What is the most efficient VBA code for the following macro recorded codes? I wish to write more efficient code versus the lengthy, cumbersome macro recorder code.
1) Macro Recorder Code to Copy One Sheet to Another
Was hoping to get some help with a mini project of mine.. Currently I am looking to create a progress/commission report (pull data from an access dbase) and populating an excel sheet. I can manage to pull in the data fine its just gettting into a format that is the complicated thing. I was hoping that someone might have a few moment to pick thru my code (see attached) and maybe suggest an alternative/more efficent way to do the refreshing.
Is there a way to make the code below more efficient?
My data resides in "Buildings August 2006(2).xls " and I wish to copy some cells to "Backlog Analysis .xls"
'Copy J16 to B5 Windows("Buildings August 2006 (2).xls").Activate Range("J16").Copy Windows("Backlog Analysis.xls").Activate Range("B5").PasteSpecial
I repeat the code above 7 more times to handle J29-B6, J33-B7, J42-B8, L56-B10, L57-B11, L60-B13 and L62-B14.
Is there an Array I can use to encompass all of the copy and paste commands?
This is step 1 of something I am doing for work
Step 2 will be to figure out how to work my way through all of the worksheets in "Buildings August 2006(2). I have seen numerous code examples for this so I think it shouldn't be too hard.
I am trying to creat a code that with take the value of an active cell and depending on this value will assign a backcolour to a label corresponding to the cell. so far so good. I then want the code to offset to the next cell in the range read its value and assign a colour to that cells backcolor.
here is an idea.
range("A1").select for n = 1 to 4 if activecell = "A" then Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) else if activecell = "B" then Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) else if activecell = "C" then Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 0) end if activecell.offset(0,1).select next n
Firstly I would like the next loop (refering to A2 in this example) to refer to Label2 not Label1 and so on. secondly the example would loop through 4 cells in one row (A1:A4) but I would like the code to apply to several rows ie (A1:D4).
so thats 16 cell and 16 labels. I could code this in a very inefficient way but I am sure ther is a simple method.
Any way of shortening the attached code. The first part 'Sub Loop1()' works great but I can't figure out how to shorten the second part. As you can see the distance between columns is always consistent i.e. add 5 columns to find the next outcome to work out the next result. Ideally I wanted to somehow loop through the next 5 columns again and again until the cell is blank.
I have written a sub that will compare the data in one colum to the data that i paste in another colum, when it finds a similarity it deletes the row. Everything works fine, but the file that needs to run the code will be changing every month. how do i export or package to use in other sheets. Also what command will i need to insert to get the new sheet to run the code.
Wondering where this code can be adjusted to be much more efficient. Right now it is going through 1000 rows and 14 columns and it is taking about 10 minutes. I eventually need it to go through 6000 rows and 32 columns..
I already stored the HexToDec(Cells(x, 1)) result to variable H2D and it didn't really make too much of a noticeable difference.
I have a macro with a vbYesNo in it currently, I tried adding cancel as an option (vbYesNoCancel) but ran into some issues. aMaking my code run with the Cancel option? All I need is to have the cancel option there and have the sub end if cancel is selected.
Code: Sub Sendit() Dim lr As Long ' Conformation Box for Daily Sales Report Date[code]......
I have the following code to do something similar to above but I need to add the filepath as a hyperlink to the email along with the body text. I have 4 cells in the Excel workbook that contain 1) Who to sen to:, 2)The Subject:, 3) A sentence for the Body of the email and 4) The filepath of the workbook as a hyperlink.
I want to add both the Body text and the hyperlink to the email so that the person opening the email can click on the link and open the file.
I would like the following code to be run for all those sheet/s that has a name = "single" (Not case sensitive neither an exact match) of my active workbook.
Code: Sub UIUIUI() Dim LR As Long, i As Long LR = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To LR With Range("I" & i) If .Offset(, -1).Value = 1 Then .Value = .Value & "-" End With Next i End Sub
I was working on a presentation for work where I wanted to build a 'Family Feud' type board to play a game. In the board I am using activex text boxes with code that would hide the text box to reveal the answer underneath or it would show a custom shape (an X in a box) and play the buzzer sound. The code is pretty simple, first I would make the shape visible, then I would play the sound then the shape would be made invisible. If I step through the macro everything works fine, but when I run the macro, you never see the shape. It's almost as if the sound plays before the shape shows up and then it is made invisible again. I tried putting a wait and a sleep command between making the shape visible and playing the sound but that made no difference. If I remove the code to hide the shape at the end and run the macro, the sound plays and then the shape appears. Is there anyway to have the shape appear prior to or at the same time as the sound plays?
Code: Private Sub CommandButton8_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = True ActiveSheet.Shapes("First Strike").Visible = True Play_Strike_Sound 'The previous line refers to another macro that has the code commented below. The sndPlaySound32 'function is one I picked up from cpearson.com 'sndPlaySound32 "C:\_Fin SysSoundsff-strike.wav", SND_SYNC ActiveSheet.Shapes("First Strike").Visible = False End Sub
I am currently using Excel 2003 to pull from 2 external spreadsheets to compile data. The first sheet (seniority list.xls) being referenced contains all of our employees (approximately 350 rows, but that can vary from 340 to 450) as well as some information (employee ID, full time or part time, etc.). The second sheet being referenced (pay.xls) contains a breakdown of all employees and their pay for a particular bi-weekly period.
What I'm looking to do is:
(1) Find out all of my current employees. I do this by referencing seniority list.xls.
(2) For each employee, find out how many hours they worked each week. I need to do this by referencing pay.xls. Unfortunately, that file works quite differently than seniority list.xls. Unlike the latter, which contains one employee number per row, pay.xls could contain as many or as few rows per employee as their schedule dictates. Each row contains things such as overtime, regular time, double time, alternate regular time, alternate OT, vacation, sick pay, etc. In total, pay.xls could contain as many as approximately 8000 rows. To determine how many hours they work, I'm using this CSE (array) formula:
(Note that the employee ID is in column A of the current sheet.)
I have a question about loops. I've read that loops are slow and there are better ways to achieve the same results but I do not know how to accomplish the same without using a loop. I've attached a code that looks in the first sheet and if in column "f" if criteria is met it will copy the row to a separate sheet. Then is goes to a separate sheet and does the same thing after it skips a row then copy header information. What i'm doing is consolidating multiple sheets to one for prioritizing data. The loop works but I've been going back and trying to make my workbook a little more effecient and really cannot figure out how I would do it differently.
Dim xlCalc As XlCalculation xlCalc = Application.Calculation Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual On Error Goto CalcBack Application. ScreenUpdating = False Dim j As Integer Dim I As Integer Dim K As Integer Dim fillcell As String
I have a bunch of array formulas that need to be activated by going on the cell, hitting F2, then hitting Ctrl+Shift+Enter. In the attached sheet I have done a record macro to automate this. I have another sheet with something similar just a lot more items on Sheet1 (~250 items). It will be very time consuming for me to record macro and hit F2, then hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter ~250 times so I am wondering if there is any way to activate all the array formulas on the sheet in one go using 1 formula. I'm not too concerned with file size.Also, not all arrays only include columns A and C, other columns (D, G, H and J) are included too.
I'm using the script below to do a cut & paste job. The script works fine. However, since I have a lot of data on my worksheet, it takes a very, very long time to complete the job. Based on the same logic used in my script, could you propose a more efficient way of doing it?
Sub test() Application. ScreenUpdating = False On Error Goto errortrap Do Columns("d:d").Select Selection. Find(What:="*", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _ xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _ xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate ActiveCell. Offset(0, 1).Activate ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Activate Selection.Cut ActiveCell.Offset(5, -2).Activate ActiveSheet.Paste Loop errortrap: End End Sub
I have a lot of data with the wrong number format. I want to find all cells with this particular number format and change it to another.
I know I can do this by looping through all the cells on the sheet or by using the find method, but both ways require looping. I am hoping there is a quicker way. I originally thought there was a SpecialCells type that was format conditional (not conditional formatting), but there doesn't seem to be one.
I have the following code on a userform. The form has several checkboxes used to determine which states to include on a report. I was wondering if anyone could think of a better way to code this. The code goes throught the checkboxes and assigns values to variables state# if the box is checked. I need the state# variable to fill in sequentially, so 1 first, 2 second, ect. Any boxes not checked will result in some state# = "". I also need to keep the order the states are checked consistent. If Arizona checkbox is checked, I always want it to be State1.
the sheet is very long and monitors the sales activities of each individual every day extending vertically down the sheet until the present day.
my first priority was to get the information recorded but now i am wanting to use it. how would an expert arrange this data to make analysis easier going forward?
ultimately i will be wanting to look at individuals, groups of individuals, certain types of activity etc within various time periods.
I was tasked with looking through a 10,000 row by 20 column spreadsheet for 628 different ID Codes and replacing them with their Descriptions. The ID Codes could appear individually in any of these cells (200,000 cells!).
The list of ID's and Descriptions hardly ever changes, so I decided to create the two-dimensional array as part of the find-replace macro shown below (only a few lines of each dimension are shown).
My question isn't related to that (although if you can suggest a better alternative please do). The main "work" of the macro is the loop at the end of the array declarations, which essentially loops through all 628 ID codes in array dimension 1 and does a Find-ReplaceAll with its corresponding Description from array dimesion 2.
This task, manually, could take days. My macro has whittled the task down to 2.5 minutes on a 5-year-old laptop, but I was hoping one of the gurus might suggest an even better method than 628 loop iterations. If not, so be it, the end users will appreciate what I've done and then have to find something to do with their "free time."
how to calculate averages and standard deviations based on different time periods without having to manually change the cells?
example: 1st average output at z3, 1st std dev output at z4 data to calculate from c3:c50
2nd average output at z5, 2nd std dev output at z6 data to calculate from c51:c98
3rd average output at z7, 3rd std dev output at z8 data to calculate from c99:c148
and it goes on based on this sequence. i would like to know how to do this without having to change the cells each time i want to calculate. basically what is the quickest way to calculate following this sequence?
I need to check each of 13,000 job titles to see if they include the string "VP".
For the time being, I want to find the most efficient way to check an individual title, before building an array or SUMPRODUCT function that will check all the titles in swoop.
So... I have tried:
..but it returns TRUE if A1 and B1 are both blank -- which they can be in my spreadsheet.
And I have tried:
but it returns #N/A if A1 cannot be found within B1.
If I can, I want to avoid introducing an IF statement because, looking ahead, I am already concerned that this analysis will be complicated enough without multiple paths.
So.. what's the most efficient way to return a TRUE/FALSE, or 1/0, result depending on whether A1 is in B1?
An extension of the above problem... arrays and SUMPRODUCTs welcome:
What's the most efficient way to return a TRUE/FALSE, or 1/0, result depending on whether (A1 or A2 or A3... or A99) is in B1?
I got a macro to copy and paste values onto another tab within my worksheet. I have a lot of data and currently takes about 30 seconds to calculate and paste. Not sure if its an issue with my macro or with my computer (Mac - Excel 2011).
Here is an example of my macro:
Sub SimulateWeek() If Range("AdvanceWeek").Value = "Week 1" Then Range("Week1B").Copy Sheets("Schedule - Results").Range("C2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
(this continues on until 'ElseIf Range("AdvanceWeek").Value = "Week 31"....etc). So you can see I have the same code repeated 31 times.
I own a Hair Salon which collates its daily takings using a spreadsheet. A section of this takings sheet asks staff to enter which Products have been sold and what they where sold for (RRP), so that once all products have been entered, totals at the end of the day allowing the end -of-day "till-up" process to reconcile purchases and services rendered aginst cash and cheques received.
Unfortunately there is over 600 products to choose from and this evergroes as new products are introduced by manufacturers. Names are long and often very similar, and product price manual listings are slow to reference, therefore the customer has to wait while the staff find the right product and select the right price.
All of this is subject to human error. What i would like is simply to enter part of the product name into a Cell and the right product to be visibly selectable and the price automatically added to an adjacent cell.
I am making a simple map in excel. I have my floor plan on sheet 1 and the location of product on the floor on sheet 2.
Currently I have some formulas on sheet 1 that link to some sales data on sheet 2, but what I would really like to be able to do is use the search function on page 1 and it give me the location of the products in a given area.
The data is broken up into group location on the second sheet.