Drop Down List Using A Combo Box
Mar 27, 2009
Trying to create a drop down list using a combo box. Then, when i select an item on that list, it will bring me to the range of cells where that information is stored.
Is that possible? I have no VBA experiance at all.
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Feb 17, 2009
Leith was kind enough to to put a great combo box together for me (see attached). Is it possible for the drop down list to open on type or do you always have to click the arrow?
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Aug 1, 2009
how to add drop list box or combo box in this yearly time sheet so every employee has his own record in this time sheet so when ever i select name from drop list all info changed, i did include table in sheet 1 as an example.
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm trying to create a drop down list which returns values based on what has been selected in the previous drop down list in the adjacent cell, e.g. if 'Apples' is selected in the previous cell then you should only be able to select from 'Gala, Granny Smith', or if 'Oranges' is selected you should only be able to select 'Seville, Blood Orange'. Is there a formula which would do this, or can I use a pivot table somehow? I'm totally stumped.
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Oct 26, 2009
I need to have a drop down list which displays a different set of values depending upon the value selected by a previous drop down list. ie. (drop down box 1)= x, y, z. (drop down box 2)= either x1, x2, x3, or y1, y2, y3, or z1, z2, z3. I can produce a single drop down box thats not a problem but linking several drop down boxes is beyond me .
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Jan 25, 2010
I currently have the following user inputbox that asks the user to enter the company name, of which it then copies the entered name to Cell E1 on the active sheet
Dim strName As String
strName = InputBox(Prompt:="You name please.", _
Title:="COMPANY NAME", Default:="Enter Company Name")
Range("E1") = strName
However, I would prefer it if there was a drop down list to select one of five pre-set company names without having the user to type the name out every time.
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Jul 5, 2006
I am building an excel application that will allow the users to tick boxes which acknowledge completition of tasks. I then count up all the tickboxes to give them a score. However, I want to have multiple modes, so users can have different sets of tickboxes. Ideally, I would have a drop-down menu/ combo box at the top of the page with the 4 modes in, and then when selected the appropriate tick-boxes are shown. I considered creating 4 tickboxes in every location, and just showing them (object.hide/.show) when the option was selected in the combo box. I am currently using Excel Form Tickboxes, and counting themall, but if I did this method I would need to count them for each mode. would I need an array?
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Dec 16, 2009
How do you make a Yes No combo box always have the default answer as Yes appearing on a user form but still allow the user to change it to NO?
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Dec 9, 2009
I have a drop down box in column N, however I would like the options in that drop down box to change depending on what appears in column M.
If column M Says "Lapse" then I want one drop down box to appear in column N, If coumn M says "NTU" then I would like column N to show different drop down options.
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Aug 10, 2009
I have a worksheet in which Col. A contains the names of London boroughs and col. B contains the name of each Ward in that borough. I'd like to create a list (or combo) box showing all the London boroughs, and a second list (or combo) box which will show all the Wards for the Borough selected in the London list (combo) box. I'd also like the option to be able to select all the Wards for the borough selected so that they can be used in a chartgraph.
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Jan 10, 2007
I have a form with a combo box. Is there a way, if a user enters something not one of the current choices, to have that choice added to the list?
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May 18, 2009
I have a list box with a list of text. What i want is if the user selects one of these text values in the list it opens up a user form.
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Jan 13, 2009
I am trying to create a fairly simple spreadsheet with about 8 columns and about 400 rows. One of the columns features a drop-down list with about 8 or 9 different options. Dependant on which option is selected, i would like the entire row to change colour with that option.
For example:
FAILED - whole row changes red
SUCCESSFUL - row has no fill
Tested - row changes to orange
Is this possible within Excel 2003?
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Jan 14, 2014
Basically i have a data compilation of the sales for each sales agent for each month. I'm trying to create a simple, controlled table where the user can just choose which Employee(List Box) and the Month(List Box) and it will display their TOTAL Sales, the catch is TOTAL sales will be the sum of sales from previous months up till the chosen month.
Example below.
How do I go about inputting the function in the TOTAL cell?
Kelly 3 4 2 1 6 7
Sha 1 3 2 4 2 6
Agus 8 6 3 6 0 9
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Jan 22, 2009
I would like my combo box list to change base on the value of A1. That is, I have its input range being B1:F1 - "Year 1", " Year 2" etc.
-If cell A1 is the value "10" then the combo box default list item would be
"Year 1" (which is cell "B1")
-If cell A1 is the value "20" then the combo box default list item would be
"Year 2" (which is cell "C1") ETC...
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Apr 24, 2007
I have a list of combo boxes embedded on a worksheet and I would like to have them accessible through an array. I am an old VB 5 coder and this was a method I used very often and found it to be quite the time saver, but I cannot find a way to do this in excel.
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Dec 1, 2007
I use ComboBox to add items to the ListBox in userform
I am tring to loop through the ListBox to check each name in the ListBox, so ifthe name chosen by the ComboBox exists in the ListBox then donot add it,
but both codes do check the number of the item in the ListBox.
I need to check the name of the item?
With ListBox1
For i = 1 To ListBox1.Value
If i = ComboBox1.Value Then MsgBox "u cannot add this item"
Exit Sub
Next i
For i = LBound(ListBox1.List) To UBound(ListBox1.List)
If i = ComboBox1.Value Then MsgBox " u cannot add this item"
Exit Sub
Next i
.AddItem tot.Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = ComboBox1.Value
End With
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Jan 7, 2009
I am trying to generate a list based on the value of a cell. That list will then be used as the range for a drop-down list. Example: Cell A1 returns a value of 15
A drop-down list displays the values 1 through 15. Cell A1 changes to 20
Drop-down list displays the values 1 through 20. I assume I'll need a two-step macro to accomplish this but I can't figure out the logic to populate the drop-down.
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Sep 5, 2008
I'm trying to figure out how to activate a macro from combo box or list box.
But no success.
I have a list of names:
That I can view through the combo box.
I have created a list of macros, that carry the same names,
The Q is: how can I link each name to its own macro?
so when chosen, will activate the macro?
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Aug 7, 2007
I need to define a specific calendar quarter and year, and want to do so using a combo box for the quarter (e.g. 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter) and a list box for the year (so the user can select any year desired).
The selections in each item should then somehow define the quarter's date range so I can use it in my SUMPRODUCT calculations.
User selects '1st Quarter' from the Combo Box
User selects '2004' from the List Box
CurrentQuarter range is somehow defined to equal 1/1/04 through 3/31/04.
If this isn't possible, then perhaps two ranges can be defined based on the user's selections:
QtrStart is set to 1/1/04
QtrEnd is set to 3/31/04
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Oct 31, 2009
I have a combo box, from the control toolbar, that I have populated with a named range in the properties of the combo box. The items in the named range vary when an earlier combo box is selected. There are always at least 2 values populated in the named range, but can be as many as 22 values. What happens is when there are only 2 items in that range, the drop down list from the combo box shows 20 blank lines! I have been searching for how to "ignore empty cells" in this range, but cannot find it. The empty cells are always before and/or after the populated cells, if that helps. The range is updated via VBA, not formulas, if that is helpful as well.
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Nov 14, 2008
I trying to do a sheet with one combo box (dropdown list) where I want the user to be able to choose "add rows" to make more boxes appear. My idea to solve this was to put all the boxes in the sheet, and then create a macro that either hides or shows the rows with the extra boxes. Now I have a problem that hiding the rows just does that, and only that. The rows disappear, but the combo boxes stay visible (but ends up on top of eachother).
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Mar 4, 2009
I need a list in my form, simple "Name/Number" list (only two options) but i don't want it to refer to any cell in the worksheet.
I want to input a text in a textbox and with the selection in the list above i want to have multiple choices at how to approach the text (if i input a name i want it to be different than if i input a number). All the info i came up on the web refers to lists made upon a range of cells.
How can i make a list without involving ranges of cells?
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May 29, 2006
I have been trying to make a combobox for which the list is a named range. However, this range needs to be transposed. ListFillRange doesn't seem to let me transpose the list first. I've tried transposing the list somewhere else first and then adding it, but it seems to want a range as opposed to a reference to a range. I'm so confused now. This is the basic code that I wish would work.
ActiveSheet. OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=253, Top:=472, Width:=117, Height:=20). _
Selection.ListFillRange = "=transpose(Stream_Data!StreamList)"
While I'm at it, could someone explain to be how to refer to a combobox. ie. when you create it, you don't name it so how can you refer to it. That's why I have used the selection tool above to add the list.
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Jun 9, 2007
I want to create a form and use VBA to make a combo box list all the sheets in a book. Is it possible to select multiple entries like in HTML? I would like the user to be able to select the sheets they do not want to delete before a macro runs.
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Dec 5, 2007
I'm creating a sheet that takes three Validation Lists into account. The first two lists are based on named regions. The third list uses the first two lists to narrow a search down so that the user can pick what they want from a smaller selection. I'm using the code from Contextures.com to allow the user to double click the validation list to pop up a Combo Box. This allows me to show more than 8 selections at a time and also gives a little freedom on font and font size.
Since the third list is not based on a named region but rather code to compare the two previous lists, when I double click the third validation list a blank combo box pops up. it possible to pop up what ever lists are in the validation boxes.
This is the code that I have in the third validation box which States "The Source Currently evaluates to an error" but works fine for some reason. =OFFSET(CategoryStart, MATCH(B4, CategoryColumn, 0) - 1, IF(A4 = "Description", 2, IF(A4 = "ExtDescription", 3, IF(A4 = "PartNumber",4))), COUNTIF(CategoryColumn,B4), 1)
I tried making a named region that was based on the code, so that the list could change as the user selected different options from the first two lists. This gave me the same problems as I had before.
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Sep 3, 2009
why my drop down list defaults to the middle of the list when first clicking on the arrow that opens the list? I created an alphabetical list of all US airports but when I open the list, it starts at "D" instead of "A" which is the top of the list.
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Jan 18, 2009
In my attachment, I have a worksheet where I need to pick a rating from a combo box or list (Expert, Leading, Applying, Learning, Under Performing). I will be picking this rating 10 different times on this worksheet and the selections will not be the same in all cases so the definition I need won't always be the same.
I would like to return the definition (definitions are detailed on another worksheet, Data Elements) to the cell to the right.
I've tried IF statements but when I make one selection from the combo box, all the combo boxes select the same thing. I've also tried vlookup but can't figure it out and can't find an explanation in layman's terms.
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Sep 30, 2012
I am preparing a template for which I need a combo box. Becaue it is a template I can't have this combo box any specific input range. Because I won't know how long the data column (that wiill be used for input range) will be.
Also the data column will have many duplicates but the combo box needs to show uniques only.
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Aug 8, 2013
i have a list of 5 teams in a named range ("teams") within a worksheet.
On a userform I have 5 combo boxes.
What I would like to have is an easy way to remove a used name in the list for the next combo box.
i.e. someone selects team a in combobox1, combobox2 then has a list of team b,c,d and e. I'll be locking the combo boxes and writing code so the next one will unlock if the previous box is populated.
i also need this to work if someone puts team c in first combobox this then gets removed in combobox2 then in combobox2 they input team e then both these values are removed for combobox3.
only way I can think of doing it is creating a lot of named ranges and using a lot of if then code which I'd like to avoid.
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