Cross Check Two Different Columns And Output Common Entries?
Jul 12, 2012
So I have two columns, in column a, i have a list of zip codes and in column b i have a larger list of zip codes. is it possible to find what zip codes in column a appear in column b, and then output those zips?
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Apr 23, 2014
I have a userform that I use for data entry with lots of combo boxes, list boxes and text boxes
One thing i haven't cracked yet is to check for duplicates against two matching fields
If a user (for example) enters 'SAB' (which will be stored in column A) and then 'UK' (which will be stored in column B) and there is already an exact match for both, then I need to inform the user that a matching record already exists
The following is OK: (the dots below are meant to illustrate spaces between the columns!!)
BUT, if a user then tries to enter:
I need my userform to register a duplicate entry.
My sub routine is detailed below : .....
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Mar 24, 2014
I have two separate spreadsheets with lists of email addresses. Each spreadsheet has email addresses in column A, followed by different properties in subsequent columns to Column D. I'm looking for a way in excel to search one spreadsheet to see if the same email is present in both spreadsheets. Then, if it finds a match, I'm hoping to transfer the cell contents from one of the properties to the other spreadsheet.
In excel terms its something like this.
If an email address in Spreadsheet#1 cell A2 is found in the range A1:A10000 of Spreadsheet#2, then grab the information relevant to that email address from column B in Spreadsheet #2, and add it to E2 in Spreadsheet #1.
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Jun 24, 2007
I posted my question on another site and didn't get very many responses. I've got a list of alphanumeric numbers that I'm trying to cross check against a bingo grid.
The bingo cards are in a PDF format, so here's a screenshot. There's a separate sheet for Red; White; & Blue.....
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Jan 2, 2010
which formula achieves the following:
i have a simple table design with the dates running across the row, below each row i write the name of the person on shift. in the 3rd row i mark the time they are late for work (if any).
below that in a seperate table i have a list of my staff next to that i would like there to be a running total of their lateness. I need a formular that will look for their names and then total any lateness that i have inserted. I have include a basic spreedsheet of what i want to achieve, the column in RED is where i wan the totals.
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Mar 29, 2014
creating a macro I have two sheets named customer list (I have only put in 30 rows as an example but some sheets have 400 rows)
in the sheet named list column "F" are the names it should be cross checked with column "F" in the sheet named customer if it is there entire row to be deleted
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Oct 22, 2008
I am currently trying to automate some excells workbooks that my company uses. The one i'm working on is a listing of all the change orders we have. Unfortunatly there are roughly a 1000 rows, each containing the information for the change- change #, Date opened, part numbers, change description, status, date closed.
Order 0001 - 10/22/08 - 0156, 7251, 9901 - delete bag - closed - [blank] -
Order 0002 - 10/22/08 - 0018, 0612, 0875 - add notes - open - [blank] -
What I want to do is type a part number in, it checks to see if there are any rows that already have that number and have an open status (as apposed to closed) and then tells me where the conflict is. so in the above example if I typed in 0612 it would tell me that number is already in use. I am using excel 2003 if that makes any difference.
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Dec 4, 2013
I have scoured the net for the following and have not been able to find a solution. I have found variations but not something specific for the use needed here.
I have attached a file with sample data which has the following format.
Column 1 = vehicle model (in this example golf, jetta, but there will be over 100 choices)
Column 2 = vehicle package option for specified vehicle model (automatic transmission, manual transmission, automatic transmission with air conditioning, etc...)
Column 3 = vehicle colour available for vehicle package option
Please note that Column 2 values for 'golf' are different than values available for 'jetta' (in the sample data I have blocked out common values with the same colour for quick and easy identification)
Also please note that Column 3 values of colour options vary for each 'vehicle package option'.
The behaviour that would be ideal is to have 3 drop down menus. The first drop down menu will allow selection from column 1 and will show each model only one time and repeated values will not be shown. The second drop down menu will only show the options available based on the selection in the first drop down menu. Likewise, the third drop down menu will show the colour options available based on the selection in the second drop down menu.
Since my data will involve hundreds of unique values in column 1 with plenty more added over time, it seems that the format of the data and the way it is laid out in the attached sample is the easiest way to organize it. It is perhaps also the easiest way to include new data without a lot of reprogramming.
Sample Data - Dependent Drop Down Cells Question.xlsx
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May 22, 2009
I have these data arranged in three columns as follows:
(where *** stay for blank cells)
I need to "report" somewhere and somehow within the spreasheet hopefully by means of some formulas the following data:
1. for column "C" the maximum value within first group of consecutive numbers that are exceeding 180: in this example equal to 201
2. for column "C" the total number of values within first group of consecutive numbers that are exceeding 180: in this example equal to 4
3. for column "B" the first number corresponding to the first group of consecutive numbers that are exceeding 180: in this example equal to 1
4. for column "A" the corresponding number to the maximum value within first group of consecutive numbers in column "C" that are exceeding 180: in this example equal to 5
and most of all I would like to generalise the problem so that to "report" the same data for all cases that are appearing in the above example;
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Apr 29, 2009
I have several worksheets (Labeled Sheet1,Sheet2,sheet3) What I need to do is to step through each row in sheet3, and do a search in sheet1, it the data was found, then return the row number. I then will need to copy data from sheet1 (rowfound columnA , through rowfound CoulmnBd to sheet3 current working row columnK
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Apr 12, 2009
I am working with two sheets, Sheet one has 1 column of information with 12 columns to the right as categories. I want to be able to put an 'X' in any one of the 12 column rows, (category) and have a function that will copy/pastes the information from the main column (column #1, row=any) to the second sheet. I have tried True-False function, argument function, Vlook etc., I still cannot get it to work.
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Aug 12, 2009
I am trying to use a macro to delete 2 columns from a spreadsheet using a macro.
This sounds easy, but due to the fact the columns needing to be deleted ‘cross’ merged rows the macro then deletes all the columns based on the merged cells.
In the attached spreadsheet (ColDel) if you manually highlight columns D and E and then use Edit/Delete this will delete columns D and E correctly.
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Aug 23, 2008
I have 2 reports with the same column headings. I want Excel to compare each one on the common OrderID and then just show me the ones that don't match--either one invoice can't be found on the other, or in the cases where they are found, the invoice amounts do not match (IOW create an exception report).
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Dec 11, 2013
I have a fairly large timecourse dataset and I need to find all common values within all 3 columns. Also, when I find these 'common values' is there a speedy way to retrieve data in the same row that is associated with these values, instead of going back one-by-one and copying and pasting beside the value that the function has returned?
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Nov 25, 2009
I have two sets of 2 columns. One column in one set is identical to a column in the other set, but they are arranged in different orders. I would like arrange those two columns side by (matching their numbers) so that I can find the average of the two non-identical columns.
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Aug 26, 2008
I need to find out common numbers between columns. Each column has multiple number entries seperated by a comma. For example:
Column A: "5592,12222" and Column B: "1,2,3,4,5592,123123" and Column C: "3, 4"
I need to find out any numbers that are found in more than 1 column. Hence, the result should be something like "3,4,5592". If no match is found then maybe can indicate by coloring the cell. My data is over 50,000 rows and 30 columns. I need to do this for each row one by one.
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Sep 25, 2007
I have 2 columns of data looks like this:
What I'm looking for is a formula to compare col-a to col-b and create col-c to look like
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Jul 2, 2014
I've two sheets containing Incoming and Outgoing data. On the Outgoing Sheet, the Reply ref. shows the corresponding Incoming document replied for. I want to have the Reply Document ref. on the Incoming sheet corresponding to the document replied.
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May 9, 2014
Looking for some code to do a simple compare column A to Column B (row 1 contains headings) and highlight any differences.
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Dec 3, 2006
I have created a userform that contains textboxes, option boxes, and comboboxes. I need to make sure that there are no unanswered fileds when the submit button is hit. Preferably Excel would check for empty fields in the userform when submit is pressed. If Excel finds that some fields are empty it would prompt the user to correct the problem before the userform would post the data to worksheet. My efforts so far have prompted the user to change the data, but still posts the data before the change is made. Basically the submit button keeps running through the code right after it prompts the user for the change.
If textbox1.value = Empty Then
msgbox("Please enter information into textbox1")
End If
With this the msgbox appears, but doesn't stop the submit button from posting the incompleted data.
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Aug 22, 2007
How can I make this code repeat itself on different lines?
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If Sheets("Sheet1"). Range("A10").Value > "" And Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B10").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Order Number in Line 10"
Cancel = True 'cancels the save event
End If
End Sub
The code works perfectly for that one line but I need it to repeat independantly in the same columns but for rows 11 up to and including 23.
If I need to make the message generic like " Please Enter Order Number" then that's fine.
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Aug 16, 2008
I'm glad founding this great forum. I have learned a lot in the last few months.
Now I need to do a task and can't find online a tutorial for this. Here is what I need:
File A contains 23 columns with info for 300 products (rows). File B contains same columns for 280 out of the 300 products from file A, plus 40 new products.
I need to flag in file A the 20 products that are not in the file B, plus flag in file B the 40 products that are not in the file A.
The structure, columns, etc are the same for both files.
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Jan 21, 2010
this is in reference to a question I asked some time ago in which I was given the following: =IF( COUNTIF(SHEET1!$A$1:$A$1200,SHEET2!A1),SHEET2!A1,"")
To summize as this is not quite working, I have two worksheets and in Column A are id#s. Worksheet 1 has100's more rows of data than Worksheet 2. I need to find the unique ids from column A in Worksheet 1 that match Unique IDs in worksheet 2.
I need to copy the row of cells from worksheet 1 where the unique id equals that in worksheet 2. That row needs to be copied to Sheet 2 that has the same unique id, and after the pre-existing cells which are already present.
So for instance: if Sheet1 A100 = Sheet2 A24, then copy row A100from Sheet 1 and paste it to Row A24 of SHeet 2 start with the first empty cell- just say Sheet2 G24 as an example.
Using the formula I was given before, it finds matches, but the pasted rows are off. If the match occurs with Sheet 1 A450 and Sheet 2 A36, it will copy the value from ROW/SHeet 1 A36 instead of ROW/Sheet 1 A450
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Sep 17, 2009
I need to count all unique entries in column A (list of names) (this bit I can do!)...however:
Column B gives each name a value of A or B, I need to count all unique names with an A and all unique entries with a B.
Matt A
Matt A
Matt A
Bob A
Tom B
Tom B
This would give a count of 2 for A's and 1 for B's.
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May 14, 2012
I'm entering some time data (in format hh:mm) into Columns. Pretty basic Workbook that I have been given and, to be honest, it's just donkey work putting the data in. The times going down the Columns need to be progressive (ie B8 is arrival time, B9 is admission time etc). This goes through to B27 and then repeats from C8-C27 and ultimately J8-J27.
I'm looking for something as a formula to pop into Column K (or VBA, I don't mind!) which will do a simple verification to ensure that the times I enter is not less than the any of the cells above in the aforementioned ranges. I can do simply the cell above, but due to rusting of brain, can't think how to do this for the range!
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Aug 27, 2007
I have a user form with 10 textboxes on and when you press the command button, VBA will send the values in each text box to a cell on the sheet. If a user only wants to enter one value, it zeroes all the others in that row!! Does anyone have any ideas please in very very basic lamens code!! It is only relating to the user form called "Figures1". I had an if command running in the "decweek1" modules, but it makes my procedure too long to do the same with the other one!
If you look at my code, you can see how unadvanced I am with this so really simple code would be gratefully received!! If anyone feels nice enough you could always write the code for this problem for me and send me back the workbook, however I don't expect anyone to do this!
It is too large to attach so it is here:-
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Jun 18, 2008
I have a problem with a user form that I am using to update information in a cell. If the text box is left blank it overwrites anything that is already in the cell.
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Jul 7, 2009
How do you remove entries from a column such that only unique entires are left?
Say the spreadsheet contains only a single column:
I tried an "advanced filter" with "unique records only" checked. It gets rid of one david, but not 2 (there are originally 3 of them, and we want to leave 1)
This is the result.
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Jan 23, 2006
I am trying to compare multiple column in a worksheet to find
common component in all the columns and what is unique to a particular
column only. And list the results/finding in adj column. What i am
trying to accomplish is something as below.
Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3
Column2 Column2 Column2
02-1234-12 07-1234-12 02-1234-12
04-1234-12 03-1234-12 02-1234-12
05-1234-12 02-1234-12 06-1234-34
Common to all Unique to sheet1 Unique to Sheet2
02-1234-12 05-1234-12 07-1234-12
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Oct 12, 2011
Is it possible to take the information below and make one list out of columns F, H and J based on the common information in column C? For example, group all the 18s in a list, followed by the 44s.this is excel 2007
column CColumn Fcolumn Hcolumn J
Option code
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