BLANK WORKBOOK set of keystrokes?