Efficient VBA Code Vs Macro Recorder Code
Sep 9, 2007
What is the most efficient VBA code for the following macro recorded codes? I wish to write more efficient code versus the lengthy, cumbersome macro recorder code.
1) Macro Recorder Code to Copy One Sheet to Another
Sheets("Data Apple").Select
2) Macro Recorder Code for Replacement Purposes......................
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Jul 25, 2006
The way i have been creating macros is by going to the tools menu.....macro....then..... record new macro.
I have a file which I have re-formatted using a macro as described above however because i receives files every month to do updates every time i open a new file and try to perform that same macro it either wont work or it wont format the correct rows.......is VBA the solution to this????
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Dec 29, 2009
following code be write down in more efficient manner :>>>
Range("B3") = Range("L" & Target.Row)
Range("C3") = Range("O" & Target.Row)
Range("D3") = Range("Q" & Target.Row)
Range("E3") = Range("R" & Target.Row)
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Feb 23, 2007
Was hoping to get some help with a mini project of mine.. Currently I am looking to create a progress/commission report (pull data from an access dbase) and populating an excel sheet. I can manage to pull in the data fine its just gettting into a format that is the complicated thing. I was hoping that someone might have a few moment to pick thru my code (see attached) and maybe suggest an alternative/more efficent way to do the refreshing.
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Oct 21, 2006
Is there a way to make the code below more efficient?
My data resides in "Buildings August 2006(2).xls " and I wish to copy some cells to "Backlog Analysis .xls"
'Copy J16 to B5
Windows("Buildings August 2006 (2).xls").Activate
Windows("Backlog Analysis.xls").Activate
I repeat the code above 7 more times to handle J29-B6, J33-B7, J42-B8, L56-B10, L57-B11, L60-B13 and L62-B14.
Is there an Array I can use to encompass all of the copy and paste commands?
This is step 1 of something I am doing for work
Step 2 will be to figure out how to work my way through all of the worksheets in "Buildings August 2006(2). I have seen numerous code examples for this so I think it shouldn't be too hard.
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Oct 18, 2007
I'm trying to move my VBA programming to the next level and use more efficient code.
I'm wondering if there is a faster way to run the loop below, perhaps removing the 'For c = 2 to LastRow' as it seems a little clunky to me.
For c = 2 to LastRow
If Cells(c, Range("Product_Type").Column) = "" Then _
Cells(c, Range("Product_Type").Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 41
Next c
I've seen a similar thing somewhere where it was all done in one statement without the loop.
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Feb 18, 2009
I am trying to creat a code that with take the value of an active cell and depending on this value will assign a backcolour to a label corresponding to the cell. so far so good.
I then want the code to offset to the next cell in the range read its value and assign a colour to that cells backcolor.
here is an idea.
for n = 1 to 4
if activecell = "A" then
Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
if activecell = "B" then
Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
if activecell = "C" then
Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
end if
next n
Firstly I would like the next loop (refering to A2 in this example) to refer to Label2 not Label1 and so on.
secondly the example would loop through 4 cells in one row (A1:A4) but I would like the code to apply to several rows ie (A1:D4).
so thats 16 cell and 16 labels. I could code this in a very inefficient way but I am sure ther is a simple method.
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Apr 10, 2014
Any way of shortening the attached code. The first part 'Sub Loop1()' works great but I can't figure out how to shorten the second part. As you can see the distance between columns is always consistent i.e. add 5 columns to find the next outcome to work out the next result. Ideally I wanted to somehow loop through the next 5 columns again and again until the cell is blank.
[Code] ......
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Dec 17, 2008
I have a macro that, when run, needs to read the contents of cell B5, and run the code that it contains.
Cell B5, for example, would contain the text:
Range("B13").Formula = "SUM(D12:D14)"
I need a macro to "execute this code", as if it were in the macro itself.
I have assigned the above to a variable, but am not sure how to execute it.
Dim the_calc
the_calc = Range("B5").value
Now, how do I run the_calc ?
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Jan 27, 2009
I use excel 2002 but some of my office are on 97, i want to add a small workbook open event code which works for me but debugs for the others?? The code is basically, go to a tab, on that tab and that range sort..
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Feb 8, 2007
I've developed a little software using Excel Macros & VB. To prevent people from accesing the code I protected the code blocking it from visualization. It seems not enough as an acquaintance of a friend cracked it in 25 minutes. Or so he says. So I'd like to know if there is a better way to protect the font code.
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Feb 22, 2008
I'm trying to add buttons to an excel spreadsheet at runtime. Each row in the spreadsheet should have its own buttons. I was able to create and edit them with the ActiveSheet. OLEObjects.Add() function, but after that, when i was trying to create code dynamically to react on the buttons' click events excel crashes (actually it works for one button, but not if my routine for adding a new button and event code is called more than once in a row!)
The code below works if the AddCmdbuttonWithCode() is called once, but crashes if it is called two or more times. Excel tries to restore the document after the crash and the first button and its corresponding click event code is visible and works... but NOT the second button and its event code...
The only way I can create multiple buttons right now is by calling my method once per click, opening the vba editor, changing the parameters for my AddCmdbuttonWithCode() routine and execute it again. After that I have mutliple buttons in different lines which all work fine (so the concept seems to work).
The problem seems to be the insertLine method, since everything seems to work if i leave it out (except for the code generation of course, since this is done by this part of the code :-) ). Is it possible that calling the insertLine Method can't be called multiple times? I don't know... any ideas? Feel free to test my code - it's small, easy to understand and has comments.
'this code calls the method which creates the buttons in specific cells with specific names
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
'the first call always works!
AddCmdbuttonWithCode "Edit_111_111_114", 23
'the second one crashes excel
AddCmdbuttonWithCode "Edit_111_111_115", 27
End Sub
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Jun 9, 2009
I hide all Excel standard tabs and thus need a button on custom tab to record a macro. (I did this successfully with custom menu in Excel 2003.) In 2007 ribbon, I've reused the code for a button's OnAction, now going to callback that runs:
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("MacroRecord")
In Excel 2003, the stop button appeared automatically for me. But in Excel 2007, with hiding standard tabs, etc., I see no way to stop recording, other than running my button to return the Developer's tab, where the Record Macro button has changed to Stop Macro.
I'd like to either add a second button to my ribbon to stop recording the macro (but I can't find an idMso to use in a callback) or have my Record button change to Stop button, like Excel does. But I can't come up with correct code.
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Jun 10, 2009
I used macro recorder, and this code was the result. Is there a way to shorten this code up? The more I use macro recorder, the more I'm beginning to realize that the code generated from macro recorder can be very sloppy.
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Jul 7, 2009
Have recorded a Macro which is doing a great job, but when i try to run the same macro from other pc its not running,pops an search error.
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Jun 22, 2006
Is it possible to use the Macro recorder in Excel to store user variables that they put in through a UserForm? So say when a textbox on a userform is changed, it records a macro of what is put into the textbox, which it can then call to retrieve the value.
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Sep 30, 2008
I used the macro recorder to create a pivot table, but to verfity that it works.
I get a "Add fields method of Pivot Table class failed"..
and this was highlighted:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").AddFields RowFields:=Array("Warehouse" _
, "Product", "Description", "Data")
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Aug 24, 2007
I have recorded a simple macro ( copying a cell, and then pasting the formula into various others), and I get the following error
Compile Error: Argument Not Optional
I have highlighted where the error first happens
Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
' Macro recorded 24/08/2007 by Michael Traynor
As I've said I didn't write this, it was recorded from Excel.
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Sep 4, 2007
I've created VBA code in Access 2007 to create a column chart in Excel, and it is working. I need to change the rotation on my category labels to 270 degrees vertical. When I record a macro on the chart in Excel 2007. I only receive the following
Sub chartingRotation()
' chartingRotation Macro
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
End Sub
How can I get the macro recorder to record changes to chart properties?
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Mar 9, 2013
I have an excel file having part code,name,vendor and Qty ( Quantity ).
My problem is that I want to apply an excel formula to pick up that vendor code who have highest Qty of a part code.The condition is that S.No.should not be disturbed.This file is so large,but here I have taken an example,
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Oct 11, 2012
I have used the macro recorder to generate the select range and clear part of the following macro.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim test As Worksheet
Sheets("Industry").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
I get the runtime error 1004 - Select method of range class failed.
I have used similar script in other macros without error.
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Dec 6, 2013
Had 2003 now 2013. Trying to get the macro to select different printers for different doccuments. 2013 macro recorder does not record any printer info or path, all printers show the same wording just application print...
How can I get the recorder to acurrately record and diferentiate printers?
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Oct 11, 2011
I am using office 2011 for MAC, and am trying to create a macro that changes the color of the selected cell(s).
if I start recording the macro
click the fill color button pull down and change the color on the edit section of the ribbon
Stop the macro
No code is recorded as below but the cell did change color to whatever I selected.
Sub Macro13()
' Macro13 Macro
End Sub
The colorIndex is automatic no matter what color I choose.
When I run the macro there is no change to the selected cell, but the border is destroyed.
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May 12, 2009
I am dealing with several very large spreadsheets using VBA to do various things. I found that my code worked well, but was taking a long time to run. The biggest time consumer was my use of the AutoFilter features. I have since turned calculations to manual before my code runs and set it back to auto when my code is done running. What are the potential consequences of my turning calculations to manual and then back to auto?
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Dec 6, 2012
I have previously used the following code to successfully pull out IE webpage source code for string manipulation.
Its a crude example to demonstrate the principle:
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Public IE As Object
Sub Sample()
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
[Code] ......
However when I substitute in a Google websites address into the IE.Navigate command, the code runs to the "Source_Code = IE.document ...." line then flags up a Microsoft Visual Basic error. "Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method"
The webpage that I am trying to access is a confidential company site, so you won't be able to access it yourself, but starts with [URL] ......
The one thing that I have noticed about this website is the Privacy Report icon in the lower right status window (Picture of an eye with a restricted symbol in front). I don't know whether this is the cause of my problem, or purely an incidental observation.
Is there something peculiar with Google sites that means that the source code cannot be extracted in general, or is this an issue specific to my site ? Does the Privacy Report icon have any relevance, and if so how do I switch that off ?
Using :
MS Excel 2010
IE Explorer 8.0
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Feb 17, 2014
I got a macro to copy and paste values onto another tab within my worksheet. I have a lot of data and currently takes about 30 seconds to calculate and paste. Not sure if its an issue with my macro or with my computer (Mac - Excel 2011).
Here is an example of my macro:
Sub SimulateWeek()
If Range("AdvanceWeek").Value = "Week 1" Then
Sheets("Schedule - Results").Range("C2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
(this continues on until 'ElseIf Range("AdvanceWeek").Value = "Week 31"....etc). So you can see I have the same code repeated 31 times.
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Aug 1, 2013
My company has files that are already in use. I don't know too many details about how they work, but somehow saving the file will screw it up and my boss has to go back and reset something or other to correct it. Obviously it's connected to some other software somewhere. The code below will block Save and Save-As. BUT how do I get the file to hold onto the code without actually saving the file after the code is added (since the file shouldn't be saved)?
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If SaveAsUI = False Then
Cancel = True
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May 13, 2009
I have some buttons in different sheets in an excel file, each button has its own code, that is the reason I can not move the code related to each object to another location (sheet or module).
And I have one piece of code in Module1 (Auto_load) in order to execute automatically this routine every time file is opened. Inside "auto_load" routine I initialize some values of some check buttons,options buttons and positions of some objects in diferent sheets, but I can not pass the value of variables between Module and Sheet's code even when I declare as public variables and/or function.
I have the following structure: ...
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Jul 24, 2009
I'm trying to write a VBA script which will delete all rows in my Excel spreadsheet where Column I (which contains a status code) does not contain the word "Completed".
At the moment, I'm doing this the other way round: my script is able to search for entries in Column I which contain the status codes "Pending", "Awaiting Authorisation", "In Progress" etc and delete them. The idea is that when all those rows are deleted, I'll only be left with rows which have a status of "Completed". This works fine at the moment. However, the concern is that if a brand new status code is added to the data file, my script would be unable to pick it up and delete it. This is a small sample of the code I'm currently using (which deletes all the rows with statuses other than Completed):
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Jul 30, 2009
I am trying to determine how to get the code below to fire whenever cell J10 is populated and do nothing when cell J10 is not populated but I can't quite get it. (Cell J10 is manually changed and is not changed based off of a formula)
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