I am trying to creat a code that with take the value of an active cell and depending on this value will assign a backcolour to a label corresponding to the cell. so far so good.
I then want the code to offset to the next cell in the range read its value and assign a colour to that cells backcolor.
here is an idea.
for n = 1 to 4
if activecell = "A" then
Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
if activecell = "B" then
Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
if activecell = "C" then
Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
end if
next n
Firstly I would like the next loop (refering to A2 in this example) to refer to Label2 not Label1 and so on.
secondly the example would loop through 4 cells in one row (A1:A4) but I would like the code to apply to several rows ie (A1:D4).
so thats 16 cell and 16 labels. I could code this in a very inefficient way but I am sure ther is a simple method.
Was hoping to get some help with a mini project of mine.. Currently I am looking to create a progress/commission report (pull data from an access dbase) and populating an excel sheet. I can manage to pull in the data fine its just gettting into a format that is the complicated thing. I was hoping that someone might have a few moment to pick thru my code (see attached) and maybe suggest an alternative/more efficent way to do the refreshing.
I have a question about loops. I've read that loops are slow and there are better ways to achieve the same results but I do not know how to accomplish the same without using a loop. I've attached a code that looks in the first sheet and if in column "f" if criteria is met it will copy the row to a separate sheet. Then is goes to a separate sheet and does the same thing after it skips a row then copy header information. What i'm doing is consolidating multiple sheets to one for prioritizing data. The loop works but I've been going back and trying to make my workbook a little more effecient and really cannot figure out how I would do it differently.
Dim xlCalc As XlCalculation xlCalc = Application.Calculation Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual On Error Goto CalcBack Application. ScreenUpdating = False Dim j As Integer Dim I As Integer Dim K As Integer Dim fillcell As String
I was tasked with looking through a 10,000 row by 20 column spreadsheet for 628 different ID Codes and replacing them with their Descriptions. The ID Codes could appear individually in any of these cells (200,000 cells!).
The list of ID's and Descriptions hardly ever changes, so I decided to create the two-dimensional array as part of the find-replace macro shown below (only a few lines of each dimension are shown).
My question isn't related to that (although if you can suggest a better alternative please do). The main "work" of the macro is the loop at the end of the array declarations, which essentially loops through all 628 ID codes in array dimension 1 and does a Find-ReplaceAll with its corresponding Description from array dimesion 2.
This task, manually, could take days. My macro has whittled the task down to 2.5 minutes on a 5-year-old laptop, but I was hoping one of the gurus might suggest an even better method than 628 loop iterations. If not, so be it, the end users will appreciate what I've done and then have to find something to do with their "free time."
I have a lot of data with the wrong number format. I want to find all cells with this particular number format and change it to another.
I know I can do this by looping through all the cells on the sheet or by using the find method, but both ways require looping. I am hoping there is a quicker way. I originally thought there was a SpecialCells type that was format conditional (not conditional formatting), but there doesn't seem to be one.
What is the most efficient VBA code for the following macro recorded codes? I wish to write more efficient code versus the lengthy, cumbersome macro recorder code.
1) Macro Recorder Code to Copy One Sheet to Another
Is there a way to make the code below more efficient?
My data resides in "Buildings August 2006(2).xls " and I wish to copy some cells to "Backlog Analysis .xls"
'Copy J16 to B5 Windows("Buildings August 2006 (2).xls").Activate Range("J16").Copy Windows("Backlog Analysis.xls").Activate Range("B5").PasteSpecial
I repeat the code above 7 more times to handle J29-B6, J33-B7, J42-B8, L56-B10, L57-B11, L60-B13 and L62-B14.
Is there an Array I can use to encompass all of the copy and paste commands?
This is step 1 of something I am doing for work
Step 2 will be to figure out how to work my way through all of the worksheets in "Buildings August 2006(2). I have seen numerous code examples for this so I think it shouldn't be too hard.
Any way of shortening the attached code. The first part 'Sub Loop1()' works great but I can't figure out how to shorten the second part. As you can see the distance between columns is always consistent i.e. add 5 columns to find the next outcome to work out the next result. Ideally I wanted to somehow loop through the next 5 columns again and again until the cell is blank.
I am putting together a graph and my manager wants the companies with a zero value in the bar chart to stand out (0 = really good). The only thing I could think of was making the individual x-axis label's font turn green if value was zero. Is there any way to accomplish this? (Additional: This chart will be updated every month with new data so I do not want to change by hand every month).
This should be pretty simple but I don't know how to do it. When I run the macro recorder, it doesnt record the change. I just want to change the number format of the chart labels from currency to a normal number and visa-versa. Why doesnt this work?
I am building stacked XY Scatter charts and having difficulty formatting the y-axis values (which are data series point labels)
Rob Bovey's XY Chart Labeler manages this fine, but I work in a strict corporate environment which does not allow downloads. Also the file will be posted on our web as a tool for all company users to extract and analyze data from corporate databases.
I am stuck on the number formatting of the labels. My file is too big to attach; I have included the code below.
I'm sure there is something very basic that I am missing. Needless to say VBA is a challenge for me.
Option Explicit
Sub Atest()
Dim intR As Integer, intP As Long Dim sngVal As Single, sngY As Single Dim dtX As Date Dim chtTst As ChartObject
Set chtTst = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("GRAPHS").ChartObjects("Chart 18") chtTst.Select ActiveChart.SeriesCollection("Y Axis Values").DataLabels.Delete
I know from searching through the internet you can change the intervals by modifying the minimumScale, maximumScale and MajorUnit fields of TickLabels. What I want to do is change the period of the axis label to a comma. For example,
I have an export from a database that I'm bringing into Excel 2010 of about 30K records. Data points are recorded numerically and I have their associated text "value label" (what it would be called in STATA, for example, not sure what it's called in Excel). I want to create various charts/pivot tables with the data and want the labels to be the text label, not the number.
For example, variable ASSIGNMENT has the following possibilities:
1 2 3 4
Here's what each of those "mean" (I have this in another table):
1 - Sick 2 - Overtime 3 - Court 4 - Present
How do I create a chart or pivot table where the labels are "sick", "overtime", etc., and not "1", "2", "3", "4"?
I have over 500 labels in a userform and each labels content is gathered from an workbok like this:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() CommandButton3.SetFocus Application. ScreenUpdating = False Workbooks.Open "V:allaBeredningSemesterstänging Medleverantörer och Verkstäder.xls" Sheets("2006").Select ' Sheets(Year(TODAY())).Select LabelA1 = Range("A1")...............
I have shortened the code and I haven't yet written all labes. The ... is supposed to mean "from" and "to". I don't want to write over 500 lines of the label codes. So what is an easier way to write it?
I have a worksheet that is just a list of items with a location listed next to each item. I took that list and made it into a pivot table and would like it to have it list the items with each location it is in displayed across. I have already set it to tabular form in the pivot table options, but if there are multiple locations it lists them vertically and I want them list horizontally for printing purposes. I have attached a screen shot to explain.
Problem: Placing a With/End With for FormatConditions in a For/Next loop isn't applying the conditional formatting.
Information: - I have a stats section that has months as the column headers with totals at the end (used as a VLOOKUP table) - Each column needs the conditional formatting separately - The columns are static, but the rows are variable - Taking it out of the loop and coding each loop individually works perfectly
The problem code:
finalRowTable = Cells(Rows.Count, 12).End(xlUp).Row For i = 13 To 38 With Range(i & "11:" & i & finalRowTable) .FormatConditions.Delete .FormatConditions.AddTop10 .FormatConditions(1).TopBottom = xlTop10Top .FormatConditions(1).Rank = 1 .FormatConditions(1).Percent = False .FormatConditions(1).Interior.Color = 5296274 End With Next i
I checked after running it and it doesn't show up in the Manage Rules Conditional Formatting
Code that works without loop: Code: With Range("N11:N" & finalRowTable) .FormatConditions.Delete .FormatConditions.AddTop10 .FormatConditions(1).TopBottom = xlTop10Top .FormatConditions(1).Rank = 1 .FormatConditions(1).Percent = False .FormatConditions(1).Interior.Color = 5296274 End With
I've been playing with excel VBA for a few months now, so it's probably something simple.
I have a question regarding Do While loops. I'm trying to write a do while loop to search through an array for a particular value and return the row number. This value is in the first column of the array and there are 211 of each value chronologically sorted. So, the first column from top to bottom reads 1,1,1,1..211 times, then 2,2,22,..211 times and so on. For this case, I want to return the first row where a particular value is found.
i have 3 columns and hundreds of rows.... i first applied conditional format to the first row (A1, B1, C1) only. no problems so far as A1 has value '0' which is minimum and B1 is the highest value '200' and C1 is variable value between 200' and 0'. Im using icon sets in this one.... now i want the below rows to have the same conditional format.... how do i do that because when i select them all rows and columns and try to apply conditioanl formatting the outcome is not the same as i got previously in the first row...it somehow combines all the values rather working only on the individual row. i hope u get wat im tryin to say....
i come across a solution in my mind to give a loop in vba to do the conditional formatting each row seperately untill empty cell of column no. 4.... but doing this will obviously eat lot of memory in excel cause of each row will have a seperate conditional format.....
i'm trying to convert a column (P) from date dd-mmm-yy, subtract 5 days, and paste value as YYMM using a macro. I've borrowed bits from other macros and producted this but it's not working (and i've played around with it to the point it doesn't make sense anymore!)
Option Explicit
Sub ADD_REPORT_DATE() Dim LR As Long, i As Long Dim tempValue1 Dim tempValue2 As Date
Worksheets("Report").Select LR = Range("P" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row For i = LR To 1 Step -1
Set ActiveCell.Value = Text(ActiveCell.Value - 5, "YYMM")
I wrote a chart formatting macro, which works when applied to a specific sheet, and I'm trying use it in a for each loop. The macro is supposed to loop through a list of sheets and only format chart 1. I'm getting a "run time error 438: object doesn't support this property or method" at this line:
Code: Sub UpdateTextAllStateCharts() 'This macro loops through worksheets in a list and performs the assigned task Dim sheet_name As Range For Each sheet_name In Sheets("WS").Range("C:C") If sheet_name.Value = "" Then
I am currently using Excel 2003 to pull from 2 external spreadsheets to compile data. The first sheet (seniority list.xls) being referenced contains all of our employees (approximately 350 rows, but that can vary from 340 to 450) as well as some information (employee ID, full time or part time, etc.). The second sheet being referenced (pay.xls) contains a breakdown of all employees and their pay for a particular bi-weekly period.
What I'm looking to do is:
(1) Find out all of my current employees. I do this by referencing seniority list.xls.
(2) For each employee, find out how many hours they worked each week. I need to do this by referencing pay.xls. Unfortunately, that file works quite differently than seniority list.xls. Unlike the latter, which contains one employee number per row, pay.xls could contain as many or as few rows per employee as their schedule dictates. Each row contains things such as overtime, regular time, double time, alternate regular time, alternate OT, vacation, sick pay, etc. In total, pay.xls could contain as many as approximately 8000 rows. To determine how many hours they work, I'm using this CSE (array) formula:
(Note that the employee ID is in column A of the current sheet.)
I have a bunch of array formulas that need to be activated by going on the cell, hitting F2, then hitting Ctrl+Shift+Enter. In the attached sheet I have done a record macro to automate this. I have another sheet with something similar just a lot more items on Sheet1 (~250 items). It will be very time consuming for me to record macro and hit F2, then hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter ~250 times so I am wondering if there is any way to activate all the array formulas on the sheet in one go using 1 formula. I'm not too concerned with file size.Also, not all arrays only include columns A and C, other columns (D, G, H and J) are included too.
I'm using the script below to do a cut & paste job. The script works fine. However, since I have a lot of data on my worksheet, it takes a very, very long time to complete the job. Based on the same logic used in my script, could you propose a more efficient way of doing it?
Sub test() Application. ScreenUpdating = False On Error Goto errortrap Do Columns("d:d").Select Selection. Find(What:="*", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _ xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _ xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate ActiveCell. Offset(0, 1).Activate ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Activate Selection.Cut ActiveCell.Offset(5, -2).Activate ActiveSheet.Paste Loop errortrap: End End Sub