Formula To Check Values Against Entries In Column Above
May 14, 2012
I'm entering some time data (in format hh:mm) into Columns. Pretty basic Workbook that I have been given and, to be honest, it's just donkey work putting the data in. The times going down the Columns need to be progressive (ie B8 is arrival time, B9 is admission time etc). This goes through to B27 and then repeats from C8-C27 and ultimately J8-J27.
I'm looking for something as a formula to pop into Column K (or VBA, I don't mind!) which will do a simple verification to ensure that the times I enter is not less than the any of the cells above in the aforementioned ranges. I can do simply the cell above, but due to rusting of brain, can't think how to do this for the range!
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Sep 17, 2009
I need to count all unique entries in column A (list of names) (this bit I can do!)...however:
Column B gives each name a value of A or B, I need to count all unique names with an A and all unique entries with a B.
Matt A
Matt A
Matt A
Bob A
Tom B
Tom B
This would give a count of 2 for A's and 1 for B's.
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Jul 7, 2009
How do you remove entries from a column such that only unique entires are left?
Say the spreadsheet contains only a single column:
I tried an "advanced filter" with "unique records only" checked. It gets rid of one david, but not 2 (there are originally 3 of them, and we want to leave 1)
This is the result.
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a formula that counts if a date range is present. However I need to change it to count another column only if that date range is present. For example a17 a50000 the user will enter the date of the order. and in column B has the order number. I want the formula to count the order numbers for a data range in column A.
Here is what I have but it is counting the dates in col A not the order numbers in B?
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May 7, 2014
What I need to do is sort certain entries in longer list (column A, it is in .csv format and needs to be in it so coordinates and names and ID, all sorted with commas) and I have another list (column C) which is shorter list of certain IDs. I googled and tried and got some results for the basic structure but the fuction seems to fail. It doesn't matter how I get that third list done, but there is only one criteria: since the list in column A is really long and those entries need to keep the .csv formatting, the function should copy that info what is in the matching cells.
Let me try to put it simple: .csv cells from column A that have matching ID from column C should be copied to column B (or N).
the function I'm working with right now is
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Sep 30, 2008
I have a column that I want to check if a column contains any instances of particular values. If any are present I want it to return a 1, if not then return a zero.
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Oct 13, 2006
I have a requirement where i need to check whether a value is entered in cells within a collumn and if so, it would set a default value to a cell on the same row but with a different collumn. this needs to occur on the run.
there are columns that i need to check and change the status column cell in accordance.
column client_name
clumn date
column start_time
column end_time
column status
first the macro is to check whether there is a client_name, if a value exist (example, smoth, doe, allen) it would set a default value to the status column on the same row as deviation (options are served, queued, deviation).
then it would check if the date & time columns have value and is less than current date time, it would change the status cell to queued.
i know that there are several nested checks (if then if then if then) the problem is that vba is not one of the languages that i master hence im totally lost here.
i can add the finalizing features and rollout the spreadsheet.
and one more thing. i have multiple sheets with the same layout where these checks and changes need to be performed
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Aug 22, 2008
Does excel have a formula to check to see if every row in a specific column is blank and if it is then set the value?
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Dec 3, 2006
I have created a userform that contains textboxes, option boxes, and comboboxes. I need to make sure that there are no unanswered fileds when the submit button is hit. Preferably Excel would check for empty fields in the userform when submit is pressed. If Excel finds that some fields are empty it would prompt the user to correct the problem before the userform would post the data to worksheet. My efforts so far have prompted the user to change the data, but still posts the data before the change is made. Basically the submit button keeps running through the code right after it prompts the user for the change.
If textbox1.value = Empty Then
msgbox("Please enter information into textbox1")
End If
With this the msgbox appears, but doesn't stop the submit button from posting the incompleted data.
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Aug 22, 2007
How can I make this code repeat itself on different lines?
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If Sheets("Sheet1"). Range("A10").Value > "" And Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B10").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Order Number in Line 10"
Cancel = True 'cancels the save event
End If
End Sub
The code works perfectly for that one line but I need it to repeat independantly in the same columns but for rows 11 up to and including 23.
If I need to make the message generic like " Please Enter Order Number" then that's fine.
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Apr 23, 2014
I have a userform that I use for data entry with lots of combo boxes, list boxes and text boxes
One thing i haven't cracked yet is to check for duplicates against two matching fields
If a user (for example) enters 'SAB' (which will be stored in column A) and then 'UK' (which will be stored in column B) and there is already an exact match for both, then I need to inform the user that a matching record already exists
The following is OK: (the dots below are meant to illustrate spaces between the columns!!)
BUT, if a user then tries to enter:
I need my userform to register a duplicate entry.
My sub routine is detailed below : .....
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Aug 27, 2007
I have a user form with 10 textboxes on and when you press the command button, VBA will send the values in each text box to a cell on the sheet. If a user only wants to enter one value, it zeroes all the others in that row!! Does anyone have any ideas please in very very basic lamens code!! It is only relating to the user form called "Figures1". I had an if command running in the "decweek1" modules, but it makes my procedure too long to do the same with the other one!
If you look at my code, you can see how unadvanced I am with this so really simple code would be gratefully received!! If anyone feels nice enough you could always write the code for this problem for me and send me back the workbook, however I don't expect anyone to do this!
It is too large to attach so it is here:-
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Jun 18, 2008
I have a problem with a user form that I am using to update information in a cell. If the text box is left blank it overwrites anything that is already in the cell.
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Jul 12, 2012
So I have two columns, in column a, i have a list of zip codes and in column b i have a larger list of zip codes. is it possible to find what zip codes in column a appear in column b, and then output those zips?
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Dec 20, 2013
Formula(s) to do as explained in the attached example.
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Feb 21, 2014
I have a code that inserts a new column after every 7th column. I want to include a formula where every 7th column value is subtracted from the values present in the column before the 1st, or you can think of it as subtracting 7th column of the present group from the 7th column of the previous group. Example: The range of my data starts from col F, then
F (7th) New Column (G) H (1st) I (2nd) J (3rd) K (4th) L (5th) M (6th) N (7th) New Column (O) P (1st) Q (2nd) R (3rd)
So, New Column (O) = N - F
and the next New Column (W) = V-N ...
NOTE: Column G can be ignored.
I want to add a looping function to this so that it will continue to subtract for the other respective columns as well. How do I incorporate this into the following code?
I'm using Excel 2013.
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Apr 24, 2014
see the attached spreadsheet including the data. In Column AA I have created a formula that looks at Column B, and pulls each unique value from that column. add to this formula, or propose a new one, that pulls unique values into column AA if at least one of the rows has an "Actual Finalization Date" in column D that is in 2014?
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May 29, 2014
I have a list of data and I want to identify the unique entries for both columns but the second column has to unique to the unique values in the first column.
Example List
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Mar 11, 2013
I'm currently using this formula to calculate the average values in column B where the value in column A ='s E1 eg:
Instead of doing this however, I need the formula to calulate the average from column B where the "Date" in column A ='s the year and month I specify in other cells.
Year value specified in: F1
Month value specified in: G1
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Mar 25, 2008
my existing macro, as the run takes to much time to complete. (at least 20min) I've already tried several loops, but no one worked for me. Following situation: There are two excel files, entries in column 73 - 85 will be copied from WorkbookRust to the other workbook if the numer in column 5 is the same. Not every cell within this columns contains data, so the macro should automatically jump to the last entry in each of the above mentioned columns, instead of predefine the range as you see in the code below. After the data is copied to the other workbook, it will be filtered acc. to Sub FilterMain and then copied back to WorkbookRust. As already said, the whole thing works, just to lame.
Sub Allmacros()
Dim WorkbookRust As String
WorkbookRust = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ChDir "C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplausch"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplauschCH_Revenue_2008.xls"
Windows(WorkbookRust).Activate ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!UpdateEntries" ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!FilterMain"
'not ask to overwrite existing file
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
Sub UpdateEntries()......................
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Jun 15, 2014
Looking for formula to extract values from column A, D through K from raw data table if conditions are met. Desired outcome is in green color.
Sample data attached : Pull.Sample.Data.2008.xlsxā€ˇ
Product 1348477119150
Product 2578251973823
Product 8763949644583
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Jan 31, 2014
find attached my spreadsheet. I want the excel to look at j2.. search for it in A coloumn and return its corresponding B coloumn values. There might me multiple values with the same name in A2. I would like the excel to return all the multiple values with their corresponding B coloumn values.
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May 15, 2014
I have a column that contains Gender values ( M or F). How do I create a formula that first counts the number of M or F then tells me the ratio of M to F?
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a Listbox that outputs data to Column A. Is there a way to auto populate Column B with 4 items for each Entry in Column A?
The 4 items that will populate in Column B will always be the same.
I have attached an example to better explain what I am trying to describe.
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Feb 20, 2009
Let's say I have a dataset with blank or X in column A, and a dollar value in column B. I want to sum the dollar amounts for column B only if there is a corresponding X in that row in column A. The way I currently do that is by creating a new column C, making a if statement to display the value of B only if there is an entry in A, and then doing operations on that new range. I figure there has to be an easier way. I don't know how to use VLOOKUP, despite trying to read the helpme a bunch of times. Is that relevant?
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Nov 14, 2008
For example I have a data set that will grow over time say 13 rows, I want to write a formula that will only use the last 3 rows with data entered and get the Median of those rows. I know that the Median Formula for the entire 13 rows would be =MEDIAN(A3:A16). Anyone know a way to make a Median formula only look at the last 3 in any given time without manually updating the formula's range?
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Feb 25, 2014
I have set of column data A & B In those A contains Serial No & B contains Ticket No...
I am looking for formula to solve the function by those conditions... almost get done by countifs functions.
1.If Serial & Ticket No Only Once result should be "FIRST TIME LABOUR ONLY"
2.If Repeat Twice For The First Serial No And Ticket "Labour Only", For The Second Serial No And Ticket "Labour & Parts"
3.If Serial No Twice But Ticekt No is different for both serial no Result Should be "PART USED 1 OF 2"
4.More Than 2 Times Serial & Ticket No Repeats" Result Should Be "CCI"
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Jan 30, 2013
I have three different values in three different columns and I want to find the maximum amongst the 3 values.
A1 B1 C1
100 50 40
in D1 I have written a formula
=MAX(A1, B1, C1)
But it is returning an error saying formula you typed contains an error
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Oct 12, 2009
1. In this formula in column C, below, i have A2 as the look up... sometimes this will be A3 , A7 or other... how can i vary this formula? I've tried it all ways.
Range("C2:C" & LR).SpecialCells(4).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(A2,Data!$A:$B,2)"
It need to be inserted based on the first cell in column A which has a value.
2. after this has done its thing... how can i paste the values to ONLY those cells which have been affected by the formula. I don't want to copy, paste special the whole column as there are sub total and other exciting things included.
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Jan 2, 2010
I'm looking for a SUBTOTAl IF function (if there's any) that would sum all the distinct values in a column for a given criteria based on another column. My data is listed below:
Column A Column B
(Quarter) (Revenue)
Q1 2008 $10
Q1 2008 $10
Q1 2008 $20
Q2 2008 $15
Q3 2008 $25
Q3 2008 $25
I'm looking for a formula to sum the DISTINCT Revenue values for Q1 2008, Q2 2008, and Q3 2008 based on the autofiltered list. The formula result should change dynamically based on the autofilter selection.
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